Election results 2017: Who are the DUP's 10 MPs?

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The results of the 2017 general election have put the Democratic Unionist Party in the role of kingmakers.

The Conservatives fell short of a parliamentary majority of 326 seats, but can achieve it with the support of the DUP's 10 MPs.

The DUP is now set to support Theresa May in forming a new government.

So who are the DUP's 10 MPs?

North Antrim - Ian Paisley jnr

Image source, Press Eye

The son of long-time party leader, its founder and former Northern Ireland First Minister Ian Paisley, Mr Paisley succeeded his father as North Antrim MP in 2010.

He is a member of the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, which his father led.

Following the resignation of the late Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness earlier this year, Mr Paisley paid tribute to the Sinn Féin leader and former IRA member.

He said Mr McGuinness' "remarkable journey not only saved lives, but made the lives of countless people better".

Mr Paisley has said he has no ambition to follow in his father's footsteps to lead the party.

Media caption,

The DUP: Partners in government

Earlier this year, Mr Paisley said that US President Donald Trump had accepted his invitation to visit Northern Ireland for the Open golf championship at Portrush in July 2019.

Last year, Mr Paisley told the BBC: "I first met Donald Trump, along with my father, in 2006 and I've kept that relationship going. I've met him every year, bar one, since then."

In a 2007 interview, Mr Paisley expressed his views on same sex marriages. He told Hot Press magazine, external he was "pretty repulsed" by gay people and lesbianism.

Mr Paisley later went on to defend his comments on BBC Newsnight saying he was "repulsed by many things".

East Antrim: Sammy Wilson

Image source, Press Eye

A former lord mayor of Belfast, Sammy Wilson has been MP for East Antrim since 2005.

Known for his often outspoken views, Mr Wilson's 2008 appointment as Northern Ireland environment minister was criticised by environmental groups and members of the NI Assembly's environment committee because of his views on climate change.

He said he was sceptical that all climate change was caused by CO2 emissions and described some campaigners' views as an "hysterical pseudo-religion".

Mr Wilson has also served as Northern Ireland finance minister.

He was also an environment minister in the Northern Ireland Executive, and told the Belfast Telegraph, external the world had been "conned" into spending billions on climate change.

Mr Wilson said politicians feel under pressure from lobby groups and "go along with the flow".

"I don't care about CO2 emissions to be quite truthful because I don't think it's all that important," he was quoted as saying.

South Antrim - Paul Girvan

Image source, Press Eye

Paul Girvan won the South Antrim seat at his first attempt in this general election, defeating outgoing Ulster Unionist Danny Kinahan by more than 3,000 votes.

He was first elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2003, but was deselected by the DUP in South Antrim in 2007.

He returned to the assembly in 2010 when he was selected to replace Rev William McCrea following his resignation.

Mr Girvan is a former mayor of Newtownabbey.

North Belfast - Nigel Dodds

Image source, Press Eye

Nigel Dodds is the deputy leader of the DUP and its leader at Westminster. He has been North Belfast MP since 2001, taking the seat from Ulster Unionist Cecil Walker.

In 2015, Mr Dodds who studied law at Cambridge University, ruled himself out of the race to succeed former party leader Peter Robinson.

In 1996, a police officer guarding Mr Dodds while he visited his critically ill son in hospital, was shot and injured by the IRA.

A former Belfast lord mayor, Mr Dodds' wife Diane is one of Northern Ireland's three MEPs.

Like the majority of the DUP's parliamentary party, Mr Dodds is a member of the Orange Order.

The order is a Protestant cultural and religious organisation which has attracted controversy because of parades it has held through or near some Catholic areas.

In 2013, Mr Dodds was expelled from the Commons chamber after accusing the Northern Ireland Secretary, Theresa Villiers, of "deliberate deception".

He claimed she had been deceptive when answering questions about her powers in respect of a controversial Orange parade ruling.

East Belfast - Gavin Robinson

Image source, Press Eye

Gavin Robinson won back the East Belfast seat for the DUP in 2015, which former party leader Peter Robinson (no relation) had lost to the Alliance Party's Naomi Long.

He was re-elected this time around, defeating Mrs Long by more that 8,000 votes.

Educated at Queen's University, Belfast, Mr Robinson read Law and attained a Masters in Irish Politics before starting work as a barrister.

He is another DUP MP who has served as lord mayor of Belfast.

