Covid: Could quick testing help businesses reopen sooner?

Businesses in Wales have expressed doubt over a suggestion quick Covid-19 testing can help them reopen sooner.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said "rapid" lateral-flow tests could help nightclubs, theatres and other venues reopen.

While businesses in Wales seemed supportive of the idea in principle, they said there were some big questions about the idea.

"I imagine it would be very hard to administer, trying to work with a queue of 500 or 600 people on a Saturday night after they have been out already earlier in the day," said Guto Brychan, of Clwb Ifor Bach in Cardiff.

And Liam Evans-Ford, of Theatr Clwyd in Mold, Flintshire, asked: "Where does the payment come [from] for them? How do we turn that around quickly?"

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