Wales election issue guide 2016: Local government

  • Published

Parties listed alphabetically

Plaid Cymru
  • Create regional combined authorities comprised of existing local councils, led by directly elected mayors

  • Votes at 16 for local government elections

  • Enable councils to offer free car parking in town centres

  • Dedicated town centre managers

UKIP Wales
  • Invite all councils to appoint councillors to assist assembly committees in oversight of Welsh ministers and government

  • Facilitate council mergers only where supported locally

  • Binding local referendums on key planning decisions

  • Devolve further powers and responsibility for economic development from Welsh Government to local councils

Wales Green Party
  • Councils should have more powers to work with and support their communities, bringing decision-making closer to home

  • Local government elections reformed so they are fairer and more proportional

  • Voting age brought down to 16 in all elections and referendums

Welsh Conservative
  • Give local communities the final say on council mergers, via local referendums

  • Reform the local government funding formula to ensure that the challenges of delivering public services in rural areas can be met

  • Wage a war on waste at local government level

  • Increase the diversity of candidates in local government elections, by running an awareness campaign on the role of councillors

Welsh Labour
  • Create stronger, larger local authorities, as well as stronger town and community councils, and in turn devolve powers from Cardiff Bay

  • Reform local government funding to make councils more sustainable and self-sufficient

  • Slash the number of performance indicators collected by Welsh Government from councils

  • Work with local government to widen the adoption of the living wage

Welsh Lib Dems
  • Ask the Local Government and Boundary Commission to draw up alternative proposals for the restructuring of local councils in Wales based on natural communities

  • Repeal powers that allow ministers to merge councils by decree

  • "Fair voting" system for council elections

  • Update the local government funding formula and seek to protect smaller councils from inappropriate variations in funding

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