‘My dad died from Covid, so I started a justice movement’

Nearly 400,000 people have died with coronavirus in the US, according to Johns Hopkins University.

After her father died with the disease, one woman decided to form Marked by Covid, a group that wants to make sure the government’s response to coronavirus focuses on communities that have been most affected by the virus.

“Those are people who have their lost loved ones to Covid that also overwhelmingly represents people of colour, our native communities, black communities and the Latinx community like my community, that is facing astronomical health disparities as well as a myriad of other issues that this pandemic has laid to bare,” Kristin Urquiza told BBC World News.

“So in order to really attempt to take on the monumental task of healing we need to acknowledge and we also need to fix the things that have been hamstringing our country for not just this pandemic but actually generations,” she said.

Find out more about the coronavirus pandemic