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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Call the Leader phone-in with Willie Rennie is next....

    Jackie Brambles
    Image caption: Jackie Brambles

    Jackie Brambles will host the first Call the Leader phone-in with Willie Rennie for an hour after then news at 9am.

    Listen live here.

    You can call in with your own questions on 08085 92 95 00.

    Call the Leader phone-in with Willie Rennie
    Image caption: Call the Leader phone-in with Willie Rennie
  2. Brian Taylor's analysis

    Brian Taylor

    BBC Scotland Political Editor

    Listen back to BBC Scotland's political editor Brian Taylor's analysis of the interview here:

  3. Is there embarrassment about Jo Swinson's voting record in coalition?

    Jo Swinson

    Mr Rennie says he wants to make sure there is a voice for remain in tomorrow's leader's debate otherwise it will just be a debate among leavers.

    Gary Robertson asks about Jo Swinson and whether Mr Rennie is embarrassed by her voting record when she was part of the coalition government.

    I think Jo actually acted with professionalism and integrity, he adds.

    She was part of the government and she was required to vote that way, he says.

    "A lot of the things we were required to vote for we didn't want, we would never have done if it was a Liberal Democrat government."

    He added: "We understand the mistakes that we made."

  4. Rennie argues 'remain bonus' a reasonable estimate

    Mr Rennie says we should get to issues like climate change, childcare and mental health.

    Gary Robertson says experts say the money from the so-called "remain bonus" may not be there by 2024 as the Lib Dems are saying.

    The respected Paul Johnson from the Institute of Fiscal Studies says it is a reasonable estimate, Mr Rennie replies.

  5. 'Can we not just get this over with?'

    Where's the democracy in all of this, in just unilaterally stopping Brexit and saying no to a second independence referendum, asks Gary Robertson.

    If you vote for the Liberal Democrats we'll vote against indyref2 and Brexit, replies Mr Rennie.

    "If you vote for us this is that's what you get, that's pretty democratic to me."

    "We've had enough of the constitutional division in this country."

    He argues, in terms of Brexit, people ask him on the doorsteps "can we not just get this over with?".

  6. 'Jeremy Corbyn sits on the fence on Brexit'

    Willie Rennie

    Mr Rennie says Jeremy Corbyn sits on the fence on Brexit.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader we need clarity for this national crisis and that's what you get with Liberal Democrats.

    Why does so much of your electoral literature mislead people, asks Gary Robertson.

    "It's not at all," replies Mr Rennie, who argues the Lib Dems are challengers in many seats.

    Mr Robertson argues the Lib Dems are putting out bar charts that mislead people and sharing unreal opinion polls.

    The Scottish Lib Dem leader argues his party are the challengers that can stop Brexit and independence.

  7. Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson are 'not fit to be prime minister'

    Would Mr Rennie turn down the offer of a second independence referendum to put Labour in power?

    "What we're saying very clearly is Jeremy Corbyn and Boris Johnson are not fit to be prime minister," replies the Scottish Lib Dem leader.

  8. General election 2019: Lib Dems and SNP in court over TV debate exclusion

    Jo Swinson and Ian Blackford

    The High Court will later consider separate legal challenges from the Lib Dems and SNP over their exclusion from ITV's general election debate.

    ITV's head-to-head between Conservative leader Boris Johnson and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is on Tuesday.

    The SNP and Lib Dems say it is unfair not to invite them to take part.

    The Lib Dems have also sent a legal letter to the BBC over its decision not to include their leader Jo Swinson in a debate on 6 December.

    The SNP said it expected the High Court to decide on Monday whether the two legal challenges should be heard together and a ruling is expected later in the day.

  9. 'We are speaking for the millions of people that want to make Brexit stop'

    Mr Rennie says the Lib Dems "have a lot to be hopeful about".

    Gary Robertson says the party would need a 10% swing across the UK to yield just ten seats.

    "Politics is incredibly volatile just now," replies Willie Rennie.

    At times like these it is important voters have an alternative he insists.

    Mr Rennie says the Liberal Democrats are the only party that will oppose Brexit across the UK.

    "We are speaking for the millions of people that want to make Brexit stop."

    Listen live here:

  10. Background: Lib Dems pledge to cancel Brexit if they win general election

    Lib Dem leaer Jo Swinson

    In September the Lib Dems pledged to cancel Brexit if they come to power at the next general election.

    Members voted for the new policy at their party conference in Bournemouth by an overwhelming majority.

    Previously, the party has backed another referendum or "People's Vote", saying they would campaign to Remain.

    After the vote, their leader Jo Swinson, said: "We will do all we can to fight for our place in Europe, and to stop Brexit altogether."

    The commitment only comes into force if the party wins the election as a majority government.

    Read more here.

  11. Jo Swinson 'a pretty good bet' for prime minister

    I think its pretty clear that Jo Swinson is the Lib Dem candidate to be prime minister and if you look at Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn I think she's a pretty good bet, begins Mr Rennie.

    GMS presenter Gary Robertson says when you look at the opinion polls you're polling about half of what Labour and the Tories are.

    Mr Rennie argues nobody has cast their vote yet.

  12. And we're off........

    Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie
    Image caption: Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie

    Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie will now be interviewed on GMS.

    Listen live:

  13. Election special: Leader's questions

    Willie Rennie
    Image caption: Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie

    Good morning and welcome to the live page coverage of the first of our Call the Leader phone-ins, on Monday 18 December 2019.

    First up in the hot seat is Scottish Lib Dem Leader Willie Rennie.

    Mr Rennie will be interviewed on GMS at 0807.

    Listen live: