Lockdown memories five years later - stories from across the UKpublished at 18:10 Greenwich Mean Time 21 March
Cachella Smith
Live reporter
Support bubbles, PPE, social distancing, flattening the curve - phrases most of us hadn't heard of at the start of 2020 but which abruptly became part of our daily vocabulary.
We're almost five years on from the moment former Prime Minister Boris Johnson issued the order to "stay at home".
To mark the upcoming anniversary, you brought the stories to us. You told us what it was like to miss a loved one's funeral, to work as a key worker in healthcare and to try to manage the symptoms of long Covid.
We also heard about unusual birthday celebrations, virtual cruise trips and indoor camping.
For many however the experience is not over, as research continues into possible treatments for long Covid and the public inquiry into the government's response progresses.
One of our contributors, Hannah Brady, lost her Dad to Covid in May 2020. Although the lockdown was tough she told us she'd do it all again to save lives.
"We would go through the loneliness and pain of lockdown again in a heartbeat to save someone like Dad."
We'll bring this page to a close shortly - thank you for sticking with us today and thank you for sharing your stories.