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Live Reporting

Farouk Chothia and Roland Hughes

All times stated are UK

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  1. Post update

    This is all from BBC News' live page on the events in Tunis. Before we go, let us remind you of the main facts:

    • At least 19 people, including 17 tourists, have been killed in an attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunis.
    • A number of people were trapped inside the museum while the attacks went on, and were freed after two hours.
    • Tourists from Germany, Poland, Italy and Spain were killed, as well as two Tunisians.
    • Two gunmen were killed. Up to three associates may be on the run.
    • No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.
    • Tunisia's President calls the attack "a horrible crime".
    • Demonstrators are gathering in central Tunis for an anti-terror protest.

    There will be plenty more on events in Tunis elsewhere on the BBC website over the coming hours.

    Tourists are evacuated from the site of an attack carried out by two gunmen at Tunis" famed Bardo Museum on March 18, 2015
  2. Seif Eddine Trabelsi, Reporter

    tweets: Demonstration in front of the municipal theatre against terrorism is now # Tunisia

  3. Post update

    Here's another image of the anti-terror demonstration in central Tunis. The crowds are reportedly chanting: "Tunisia is free, terrorism out."

    Demonstrators gather in central Tunis - March 18, 2015
  4. Post update

    Tunisian radio station Mosaique FM quotes President Beji Caid Essebsi as saying the attack on the Bardo Museum was a "huge disaster" and that the country must "enter a mobilisation phase" to counter future terror threats.

    Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi (L) speaking during a meeting with members of the central committee of his Nidaa Tounes party
  5. Post update

    Groups of young people have started arriving outside a theatre on Avenue Bourguiba, in the centre of Tunis, in a show of strength after the attack. Many are waving flags and carrying placards.

    Groups of young people arrive outside a theatre on Avenue Bourguiba, in the centre of Tunis - March 18, 2015
    Groups of young people arrive outside a theatre on Avenue Bourguiba, in the centre of Tunis - March 18, 2015
  6. Post update

    Mr Kerry goes on to say: "We commend Tunisian authorities' rapid response to today's wanton violence and their efforts to resolve the hostage situation and restore calm. The United States stands with the Tunisian people at this difficult time and continues to support the Tunisian government's efforts to advance a secure, prosperous, and democratic Tunisia."

  7. Post update

    US Secretary of State John Kerry says: "The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today's deadly terrorist attack at the National Bardo Museum in Tunis, where gunmen killed 19 people and wounded more than 20 others. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the victims' families and loved ones."

    S Secretary of State John Kerry in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 14 March 2015
  8. Post update

    A statement has been put out on behalf of United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon: "The secretary-general condemns in the strongest terms today's attack against the Bardo Museum in central Tunis and deplores the loss of life. He conveys his deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this deplorable act."

    Ban Ki-moon
  9. Post update

    Youssef Cherif, a Tunisian blogger, writes:

    Tweet by Youssef Cherif, Tunisian blogger - March 18, 2015
  10. Francois Hollande, French president

    Tweets: I express the solidarity of France to Tunisia. Every time a terrorist crime is committed, anywhere , we are all concerned

  11. Post update

    A Tunisian member of parliament, Sayida Ounissi, tweets that an extraordinary session of parliament will be held inside the Bardo Museum at 20:30 local time (19:30 GMT).

  12. Post update

    In that interview, Tunisia's tourism minister also said that the country's tourism industry wanted to focus more on "cultural tourism, valorising our archaeological sites like Carthage...and the Bardo Museum".

  13. Post update

    Tunisia's Tourism Minister Selma Elluni Rekik told Italian news agency Ansa on Tuesday that the country was completely safe for tourists. She said there was "no security problem in Tunisia".

  14. Ennahdha Party

    tweets: #Ennahdha stresses that this crime will not break our people's will and will not undermine our revolution and our democracy.

  15. Post update

    The Bardo Museum, a former palace, is home to an exceptional collection of Roman mosaics. It is a major draw for Tunisia's tourists, who numbered 6.1 million last year.

