Creators' lawyer asks why TikTok singled outpublished at 16:45 Greenwich Mean Time 10 January
Fisher brings up the platform Temu, and says it is "curious" why TikTok alone is being singled out when Americans' data is put at risk by other sites.
But he's then challenged by Justice Sotomayor on how many of these sites have the same data collection mechanisms that TikTok does.
Fisher says that other websites are taking "much the same kind of information if not more".
The pair then go back and forth on this, before Sotomayor asks why TikTok argues that issues of data security can't be separated from the issue of TikTok's algorithm.
The lawyer says that congress is within its right to pass a data security law separately, but says that even if the law goes through, TikTok gets to keep all of the data anyway.
So, he says, wouldn't a law acting purely on data security interests also require them to expunge this data?