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Live Reporting

Genevieve Hassan and Victoria Lindrea

All times stated are UK

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  1. That's a wrap!

    Genevieve Hassan

    Entertainment reporter

    That's all for our live Bafta coverage, thanks for joining us.

    If you need to catch up, you can read our story on all the winners. We've also put together a full winners list.

    Film buffs can join us again on 22 February for our live Oscars coverage - in the meantime our regular live page will return on Tuesday.

  2. From the winners room

    Natalie Jamieson

    Newsbeat entertainment reporter

    Eddie Redmayne talked about how he owes his new wife a proper honeymoon "on a beach" and that is the plan - once he's finished his next film (The Danish Girl), which starts the day after tomorrow.

    Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette were among the Boyhood team who came backstage. They both really wanted to thank the fans and critics for spreading the word about Boyhood and actually going to see the movie in the first place.

    Phil Lord and Christopher Miller - who made The Lego Movie - admitted they may well try and get a Bafta made out of Lego.

    JK Simmons said since winning so many awards for Whiplash he'd had "more offers coming my way and more significant roles".

  3. Post update

    Eddie Redmayne played hide and seek with his Bafta trophy backstage.

    Eddie Redmayne

    Afterwards, he posed with Professor Stephen Hawking.

    Eddie Redmayne and Stephen Hawking
  4. Baftas - Your views

    Email us

    Jo emails:

    I don't think it was very clever or particularly funny of Stephen Fry to make fun of Prof Hawking. The man is cringeworthy at the best of times and his attempts at humour fail most of the time. Intelligent apparently, funny not.

  5. In memoriam omissions

    There's been quite a bit of controversy on Twitter over the segment featuring the stars we lost over the past year. It's been noted Bafta-winning actor Bob Hoskins was not given a mention.

    Tom Davis tweets: "Unbelievable that Bob Hoskins has had no mention in tonight's @BAFTA awards..."

    Donna M McGrory: "Wow #BAFTA, great choice on Boyhood for best film, but glaring oversight missing Bob Hoskins from reel of those your industry lost in 2014!"

    Ben Evans: "Annoyed they've not even mentioned the late greats Rik Mayall & Bob Hoskins, also Mel Smith."

    Susie Dewey: "#Baftas2015 forget to say au revoir to Philip Seymour Hoffman as they honour those lost in 2014. A sad omission."

    Gail: "Surprised Philip Seymour Hoffman wasn't honored in Memorial BAFTA bit seeing as was many times nominated & actually won one!"

    [Update: It transpires that Seymour Hoffman was featured in last year's In Memoriam section].

  6. Best film analysis

    Tim Masters

    Entertainment correspondent


    This year's Baftas didn't deliver any major surprises, but they do set up an exciting battle for the Oscars in two weeks' time.

    Will Boyhood repeat its British success and go on to take best picture in Hollywood?

    For the past six years, the best film winner chosen by British Academy voters has gone on to win an Oscar. Last year it was 12 Years a Slave, and before that The Artist, The King's Speech, The Hurt Locker and Slumdog Millionaire.

    But the Baftas are international awards with a local twist, and only some 20% of the US Academy is made up of Brits.

    Birdman may have only won a single Bafta for cinematography, but this weekend it took the top prize at the Director Guild Awards in the US, which have previously proved a reliable indicator of Oscars success.

    Roll on 22 February.

  7. Reese Witherspoon - dress alert


    Reese Witherspoon
  8. Chris Miller - Lego Movie director


    "Also snagged this chocolate #BAFTA so I get to eat a human face."

    Chris Miller tweet
  9. From the winners room

    Natalie Jamieson

    Newsbeat entertainment reporter

    Leading actress winner Julianne Moore was happily clutching her Bafta backstage here in the winner's room.

    She likened awards season to "going to a wedding every weekend where you're the bride", and said how her son's girlfriend had specifically asked her to bring back some chocolate Baftas (yes they do exist) as you can get them at the after-party.