  16. Post update

    The French President, Francois Hollande, has spoken to his Tunisian counterpart. Mr Hollande made reference to the terror attacks in Paris in January, which killed 17 people. He said: "When it comes to human life we are incredibly crushed by the terrorist machine. We had these painful events in France in January and it's true today in Tunis as it was in Copenhagen, we are all affected."

  17. Post update

    Here's another reminder of where exactly the attack took place. The Bardo Museum is very close to the Parliament building, where some reports in Tunisia say a new anti-terror law was being discussed.

    Map of Tunis and Bardo Museum - March 18 2015
  18. Post update

    The French newspaper Le Monde has spoken to a journalist who was outside the Bardo Museum when the attack was taking place. She spoke of an "incredibly tense" atmosphere which was relieved when, she says, around 100 people were freed.

  19. Nicolas Sarkozy, former French President

    tweets: More than ever, France and its allies must fight without weakness terrorist barbarism wherever it is.

  20. Post update

    BBC Arab Affairs editor Sebastian Usher says that while the identity of the gunmen has not yet been established, they are likely to be Islamic militants who are trying tried to derail Tunisia's democratic transition.

  21. Post update

    In a tweet, Tunisia's President Beji Caid Essebsi says he has received a call from his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, expressing his solidarity with Tunisia's people.

  22. Post update

    The National Bardo Museum - evacuated after the shooting - is a leading tourist attraction that chronicles Tunisia's history and houses one of the world's largest collections of Roman mosaics, PA reports.

  23. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council

    tweets: My deepest sympathies to families of victims of Bardo museum attacks. EU stands united w #Tunisia against extremism.

  24. Post update

    In a statement, the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Federica Mogherini, says: "With the attack that has struck Tunis today, the [Islamic State] terrorist organisation is once again targeting the countries and peoples of the Mediterranean region."

  25. Post update

    An ambulance leaves the Bardo museum.

    An ambulance leaves the Bardo museum
  26. Post update

    JM Berger, the author of ISIS: The State of Terror, posted this tweet:

    Tweet by J.M. Berger - March 18, 2015
  27. Post update

    Italy's foreign ministry says that two Italians have been injured in the museum attack and 100 Italians inside the museum have been taken to a secure location.

  28. Post update

    There's plenty of reaction to the events coming in on social media. Here's the take of Daveed Garstenstein-Ross of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

    Tweet by Daveed Garstenstein-Ross, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies - March 18, 2015
  29. Post update

    Two or three gunmen involved in the attack on the museum may still be at large, Prime Minister Habib Essid says.

  30. Post update

    A disproportionately large number of Tunisians - about 3,000, according to government estimates - have joined Islamic State fighters in Syria and Iraq, AP reports.

  31. Post update

    Violence in Tunisia in recent years has been largely focused on the security forces, not foreigners or tourist sites, AP reports, although four attackers were killed in an attack on the US embassy in Tunis in September 2012.

  32. Post update

    EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini blames Islamic State militants for the attack on tourists in Tunis.

  33. Post update

    A victim being evacuated by rescue workers outside the Bardo musum in Tunis

    A victim being evacuated by rescue workers outside the Bardo musum in Tunis
  34. Post update

    AFP quotes Tunisia's health minister Said Aidi as saying some of the injured came from France, South Africa, Poland, Italy and Japan.

  35. Post update

    Sayida Ounissi, an MP with the moderate Islamist Ennahda party, says that it is the first time tourists have been targeted by extremists since the uprising in 2010. "Although the security forces said they were actually targeting the parliament, they got stopped before reaching the parliament so they actually went back to the museum and killed the people there."

  36. Post update

    Tunisia's President, Beji Caid Essebsi, has gone to meet survivors of the attack and has just tweeted this photo.

    Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi meeting survivor of the Bardo Museum attack - March 18, 2015
  37. Post update

    The first images are coming in of people fleeing the Bardo Museum as the hostage crisis there came to an end. These are all still images taken from Tunisian television.

