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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. That's all folks...

    Jackie Brambles  and Willie Rennie

    Jackie Brambles thanks all the callers and she thanks Willie Rennie.

    We'll bring you more coverage of the future Call the Leader phone-ins in the coming weeks.

  2. Rennie asked about carers allowance equating to £1.28/hour

    George in Dundee, who has been a carer for his wife for ten years, asks if people receiving £1.28 an hour is fair.

    He explains his allowance breaks down to this based on 40 hours of work a week.

    When she was in government Jo Swinson voted for this to continue, George says.

    Willie Rennie says carers deserve far greater respect.

    Asked if the Lib Dems would commit to putting up the carers allowance to minimum wage, Mr Rennie says he is unable to give an answer because the manifesto has not been published yet.

    He agrees there needs to be a step change and says he will take George's comments away.

  3. Will the UK face penalties if it remains in the EU?

    Nora in Hamilton asks if we can be sure the EU wants us back in or to remain, or "will they say go off about your business we don't want you any more".

    She asks whether there will be penalties on the UK.

    There's a lot of sadness in Europe about what is happening just now, replies Mr Rennie, adding they are not into punishing the UK.

    He insists: "There won't be penalties."

  4. Rennie accepts challenges voters are facing

    Dorothy in Shetland says she wants to deliver Brexit and says she definitely doesn't want to see the UK split up.

    Mr Rennie says people will back the Lib Dems even though they don't agree with everything the party stand for and he accepts it's a challenge for them.

  5. Is bid to revoke Article 50 'realistic' or 'delusional'?

    Jackie Brambles is hosting the Call the Leader session with Willie Rennie
    Image caption: Jackie Brambles is hosting the Call the Leader session with Willie Rennie

    Gerry texts to ask whether Jo Swinson pledging to revoke Article 50 is "realistic" or "highly delusional".

    We are being optimistic, replies Mr Rennie.

    He says if the Lib Dems get into power that will be a "massive swing" and a clear sign that voters do not want Brexit.

    Beth on Facebook raises issues around the education of disabled children.

    Mr Rennie praises Beth for her campaigning efforts on ending the restraint of children in schools, arguing there are better ways to manage pupils with challenging behaviours.

  6. People are focused primarily around Brexit and independence

    Jackie Brambles asks if there is confusion about devolution and reserved matters on the doorstep.

    Mr Rennie replies that people are focused primarily around Brexit and independence.

    William from Girvan asks what Scottish Lib Dems are going to do if the UK Lib Dems do something which people in Scotland do not want.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader argues his party's MPs are single minded and focused on their constituents and will stand up for what they believe in.

    William says Jo Swinson voted for the "bedroom tax", to which Mr Rennie says when is party were in coalition there were some things we would rather have not done, but he insists the party achieved positives too.

  7. Rennie criticises UK leaders 'overruling' Scottish party choices

    Neil from Newton Mearns says he is confused at every general election because of the difference between Scottish and UK parties.

    Willie Rennie says he support a federal structure and the Scottish Lib Dems work in partnership with the Lib Dems at UK level.

    He says this relationship is not the same for all parties, with some UK leaders overruling their Scottish counterparts.

  8. Environment one of Lib Dem five issues for a brighter future

    Gabrielle says she is struggling between deciding to vote for the Lib Dems or SNP.

    She criticises the SNP's environmental record and about the biodiversity crisis Scotland is facing.

    Mr Rennie cites Lib Dem plans to improve biodiversity through tree planting and improving local communities in terms of woodlands and environment.

    He says the environment is one of the party's five issues for a brighter future for the UK.

  9. Rennie calls for a better voting system

    Jackie Brambles highlights predictions that there will be a rise in tactical voting for this election.

    Mr Rennie says there needs to be a better voting system, one that includes proportional representation.

    At the moment we tend to vote for the least worst option and that's not healthy, he argues.

  10. General election 2019: Lib Dems and SNP in court over TV debate exclusion

    Jo Swinson and Ian Blackford

    The High Court will later consider separate legal challenges from the Lib Dems and SNP over their exclusion from ITV's general election debate.

    ITV's head-to-head between Conservative leader Boris Johnson and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is on Tuesday.

    The SNP and Lib Dems say it is unfair not to invite them to take part.

    The Lib Dems have also sent a legal letter to the BBC over its decision not to include their leader Jo Swinson in a debate on 6 December.

    The SNP said it expected the High Court to decide on Monday whether the two legal challenges should be heard together and a ruling is expected later in the day.

  11. 'Is it worth me getting out of bed on 12 December to vote?'

    Sandra from Moray says she is in favour is remaining in the UK and the EU, but in her constituency it is a fight between the SNP and Conservatives.

    "Is it worth me getting out of bed on 12 December to vote?" she asks.

    "It certainly is, Sandra," replies Mr Rennie.

    This is about making sure everybody's voice is heard he says.

    He says the more that people like Sandra get out and vote, the more chance there is of getting what we want.

    "Don't listen to the naysayers, Sandra!" he adds.

  12. Something so monumental must be put back to the people - Rennie

    Willie Rennie

    Scott says things have clearly changed in Scotland and Malcolm from Auchterarder asks why won't the Lib Dems accept the Brexit result.

    Mr Rennie explains his party is arguing to stop Brexit altogether by revoking Artile 50, but the alternative is to have a "People's Vote" in a confirmatory process now we can see Boris's deal.

    It's only right that something so monumental is put back to the people, he adds.

  13. Should democratic be dropped from the Lib Dem party name?

    Scott in Edinburgh phones in to ask if the word democratic should be dropped from Mr Rennie's party's name as he is against a vote on independence.

    We don't want more constitutional division with independence, replies the Scottish Lib Dem leader.

    So why would we ever support another independence referendum under those circumstances, he asks, arguing the general election is about democracy.

  14. Lib Dems 'do not support' tuition fees in Scotland

    Elspeth in Kirriemore says her son goes to university in Cambridge but he faces tuition fees of £9,000 a year.

    She says these fees are a result of a Lib Dem decision when in the coalition government.

    Mr Rennie accepts this was not the Lib Dem policy in the run-up to the 2010 election, but they supported it as part of the coalition.

    We do not support tuition fees in Scotland, he adds.

  15. Independence will be so much harder than Brexit argues Rennie

    Liz points out she voted yes to independence in 2014, as we move to the topic of indyref2.

    Mr Rennie insists we can change the UK for the better.

    He says the challenge for the SNP is their belief that breaking a 300 year old union will be easy, when breaking a 40 year old union has been incredibly hard.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader says he doesn't think independence is the answer for our country.

  16. Does Willie Rennie regret decisions made by the coalition government?

    Liz, a political activist for the SNP who was previously a supporter of the Lib Dems, is the first caller and asks if Mr Rennie will rule out another coalition with the Tories.

    She also asks if he has any regrets about the effects of welfare reform on the most vulnerable in society.

    Mr Rennie hopes he can gain back Liz's support by focusing on the big issues.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader says the party managed to achieve a lot of things but adds of course he regrets things like the "bedroom-tax" which he says should never have happened.

    Mr Rennie says he worked with Nicola Sturgeon on the mitigation of this.

    He argues the Lib Dems are a stronger party as a result as it understands the hard choices that are required in government.

  17. Background: Lib Dems pledge to cancel Brexit if they win general election

    Lib Dem leaer Jo Swinson

    In September the Lib Dems pledged to cancel Brexit if they come to power at the next general election.

    Members voted for the new policy at their party conference in Bournemouth by an overwhelming majority.

    Previously, the party has backed another referendum or "People's Vote", saying they would campaign to Remain.

    After the vote, their leader Jo Swinson, said: "We will do all we can to fight for our place in Europe, and to stop Brexit altogether."

    The commitment only comes into force if the party wins the election as a majority government.

    Read more here.

  18. 'Scunneration' a factor in this election

    Jackie Brambles asks how does Mr Rennie connect and engage with people given many voters are fatigued with the entire process.

    You need to listen and listen carefully, replies Willie Rennie.

    "I think I understand what people are feeling. That scunneration factor is certainly a new feature."

    Mr Rennie says people want to focus on things that are going to improve their lives rather than the constitution.

    Only a few months ago we were at the bottom of opinion polls but we've gained a lot of support since then, he adds.

  19. And we're off.......

    Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie
    Image caption: Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie

    Presenter Jackie Brambles gets us underway, asking which job would the Scottish Lib Dem leader accept, Strictly Come Dancing or I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

    "Strictly, but I wouldn't last long," replies Mr Rennie.

    Turning to more serious matters, he says we should be talking about the big issues like climate change and mental health.

    Mr Rennie says in order to do that we must stop Brexit and independence.