UK results: Conservatives win majority

After 650 of 650 seats declared
UK results
Party Conservative Labour Scottish National Party Liberal Democrat Democratic Unionist Party Others
Seats 365 203 48 11 8 15
Change +47 -59 +13 -1 -2 +2

Scotland results

Jo Swinson loses seat as SNP secure big win

The SNP have unseated Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson in Dunbartonshire East.

Across the rest of the country they have made gains at the expense of both Labour and the Conservatives.


After 59 of 59 seats

  • Scottish National Party
    48 seats
    , +13 seats compared to 2017
  • Conservative
    6 seats
    , -7 seats compared to 2017
  • Liberal Democrat
    4 seats
    , +0 seats compared to 2017
  • Labour
    1 seats
    , -6 seats compared to 2017

Scotland vote share

After 59 of 59 seats

Party % share
Scottish National Party 45.0%
Conservative 25.1%
Labour 18.6%
Liberal Democrat 9.5%
Green 1.0%
The Brexit Party 0.5%

Scotland vote share change since 2017

After 59 of 59 seats

  • Scottish National Party +8.1 Gained
  • Liberal Democrat +2.8 Gained
  • Green +0.8 Gained
  • The Brexit Party +0.5 Gained
  • Conservative -3.5 Lost
  • Labour -8.5 Lost


  • Registered voters: 4,053,140
  • % share:
  • Change since 2017: +1.6

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Scotland results

After 59 of 59 seats

    • Seat change: +13
    • Votes: 1,242,380
    • Vote share %: 45.0
    • Vote share change: +8.1
    • Seat change: -7
    • Votes: 692,939
    • Vote share %: 25.1
    • Vote share change: -3.5
    • Seat change: 0
    • Votes: 263,417
    • Vote share %: 9.5
    • Vote share change: +2.8
    • Seat change: -6
    • Votes: 511,838
    • Vote share %: 18.6
    • Vote share change: -8.5
    • Seat change: 0
    • Votes: 28,122
    • Vote share %: 1.0
    • Vote share change: +0.8
    • Seat change: 0
    • Votes: 13,243
    • Vote share %: 0.5
    • Vote share change: +0.5
    • Seat change: 0
    • Votes: 3,303
    • Vote share %: 0.1
    • Vote share change: -0.1
    • Seat change: 0
    • Votes: 3,819
    • Vote share %: 0.1
    • Vote share change: +0.1
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