
  • BBC TV and radio programmes coming live from the towns

  • Crewe and Nantwich is one of the most closely fought seats in the country

  • Just 48 votes separated Labour and Conservatives in 2017, making every vote count

  • The seat had previously been held by the Conservatives since 2008

  • Coverage from Monday 9 December 2019

  1. That's all for our coveragepublished at 19:01 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    That's all from Crewe and Nantwich on the live page today.

    A reminder if you're a voter in the area that the full list of candidates standing is on the BBC's constituency page, including the latest news.

    There will more more coverage from the area on the BBC One News at Ten this evening.

    There will also be full coverage of all the results from the election on the BBC through the night on Thursday after polls close at 22:00.

  2. Your questions answered: The pothole problempublished at 18:57 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    From, rails to the roads.

    Frank asked us how party leaders plan to tackle "the state of our roads", and specifically, potholes.

    PotholeImage source, Getty Images

    The Conservatives have singled out £2bn of funding for potholes and a further £29bn for roads, however economics editor Faisal Islam said it was worth noting that these budgets have been cut previously.

    Labour's central offer is to not do as much when it comes to maintaining roads, he said. The party plans to take money from the Vehicle Excise Duty, which is worth about £6bn a year, and plough that into improving buses, cycle lanes and cutting train fares.

  3. HS2: For and againstpublished at 18:51 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    HS2 is an important part of Crewe's future, or at least it could be if it gets the go-ahead.

    Parties are split: Labour and the Lib Dems would press ahead with high-speed rail while the Greens and Brexit Party have said they would scrap it. The Conservatives are on the fence while they wait for an independent review to be published.


    Graham Dellow, from the Mid Cheshire Against HS2 campaign group, and Paul Coleman, from the South Cheshire Chambers of Commerce are on opposite sides of the argument.

    Mr Dellow says HS2 is just an expensive "duplication of an existing railway that does the job" and thinks it will be a "disaster" if whichever party gets into power continues with the project.

    Mr Coleman on the other hand thinks it's important to improve connectivity for the North and people and businesses will last for over 100 years - he also believes the prospect of HS2 is already bringing businesses to the area.

  4. Conservatives 'hedging their bets' when it comes to HS2published at 18:38 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Chris Mason
    Political Correspondent

    Plans for HS2, and whether it will come to Crewe, are up in the air and strikingly for the party that has been in the lead, the Conservatives are not yet fully committed to it.

    They're certainly not fully committed to the full extent of it, running as far as Leeds.

    The governing party seems to be hedging their bets.

    HS2Image source, Getty Images

    I asked Transport Secretary Grant Shapps whether the party is doing this for political reasons, so they can appeal to people who like the idea of high speed rail as well as those who don't like the idea.

    The government says no, that they commissioned a review which they will examine if they get into power at the end of this week.

  5. Election candidates address austeritypublished at 18:25 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Radio Stoke

    BBC Radio Stoke has been asking candidates in Crewe & Nantwich about austerity.

    Conservative Kieran Mullan said "balanced cuts" had to be made and public finances had been improved "in terms of the deficit and what we spend on a day-to-day basis so we can invest again in public services".

    He added: "That's why we've done it and I think I would be very worried that if we go back to Labour, we'll end up right back where we were."

    Labour's Laura Smith said austerity "was a political choice" and it "didn't have to happen".

    She said: "The fact is that the top 5% in this country, well actually the top 1%, are the ones who have benefited... whilst people in my home towns of Crewe and Nantwich have felt it, in every single area, every school in Crewe and Nantwich has had real terms cuts."

    CoinsImage source, Getty Images

    Liberal Democrat Matthew Theobald said: "Things we need to fix are quite simply making sure that it's actually easier for people to get hold of benefits, if they're in that horrible situation where they're relying on support from everyone else, so [they're] not waiting for five weeks for benefits that you need right now and to make sure that you can actually have access, a universal right of access to basic services."

