Yalda Hakim on why Afghan women fear Taliban rule

Many women and girls in Afghanistan face an uncertain future as the Taliban take control of the country. It's after US President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of American troops.

When the Taliban ran Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 they enforced a strict version of Islamic law. Women had to wear the all-covering burka, and the Taliban also disapproved of girls aged 10 or older going to school. Many fear a return to those repressive years.

The BBC's Yalda Hakim, who was born in Afghanistan, looks at what promises the Taliban have made, the group's history of human rights abuses and why people are concerned about the future under their rule.

This video is co-produced by Angelina Jolie who is working with the BBC to create digital content for under-25s.

BBC My World, external makes videos on global issues for young people.

Correspondent: Yalda Hakim

Director: Robert Timothy

Commissioning editor: Anna Doble

Executive producer: Angelina Jolie

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