Hundreds of visitors take in Auschwitz ahead of commemorationspublished at 10:25 Greenwich Mean Time 27 January
Nadia Ragozhina
Reporting from Auschwitz
There are no resting places for the 1.1 million people who lost their lives at Auschwitz-Birkenau; nowhere for their descendants and survivors to bring flowers, or a gravestone to claim one’s own.
As I slowly made my way around Birkenau amid hundreds of tourists who were squeezing in a visit before the site closed its doors ahead of today’s commemorations, I saw people carrying red roses.
Approaching the site of one of the crematoria, two young Jewish men from an American group said the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead.
But there was a memorial that’s become a pivotal point of the camp. Between the remnants of the crematoria, at the end of the railway platform known as the "death road" which was the last path of those who were marched straight to the gas chambers, stands a monument.
The top blocks represent the chimneys that no longer stand. The rest is piled up stone blocks, for all the different ways in which men, women and children were murdered in the camp.
It is completed by bronze plaques with the same inscription in 23 different languages, spoken by the people from 28 different countries who were transported here to meet their death.
“Forever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity,” it begins.
The roses were laid on the plaques and the words of the Kaddish hang in the crisp winter air, as one attempts to process this place, that is impossible to describe.