Gaddafi's prisoner: 'We don't want revenge, we want law'

More than two years after the killing of Colonel Gaddafi and the overthrow of his dictatorship, Libya still has no effective central government.

Armed militias are the real power in the land. They range from former revolutionaries, to criminals, to al-Qaeda affiliates. There are kidnappings and revenge attacks throughout the country.

Ali Elakermi was a political prisoner for 31 years under Colonel Gaddafi.

He founded the Libyan Association for the Prisoners of Opinion after the revolution two years ago to prevent the use of political prisons in the new Libya.

Although a victim who suffered torture, he believes in justice with fair trials in proper courts for those accused of crimes during the ex-regime.

Ali Elakermi showed the BBC's Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen around the prison where he spent half his life.