    Julianne Moore
  10. Winners line up

    All the Bafta winners are up on stage for a group shot.

    Bafta winners
  11. From the winners room

    Natalie Jamieson

    Newsbeat entertainment reporter

    JK Simmons as you'd imagine was grinning backstage after winning the Bafta for best supporting actor.

    He said it was "brilliant" and "wonderful" to have won. JK went on to say he was really "glad to see Miles [Teller] on the list of nominees here tonight" as "in my view he's not getting his due in this awards season... chalk that up to youth but he's a brilliant young actor".

  12. Not over yet!

    The awards may have been handed out, but stay with us as we'll bring you more reaction, backstage action and more Baftas glamour.

  13. Game over

    Loser faces all round as The Imitation Game - nominated for nine Baftas - failed to snaffle a single one.

  14. Post update

    Stephen Fry closes the ceremony by saying: "It's been a supreme year in film.

    "Film is like a mirror and shows us who we are: it is sometimes witty and sometimes it is frighteningly clear. The moving image will never be anything without a story and all we need for that is belief. And no one - not even Kim Jong Un - can stop you."

  15. 'Visionary Leigh'

    Sally Hawkins, Mike Leigh and Imelda Staunton

    Sally Hawkins and Imelda Staunton introduced a compilation of Mike Leigh's film clips, describing him as "a true visionary".

    Receiving his Bafta Fellowship, Leigh quipped: "Well this is very nice indeed."

    "How lucky we all are to have been born in this magical age of cinema. To be able to capture life... is glorious, isn't it?"

    Referring to Mr Turner's failure to win any prizes - or indeed be nominated in some categories, he added: "I know some people expect me to be rude this evening. Well sorry folks, you are in for a disappointment.

    "Bafta is a democratic gang, your taste is your prerogative.

    "This [Fellowship] I take as a sign of your respect for an offbeat, alternative, original, idiosyncratic, personal kind of cinema. Thank you Bafta - and to everybody I have ever worked with.

    And [to those I haven't] rot in hell!"

  16. Baftas - Your views

    Tweet @BBCNewsEnts or email

    Emily Adams on The Lego Movie: "Yes! Finally the recognition it deserves!"

    Talking Voice: "Watched grand Budapest and Boyhood and can't understand the fuss about them - Gone Girl or Still Alice - superb."

    Nakul: "JK Simmons deserves that. He was superb (and scary) in Whiplash. Reminded me of my Drama School days. Oh how I don't miss that."

  17. Art imitating life

    Boyhood star Ellar Coltrane was among the recipients who picked up the best film award from (as Stephen Fry called him) "OMG, it's Tom Cruise".

    Coltrane said: "The truth is, it didn't feel like a movie, more like an exercise in collaboration and vulnerability," he said.

    "To have this movie recognised alongside such grand pieces of art means life itself must be more exciting than we let on."

  18. Post update

    Best film - Boyhood

  19. Ginger night

    Victoria Lindrea

    Arts and entertainment reporter

    Eddie Redmayne/Julianne Moore

    It's ginger night! Redheads have taken the top acting honours at tonight's Baftas.

    Now, where's mine?!

  20. Post update

    Collecting her award, Julianne Moore thanked "everybody in the Alzheimer's community who were so generous with their time and telling me their experiences".

  21. Ready Eddie

    Eddie Redmayne

    Eddie Redmayne received his best actor award to roars of approval from the star-packed audience.

    "I was at the Baftas three years ago and I had food poisoning - I redecorated the corridor of the Royal Opera House. That was one of the worst nights of my life - this is one of the best nights of my life," he said.

    He dedicated his award to three families: his own family for "their amazing faith"; his professional family, including "wonder" girl Felicity Jones, and the Hawking family.

    Of the Hawkings, he said: "I want to thank them for their trust, their generosity and their kindness.

