US election 2016: Your daily digest from trail
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With just 35 days to go until the US general election, amid one of the most helter-skelter presidential campaigns in living memory, we have vacuum-packed all the latest developments from the trail.


"Every educated woman I know is for Trump" - Meet the Trumpettes, a Beverly Hills-based support group for the Republican nominee.
Donald Trump has been accused by ex-contestants and staff on reality show The Apprentice of sexism, reports the Associated Press.
#LastTimeTrumpPaidTaxes trends after New York Times reports he paid no tax for 18 years
We look back at 10 times Mr Trump tax-shamed others on Twitter, from President Obama to Jeff Bezos.

Picture of the day

Pew study: Hillary Clinton (second right) sits amid the congregation during a Sunday church service in Charlotte, North Carolina

Quote of the day

Random stat
More than 40% of Americans cannot name the vice-presidential nominee of either major party, according to a survey by ABC News, external.

The guy on the left is Mr Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, and the other guy is Clinton ticket deputy Tim Kaine

Endorsement of the week?
NBA star LeBron James endorsed Mrs Clinton in a Business Insider editorial on Sunday evening. But election-watchers have been intrigued by a potential additional endorsement for the Democratic nominee from the Bush clan.
Following recent reports that George HW Bush is backing Mrs Clinton, his granddaughter was pictured posing with Clinton aide Huma Abedin at a fundraiser for the former secretary of state in Paris on Saturday.
A Vanity Fair reporter posted a selfie (below) on Twitter with Ms Abedin (middle), Barbara Bush Pierce (second right), and actress Dakota Fanning (right). The image was originally captioned "#werewithher", before it was deleted and reposted without the Clinton supporters' slogan.

Manic Monday
Can Donald Trump put a week-to-forget firmly in the rear-view mirror as he holds two rallies in the election battleground of Colorado?
Mrs Clinton will lead a voter-registration drive in Ohio, as reports circulate that Wikileaks plans this week to release information about her.
Mr Trump's former right-hand man, Roger Stone, claimed the unspecified revelations would destroy her campaign.