Iran talks are 'charm offensive' - Israeli spokesman

Iran's new President, Hassan Rouhani, has said he wants to reach a deal with world powers on his country's nuclear programme within as little as three months.

He told the Washington Post that the shorter the time frame the better.

However the Israeli government spokesman, Mark Regev, told the Today programme's John Humphrys that "we should all be a bit sceptical" of Iran's rhetoric.

"We see we are in the midst of an Iranian charm offensive. They are coming out with all this nice phraseology and good words but we don't see any meat there, we don't see any substance," he said.

"If talk is just a cover, just a smoke screen for continuing the programme... then negotiations can actually be negative," he explained.

"Talk is cheap," he added.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Thursday 26 September 2013.