Audio slideshow: Talking Pictures

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Dame Shirley Bassey, Bonnie Tyler, Bryn Terfel and Aled Jones - and many more of Wales' best-known faces - are beginning a new international tour of the UK and the United States.

Their portraits all feature in a new exhibition by celebrity photographer, and fellow Welshman, Cambridge Jones. He asked his subjects who most inspired them - with their answers providing a personal soundtrack to each "Talking Picture".

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Cambridge Jones: Talking Pictures can be seen at Wales Millennium Centre from 6 September to 25 October 2010.

For dates and venues in London, New York and Los Angeles, please click here.

Talking Pictures images courtesy and copyright Cambridge Jones. Music by Feeder, Dame Shirley Bassey, Bonnie Tyler and Stereophonics.

Slideshow production by Paul Kerley. Publication date 8 September 2010.

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Cambridge Jones

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