Women of Africa: Ivorian baby food pioneer fighting malnutrition

Marie Diongoye Konate founded a company in Ivory Coast that specialises in baby food made from local products 21 years ago.

After training as an architect and engineer, and having lived in Brazil, she realised that back home there was a tendency to "export what we produce and import what we consume".

She also found that in a country where malnutrition was a problem, soya was only used for animal feed.

So she decided to start a firm that could offer highly nutritious baby food at an affordable price.

Now her firm, Protein Kissee-La (PKL), occupies second place in the baby food market in Ivory Coast and it also sells products to Senegal, Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Women of Africa is a BBC season recognising inspiring women across the continent. The first series, Africa's Unsung Heroes, introduces eight women who are making a difference in their country - and beyond.

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