Wales election issue guide 2016: Local government
- Published
Parties listed alphabetically
Create regional combined authorities comprised of existing local councils, led by directly elected mayors
Votes at 16 for local government elections
Enable councils to offer free car parking in town centres
Dedicated town centre managers
Invite all councils to appoint councillors to assist assembly committees in oversight of Welsh ministers and government
Facilitate council mergers only where supported locally
Binding local referendums on key planning decisions
Devolve further powers and responsibility for economic development from Welsh Government to local councils
Councils should have more powers to work with and support their communities, bringing decision-making closer to home
Local government elections reformed so they are fairer and more proportional
Voting age brought down to 16 in all elections and referendums
Give local communities the final say on council mergers, via local referendums
Reform the local government funding formula to ensure that the challenges of delivering public services in rural areas can be met
Wage a war on waste at local government level
Increase the diversity of candidates in local government elections, by running an awareness campaign on the role of councillors
Create stronger, larger local authorities, as well as stronger town and community councils, and in turn devolve powers from Cardiff Bay
Reform local government funding to make councils more sustainable and self-sufficient
Slash the number of performance indicators collected by Welsh Government from councils
Work with local government to widen the adoption of the living wage
Ask the Local Government and Boundary Commission to draw up alternative proposals for the restructuring of local councils in Wales based on natural communities
Repeal powers that allow ministers to merge councils by decree
"Fair voting" system for council elections
Update the local government funding formula and seek to protect smaller councils from inappropriate variations in funding