    The Green party's Te Ata Browne said: "The cuts to education have been phenomenal and I think that the only thing that we can do for education really is to fund it again. The Green party want to put four billion a year back into funding... we want to reverse the 9k tuition fees."

    The Brexit candidate for Crewe & Nantwich is Matt Wood and Andrew Kinsman is standing for the Libertarian party. Mr Kinsman said the UK’s national debt was irresponsible and unsustainable and that his was the party of low tax, low spend government.

  6. Six candidates battling for seatpublished at 18:17 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Radio Stoke has been speaking to the candidates standing in Crewe and Nantwich and spoke to the two main parties going head-to-head in the seat.

    Labour's Laura Smith took the seat from the Conservatives by just 48 votes in 2017.

    Ballot boxes

    In alphabetical order, the candidates standing are:

    • Te Ata Browne - Greens
    • Andrew Kinsman - Libertarian
    • Kieran Mullan - Conservatives
    • Laura Smith - Labour
    • Matthew Theobald - Liberal Democrats
    • Matt Wood - Brexit Party
  7. 'We need more clarity'published at 17:58 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Business News

    Egon Cosssou caught up with another business leader earlier while at the Faryrefield Foods site.

    Living Pure Natural skincare, based in Nantwich, imports ingredients from Greece and then processes in the UK before exporting around the world.

    Aris Tsinias

    Founder Aris Tsinias called for "clear, concise information" over Brexit, saying the firm had been forced to "estimate" how to respond as the various deadlines had approached and passed.

    He said the effect was that the firm had made "some bad decisions and some good decisions".

  8. Brexit: 'We need to move out of no man's land'published at 17:26 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Business News

    BBC Business reporter Egon Cossou has been reporting live from Crewe this afternoon.

    He spoke to Nick Hilton, managing director of Fayrefield Foods, which describes itself as one of the UK’s largest independent dairy companies.

    Its huge 75,000 sq ft warehouse in Crewe sends out mainly cheese and butter not only across the UK, but to more than 30 countries. The firm also imports heavily from Ireland.

    Nick Hilton

    Mr Hitlon called for "clarity" over Brexit and for a long-term trade deal to be in place "as fast as possible".

    "We just need to get this done and move out of no man's land," he said.

    "In the event of a hard deal what we would hope for as part of a settlement going forward that we carry on with tariff-free access [import and export to Europe]."

    Quote Message

    It seems to me in Westminster they dwell upon banking, finance, car factories, etc, and here in food products, particularly agricultural products you have to shout fairly loud to make your voice heard."

    Nick Hilton, Managing Director, Fayrefield Foods

  9. BBC Question Time under-30s specialpublished at 17:06 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Emma Barnett is hosting a live Question Time special with an audience of 18 to 30-year-olds tonight on BBC One from 20:30 tonight.

    Emma Barnett

    On the panel will be:

    • Conservatives:Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local GovernmentRobert Jenrick
    • Labour:Shadow education secretaryAngela Rayner
    • Liberal Democrats:LeaderJo Swinson
    • SNP: Humza Yousaf, Justice Secretary in the Scottish government
    • Plaid Cymru:LeaderAdam Price
    • Green Party:Co-leaderJonathan Bartley
    • Brexit Party:LeaderNigel Farage

    Ever wondered how the audiences are chosen or how questions are picked?

    Get the inside track here.

  10. The view from the Radio 1 Newsbeat campervanpublished at 16:46 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Steffan Powell

    We invited Kelly-Ann Jones, Mark Harrop and Harrison Jones to join us in the Radio 1 Newsbeat election campervan after pulling up in Crewe's Market Square this afternoon.

    The town centre has seen better days - a number of shops are closed and there aren't many people around.

    Inside the Newsbeat campervan

    "There's nothing to do here," Kelly says, and said she worries about the implication that has on young people.

    "It's difficult for young people to have aspirations, there's nothing to do, nothing to look forward to," she said.

