Aberystwyth students protest over Pantcelyn hall plan

Students have been staging a protest over the future of Aberystwyth University's Welsh-medium hall of residence, Pantycelyn.

The university is currently developing new halls at Penglais Farm, which means Pantycelyn may be redeveloped.

The hall has been traditionally where Welsh-speaking students stay, and where Prince Charles spent a term in 1969.

The Welsh-language students' union claimed the new halls would harm the Welsh-speaking student community.

She said it would also lack sufficient space for the Pantycelyn eisteddfod group to meet and practice.

Mared Ifan, the president of Undeb Myfyrwyr Cymraeg Aberystwyth (UMCA) said the new student village was unsuitable.

But the university's pro vice-chancellor Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan defended the new development.

Students' anger at Welsh hall plans

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