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Live Reporting

Tom Espiner and Justin Parkinson

All times stated are UK

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  1. Sunday's recap

    That's it for the politics live page for tonight. Here's a recap of the top stories as Sunday draws to a close:

    • David Cameron will pledge tomorrow to "renew a sense of fairness" in society as he addresses Conservative backbenchers for the first time since the election
    • Iain Duncan Smith will stay as work and pensions secretary in Mr Cameron's new cabinet. Earlier, it was announced Michael Gove will be justice secretary and Mark Harper chief whip
    • Lord Mandelson warned earlier that Labour needs a profound rethink about its future
    • Liz Kendall said she wants to replace Ed Miliband as Labour leader, while backbencher Dan Jarvis rules himself out of the race
    • SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon called for new tax and welfare powers to be devolved to Scotland as a "priority"
    • UKIP's only MP, Douglas Carswell, ruled himself out of the running to replace Nigel Farage as leader
  2. Gove reaction

    Spectator editor tweets

  3. IDS reaction

    Following his reappointment to the cabinet as work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith said: "I am delighted to have the opportunity to complete the vital welfare reforms that have already helped so many people back into work.

    "The completion of Universal Credit will ensure work always pays, and will improve the incomes of those on low salaries."

  4. Independent front page

  5. i front page

  6. Jarvis on Labour

    Barnsley Central MP Dan Jarvis, who explains his decision not to stand for the Labour leadership in a column in the Times , also gives his take on Labour's election failure.

    "It was a judgment on our failure to move out of the comfort zone of critiquing the Tories and instead set out a positive alternative," he says.

    "The Labour Party has no divine right to expect the support of the British people. We have to earn it."

    And he notes:

    Quote Message: Put London to one side and more people have walked on the moon than the number of Labour MPs elected across the South West, South East and East of England.”
  7. Guardian front page

  8. Cabinet posts

    Iain Duncan Smith is to remain as work and pensions secretary in David Cameron's cabinet, No 10 has announced.

    Baroness Stowell also retains her post as leader of the Lords, and is promoted to full member of the cabinet.

  9. Labour rebuffs Galloway claim

    The Labour Party has described as "pathetic and without any foundation" claims made by George Galloway of "widespread malpractice" during the campaign for the Bradford West seat.

    The Respect Party leader, who lost his seat to Labour's Naz Shah in a bitterly fought contest, said he was "in the process of compiling the information which will form part of our petition to have the result set aside". The claims relate to postal voting, he said.

    But a Labour spokesman responded: "George Galloway should accept he was booted out by the people of Bradford West."

  10. FT front page

  11. More on Dan Jarvis

    Chris Mason

    Political Correspondent

    "Dan Jarvis is very highly regarded within the Labour movement. A former solider who served in Afghanistan, he's seen as someone with plenty of ideas for Labour's future.

    "However, he lost his wife to cancer, he has young children and he felt that attempting to bring them up while being leader of opposition was too much of juggling act."

  12. Jarvis out of Labour running

    Dan Jarvis, mooted as a potential successor to Ed Miliband as Labour leader, has ruled himself out of the running. The Barnsley Central MP cited family reasons for not standing in the leadership campaign.

  13. Women in charge

    Channel 4 News political correspondent tweets

  14. 'Champagne socialist'

    You might have seen actor and singer Charlotte Church brandishing this placard and attacking the Conservatives at the anti-austerity rally in Cardiff yesterday.

    Charlotte Church with a placard at an anti-austerity rally

    Well, it's earned her a stern rebuke from the party's leader in Wales. Andrew RT Davies told BBC Wales: "It's champagne socialists standing shoulder-to-shoulder.

    "To denigrate the electorate, who has just spoken, within 48 hours of the election, is slightly unfortunate and unbecoming."

  15. Galloway challenges result

    George Galloway

    Former Respect MP George Galloway has tweeted that he's launched a legal challenge against the election result in Bradford West. He writes: "We've begun legal proceedings seeking to have result of the Bfd West election set aside. I cannot therefor discuss my own election for now."

    Mr Galloway lost the seat by more than 10,000 votes. That was despite the Labour campaign facing setbacks including the resignation of its original candidate.

  16. 'Non-denial denials'

    Financial Times chief political correspondent tweets

  17. Membership surges

    Spectator blogger tweets

    The Liberal Democrats say more than 5,000 people have signed up as members since their rout in Thursday's election.

  18. Social media a 'powerful enabler'

    Dr Fergal Monaghan, a data scientist at Adoreboard who led the study we referred to earlier (see 18:48 BST post), says social media played a critical role during the election.

    Quote Message: Social media and the information available online has become a powerful enabler of democracy, levelling the playing field for smaller and newer parties."

    Dr Monaghan adds: "Top-down blanket canvassing like leafleting has been replaced by bottom up canvassing where politicians must listen to an electorate of tech-savvy and often political sceptics."

  19. Cameron on Europe

    During his brief interview with Channel 4 News earlier, Prime Minister David Cameron spoke about his plans for a new deal with the EU.

    Quote Message: The first thing is to get the renegotiation going and we will be doing that very soon, getting on with that. I have already made some calls to European leaders. I'm confident we are going to get the right result." from David Cameron
    David Cameron
  20. Tweet success

    Nicola Sturgeon on her phone

    SNP leader and Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was the most popular UK politician on Twitter during the election, according to a study. Data scientists Adoreboard said Ms Sturgeon was 14 points ahead of Prime Minister David Cameron. Mrs Sturgeon's Twitter handle received more than 163,000 mentions, 71% of them positive. The PM's Twitter handle had 145,405 mentions, 64% positive, the researchers said.

  21. Where now for #edstone?

    Ed Miliband with edstone

    It was intended to be Ed Miliband's permanent reminder of his promises to the British people if he was elected PM. But what happens to Ed Miliband's stone now?The Telegraph has been tryingto find its creator.

  22. Vince Cable tweets. And tweets.

    The Independent

    What does a former MP do with their spare time? If you're Vince Cable, replying to well-wishers on Twitter appears to be a useful way to ease the pain. The Independent has more.

  23. Danczuk on Labour's future

    The Daily Telegraph

    A number of Labour MPs have been considering the party's performance in the election in the newspapers and on the airwaves today. On the Telegraph website, Simon Danczuk has his say.

    Quote Message: There’s no point Labour activists grumbling about the influence of Rupert Murdoch and the right-wing press and trying to make excuses. This insults voters’ intelligence and ignores an obvious truth that’s been staring us in the face for some time." from Simon Danczuk
    Simon Danczuk
  24. PM on Scotland

    Channel 4

    In an interview with Channel 4 News, the prime minister said it was time to bring the UK together. He said he was "very confident" he would not be the last prime minister of the UK.

    Quote Message: Now what we need to do is bring the United Kingdom together. We are going to do that by delivering the devolution settlement in Wales, delivering the devolution settlement in Scotland, keeping all the pledges that were made."
  25. Cameron: There won't be another independence referendum

  26. 'Labour hustings'

    Labour's next annual conference should be an election hustings for the party's leadership candidates, says Jon Ashworth, a member of its National Executive Committee.

    He said it would give party members and the country the chance to see and hear how each candidate performs before the leadership ballot of the wider membership.

    Ashworth, the MP for Leicester South, says he will press for the conference hustings when the NEC meets to make arrangements for the leadership contest.

    He also said it was important the party didn't rush into electing a new leader.

  27. VE Day

  28. Labour's woes in Scotland

    All the SNP MPs

    One of the biggest stories of election night was the SNP tsunami in Scotland. But why did it happen? Over on the Observer website, Kevin McKenna reckons that Scottish Labour only has itself to blame.

    Quote Message: There were many staging posts along the road to its perdition; each of them carried a stark warning to turn back from this path they had chosen and each was ignored by London party chiefs."
  29. Financial implications

  30. Lib Dem timetable

    The Liberal Democrats have set out the timetable for their leadership election. Nominations will open on 13 May and close on 3 June. Ballot papers will be sent out on 24 June and must be returned by 15 July. The winner will be declared on 16 July.

  31. Labour leadership

  32. England 'too large' for federalism

    Former Scottish Secretary Malcolm Rifkind has been speaking about the future of the UK. He has called for a Royal Commission, saying a truly federal system won't work because of England's size.

    Quote Message: You can never have a truly federal system like the United States or Germany because England is too large. England is 85% of the United Kingdom. You can't have an English Parliament and England does not want to be sub-divided into regions, each with their own parliament." from Malcolm Rifkind
    Malcolm Rifkind

    However, Sir Malcolm adds: "You could go some way in that direction. You can have a quasi-federal system. Because you don't need uniformity."

  33. 'Big hole'

  34. Hurry up, urges Mulholland

    Lib Dem MP Greg Mulholland is unhappy at the timescale set for his party's leadership contest. "We must not - and will not - wait till July to have a new leader in place," he says. "We need strong leadership now."

  35. A long night made short

    Dave Lee, BBC technology reporter

  36. Lib Dems 'will have new leader soon'

    The Liberal Democrats will have a new leader before Parliament breaks up for summer. Nominations will open on Wednesday. To get on the ballot a contender must secure the endorsement of 10% of MPs - now less than one person, as there are only eight following the general election - as well as 200 members from at least 20 local parties.

  37. Polls-defying pensioner still prizeless

    A pensioner who bet £30,000 on a Conservative majority in the general election has yet to collect his £240,000 winnings. Ladbrokes says there has been no sign of the customer since he placed the wager at odds of 7/1 in Glasgow on 29 April.

  38. PM on parade

    David Cameron and Prince of Wales

    David Cameron continues to take part in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of VE Day.

  39. Democracy for sale?

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Baroness Williams

    Liberal Democrat Baroness Williams earlier told The World This Weekend that democracy had been up for sale in the election - with many high-profile Lib Dem MPs "decapitated" by the power of money.

    Quote Message: There was a decapitation strategy on the Conservative side, and then also on Labour's side, like for example the extraordinary targeting of Simon Hughes, long-standing and much beloved member of Parliament for Bermondsey. So I think what one's looking at is not just, you know, the normal swings and balances of politics. I think we're looking at something much worse, which is what I've seen in the United States as a Harvard professor on the subject, namely the selling of democracy. from Baroness Williams Lib Dem
    Baroness WilliamsLib Dem
  40. Lib Dem future plans

    Baroness Brinton

    Lib Dem president Baroness Brinton says the party is "very clear" it would have to be "very careful" about joining any coalition in future. Some defeated Lib Dem MPs have already been out campaigning, she adds. Only five years to go...

  41. Cameron 'king'

    The Daily Politics

    Stewart Jackson

    Conservative MP Stewart Jackson says it could be time to look at House of Lords reform again. He says David Cameron is "king of all he surveys" for a while following his election victory. He and other Eurosceptics will be working to avoid a repeat of the "calamity" over Europe during John Major's time as PM, he promises.

  42. Mann: I rate Jarvis

    The Daily Politics

    Labour MP John Mann says Lord Mandelson's call to return to the centre is "three-quarters right", but other issues need addressing, such as immigration. The next leader cannot be someone who's been a special adviser "in the Westminster bubble". Dan Jarvis, a former soldier, fits the bill. he adds.

  43. Labour navel-gazing 'danger'

    The Daily Politics

    Labour MP John Mann says it's "dangerous" for Labour to have too much internal discussion following its defeat. People on the doorstep didn't think Ed Miliband was "prime-ministerial quality", he adds.

    John Mann
  44. And then there were six...

    The Daily Politics

    Tom Brake, one of the eight remaining Lib Dem MPs after Thursday's rout, rules himself out of running to replace Nick Clegg as leader. He says he admires both Tim Farron and Norman Lamb.

  45. Right foot forward

    David Cameron

    David Cameron marches across Horse Guards Parade in central London, as part of celebrations of the 70th anniversary of VE Day.

  46. Our survey says...

    An Independent columnist's view

  47. Are you running?

    Liz Kendall

    Earlier on Sunday Politics, Liz Kendall was asked to confirm whether she will be running for the Labour leadership. Her answer? "Yes."

  48. 'Lucky' Brake

    The Daily Politics

    Tom Brake, the sole surviving Lib Dem MP in London, says he was "lucky" the Conservatives spent more money on ousting some of his colleagues, including Ed Davey and Vince Cable.

  49. Carswell on Farage

    Political Editor of the Spectator writes

  50. Carswell on UKIP's future

    The Daily Politics

    Douglas Carswell

    Douglas Carswell says the Conservative Party is far too patrician and corporatist" for him ever to want to rejoin. He refuses to endorse a single candidate to replace Nigel Farage as leader, but makes clear he thinks they need to have the chance to show how they would lead the party, adding, when pressed about Mr Farage standing again, that they were not a one man party. He also rules out standing to be the next UKIP leader.

  51. UKIP 'radical alternative'

    UKIP can replace Labour by offering a "sort of radical popular capitalism", says MP Douglas Carswell. It's the corporatist system in the UK that's giving capitalism a bad name, he argues. The position would be somewhere near that of the Gladstonian Liberal Party, Mr Carswell says.

  52. Happy talking

    The Daily Politics

    UKIP's only MP, Douglas Carswell, says the party has good reason to be cheerful, having won four million votes. "Optimism works in politics," he adds.

  53. New Labour?

    Paul Kenny

    A return to New Labour "would hardly win back Scotland" for the party, says GMB union leader Paul Kenny. It's not "left-wing" to stand up for working people, he adds.

  54. SNP power

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    SNP deputy leader Stewart Hosie is challenged on The World This Weekend that a Conservative government will make the SNPs case for independence stronger. He says: "We did not want to see a Tory government, we wanted to lock a Tory government out."

    Will the SNP actually wield any power now it's in Westminster?

    He says a cynic could say that no MP apart from a handful at the centre of government has power. But he adds that SNP "will now be on every committee".

  55. Mandelson in deckchair demand

    The Daily Politics

    Paul Kenny, general secretary of the GMB union, says Lord Mandelson should "go back to his deckchair in the garden", following his criticism of union funding of Labour. It's not time to go back to the leadership "courting millionaires", he adds.

  56. Life chances

    The Daily Politics

    Sunday Politics

    Liz Kendall says she wants everyone to have equal chances in life and that Labour must work to allow this. It must return to its roots of "helping each other". She has no idea where the large stone used to display Labour's pledges during the campaign has gone.

  57. 'End Blair-Brown era'

    Liz Kendall

    People on the minimum wage didn't feel Labour was doing enough for them, says MP Liz Kendall. She also says those aspiring to better their lives must be represented. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown "made great improvements for this country, but we've got to move forward", she tells Sunday Politics.

  58. 'Pub moaner can't win'

    The Daily Politics

    Shadow care minister Liz Kendall, who has said she's interested in replacing Ed Miliband, argues that Labour didn't aim for broad enough support during the election campaign. It can't just be "the moaning man in the pub", she tells BBC One's Sunday Politics

  59. Vince Cable 'shocked'

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Mr Roberts, who knows Vince Cable, says of the loss of his seat.

    Quote Message: He's fine, he's shocked naturally, but he'll bounce back, he's a fighter.... we didn't expect the Tories to win." from Gareth Roberts Lib Dem deputy leader, Richmond Council
    Gareth RobertsLib Dem deputy leader, Richmond Council
  60. Lib Dem hit

    The World at One

    BBC Radio 4

    Did the Lib Dems lose out due to fear of a Labour SNP pact? Were they made scapegoats for what happened during the coalition? Gareth Roberts, Lib Dem deputy leader on Richmond Council tells The World This Weekend that the Conservative "fear of the Scots" campaign was not helpful to the Lib Dems.

  61. From the Times archive

    Deputy political editor of the Times writes...

  62. Too little...?

    Daily Mirror political correspondent writes...

  63. Bradshaw's guide

    Former Labour cabinet minister Ben Bradshaw says the election result was "disastrous", with Ed Miliband's team assuming that voters would move to the left following the financial crisis. The party must move beyond the Blair-Brown era, the Exeter MP argues.

  64. Labour 'not too left-wing'

    Labour MP Ian Lavery disagrees with Lord Mandelson's evaluation of why the party lost the election. He can't see how Ed Miliband's agenda could be called too "left-wing", he tells BBC Radio 4's The World This Weekend. The Blair project "wasn't always right" and seemed, to some, to "forget" the working classes, he adds.

  65. Chuka Umunna and friend

    BBC News producer writes...

  66. Women in politics

    Louisa Compton, launch editor Victoria Derbyshire programme

  67. Eat the pollsters

    In case you missed it, US writer PJ O'Rourke has given the BBC his own take on the election , coining a natty slogan in the process: "Accurate Predictions About Today, Delivered First Thing Tomorrow."

  68. Cameron good for India and Iran?

    A number of international newspapers have said the election result could be good for their countries.

    The Dehli-based Mail Today said India had much to gain from the Conservatives' victory. ''Unlike past governments, Cameron has been unapologetic about his admiration for India,'' the online paper said in an editorial.

    ''Cameron's enthusiasm with India increased with PM Modi coming to power," it added.

    The newspaper is published by a joint venture between the Daily Mail and the India Today Group.

    Some newspapers in Iran have also been enthusiastic.Reformist paper Sharq said: "From an international perspective, the overwhelming victory of the Conservative Party cannot be a bad news, especially for Iran...

    "The stances of Cameron's government in the past two years and in the recent rounds of Iran-P5+1 nuclear talks have undergone positive and serious changes; therefore, the continuation of the work of this government could promise a positive extension of this process as well as resumption of Tehran-London's consular and diplomatic relations."

  69. Sturgeon at ceremony

    Nicola Sturgeon

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon arrives for the VE Day 70th anniversary commemoration at Westminster Abbey.

  70. UKIP's lot

    Sky News political editor writes...

  71. SNP funding

    Sky News political editor writes...

  72. Short money

    Faisal Islam, Sky News political editor says...

  73. Watson's deputy ambitions

    Labour MP writes...

  74. Checking the odds

    Sunday Times political editor writes...

  75. Europe - UK better off out or in?

    With the possibility of an EU referendum now firmly on the table, here's a handy BBC article summing up the key arguments for and against EU membership.

  76. Jarvis 'very able'

    Dan Jarvis

    Dan Jarvis, who could be in the running for the Labour Party leadership, was "very able and down to earth and competent when he worked for me" as an aide de camp, former head of the British Army General Sir Mike Jackson has said.

    However, he stopped short of commenting on whether Jarvis should be leader of the Labour party, saying, "I'm not a politician, I'm not a member of the Labour Party and I think it's right that the party, after the shock of its defeat, take stock in its own way and runs its leader competition as it wishes".

    He did state "it's a very powerful argument" that it's beneficial for people in the House of Commons to have career experience outside of politics.

  77. Farage at Abbey

    Nigel Farage

    UKIP's Nigel Farage arrives at Westminster Abbey for the VE Day service.

  78. 'Give PM space over Europe'

    Sky News

    Former environment secretary Owen Paterson

    Former Environment Secretary Owen Paterson says the Conservative Party must give David Cameron the time and the space "to push ahead with his idea that he can get what we want through a renegotiation" ahead of a referendum on EU membership. "We have to let him have a real crack at it," says Mr Paterson, who is a Eurosceptic.

  79. Thanksgiving service

    David and Samantha Cameron

    David and Samantha Cameron attend the VE Day thanksgiving service at Westminster Abbey.

  80. The UK remembers

    Theresa May

    Home Secretary Theresa May is among many politicians attending a service at Westminster Abbey to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day.

  81. Paul Richards

    Labour activist

  82. Too much ideas talk?

    Mark Littlewood, director of Institute of Economic Affairs

  83. Checks and balances

    Sky News

    Cross-bencher Lord Blair points out that the Conservatives are in a minority in the House of Lords, which will be uncomfortable when driving through constitutional change - he's referring both to the Union and to boundary changes.

    Quote Message: "There are no English peers. All the peers are peers of the United Kingdom. So you can have your grand committee in the House of Commons, but when it goes to the Lords, it's in the whole chamber." from Lord Blair Cross-bencher
    Lord BlairCross-bencher
  84. Lib Dems 'have a place'

    Sky News

    Lib Dem president Baroness Brinton says she's pleased that membership has risen since the general election. There's a place for a party that believes in "equality, fairness and justice", she adds.

  85. Behind the scenes

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Chuka Umunna and Lord Mandelson

    Lord Mandelson was asked whether he backed Chuka Umunna for next Labour leader. Any clues in their body language while off-air?

  86. Russia official: Scotland referendum was rigged

    Here's an interesting take on the election success of the Scottish Nationalist Party. According to Russia's top electoral official, it gives evidence that the independence referendum was rigged.

    "It confirms our position, that the outcome of the independence referendum in Scotland was a total falsification," Vladimir Churov, head of the Central Electoral Commission, told the Tass news agency. The election results, he said, "show that the SNP, which fought for a yes in the referendum, won far more votes now than it did then".

    "We doubted that the referendum had been organised cleanly and we had observers there," Churov continued. He felt that the scale of the SNP's success in Scotland "gives further cause to examine the referendum".

  87. Round-up

    So, what's been going on today, as the UK's political leaders and top analysts get to grips with the events of the last week?

    Labour's Lord Mandelson's been critical of Ed Miliband's tenure as leader, calling much of what went on an "experiment" which froze out many aspirational middle-class voters. Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna and shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt - both possible contenders to replace Mr Miliband - have also called for a change of message.

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said the SNP will be the main opposition to the Conservatives during this parliament.

    Meanwhile, senior Conservative MP David Davis has urged David Cameron to ensure he establishes stronger links with his backbenchers to avoid trouble over Europe.

  88. 'Two holes and a challenge'

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    The debate on the future "needs to be long and deep and painful for the Labour Party" because it is in "a real hole," shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt says. "We are in a hole in Scotland, and we are in a hole in England, and we've got challenges in Wales as well."

  89. Non-dom pledge a non-starter?

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    On the Labour pledge to abolish non-dom tax status, Tristram Hunt says: "Did that policy have traction on the streets of Stoke-on -Trent? No, because it didn't speak to everyday concerns about confidence in the Labour Party on mortgage rates."

  90. 'Hole in the Polo'

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    A Polo

    Lord Mandelson, asked to elaborate on where Labour went wrong, says that the economy was the "hole in the Polo mint". Mandelson says he wasn't asked for advice from the Labour campaign until the day before the election, and that was on how Ed could form a minority government.

  91. Losing touch

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    On losing touch with traditional Labour communities and "aspirational" people, Tristram Hunt adds: 

    Quote Message: People felt a hesitation about the Labour Party's willingness to celebrate and accept England in all its forms.There was a hesitation about Labour being proud and optimistic about the modern country we live in."
  92. Mandelson back on air

    Lord Mandelson makes an unscheduled appearance on 5 live, saying he was "hijacked" while heading to the loo after the Andrew Marr Show. He says it was "mystifying" to the public that the party veered off in a different direction to New Labour, which won three elections. It was like the door being slammed in the faces of millions who had voted for it, he says.

  93. John Lewis-goers 'didn't back Labour'

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    Labour finds itself in a double bind, Tristram Hunt says. "We clearly weren't appealing enough to aspirational Britain. They didn't feel we were on their side - the John Lewis community weren't backing us, but on the other hand there were traditional Labour communities who also didn't feel that Labour was speaking to them."

  94. Labour philosophy

    What Labour needs to sort out is "the structure, the philosophy and the politics of the party, a well as the leadership," to be successful, shadow education secretary Tristram Hunt says.

  95. Hunt to run?

    WIll Tristram Hunt run for the Labour leadership?

    Quote Message: I think everyone who loves the Labour Party as I do needs to get involved in the debate and the discussion about how catastrophically it went wrong, and the lessons that we need to learn from that, and yes, that's about leadership, and I'll certainly be considering that in the coming days... I'm definitely thinking about it."
  96. Mandelson: Umunna 'will get there'

    Chuka Umunna

    Lord Mandelson, who famously had to hide behind a pseudonym while running Tony Blair's 1990s leadership bid, is non-committal when asked whether Chuka Umunna would be a good Labour leadership candidate. He says he wishes Mr Umunna was business secretary - ie that Labour had won the election. "He's got a little bit to wait, but he'll get there," Lord Mandelson adds. To being business secretary or leader?

  97. English votes

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    How would the Conservative pledge to give English MPs a veto over laws that affect England work, Conservative MP John Redwood is asked.

    Quote Message: I favour more fiscal independence, more control over taxation in Scotland, and then that reduces the block grant, and they have more scope over both the revenue and the spending, and that in turn must mean more control for England over her taxes and her spending."
  98. Labour 'must lead EU debate'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Labour must be "at the forefront" of the campaign to keep the UK in the European Union, shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna says as his slot on the programme heads towards an end.

  99. Umunna on leadership hopes

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Chuka Umunna, who has all-but declared he's a contender with his Observer article, declines to say whether he will run for Labour leader, saying it's too early. But he says he wants to play a "full part" in rebuilding his party. It's "down but not out" and can win in 2020, he adds.

    Chuka Umunna
  100. Create a big tent, Labour told

    Labour does well at creating a "big tent" offer to voters and this must be its future position, shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna says. The big deficit was due to the banking crisis, he adds. But there was a "nervousness" in power in making the case for cutting it, Mr Umunna says.

  101. 'Collective failure'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Chuka Umunna

    Labour's policy agenda was "thoroughly pro-business" but this didn't always come through during the election campaign, Chuka Umunna says. Ed Miliband was "too hard on himself" over what was a "collective failure" not to put this across, he adds.

  102. Reward ambition, Umunna urges

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna says Ed Miliband "grew in stature" during the general election campaign. The "right lessons" must be learned from Labour's defeat, he insists. The party must marry "compassion" and helping people's "ambition", Mr Umunna adds.

  103. Europe and the UK

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    Conservative MP Eric Pickles has said that the Greek debt talks with its EU and IMF creditors show that the UK needs a different relationship with eurozone countries, and the European Union.

    Quote Message: If anything, what Greece tells us is that those within the euro are going to have to get much closer together, and it's going to require a different relationship with countries like ourselves and Denmark, who are outside. I'm pretty confident that David Cameron will be able to renegotiate a good deal, and I'm very confident that we will remain a member of the [European] Union."
  104. Mandelson union warning

    Trade unions must not be allowed to cause "abuse" in the contest for the next Labour leader, Lord Mandelson says. He says there must be validation of those taking part in voting, especially those who are affiliated but not full party members, a change which is happening under reforms brought in by Ed Miliband.

  105. Banking crisis 'not our fault'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Not all Labour's public spending was "wholly wise", but this didn't cause the banking crisis, Lord Mandelson says.

  106. Mandelson attacks Labour campaign


    Lord Mandelson likens Labour's task in winning an election to that it faced in the 1980s.The party's campaign ignored the middle of society, he adds. People "have aspirations", he says, adding that if these are not addressed, "why on earth should they vote for us".

  107. Mandelson on Miliband

    The Andrew Marr Show


    Next up on Marr is former Labour Business Secretary Lord Mandelson pays tribute to Ed Miliband for his "passionate" campaign. But he adds that the "awful, shocking" thing about the election is that Labour could've won. The party "discarded" the New Labour project, he adds and was told in 2010 to "wave our fists" at the Tories, in an "experiment" carried out by the leadership.

  108. Sturgeon 'in control'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Nicola Sturgeon says she can control her party, despite a surge in the number of SNP members.

  109. Let's unite, says Sturgeon

    The general election campaign was not about Scottish independence, Nicola Sturgeon says. She promises to try to unite Scotland following the divisions of the referendum campaign.

  110. Pickles on cuts

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    Where will upcoming £30bn cuts over less than three years fall? Does local government face more cuts to funding, ex local government secretary Eric Pickles is asked:

    Quote Message: It's not just about cutting, it's about efficiencies, it's about working together, and we certainly know there is an awful lot of money to be still saved. I'm quite confident we can protect front line services." from Eric Pickles Conservative
    Eric PicklesConservative
  111. Scots 'demand good deal'

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon says it's essential to ensure Scotland gets a "good deal" over funding during any negotiations over fiscal autonomy. She promises her party will play a "constructive" role at Westminster. She says Mr Cameron will have to go beyond the Smith Commission proposals.

  112. SNP 'principal opposition'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Nicola Sturgeon

    Scotland doesn't want austerity to continue, says Nicola Sturgeon. It's likely that the SNP will be the "principal opposition" to the Conservatives, with Labour reassessing its future and looking for a new leader, she adds.

  113. Sturgeon on Cameron

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, whose SNP now has 56 MPs, says David Cameron "cannot act now as if it's business as usual in Scotland".

  114. 'Turning point'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Scotland would be "in permanent deficit" if it had sole control over its taxation and spending, says senior Conservative MP David Davis. This is a "turning point in history" when it comes to constitutional affairs, he adds.

  115. Referendum will help PM, says Davis

    The Andrew Marr Show

    David Davis

    The internal disputes over Europe under John Major won't be repeated because the planned EU referendum will get the issue into the open, Tory MP David Davis says. He says he'd be in favour of staying in, if the UK gets more veto power on key issues.

  116. Talk to MPs, Cameron urged

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Conservative MP David Davis, who lost to David Cameron in the 2005 party leadership contest, says the PM must talk to his backbenchers to head off possible rebellions, given his small parliamentary majority. But Mr Cameron is in a better position than before, as he's "free" of the Lib Dems.

  117. Pickles 'waiting by phone'

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    Former communities secretary Eric Pickles has said he is waiting to hear whether he has been given a place in David Cameron's new Cabinet. "I wait by my phone, it's entirely up to the great man," he tells Pienaar's Politics. "Such a victory, he can do what he wants."

  118. Euro woes ahead?

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Olly Grender

    Lib Dem commentator Olly Grender says David Cameron will face a struggle "even worse than under John Major" over Europe. The Conservatives have promised an "in-out" EU referendum before the end of 2017.

  119. George Osborne 'annointed'

    John Pienaar

    Pienaar’s Politics

    George Osborne as first minister of state has pretty much been anointed as David Cameron's successor, George Parker, political editor of the Financial Times tells Pienaar's Politics. 

    Quote Message: "It's very much an open question as to whether that would ever come to pass, but certainly I don't have any doubt David Cameron would like George Osborne to succeed him." from George Parker Financial Times
    George ParkerFinancial Times
  120. Labour warning

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Helen Lewis

    Any Blairite-style leader might have problems with a Parliamentary Labour Party to the left of that position, Helen Lewis, deputy editor of the New Statesman, warns.

  121. PM 'must listen'

    The Andrew Marr Show

    Tim Montgomerie

    The right of the Conservative Party will not be "meek and subservient" because of the election victory, Times comment editor Tim Montgomerie says. The PM needs a new chief of staff who will listen to backbench concerns, he adds.

  122. Eurosceptics 'must show discipline'

    Lord Howard

    Conservative Eurosceptic MPs need to give David Cameron some space to implement manifesto pledges before pushing for a referendum on Europe, Lord Howard tells 5 live.

    Quote Message: "I don't think the constituents of Conservative members of parliament would be very forgiving if they didn't impose upon themselves a considerable degree of self-discipline. If a government is to succeed, it needs discipline amongst its supporters, and I very much hope that that would be forthcoming." from Lord Howard Former Conservative leader
    Lord HowardFormer Conservative leader
  123. Kendall on leadership hopes

    Liz Kendall

    Shadow care minister Liz Kendall has said she's interested in replacing Ed Miliband as Labour party leader.

    Ms Kendall told the Sunday Times a "fundamentally new approach" was needed after the party's election defeat. Labour needs to show people it understands their aspirations, she said.

  124. 'Beware of parallels'

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    On the question of whether David Cameron will face an uphill struggle with backbenchers over whether the UK should stay in the European Union, former Conservative leader Lord Howard says: "Government is a difficult business. It's full of challenges, so David and the government are going to face a huge number of challenges." But he says there are lots of differences between the current situation and the one John Major faced in 1992.

    Quote Message: John Major was prime minister towards the end of a very long period of Conservative government, and the dynamics that you face when you're at the end of a period of government are very different from those that David Cameron faces today. People should beware of drawing too many parallels. from Lord Howard Former Conservative leader
    Lord HowardFormer Conservative leader
  125. Umunna's diagnosis

    Chuka Umunna

    Shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna, seen as one of the likely candidates to replace Ed Miliband, offers his thoughts on why Labour failed to make a breakthrough in southern England outside London in the election. The party "spoke to our core voters but not to aspirational, middle-class ones", he writes in the Guardian.

    Quote Message: We talked about the bottom and top of society, about the minimum wage and zero-hour contracts, about mansions and non-doms... but we had too little to say to the majority of people in the middle." from Chuka Umunna Labour leadership contender
    Chuka UmunnaLabour leadership contender
  126. Gove rehabilitated?

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    Has Michael Gove been somewhat rehabilitated in his appointment (promotion, some might say) to justice secretary from chief whip in the cabinet reshuffle? "I don't think Michael Gove ever needed to be rehabilitated," Lord Howard, former Conservative leader, tells BBC 5 live. "He was given a different job, a job still at the centre of things, and he will continue to be at the centre of things."

  127. Push to centre, urges Blair

    Tony Blair has urged the Labour Party to shift more towards the centre ground to win elections in an article in The Observer . "The Labour Party should be disappointed, deeply so; but not disheartened. We lost. But there is nothing preventing us winning next time other than ourselves," he said.

  128. Shy Tories?

    The UK is "full of young Tories who hate themselves", according to an article in The Sunday Telegraph . "David Cameron may have won another term but his young supporters are still too embarrassed to tell anyone they voted Tory," it says.

  129. 'A divided nation'

    BBC Breakfast

    Owen Jones

    "This is an exteremely divided nation," Owen Jones of the Guardian tells BBC Breakfast. "In Scotland, where the Scottish National Party have all but swept the board - they positioned themselves on an anti-austerity programme, on a programme that put them very much to the left of Labour... Frankly, this is a dream scenario for lots of people in the SNP... In Scotland, obviously, the Tory economic policies are extremely unpopular,and the SNP will be able to say 'We're trapped with this Tory government... very few of us voted for this government, they're going to introduce these terrible policies that are going to damage millions of people, let's go and campaign for independence and finally get out of there.' That will resonate with a lot of people."

  130. 'I'm afraid there is no money'

    Liam Byrne, the Labour chief secretary to the Treasury under Gordon Brown, has told the Guardian he has "burnt with the shame" of writing the leaving note at the Treasury which said: "I'm afraid there is no money."

    "I am so sorry. David Cameron's daily flourish of my leaving note at the Treasury helped hurt the party I love. And offered sheer offence to so many of the people we want the chance to serve. Party members ask me: 'What on earth were you thinking?' But members of the public ask: 'How could you do something so crass?'"

  131. Electoral reform

    UKIP's Nigel Farage has called the Westminster voting system "bankrupt", and the Greens say the first-past-the-post system is unfair. Both parties have called for voting reform after gaining one MP apiece, despite having 5.5 million votes between them.

    Matthew Elliot, campaign director to the No to AV campaign, tells Radio Five live that he doesn't "detect any great appetite in the UK for voting reform". To UKIP supporters, he said: "UKIP are massively well-positioned for the next election... There's a great tradition of these smaller parties getting their first MP, building up their council base - UKIP got their first council yesterday, so will build up from a small base. I think people like the accountability of single-party government."

    But Katie Ghose, chief executive of the Electoral Reform Society, said: "It's not fair or democratic that five million people in good faith went to the polling station on Thursday, and they will see a tiny reflection of their popular support in Parliament. We now have millions of people with very different party political views, and they will be looking at Parliament and not seeing their choices reflected. Electoral reform has to be back on the agenda."

  132. Anti-austerity protest

    Anti-austerity protest

    More on the anti-austerity protest outside Downing Street yesterday, where 17 people were arrested. Four police officers were injured in clashes with demonstrators, and graffiti was sprayed on the women's war memorial - but the vast majority of people protested peacefully, police said.

  133. Cabinet announcements

    Ross Hawkins

    As the new justice secretary, Michael Gove will almost certainly be in charge of getting rid of the Human Rights Act and replacing it with a Bill of Rights, political correspondent Ross Hawkins tells BBC Breakfast.

    Chris Grayling, who Michael Gove is replacing as justice secretary, will be leader of the House of Commons. "That will be seen by many as a demotion, but it will be no easy job being in charge in a house with no too huge a Conservative majority," Ross says.

    Mark Harper will become the chief whip. "Proof, if any were needed, that David Cameron can let people come back from misfortunes. Barely a year has gone since Mark Harper had to resign from his job as immigration minister after it turned out that his cleaner didn't have permission to work in this country," our correspondent adds.

  134. Good morning

    Prime Minister David Cameron is expected to announced further cabinet posts today . We've already learned that Michael Gove will become justice secretary and Lord Chancellor - he will be given a brief to look at prisons, sentencing and criminal justice. Chris Grayling will become leader of the House of Commons, and Nicky Morgan will continue as education secretary and minister for equalities. The process for choosing candidates for the Labour leadership continues, and Tim Farron has said he will decide in the next few days whether to put himself forward to replace Nick Clegg as Lib Dem leader.