Romney: 'Never too early to condemn attacks'

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has stood by his campaign's statement that the White House did not condemn attacks on two US embassies quickly enough.

He criticised the ObamaZC administration in a press conference on Wednesday, despite White House and state department insisting there was no justification for attacks on the Cairo embassy or the violence that killed four Americans in Libya.

The statements in question came from the US embassy in Cairo before the US Libyan embassy was attacked.

Later, the Cairo embassy tweeted, external "neither breaches of our compound or angry messages will dissuade us from defending freedom of speech AND criticising bigotry".

Mr Romney said: "The administration was wrong to stand by the statement sympathising with those who had breached our embassy in Egypt.

"It's never too early for the US government to condemn attacks on Americans and defend our values."