South Belfast - Emma Little-Pengelly

Image source, Press Eye

Emma Little-Pengelly bounced back from losing her Northern Ireland Assembly seat in South Belfast in March, by winning the constituency's Westminster seat in June, defeating the SDLP's Alasdair McDonnell.

It marks a rapid rise for Mrs Little-Pengelly, who first stood for election for the DUP in the 2015 assembly election.

She is married to Richard Pengelly, who is a top civil servant in the Department of Health in Northern Ireland.

During the campaign, she received the endorsement of the three biggest loyalist paramilitary organisations. The DUP said it did not accept their support.

In her acceptance speech, Mrs Little-Pengelly thanked those who came out to vote for her, singling out several loyalist working class areas such as Taughmonagh and Donegall Pass.

Her father Noel Little was one of three men arrested in Paris in April 1989, along with a South African diplomat and an arms dealer.

Little was given a suspended sentence and fined for his part in a loyalist intelligence plot.

Mrs Little-Pengelly has said, external she has "unconditional" love for her father and that "just because someone may have a past should not mean you cannot have a future".

Lagan Valley: Sir Jeffrey Donaldson

Image source, Press Eye

From Kilkeel in County Down, Sir Jeffrey began his political career with the Ulster Unionist Party and was part of the UUP's negotiating team for the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.

He announced his resignation from the party, along with current leader Arlene Foster, in December 2003 in protest against Ulster Unionist leader David Trimble's policies; both joined the DUP the following month.

Sir Jeffrey was knighted in the Queen's Birthday Honours list in 2016.

A former member of the Ulster Defence Regiment, two of Sir Jeffrey's cousins - police officers Alex and Sam Donaldson - were murdered by the IRA during the Troubles.

Strangford - Jim Shannon

Image source, Press Eye

Jim Shannon increased his majority in Strangford by 9,000, securing 62% of the vote.

He was first elected to the constituency in 2010.

Mr Shannon served in the Ulster Defence Regiment in the 1970s and earlier this year he broke down in tears in the House of Commons as he discussed the IRA murder of his cousin Kenneth Smith.

In 2011, he laughed off a website rating naming him as the least sexy MP in the UK.

In 2016 he was ordered to repay almost £14,000 in mileage expenses claims., external

The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority found Mr Shannon was the highest claimant for staff constituency mileage during 2015, but it put the incorrect claims down to "a number of errors" and said there was no fraud.

Upper Bann - David Simpson

Image source, Press Eye

David Simpson was first elected as MP for Upper Bann in 2005, taking the seat from Ulster Unionist leader and former Northern Ireland first minister David Trimble.

He had lost out to Mr Trimble in 2001.

In 2007, Mr Simpson used parliamentary privilege to accuse Sinn Fein's Francie Molloy - the current MP for Mid Ulster - of involvement in his cousin Frederick Lutton's murder and of being a police informer.

Mr Molloy denied both allegations and challenged Mr Simpson to make them outside Parliament.

Mr Simpson also spoke in the Commons against same-sex marriage, stating: "In the garden of Eden it was Adam and Eve, it wasn't Adam and Steve."

He has lobbied to have creationism included, external in the science curriculum in Northern Ireland.

East Londonderry - Gregory Campbell

Image source, Press Eye

Born in Londonderry, Gregory Campbell joined the DUP in the 1970s and was first elected to Derry City Council in 1981.

In 1985, the BBC Real Lives documentary At the Edge of the Union , externalfocused on Mr Campbell and Sinn Fein's Martin McGuinness.

The documentary showed Mr Campbell loading his legally held gun, interspersed with pictures of him addressing a rally.

It was temporarily blocked by direct government intervention from then-Home Secretary Leon Brittan. This led to a one-day strike by the National Union of Journalists to defend the independence of the BBC.

Mr Campbell initially contested the Foyle constituency held by SDLP leader John Hume, but in 1997 was transferred to the more unionist East Londonderry. He was elected there in his second attempt in 2001, defeating sitting MP William Ross of the Ulster Unionist Party.

In 2014, Mr Campbell was barred from addressing the Northern Ireland Assembly for a day for failing to apologise for parodying the Irish language during an address to the assembly.

Mr Campbell has previously supported the reintroduction of the death penalty, during a 2009 Commons debate on a world-wide ban on capital punishment.

When the Commons voted on the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill in 2013, DUP MPs Gregory Campbell, David Simpson, Jim Shannon, Sir Jeffrey Donaldson, Ian Paisley Jnr, Sammy Wilson and Nigel Dodds all voted against it.

The bill was eventually passed 400 votes to 175.