Covid: NHS Wales under 'considerable sustained pressure'

Tougher restrictions could be introduced in Wales if hospital admissions do not fall, according to Wales’ Health Minister.

Vaughan Gething said the “situation in Wales is very serious” and the NHS is under “sustained pressure” because of the number of people who need to be admitted to hospital with Covid-19.

“If we do not see a reduction of coronavirus admissions, we will need to consider what action we can take and may need to take to support the NHS as we move into the new year,” he said.

Plaid Cymru leader Adam Price said there is "no clear road map which takes us from now to where we are going to be in the spring”.

“It is absolutely essential that you take the welsh public with you step by step and also give them a sense of the way forward over the next few months and that is what lacking at the moment”.

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