Queen's Baton Relay: Sierra Leone's young inventors

Kelvin Doe is a young inventor from Sierra Leone who has become an internet sensation and inspiration for his classmates.

Tired of reading by candlelight during Freetown's week-long power cuts, Kelvin designed and built a battery from scrap materials to power lights in his family home when he was 13-years-old.

He then built a FM radio transmitter to help improve communication in his community and pursue his personal dream of becoming a DJ.

A subsequent video about Kelvin's achievements has now been viewed over 5.5 million times on YouTube.

Now at the age 17, he is an inspiration to a whole generation and the youngest inventor ever to be invited to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) visiting scholar practitioner programme.

As the Queen's Baton Relay arrived in Sierra Leone, presenter Mark Beaumont meets Kelvin and his classmates at the Prince of Wales School in Freetown, and discovers a growing excitement for technology among the young inventors.

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