BBC Pop Up: Fraternity culture and stopping college rape

The BBC Pop Up team has spent all of September living in a house right on the edge of the Boulder campus of Colorado University. The issue of sexual assaults at US colleges was raised repeatedly by students we met.

It is a national problem, with studies showing that one in five women will be victims during their time at university.

And it is a serious problem at CU-Boulder too. The college is on the White House's list of schools suspected of Title IX violations - that's a law guaranteeing that women in federally-funded universities won't face discrimination due to their gender.

Over 70 schools, including CU-Boulder, are accused of have improperly dealt with sexual assault cases, and are now the target of a federal investigation.

While sexual assault is not a problem specific to fraternities, studies have shown that on college campuses, men who join a fraternity are three times more likely to rape than other men.

The White House launched a campaign last week called "It's On Us". The initiative is aimed at encouraging male students to intervene to stop abusive behaviour.

Will curbing fraternity culture help prevent college rapes? Or are they easy targets for a more complex problem?

Benjamin Zand investigated the role fraternity culture plays in sexual assault at CU-Boulder.

You can watch other stories filmed in Colorado for the BBC's Pop Up project and also find out more on the team's behind-the-scenes blog, external.