    "And for reminding me of the great strength that comes from having the will to live a full and passionate life."

  22. Post update

    Leading actress - Julianne Moore, Still Alice

  23. Post update

    Steve Carell and Ethan Hawke

    Collecting Richard Linklater's award from actor Steve Carell, Boyhood star Ethan Hawke said: "I've made eight films with him and he's a great friend. No one loves cinema more than Richard.

    "Like Wes Anderson he was hijacked at the Director's Guild of America awards and he will be p***** off he's not here tonight," he joked.

    "The easy part was making the movie, the hard part was giving it to the world."

  24. Post update

    Leading actor - Eddie Redmayne, The Theory of Everything

  25. Jack the lad

    Jack O'Connell

    Earlier Jack O'Connell had a language malfunction on the red carpet during a live BBC broadcast (leaving our very own Lizo apologising profusely for the next five minutes).

    Picking up his Rising Star award - which was voted for by the public - the Unbroken star said: "The people have spoken - now it's my turn!"

  26. Post update

    Director - Richard Linklater, Boyhood

  27. Post update

    Rising Star award: Jack O'Connell

  28. From the winners room

    Natalie Jamieson

    Newsbeat entertainment reporter

    The most emotional moment backstage in the winner's room so far was when Patricia Arquette was talking about Tony Scott, who directed her in True Romance. She teared up saying how she forgot to thank him in her Bafta acceptance speech on stage.

    "I really wanted to say I loved Tony Scott so much. He made me listen to myself as an actor." And she told how Scott would say every idea she had on True Romance was brilliant, and that taught her as a girl to "listen to yourself". She amusingly then said Scott would shoot down any idea her co-star Christian Slater had...

    Patricia Arquette
  29. Post update

    Costume design - The Grand Budapest Hotel

  30. Post update

    Adapted screenplay - The Theory of Everything, Anthony McCarten

  31. No show

    Ralph Fiennes collected the Bafta for original screenplay on behalf of The Grand Budapest Hotel's Wes Anderson.

    Reading from a letter written by Anderson, Fiennes read: "If Ralph Fiennes is reading this... I must have won a Bafta."

    "I was already most unhappy [to be missing the Bafta ceremony] - now I am really angry and resentful. I am furious," joked Anderson.

    He added he had been obliged to attend a different ceremony in Los Angeles for a prize that "most likely I have already failed to win!"

  32. Post update

    Foreign film - Ida

  33. Post update

    Original screenplay - The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson

  34. Dickie bow

    Bafta paid tribute to film-maker Lord Attenborough, who died in August last year, with contributions from Prince William and Robert Downey Jr, who was nominated for an Oscar for his role as Chaplin in the Attenborough film of the same name.

    Prince William hailed the Gandhi director as "a leader with a vision" dedicated to "nurturing, supporting and developing talent".

    "His passion was ceaseless," said Downey Jr, in a recorded message. "I miss you, Dickie."

  35. Happy ending


    Pride writer Stephen Beresford said it took him 20 years to persuade anyone the mixture of gay and lesbian activists and striking miners "were the ingredients for a sure fire comedy smash".

    "We do incredible things when we all stand together - unite."

  36. Post update

    Outstanding debut by a British writer, director or producer - Stephen Beresford, David Livingstone (writer and producer, Pride)

  37. Post update

    Michael Keaton accepted the cinematography away on behalf on Emmanuel Lubezki.

    The actor described Lubezki as "a true artist - he's a genius".

    While reading the acceptance speech, which included thanking the British Academy, Keaton said: "He says something very generous about me - we'll go right past that."

  38. Post update

    Cinematography - Birdman, Emmanuel Lubezki

  39. Royal kiss

    Stephen Fry and Cuba Gooding Jr

    Presenting the best supporting actress award, Cuba Gooding Jr lamented host Stephen Fry had not chosen to kiss him earlier on in the ceremony. To which Fry responded by giving him a big smack on the lips.