    Empty shops in Crewe Market Square

    All three said the NHS was their top priority for the election. Mark's dad has just had treatment and Mark said he was shocked at the long waiting times in A&E.

    Harrison feels all of the parties are being vague about what they would do to make sure it was protected and Kelly, who used to be a nurse, said she wouldn't want to see budgets cut from elsewhere

  11. Are undecided voters persuaded?published at 16:26 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC News invited 45 undecided voters to join in the election debate in Crewe - they were selected by Britain Thinks and come from across the country.

    General election graphic

    This morning, none had made up their minds and by this afternoon, only eight have been able to decide who they will vote for to be the UK's next prime minister.

    A YouGov poll suggested that 13% of voters were still undecided, despite the election looming.

    However they all said they would definitely be casting a vote - it looks like it will have to be a decision at the ballot box.

  12. Floating voters: 'I don't know where my vote is going'published at 16:02 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Jennie Aitken
    Reporter, BBC Radio Stoke

    Cheshire is home to 97 miles of canals, with the Shropshire Union canal running through Crewe and Nantwich.

    Along the water, you'll find some of the nation's "floating voters".

    According to the Canals and Rivers Trust, external, those with a permanent mooring can vote the same way as land lovers, but those who spend more time cruising the country need to explain a local connection before casting a vote for a local MP.

    From her barge Galatea, Jill told us she'll be returning to Wales to vote, although she has "no idea" who for.

    "I think it’s harder to make a choice," she said. "It's caught between the devil and the deep blue sea really. I genuinely don’t know where my vote is going."

    Shropshire Union CanalImage source, Getty Images
    Image caption,

    The Shropshire Union Canal passes through Crewe

    A little further down the canal, Dave and Lillian are living on a barge called Calm Down.

    They won't be exercising their right to vote in this election.

    "We’re not in one place at the same time, that’s it really," Dave said. "Lazy, I suppose.

    "We have no regular place. I suppose we could register anywhere couldn’t we, but we haven’t.”

  13. 'What's being done for young people?'published at 15:36 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Your Questions Answered

    Mark Easton
    Home editor

    Hans asked BBC News what the plans are to reduce the cost of living for young people at a Your Questions Answered session at Crewe Heritage Centre.

    SavingsImage source, Getty Images

    It's a question that cuts across many areas of policy. Let's start with the real living wage:

    • Labour has promised to introduce a higher living wage for all workers over the age of 16, and to do it by April
    • The Conservatives have pledged to do it by 2024 for workers over 21
    • The SNP backs a real living wage for everyone over the age of 18
    • The Liberal Democrats meanwhile have called for a review of the real living wage and would apply whatever it concludes across the whole economy and a 20% rise for people on zero-hours contracts
    House buildingImage source, Getty Images

    Another important area of policy for young people is housing.

    • The Conservatives have pledged more affordable homes, particularly for sale through shared ownership
    • Labour have promised 150,000 affordable homes by the end of the Parliament each year, of which 100,000 will be council houses
    • The Lib Dems have a policy of providing 300,000 houses each year, of which 100,000 will be for social rent

    SupermarketImage source, Getty Images

    And what about the cost of goods and the wider economy?

    • The Lib Dems argue that stopping Brexit will mean a real boost for the economy and protect inflation and the cost of living
    • The Conservatives argue the same will happen by "getting Brexit done"
    • As for Labour, they say their Brexit policy will protect jobs and the economy, and have also promised to eradicate in-work poverty
  14. BBC experts answering your election questionspublished at 15:13 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC correspondents

    The BBC is broadcasting all day from Crewe, a key marginal at Thursday's election.

    Here are some of experts - Reality Check's Chris Morris, political correspondent Chris Mason and home editor Mark Easton - beavering away on answering your questions.

    You can watch them at work right now on the BBC News Channel.

  15. Will undecided voters decide seat?published at 15:03 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    The BBC is throwing the election spotlight on Crewe and Nantwich all day today - radio, TV and online.

