US - China relations: Trade flashpoints

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An official adjusting US and China flags
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Strong relations between the US and China are seen as key to global economic and political stability

No other country's economic rise has been debated as ferociously or caused as much concern in the US, as that of China.

From allegations of keeping its currency artificially low to boost exports to the labelling of some of its firms as a security threat, China's growth has put the relationship between the world's two biggest economies to the test.

And with both President Barack Obama and his challenger Mitt Romney promising to put further pressure on China, the tests are only likely to get tougher.

Add to the mix the fact that China is also set for a once-in-a-decade leadership change over the next few days. Its new leaders will be keen to stamp their authority not just on the domestic front, but also on the global stage.

This could potentially see both sides taking hardline stands on a range of trade issues which have been the focus of debate between them in recent times: