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Live Reporting

Dulcie Lee, Jennifer Scott and Justin Parkinson

All times stated are UK

  1. That's it for tonight. Here's what happened today.

    Boris Johnson and potatoes
    Image caption: The prime minister visited a crisp factory in Northern Ireland

    It’s been a long day on the campaign trails, featuring everything from whisky tasting and boiler suits to campaign buses and toasted marshmallows – and there have been plenty of photo ops along the way.

    Here’s a recap:

    • Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn spoke at the Manchester Apollo, where he reiterated his party's pledge to scrap tuition fees
    • Earlier, Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell set out his party's plan for "investment on a scale never seen before in this country" and Chancellor Sajid Javid laid out Conservative plans to invest in education, technology, and infrastructure. Read the full story here.
    • The prime minister urged voters to use next month's general election to call a halt to Nicola Sturgeon's plans for a second independence referendum.
    • Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson pushed her party's green agenda on a visit to the West Country.
    • Ex-Labour MP Ian Austin said voters should back Boris Johnson and ex-Labour MP John Woodcock said he will vote Conservative. Read about that here.
    • Pro-Remain Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and the Green Party made an electoral pact not to fight each other in 60 seats. Read more about their agreement here.
    • A former BBC radio presenter who said women should "keep their knickers on" while debating a rape case is in the running to become a Conservative MP. Mr Johnson said Nick Conrad had apologised "long ago" but stressed the comments were "completely unacceptable". Read about it in full here.

    That's all from us tonight, join us again tomorrow morning.

  2. Corbyn pledges 'learning for life'

    Jeremy Corbyn

    Mr Corbyn reiterates Labour's pledge to scrap tuition fees.

    He says he cannot understand why it now "seems extreme to provide free education".

    He adds: "The whole of society develops better when everyone is better educated and has those opportunities."

    The Labour leader says it is not just about universities though, and about "learning for life, culture and imagination".

    To back that, Mr Corbyn says Labour will pledge to give every child the chance to learn music.

    "But all of this takes place with our determination to run an economy fairly," he adds.

    Concluding his speech, Mr Corbyn says Labour has a "massive huge agenda in front of us".

    And he calls on his supporters to "get our message out there... with unity, optimism and hope."

  3. 'Don't set one family against the other' over Brexit

    Jeremy Corbyn

    Mr Corbyn reiterates his campaign mantra that "the NHS is not for sale", and the crowd chants the same.

    But he says the first thing a Labour government will do is "bring together [people] over Brexit" - something he says has been his "whole strategy" from the start.

    Mr Corbyn says one family living in the north west on zero hours contracts and in private rented accommodation could have voted Leave, while another living in the same conditions but in London could have voted Remain.

    But he says: "Don't set one family against the other. Bring people together.

    "Because both of those families, both of those communities, need a Labour government who will deal with injustice and poverty."

    Mr Corbyn explains his party's Brexit stance again,which is to renegotiate with the EU and then put it to another public vote.

    You can read about Labour's Brexit position in more detail here.

  4. Corbyn takes to the stage

    Jeremy Corbyn

    Jeremy Corbyn comes out to the crowd singing his name.

    He says he is "proud to be live at the Apollo".

    "When a few months ago I promised you a people powered election campaign the like of which the country have never seen before, I saw some people look skeptical", he says.

    "But this afternoon we passed a milestone."

    The Labour leader announces the party has raised £1m from public donations, with the average donation being £26.

    "I am more proud of £26 being donated to our campaign by people who believe in what we are doing than someone giving money who has lots of money to buy influence on our political system," he says.

  5. Labour candidate quits in anti-Semitism row

    Glenn Campbell

    BBC Scotland Political Correspondent

    A Labour candidate in Aberdeenshire has quit following a row over anti-Semitism.

    Kate Ramsden stood down in the Gordon constituency after the Jewish Chronicle highlighted a blog post in which they said she compared Israel to an abused child that becomes an abusive adult, and claimed anti-Semitism allegations against Jeremy Corbyn were “orchestrated by the wealthy establishment”.

    Scottish Labour’s ruling body had decided to reconsider Ms Ramsden’s candidacy.

    A party source said they had taken “swift and robust” action. It’s understood Ms Ramsden, an official with the UNISON trade union, is now subject to a Labour Party disciplinary hearing.

  6. Long-Bailey: 'We can reverse climate change'

    Rebecca Long-Bailey

    Shadow business secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey comes out cheering for her Salford constituency.

    She says the election is "critical", especially when it comes to climate change.

    Without it being reversed, she said, the future will be "bleak" and "littered with droughts, floods, crazy weather patterns and food insecurity".

    But she says there is "good news too".

