Dyke: 'Fifa must act' over World Cup in Qatar

The new FA chairman Greg Dyke believes the timing or location of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar must be changed.

Mr Dyke believes playing it in summer in Qatar will be too hot for fans, and has suggested the FA will be telling Fifa they must act.

He said: "It's up to Fifa, it's their decision. Whatever choice will be difficult, I think everyone in football now knows you can't hold it in Qatar over the summer, it's just taken a long time to get a discussion, and there will now be a discussion, a recommendation, in October.

"But either way it probably ends up in litigation, and all sorts of disagreements. Because if you move it away from Qatar, I have no doubt that Qatar followed the process and behaved honourably, they applied for it, they won it. If you move it from there, they're bound to take action.

"Alternatively if you move it out of the summer, like Australia or the United States, could themselves take action against Fifa. So it's a difficult situation that was caused by agreeing to hold it in Qatar over the summer," he added.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Saturday 10 August 2013.

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