National Library of Wales home for Jones Griffiths archive

The daughters of renowned Welsh photographer Philip Jones Griffiths say they're "extremely satisfied" that his archive will be permanently housed at the National Library of Wales.

Griffiths' iconic images of the Vietman War have gone on display in Aberystwyth, after years of wrangling over a long-term home for his work.

Katherine Holden and Fanny Ferrato have attended the official opening of an exhibition of some their father's work at the Library's Oriel Gregynog, where it will remain on display until December.

The National Library is now home to the entire Philip Jones Griffiths archive, which includes approximately 150,000 slides and 30,000 prints.

Philip Jones Griffiths was born in Rhuddlan, Denbighshire, in 1936 and initially worked as a photographer for The Guardian and The Observer, before travelling to Vietnam in 1966 for the Magnum photo agency.

He is credited with helping to end the war through the publication of his powerful images of the conflict, which were published in a book called Vietnam Inc. in 1971.

He later went on to photograph other conflicts zones, including Northern Ireland. He died from cancer in March 2008.

Here is an extract from archive interviews with Philip Jones Griffiths in the 1990s. Images courtesy of Magnum.

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