Results: parties by seats
326 seats for a majority
0 seats to go
  • Labour: 412 seats, 211 seats gained
  • Conservative: 121 seats, 251 seats lost
  • Liberal Democrat: 72 seats, 64 seats gained
  • Scottish National Party: 9 seats, 39 seats lost
  • Sinn Fein: 7 seats, No change
  • Others: 29 seats, 15 seats gained
Change since 2019


  1. Thanks for joining us....published at 08:04 5 July

    Jeremy Hunt delivers his victory speechImage source, Jack Fiehn/BBC

    Thanks for joining us on our overnight coverage of the 2024 general election in Surrey.

    It has been a night of fast-moving developments and lots of change, not only in Surrey but up and down the country.

    We're now off for some much needed sleep.

    But if you want to continue following reaction to the general election, you can follow the live page here.

  2. A Tory loss as much as a Labour gain - analysispublished at 07:30 5 July

    Dr Sam Power
    Senior lecturer in politics, University of Sussex

    Dr Sam Power, Senior lecturer in politics, University of SussexImage source, Dr Sam Power, University of Sussex

    The polls pointed to a pretty rough night for the Conservatives in the South East, but this morning they amount to a complete and utter redrawing of the electoral map.

    There were always seats that were likely to change in Worthing, Hastings, Guildford, and East Thanet. That said, nearly all of the seats I had pinned as those that would be lost for the Conservatives on a bad night - think Chichester, Dorking and Horley, Surrey Heath, and Gravesham - have fallen as well.

    The results are particularly rough in Kent, where I had seven "bad night seats", of which the Conservatives have so far lost six.

    This also suggests something about how the Conservatives have lost this election - and we should be thinking of this as a Conservative loss as much as a Labour gain.

    I calculated seats as either likely to change, or ones that might change with one simple question. Is there only one genuine challenger to the Conservatives?

    Where there was one obvious place for the anti-Conservative vote to fall behind, the challenger has more often than not lost. This suggests a) an amount of tactical voting and b) an electorate more focused on kicking out the Conservatives, than backing Labour.

  3. The overnight story from Surrey in under 150 wordspublished at 07:29 5 July

    Dan Sexton
    BBC South East

    The new Lib Dem candidate for Esher and WaltonImage source, Julia Gregory/BBC

    If you are just waking up, here are the main election takeaways from Surrey:

    • Both the Lib Dems and the Conservatives have six seats each in Surrey.
    • Jeremy Hunt has held on to his seat in Godalming & Ash by a very narrow majority. The former chancellor secured just 891 votes more than the Lib Dems.
    • The Lib Dems have made huge gains in Surrey, winning six seats in the county.
    • They now have seats in Epsom & Ewell, Woking, Esher & Walton, Guildford, Dorking & Horley, and Surrey Heath.
    • The Conservatives have retained five seats, including Hunt in Godalming & Ash, and Claire Coutinho, the former Energy Secretary, in East Surrey.
    • Reigate remains a Conservative seat.
    • Spelthorne, the seat of the former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, also remains in the Conservatives' possession.
    • Dominic Raab’s former seat, Esher & Walton, was won by the Lib Dems by a majority of 12,003 and over 50% of the vote share.
  4. Conservatives win Farnham and Bordonpublished at 07:18 5 July

    The last result is in for Surrey and it's a notional Conservative hold in Farnham and Bordon.

    It was a close-run race, as Greg Stafford, the Conservative candidate, won 18,951 votes.

    The Liberal Democrats were just 1,349 votes behind the Conservatives with 17,602 votes.

    To see the full list of results in Farnham and Bordon, tap here.

  5. Farnham & Bordon held by Toriespublished at 07:10 5 July

    The new constituency of Farnham and Bordon - which straddles the Hampshire/Surrey border has been won by the Conservatives.

  6. Conservatives hold Runnymede and Weybridgepublished at 06:44 5 July

    The Conservatives have won the seat of Runnymede and Weybridge - a notional hold for the party.

    Ben Spencer, the candidate, got 18,442 votes (38.2%).

    The Lib Dems came second with 10,815 votes (22.4%)

    Tap here to see a full list of results in Runnymede and Weybridge.

  7. Liberal Democrats win Epsom & Ewellpublished at 06:27 5 July

    Helen Maguire delivers her victory speechImage source, BBC/Fiona McCarthy

    The Liberal Democrats have won the seat for Epsom & Ewell - a notional gain from the Conservative party.

    Helen Maguire, the Lib Dem candidate, won 20,674 votes (37.86%).

    The Conservatives were runners-up, with 16,988 votes.

    For the full list of results in Epsom & Ewell, tap here.

  8. Conservatives hold Spelthornepublished at 06:15 5 July

    Lincoln Jopp celebrates his winImage source, BBC/Nisha Patel

    The Conservatives have held on to Spelthorne.

