Child benefit changes: Father and MP David Davies agrees with cuts

Cuts to child benefits for higher earners across the UK come into force on Monday.

The allowance is being withdrawn progressively from those homes who have a taxpayer earning more than £50,000 a year.

It is thought the changes will affect 1.1m households across the UK, and about 28,000 in Wales.

Child benefit is currently paid at the rate of £20.30 a week for the first child, and then £13.40 a week for each child after that.

Anne Atkins is a novelist, journalist and commentator with a child who receives child benefit, but she is not affected by the changes.

She says the cuts are completely unfair.

David Davies, Conservative MP for Monmouth, is a father of three and is affected by the changes, but he agrees with the cuts.

Ms Atkins and Mr Davies spoke to Oliver Hides on BBC Radio Wales.

Families hit by child benefit cut