Wales election issue guide 2016: Education

  • Published

Parties listed alphabetically

Plaid Cymru
  • A national 10% pay premium for teachers with extra skills or qualifications

  • Pay £18,000 worth of debt for graduates who work in Wales instead of tuition fee grants for all students

  • 30 hours a week full-time early education by 2021

  • Use Wales' share of the apprenticeship levy money to create an additional 50,000 apprenticeships

UKIP Wales
  • Secondary schools given the opportunity to develop into grammars or vocational schools

  • Introduce University Technical Colleges based on the Baker-Deering model

  • Introduce statutory modern foreign language teaching from age seven

  • Replace tuition fee grants with loans for students studying in England, but fees would end in Wales for science, technology, engineering, mathematics and medical students

Wales Green Party
  • Create a free, universal early education and childcare service from birth to the start of formal education

  • Raise the starting age of formal education

  • End the programme of school closures

  • Welsh universities will charge no fees to students from Wales

Welsh Conservative
  • Fund schools directly, giving greater control to teachers, parents and governors, and directing more money to the classroom

  • Prevent the closure of any school which delivers the national curriculum, without agreement of parents and governors

  • Replace student tuition fees grants with a rent rebate, providing undergraduates with support for up-front costs

  • Treble free childcare to 30 hours a week

Welsh Labour
  • £100m fund to boost school standards

  • 30 hours free childcare a week for 48 weeks of the year

  • 100,000 new apprenticeships for all ages

  • Pilot a new model of Community Learning Centres

Welsh Lib Dems
  • Reduce infant class sizes to 25

  • Expand the Pupil Premium - extra cash for schools with disadvantaged children

  • End tuition fee grants and use the money to fund student living support grant worth between £2,000 and £3,000

  • Ten hours a week of free childcare from end of paid parental leave until child is three

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