    This was the seat of former chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, but he stepped down at this election.

    Lincoln Jopp, the new Conservative MP, got 14,038 votes.

    In second place was Labour, who got 12,448 votes.

    Tap here to see the full list of results in Spelthorne.

  9. Liberal Democrats win Wokingpublished at 06:11 5 July

    The Liberal Democrats have won Woking.

    This is a notional gain from the Conservatives following boundary changes.

    Will Forster, the new Lib Dem MP, got 24,019 votes, just under 50% of the vote.

    Jonathan Lord, the Conservative candidate, came second with 12,773 votes.

    To see a full list of results, tap here.

  10. Liberal Democrats gain Woking from the Conservativespublished at 06:06 5 July

    Graphic showing Liberal Democrats gain Woking from the Conservatives. The winning candidate was Will Forster.
  11. Liberal Democrats win Guildfordpublished at 06:04 5 July

    It's another win for the Lib Dems in Surrey, as they take Guildford from the Conservatives.

    Lib Dem candidate Zoe Franklin received 22,937 votes.

    The now former Conservative MP, Angela Richardson, won 14,508 votes, which was 30.04% of the votes.

    To see the full list of results in Guildford, tap here.

  12. Liberal Democrats win Esher & Waltonpublished at 05:29 5 July

    The Liberal Democrats have won the Esher & Walton seat.

    This is a notional gain from the Conservatives.

    The new Lib Dem MP, Monica Harding, won the vote with 28,315 votes.

    The Conservatives came second with 16,312 votes.

    To see all the results in Esher & Walton, tap here.

  13. Election has been crushing defeat - Huntpublished at 05:15 5 July

    Jeremy Hunt celebrates his winImage source, Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

    Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has wished the "incoming" Labour government "well".

    Speaking on the declaration of his win, he said the election had been a "crushing defeat" for the Conservatives.

    He said: "When you lose trust of the electorate" you need to have the "courage and humility to ask why so you can earn back trust again".

    He said Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves were "decent people who have changed Labour for the better" and "we all now need them to succeed".

  14. Liberal Democrats win Surrey Heathpublished at 05:04 5 July

    Lib Dem supporters celebrate outside the countImage source, BBC/Stuart Tinworth

    The Liberal Democrats have won the Surrey Heath seat.

    This is a notional gain from the Conservatives.

    Ali Pinkerton got 21,387 votes, which is 44.75% of the vote.

    The Conservatives came in second place, with 15,747 votes (32.95%).

    BBC reporter Stuart Tinworth, who is at the count, said this is the first time the seat has been won by a non Conservative candidate.

    To see the full results for Surrey Heath, tap here.

  15. Conservatives hold Reigatepublished at 04:47 5 July

    The Conservatives have held on to Reigate.

    The new candidate, Rebecca Paul, received 18,822 votes, which is 35.41%.

    Labour came in second place, getting 15,635 votes (29.41%).

    To see all the results, tap here.

  16. Jeremy Hunt holds seatpublished at 04:42 5 July

    Jeremy Hunt and his wifeImage source, Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

    The Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, has held his seat in Godalming & Ash.

    He got a majority of just 891 votes (1.6%) over the Liberal Democrats.

    To see all the results from the Godalming & Ash constituency, tap here.

  17. Conservative Jeremy Hunt holds Godalming and Ashpublished at 04:41 5 July

    Graphic showing Conservatives hold Godalming and Ash. The winning candidate was Jeremy Hunt.

    Conservative Jeremy Hunt has been almost absent from the national campaign as he fought hard to keep his seat in Goldalming and Ash.

    And he did just enough, clinging on to a tiny majority of 891 votes (1.6%).

  18. Lib Dems gain Dorking and Horleypublished at 04:27 5 July

    The Liberal Democrats have taken control of Dorking and Horley.

    This is a notional gain from the Conservatives.

    Chris Coghlan got 20,921 votes, which was 41.87%.

    The Conservatives did come in second place, with 15,530 votes (31.08%).

    To see the full list of results, click here.

  19. Liberal Democrats gain Dorking and Horley from the Conservativespublished at 04:24 5 July

    Graphic showing Liberal Democrats gain Dorking and Horley from the Conservatives. The winning candidate was Chris Coghlan.
  20. Conservatives hold East Surreypublished at 04:08 5 July

    Claire CoutinhoImage source, Jeff Overs/BBC/PA Wire

    The Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho has been re-elected as the MP for East Surrey.

    She got 17,502 votes, which was 35.58% of the vote.

    Labour came in second place with 10,052 seats (20.43%).

    Despite the win, it was a notional 16.01% swing from Conservative to Labour.

    You can read the full result here.