    Ms Long-Bailey says: "If we take action now, not only can we reverse climate change but can use that act of saving our future as a huge economic opportunity to rebuild our entire economy."

  7. Rayner offers 'National Education Service'

    Angela Rayner

    Next to take to the stage is Angela Rayner - Labour's shadow secretary of state for education.

    She calls on the audience to make some noise for Jeremy Corbyn, and cheers echo round the Apollo.

    Mr Rayner says she is "energised" for the election, and describes growing up in Stockport.

    "We were on the UB40.... my mum couldn't read and write," she says.

    "I left school without qualifications, pregnant and 16."

    She claims a Tory minister at the time said women like her were only getting pregnant for council houses and she felt she may not be able to achieve anything.

    "Hasn't the last week shown us what this Tory nasty party is all about?", she says.

    But Ms Rayner says the Labour movement will allow her to deliver for everyone with a "National Education Service" and show there are opportunities for people from any background.

  8. Labour 'will repair devastated communities'

    Ian Byrne

    We're still waiting for Jeremy Corbyn to take to the stage - he's expected soon. In the meantime, we can tell you about Ian Byrne, who is one of the newest candidates selected a few days ago to run in Liverpool West Derby.

    He tells the crowd he works for a food bank and has seen "working class solidarity" at work.

    "Politics isn't working. We need change, we need real change", he says.

    The pledges made by Jeremy Corbyn and John McDonnell this morning were "absolutely music to my ears", he tells the crowd.

    You can read about the pledges here.

  9. Candidates in build-up for Labour rally

    Lucy Powell

    Labour MP Lucy Powell is kicking off the rally in the Manchester Apollo.

    She apologises to the crowds for having to wait in the rain before the event, but adds: "We love our Manchester rain".

    She introduces a number of prospective candidates in the region, including those standing in Liverpool Wavertree and Hazel Grove.

    Each are now speaking a few words to the cheering audience as the build-up continues to Jeremy Corbyn's appearance.

  10. The 12.5-second pause before defending Labour candidate

    Labour’s Jane Aitchison paused for 12.5 seconds before answering a question about whether another Labour parliamentary candidate, Zarah Sultana, should continue to stand.

    Ms Sultana has apologised for a 2015 social media post, in which she said she would "celebrate" the deaths of Tony Blair and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    Speaking to Emma Barnett on BBC Radio 5 Live, Ms Aitchison went on to say that “people do celebrate deaths sometimes… for instance, they celebrated the death of Hitler”.

    You can watch the exchange from earlier below.

    Video content

    Video caption: Comments were made by a Labour parliamentary candidate.
  11. Safety-first campaigning: On the road with Boris Johnson

    Jonathan Blake

    BBC political correspondent

    Boris Johnson

    From the tea plant to the crisp factory - with a whisky distillery in between - the prime minister’s visits followed a theme today.

    Picture-friendly locations in specifically chosen marginal constituencies, with protective clothing compulsory.

    And while Boris Johnson shared a brew with some staff - and tasted a single malt or two with the master distiller - there was a distinct lack of any interaction which wasn’t carefully controlled.

    That’s not unusual for an election campaign, especially in the early stages when parties are close to paranoid about staying on message.

    But while Mr Johnson will always deliver the goods for the cameras, his encounters with voters tend to be a little more unpredictable.

    At a sensitive time, when politics is more divisive than anyone can remember, any encounters with the general public, anywhere, are likely to be lively.

    He can only stay in a bubble for so long.

  12. MP deselected over LGBT row stands as independent

    Roger Godsiff

    A Labour MP deselected for backing protesters in an LGBT teaching row will stand as an independent candidate.

    Roger Godsiff, who represented Birmingham Hall Green, was banned from standing by the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) on Wednesday.

    Mr Godsiff, 73, said a "small intolerant vindictive group" within the LGBT community had stirred up a "witch-hunt" against him.

    Read the full story here.

  13. Stage set for Corbyn rally

    Labour rally

    The stage is set for Jeremy Corbyn to hold a Labour rally in Manchester tonight.

    A number of his shadow cabinet are due to speak before the leader takes the stage.

    Our producer was outside earlier filming the queue...

    View more on twitter
  14. Johnson visits crisp factory in Northern Ireland

    Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson has finished his campaign events today by visiting a crisp factory in Northern Ireland.

    While at the Tayto crisp factory in Tandragee, he helped sort potatoes, ate some crisps and boxed up packets to ship out.

    Mr Johnson told reporters he was there to tell them about his "great deal" for Brexit, despite Northern Ireland voting for Remain in the referendum.

    He said: "[The deal] is a wonderful thing for Northern Ireland because it allows for the whole of the UK to leave while making sure there isn't any border at all between Northern Ireland and the south... and no friction between East/West."

