Al-Jazeera journalists' trial: Brother says charges are 'absurd'

Three al-Jazeera journalists have appeared in court in Egypt for a second time, accused of broadcasting false news and aiding a terrorist organisation.

Peter Greste, a former BBC correspondent, and his colleagues Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed, were arrested in Cairo in December and have been held in custody since.

In all, 20 people are on trial, 12 of them in absentia. Al-Jazeera says only nine of the defendants are its employees.

They all deny supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which was designated a terrorist organisation by the Egyptian authorities last year. The next court hearing is set for 24 March.

Mohamed Fahmy's brother Adel told the BBC that the charges against his brother were absurd and that he felt the case has been politicised.

"To see my brother behind bars is very difficult for me... I wish I was in his place," he added.