    An image grab taken from the state-run Tunisia 1 channel on March 18, 2015 shows people escaping from Tunis" famed Bardo Museum during an attack
    An image grab taken from the state-run Tunisia 1 channel on March 18, 2015 shows people escaping from Tunis" famed Bardo Museum during an attack by two men - March 18, 2015
  38. Imen Ben Mohamed, Deputy of the #ARP - Ennahdha Party - Deputy of the Tunisian Constituent Assembly

    tweets: In response to the attack on the deputies gathered in parliament. We send a message of unity and courage against these terrorists in #Tunisia

  39. Post update

    British freelance journalist Simon Cordall, who is outside the museum

    tweets: "Huge cheers from the crowd as the Swat team leave. Hostages being taken away by ambulance. A police officer told me they're fine."

  40. Post update

    The security forces are continuing their operation, Mr Essid says, and were combing Tunis for more attackers.

  41. Post update

    Tunisia's Prime Minister Habib Essid says there were up to five attackers. "Two were engaged in the operation and were killed. As I speak, our reports are not final. These two could have been assisted by two or three other operatives."

  42. Romain Nadal, Spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development


    tweets: Attack in #terroriste #Tunisia : the crisis centre of the Quai d'Orsay has set up an emergency number 0143175646

  43. Post update

    At a press conference, Mr Essid says 22 tourists, and two Tunisians, were injured in the attacks.

  44. Post update

    Tunisia's Prime Minister Habib Essid says: "It is a critical moment in our history, and a defining moment for our future."

  45. Post update

    Tunisia's Prime Minister Habib Essid says the gunmen were wearing military fatigues.

  46. Post update

    The victims were Polish, Spanish, German, Italian and Tunisian, the Prime Minister says.

  47. BreakingBreaking News

    Tunisia's Prime Minister says at a press conference that 19 people were killed in the attacks, including 17 tourists.

  48. Post update

    Poland's Foreign Ministry said that three Poles were among the wounded, while the Italian Foreign Ministry said at least two Italians were hurt and 100 other Italians had been taken to a secure location.

  49. Post update

    Nessma TV, a Tunisian privately-owned channel, reports."The death toll in the terrorist attack (on the Tunisian parliament and Bardo Museum) rises after a member of the counter-terrorism team dies."

  50. Post update

    Let's just remind you of what we know so far. Gunmen attacked the Bardo Museum in the centre of the Tunisian capital Tunis, killing at least eight people. Many more were taken hostage.

  51. Post update

    It was the first attack on a tourist site in years in Tunisia, a "shaky young democracy that has struggled to keep Islamic extremist violence at bay", AP reports.

  52. Post update

    Tunisia's President Beji Caid Essebsi tweets that he has just finished a crisis meeting held in his palace. He is expected to address the nation later.

  53. Post update

    We are getting a sense of the scale of the operation before it ended - we will keep on posting images as we get them.

    Police officers are seen on the pavement outside parliament in Tunis March 18, 2015
    Police officers stand outside parliament in Tunis March 18, 2015.
    Police officers are seen outside parliament in Tunis March 18, 2015.
  54. Post update

    Images are starting to emerge on social media from inside the museum. Many appear to show a group of dozens of people sitting on the marble floor of a gallery. All the people inside the museum are now understood to have been freed.

  55. Post update

    The siege ended some two hours after the gunmen began their attack on the Bardo Museum, a major tourist attraction adjoining the parliament building.

  56. Post update

    Both the AFP and Associated Press news agencies say two gunmen and one security officer are among the dead.

  57. Post update

    France's President Francois Hollande has called his Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi to express solidarity with the Tunisian nation "in this very grave moment," a source close to Mr Hollande's office is quoted by AFP news agency as saying.

  58. Post update

    The Reuters news agency, quoting an unnamed security official, says all hostages in the Bardo Museum have now been freed.

    Members of the Tunisian armed forces take up positions after gunmen reportedly took hostages near the country"s parliament, outside the National Bardo Museum, Tunis, Tunisia, 18 March 2015
  59. Post update

    It does now appear, according to reports on Tunisian media, that the attacks in the capital Tunis are over. At least eight people have been killed, though some reports say up to nine people may have died. Tunis-based radio station Shems FM reports that one of the dead was a security guard.