    "It's the first time I've ever been kissed by a member of the royal family," quipped Gooding Jr. "Your lips are so soft!"

  40. Post update

    Patricia Arquette: "To my fellow nominees it's such an honour to be acknowledged with you."

    On Ethan Hawke: "You are an actor's actor - thank you or being my fictitious husband."

  41. Post update

    Best supporting actress - Patricia Arquette, Boyhood

    Patricia Arquette
  42. Post update

    Julie Walters and Ralph Fiennes presented the Michael Balcon award for outstanding contribution to British film to BBC Films.

    Christine Langan, the head of BBC Films who collected the prize, said: "It's been a huge privilege for the BBC to be involved in all these amazing films. British talent is simply the business."

    She reserved special thanks for all the writers and directors: "We love bringing your babies to the screen," she said.

  43. Post update

    Tim Masters

    Entertainment correspondent

    After The Grand Budapest Hotel's hat-trick, Whiplash has also won three in quick succession - for sound, editing and supporting actor for JK Simmons.

    Surely the actor who plays a tough music teacher in the jazz drumming drama, must now be unbeatable to win the Oscar in two weeks' time.

  44. Philip Lord - Lego Movie win reaction


    "Not made of Lego bricks but still pretty great."

    Lego Movie directors
  45. Drum role

    JK Simmons thanks Whiplash director Damien Chazelle for "the gift of this character to me and the gift of this movie to the world".

    "This whole experience has been a gift to me."

    He also paid tribute to his wife "for so many gifts - not least of which would be our two above-average children!"

  46. Baftas - Your views

    Tweet us @BBCNewsEnts

    Alex Strazzanti tweets about Gone Girl : "Awful film, terrible acting I don't understand why it's hyped so much."

    Sarah A: "I saw Theory of Everything last night and the last time I remembered being so engrossed was with The Kings Speech... Nuff said!"

    Marc Fennell on The Lego Movie winning best animated film: "At least the Brits got it right :)"

  47. Post update

    Supporting actor - JK Simmons, Whiplash

    JK Simmons
  48. Post update

    Special visual effects - Interstellar - Paul Franklin, Scott Fisher, Andrew Lockley

    Scott Fisher, Adrew Lockley and Paul Franklin
  49. "Everything is awesome"

    "This is awesome," said Phil Lord, writer and director of The Lego Movie.

    Commenting on the Bafta trophy, co-writer and director Chris Miller added: "This award is really cool - like a Hallowe'en mask for a one-eyed child."

    "This is the end of the award road for us, " the pair joked - having been snubbed at the Oscar nominations: "The good news is we can say whatever we want..."

    "You're our favourite academy by far!"

  50. Post update

    Professor Stephen Hawking receives standing ovation as he presents the award for special visual effects.

  51. Post update

    Animated film - The Lego Movie

  52. Post update

    Sound - Whiplash - Thomas Curley, Ben Wilkins, Craig Mann

    Craig Mann, Ben Wilkins and Thomas Curley
  53. Post update

    Whiplash editor Tom Cross on director Damien Chazelle: "Damien you are god's gift to film editors. It was shot in 19 days and the hours were long and schedule was ridiculous, but sitting with you in the cutting room was sheer joy."

  54. Early Budapest success

    Tim Masters

    Entertainment correspondent

    The Grand Budapest Hotel is off to a flying start taking three out of the first five categories announced.

    It leads the field with 11 nominations. How many more will it take tonight?

  55. Post update

    Editing - Whiplash, Tom Cross

  56. Lady in red


    Best actress hopeful Julianne Moore shared a giggle with BBC News' Lizo Mzimba on the red carpet.

