BuzzFeed 'employing serious investigative journalists'

The way we consume news is changing, with sites like BuzzFeed doing a roaring trade in content that gets shared around the web.

Now, more traditional news organisations have been watching closely and trying some new things themselves.

Trinity Mirror's Us Vs Th3m website, which gets seven million users a month, has gamified its content whilst keeping to its left-leaning values.

Tom Scott, a games programmer at Us Vs Th3m, has created a game called How Much Does the Daily Mail Hate You and Where is Damascus, which was launched during the debate over military intervention in Syria.

He explained to the Today programme's Tom Bateman: "Not everyone wants to read 300 to 800 world articles."

He added: "It's a tabloid way of telling the news in an interactive way in the digital age."

Emily Bell, who runs the Centre for Digital Journalism at Columbia University, explained: "It's interesting that BuzzFeed, which is famous for slide shows such as 16 Horses That Look Like Miley Cyrus, is now employing serious investigative journalists."

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Friday 13 December 2013.

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