  60. Post update

    BBC Arab Affairs editor Sebastian Usher says the attack is a huge blow to Tunisia, whose economy is dependent on tourism.

  61. Post update

    Tunis-based Shems FM is now also reporting that two assailants are dead and that the operation is over.

  62. Post update

    Tunisia's Mosaique FM now reports that the security force operation is over and two gunmen are dead.

  63. Post update

    Tunisia's Al Chourouk newspaper reports that seven of the dead are German, and one is Tunisian.

  64. Post update

    Farouk told World Have Your Say: "I was next to it. I heard it but didn't know at that moment what it was. Police said to us to go far from this place. My friend called and said there was shooting."

  65. Post update

    British, Italian, French and Spanish nationals are among the hostages taken, Tunisia's privately owned Mosaique FM radio station reports.

  66. Post update

    Farouk was on his way to meet his friend at the time, so he called him and realised he was inside the museum. His friend is safe with the police inside the museum.

    Tunisian security forces secure the area after gunmen attacked Tunis" famed Bardo Museum on March 18, 2015
  67. Post update

    The BBC's World Have Your Say radio programme has been speaking to a Tunisian blogger, Farouk Afi, who was next to the museum when the attack started. You can listen to his interview here.

  68. Post update

    Speaking in Brussels, the French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, says: "I condemn this terrorist attack in the strongest terms. There has been a hostage-taking, without doubt tourists have been affected, killed."

  69. Post update

    People in Tunisia are tweeting that the country's main television networks are running live images showing the evacuation of the Bardo Museum.

    Twitter image showing evacuation of Bardo Museum in Tunis - March 18, 2015
  70. Post update

    Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi tweets that he will address the nation later this afternoon.

  71. Post update

    Poland's foreign ministry says three Poles are among the wounded.

  72. Post update

    An official at the Italian foreign ministry in Rome says two Italians have been wounded in the attack, but it is unclear clear whether they were among the hostages, Reuters news agency reports.

    Tunisian security forces secure the area after gunmen attacked Tunis" famed Bardo Museum on March 18, 2015.
  73. Post update

    Here is a map of the area where the attacks have taken place - you can see just how close the Parliament building and the Pardo museum are to each other.

    Map of Tunis - March 18, 2015
  74. Post update

    For anyone following the events in Tunis on Twitter, the hashtags to follow seem to be #BardoAttack and #AttaqueBardo

  75. Post update

    The UK government says there is no official news of any UK casualties or hostages in Tunis. Its consular staff are making urgent enquiries.

  76. Post update

    Chems FM also says 21 people have been admitted to hospital in central Tunis.

  77. Post update

    State television says two armed men rammed their car into the parliament building and opened fire.

  78. Post update

    Tunis-based radio station Chems FM says a number of people have been freed from the museum by security forces in the last few minutes.

  79. Post update

    Interior ministry spokesman Mohamed Ali Aroui told reporters there were eight victims, including seven foreigners.

  80. Post update

    Amelie Tulet, a journalist with the French-language RFI network, tweets: "According to an official source, after being unable to attack Parliament, the two assailants headed to the museum instead."

  81. Post update

    Interior Ministry spokesman Mohamed Ali Aroui said there were about 100 tourists inside the museum, most of whom have been evacuated.

  82. Post update

    Members of Tunisia's security services are surrounding the parliament building and the Bardo Museum in Tunis.

    Members of the Tunisian security services take up a position near the country"s parliament after gunmen reportedly took hostages, outside the National Bardo Museum, Tunis, Tunisia, 18 March 2015.
    Tunisian security forces secure the area after gunmen attacked Tunis" famed Bardo Museum on March 18, 2015
    Members of the Tunisian armed forces take up a position after gunmen reportedly took hostages near the country"s parliament, outside the National Bardo Museum, Tunis, Tunisia, 18 March 2015
  83. Post update

    This is the first image of security forces outside the Bardo Museum in Tunis.

    Tunisian security forces secure the area after gunmen attacked Tunis" famed Bardo Museum on March 18, 2015.