  57. Post update

    British short animation - The Bigger Picture - Chris Hees, Daisy Jacobs and Jennifer Majka

  58. Post update

    British short film - Boogaloo and Graham, Brian J Falconer, Michael Lennox, Ronan Blaney

  59. Post update

    Production design - The Grand Budapest Hotel, Adam Stockhausen, Anna Pinnock

  60. Post update

    Make up and hair - The Grand Budapest Hotel, Frances Hannon

  61. Unique Anderson

    The Grand Budapest Hotel

    Picking up the award for original music, Alexandre Desplat said he was "very honoured".

    "It all goes back to Wes [Anderson]," he said. "Wes is unique."

    "His world looks like nobody else's."

  62. Post update

    Best documentary - Citizenfour

  63. Post update

    Original music - The Grand Budapest Hotel, Alexandre Desplat

    Alexandre Desplat
  64. Loser face

    Rosamund Pike

    Julianne Moore is the favourite to win the best actress award, but Gone Girl's Rosamund Pike may prove to be the surprise winner in front of a homegrown audience that hasn't seen Moore's film, Still Alice.

    Speaking on the red carpet, Pike said: "As an actor you are trained to come to terms with disappointment."

  65. First award of the night

    Outstanding British film - The Theory of Everything

  66. Post update

    Fry said: "Instead of blowing kisses to camera I've decided people should kiss me" - before walking down into the audience and receiving pecks on the cheek from Ed Norton and Michael Keaton.

  67. Family man


    Boyhood is the favourite to take home the best film title.

    Best supporting actor nominee Ethan Hawke told the BBC he was attracted by the film's original premise - which was shot across 12 years using the same fictional family - and its gentle subject matter.

    "It felt so original to create a character using time like that," he said.

    "I'm always thrilled to get to make a movie about family... to be involved in something so gentle, something that doesn't involve shooting or blowing things up."

  68. Post update

    Stephen Fry on best actor nominee Benedict Cumberbatch: "If you pass his name through an Enigma machine it translates as 'red hot public school totty'."

  69. And we're off!

    Kasabian have kicked off the ceremony to a packed Royal Opera House.

    Host Stephen Fry is splendidly greeting everyone "on the biggest night since this night last year".

  70. Eddie's night


    Film critic Mark Kermode told BBC News there would be "an audible intake of breath if Eddie Redmayne doesn't take the trophy home" for his role as physicist Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything.

  71. Birdman's view

    Best actor contender Michael Keaton, who plays a film actor trying to recover his career on the Broadway stage in Birdman, told the BBC the role was "extraordinarily challenging".

    Referring to director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu's direction, which is designed to look like a continuous shot, he said: "Those kind of things force you to stay focused."

  72. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCNewsEnts or email

    Genevieve Hassan

    Entertainment reporter

    Get in touch to tell us who you're supporting at the ceremony - who do you think will win and what do you make of the red carpet fashion? Tweet or email and let us know!

  73. Theory of Felicity

    Bafta film awards

    BBC News has been busy on the red carpet since sundown. Entertainment correspondent Lizo Mzimba caught up with a host of major stars as they walked the red carpet, including best actress nominee Felicity Jones.

    She told him she was "so proud" of her role in The Theory of Everything, which she called "a love story between two extraordinary people".

    "I could just keep talking about it forever," she added.

  74. Table talk

    Bafta table decorations

    We love the individual table decorations designed for tonight's ceremony, like this one for the team behind The Grand Budapest Hotel. It's appropriately five-star service, but where's the Eau du Panache?!

  75. Post update

    Victoria Lindrea

    Arts and entertainment reporter

    Welcome to our live Bafta coverage on this, the most glamorous night in the British film calendar.

    We aim to be first with all news, reaction and backstage gossip - so stay right here if you want to get ahead of the pack.

  76. BreakingSpoiler alert

    We will be reporting tonight's Bafta film awards in real time - ahead of the BBC One broadcast at 21:00 GMT - so if you don't want to know the results, look away now (and come back and check out our action-packed coverage later)!

    Bafta mask