    Critics of Mr Johnson's deal, however, claim it builds a border between Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the Irish Sea.

    You can read more about Mr Johnson's Brexit deal from our Reality Check team here.

  15. What is Labour's economic plan?

    John McDonnell

    Labour's shadow chancellor John McDonnell has unveiled a plan which the party promises will deliver an "irreversible shift in the balance of power and wealth in favour of working people".

    But what is in the plan?

    Our Reality Check teams has taken a look at the party's promises.

    You can read more here.

  16. Can a candidate in a constituency demand a recount?

    Your Questions Answered logo

    Confused by the latest election developments? Got a question about polling or policy? Or is there anything else you'd like us to explain?

    Send your questions to BBC News via the form on this page and we'll do our best to answer them.

    Today we have been answering questions specifically from younger people, like this one from Stephen Blaney in Manchester:

    Q - Can a candidate standing for a constituency demand a recount at the general election?

    A - According to the Electoral Commission "any candidate or election agent may request to have the votes recounted or, following a recount, recounted again".

    The final decision as to whether a recount is allowed is taken by the returning officer (though usually by the acting returning officer, as the former post is largely ceremonial), who has overall responsibility for the conduct of the election in that constituency.

    They will decide if the request is a reasonable one, for example when two or more candidates are separated by a small number of votes.

    You can read more answers to questions from young people here.

  17. Conrad: 'I stand by my apology'

    Nick Conrad

    A Conservative candidate embroiled in a row after saying during a debate on a rape case that women should "keep their knickers on" says he stands by his apology.

    Nick Conrad - who made the comments when hosting a show on BBC Radio Norfolk in 2014 - apologised for the comments at the time and no further action was taken by the radio industry watchdog.

    But Labour has said he was not fit to be an MP and should be dropped as a candidate.

    Asked repeatedly by reporters whether he should remain a candidate, Mr Conrad says: “I apologised, I stand by that apology - that apology is so important, so heartfelt, so genuine.”

    He also says that he expects the Conservative Party to issue a statement tonight.

  18. SNP: Johnson's stance on indyref2 'undemocratic'

    Ian Blackford

    After Boris Johnson's visit to Scotland, the SNP criticises his stance towards a second referendum on independence for the country.

    Its leader, Nicola Sturgeon, wants to hold "indyref2" next year, claiming that "it is time" for independence.

    But Tory leader Boris Johnson pledged to halt the plan in its tracks.

    The SNP's Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, calls the stance "undemocratic and ultimately untenable".

    He says: “The simple fact is that the SNP already has a cast-iron mandate for a referendum and the Scottish people want the chance to have their say.

    “Everyone knows there is going to be another independence referendum. It is inevitable.

    "And with support for independence on the rise, the Tories sound rattled and are becoming increasingly desperate."

    Mr Blackford says the Tories "can’t continue to stand in the way of democracy indefinitely", adding: "The people of Scotland won’t stand for it.”

  19. Donations to Lib Dem challengers

    Phillip Lee, Chuka Umunna and Luciana Berger
    Image caption: Phillip Lee, Chuka Umunna and Luciana Berger are all running as Lib Dem candidates

    Our political research team regularly checks what is called the "register of interests" for MPs.

    It reveals any financial interests they have which others might "reasonably" consider to influence their actions or words.

    The team has had a look at some of the Liberal Democrats' prospective candidates.

    Former Tory Phillip Lee - who is now running for the party against Conservative stalwart Sir John Redwood - registered £80,000 of donations towards his Wokingham campaign last week.

    The main donor was M7 Real Estate, owned by Richard Croft, who, like the Lib Dems, is anti-Brexit.

    Former Labour and The Independent Group for Change MP Chuka Umunna has received £20,000 from Russell Chambers, who was donor to the so-called TIGs.

    And fellow ex-Labour and TIGer Luciana Berger registered £10,000 from a property firm two weeks ago.

  20. PM makes a 'tough argument' in Northern Ireland

    Jonathan Blake

    BBC political correspondent

    The prime minister is here in Craigavon, Northern Ireland, visiting a crisp factory. This is his last stop on a far-reaching visit across the UK today. He's come here very much to spread the message that the Conservatives are the party that will keep the union of the United Kingdom together.

    But of course Northern Ireland and that subject is tricky territory for him because the Brexit deal Boris Johnson has negotiated, in some people's eyes, puts an administrative border down the Irish Sea, and the DUP, whose support he would've been keen to keep, was not able to support him. So it's a tough argument for the prime minister to have to make here.

    Also, the alliance that we're seeing emerging between Sinn Féin and the Green Party in some seats may well make it harder for the DUP and other unionist parties naturally aligned to the Conservatives to hang on to those Westminster seats.