Portrait Salon 2014

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Portrait by Dougie WallaceImage source, Dougie Wallace

Portrait Salon is perhaps unique in the world of photographic exhibitions as it comprises material rejected from another show. This is the fourth year that material submitted to, and rejected by, the Taylor Wessing National Portrait Gallery Photographic Portrait Prize has been brought together.

This year Christiane Monarchi (editor of Photomonitor), Emma Taylor (Creative Advice Network) and photographer Martin Usbourne (Hoxton Mini Press) selected 70 portraits from 1,184 submissions.

Emma Taylor notes that the judges had to follow their "gut instincts" when selecting images, due to limited time to assess each entry, though she feels that "there's something rather liberating about this, something pure".

She adds the chosen pictures are "images that made us smile, images that made us question, images so beautiful we unanimously cheered their submission".

As you would expect, the work is engaging and diverse. It carries on the tradition of past shows and feels like one put together by photographers for photographers. The pictures are what is important, and the viewer will find much to delight.

Portrait Salon was founded by Carole Evans and James O Jenkins in 2011, and this year the show opens at Four Corners, London on 6 November. It will then tour to Fuse Art Space in Bradford, Oriel Colwyn Gallery in Clwyd, Napier University in Edinburgh as well as Birmingham, and Bristol.

Further details can be found on the Portrait Salon website, external.

Here is a selection of the pictures in the exhibition.

Image source, Marcin T Jocefiak
Image source, Jack Davison
Image source, Leonora Saunders
Image source, Jenny Lewis
Image source, Sophie Green
Image source, Tom Keen
Image source, CY Frankel
Image source, Francesca Jones
Image source, Benjamin Haywood