    It's because the constituency is one of the most marginal in the UK - just 48 votes separated Labour and the Conservatives in 2017.

    It means every cross on the ballot paper counts and currently undecided voters could well decide this and a number of other seats.

    Cross on ballot paperImage source, Thinkstock

    Research by YouGov/Sunday Times on 28/29 November suggested some 13% of voters were undecided.

  16. Your questions answered: Funding for schoolspublished at 14:30 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Chris Mason
    Political Correspondent

    "We are overworked and underpaid," Rachel, a teacher from Crewe said, as she asked what political leaders are proposing when it comes to schools and teachers.

    The issue of funding in schools was a key part of the last general election in 2017 and all of the main parties want to see an increase.

    Raised handsImage source, Getty Images

    For the Conservatives, they plan to get funding back to the level it was at about six years ago in real terms. Their manifesto lays out plans to raise the starting salary for teachers to £30K, improve teacher retention and increase the amount allocated to each pupil.

    The Liberal Democrats' plans go a bit beyond this, however Labour has proposed considerably more funding than either the Lib Dems or the Tories.

    They have proposed implementing a National Education Service and that education should be free at every stage, which includes scrapping university tuition fees.

  17. Austerity 'devastating' for young people with disabilitiespublished at 14:07 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Radio Stoke

    The effect of austerity cuts on young people with disabilities has been "absolutely devastating" according to a charity in Crewe.

    Ian Chalmers runs Hopes and Beams in the town, which helps young disabled people and the elderly.

    Therapist helping teenage girl with learning difficulties during child therapy. Top view hand detail of a therapist with patient. - stock photoImage source, Getty Images

    “I work with lots of families with special needs children and it affects the whole family," he said.

    "It pervades everything that they do is very stressful, they have to fight for every single thing for their child and often provision is just not given."

    “Whatever political party gets in power, there’s got to be systematic change as the only way for things to progress,” he said.

  18. East Cheshire backed Leave in EU referendumpublished at 13:47 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    One of the biggest issues at the polls is inevitably Brexit and it could be fertile ground for Leave supporting parties in Crewe.

    Crewe and Nantwich comes under Cheshire East Council, which counted the votes in the EU Referendum in 2016.

    In total, 113,163 voted to Leave while 107,962 backed Remain., external

    Cheshire East results

    But according to research by Dr Chris Hanretty, external at the University of East Anglia, Crewe and Nantwich even more forcefully backed Brexit in 2016.

    Although Cheshire East Council did not release results by constituency, Dr Hanratty estimated 60.3% of people in Crewe and Nantwich voted in favour of Leave, based on a research model of constituencies.

  19. Issues that matter to residentspublished at 13:28 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    BBC Radio Stoke

    BBC Radio Stoke has been asking people on the streets of Crewe what issues matter to them.

    Leighton HospitalImage source, Google

    In many ways they're the same things that we've been hearing across the country - the NHS, educaion and Brexit.

    One woman who worked in the NHS, said: "There's not enough beds at Leighton Hospital and all the staff work really, really hard and try and reassure people, but they do get a bit upset having to wait all the time."

    Another woman said: "I'm currently a university student, so education's quite important and I feel it should be accessible."

    One woman said: "Brexit - I want to stay in."

  20. Parties berated about 'alternative facts'published at 13:10 Greenwich Mean Time 9 December 2019

    Perhaps the most uncomfortable viewing on the Victoria Derbyshire show this lunchtime were the accusations from some undecided voters about - to put it politely - "misleading statements" or "alternative facts".

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    Peter, who says he's "nearly 80", is deeply weary about the state of politics.

    Angela Rayner, for Labour, says she's "genuinely sorry" he feels that way, but insists she and other politicians really do want to make things better.

    Conservative Nigel Evans says his party has big plans "once we get Brexit done" and does his best to convince Peter about them.

    It doesn't seem to be working though, as he adds: "We know what you're talking about but we don't believe you."

    A reminder that you can watch the full debate from Crewe on the BBC iPlayer.