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Live Reporting

Nick Eardley, Mario Cacciottolo and Victoria King

All times stated are UK

  1. End of day one

    That's the end of day one of our live coverage of the state visit. The itinerary for day two includes President Xi visiting Imperial College London before meeting with David Cameron for talks at Downing Street.

  2. Musical entertainment

    The musical entertainment for the banquet is being played by the Countess of Wessex's String Orchestra and includes a number of Chinese folk songs - which are likely to be popular with Madame Peng who is a famous folk singer in China.

    Peng Liyuan and Xi Jinping with the Queen
  3. President toasts Queen

    President toasting Queen

    President Xi raises a toast to Queen and the rest of the Royal Family 

  4. World War Two

    President Xi highlights co-operation between China and the UK during the Second World War. He says China will never forget the support of the UK.

  5. Post update

    Xi speech

    President Xi is speaking now. He is greeting guests and thanking the Queen. 

  6. Guests stand to toast Mr Xi

  7. 'Defining moment"

    The Queen concludes by saying Mr Xi's visit is a "defining moment in this very special year for our bilateral relationship." 

    Quote Message: I am confident that it will serve to highlight the sincerity and warmth of our friendship and to strengthen relations between our countries for many years to come."
  8. 'Responsibility to co-operate'

    The Queen says Britain and China are "stewards of the rules-based international system". 

    Quote Message: We have a responsibility to co-operate on these issues which have a direct bearing on the security and prosperity of all our peoples."
  9. 'International challenges'

    The Queen praises the "global partnership" between the UK and China. She adds:

    Quote Message: We have much reason to celebrate the dynamic, growing economic relationship between our countries as well as our success in working together to address pressing international challenges."
  10. 'Far reaching positive effects'

    Recalling late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, the Queen tells the banquet: 

    Quote Message: Almost thirty years later, Mr Deng’s vision has borne remarkable fruit. Rapid economic growth and development has transformed the lives of people across China and lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty: a huge and historic achievement with far reaching positive effects on people’s lives."
  11. Queen on China visit

    Recalling a visit to China with Prince Philip 30 years ago, the Queen says: 

    Quote Message: It was China’s desire to shape a new future which captivated us the most. We were struck by the energy and enthusiasm with which China’s leaders were forging ahead with a new and ambitious future for the Chinese people."
  12. Queen welcomes President

    Greeting President Xi. the Queen says she is "delighted" to welcome the Chinese president and his wife, Madame Peng, to the palace. 

    Quote Message: Your visit to the United Kingdom marks a milestone in this unprecedented year of co-operation and friendship between the United Kingdom and China, as we celebrate the ties between our two countries and prepare to take them to ambitious new heights."
  13. The top table

    Queen at top table
  14. Queen and President Xi arrive

    Here are the Queen and President Xi arriving. They will make speeches before the meal. 

    Queen and President XI
  15. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn arrives

    Jeremy Corbyn at State Banquet
  16. PM and chancellor arrive

    David Cameron and George Osborne
  17. Guests arriving

    Guests are arriving for the State Banquet. Here's Mark Carney, the governor of the Bank of England (middle). 

    Mark Carney arriving
  18. State Banquet about to start

    This is the scene inside Buckingham Palace, with the State Banquet due to begin shortly.

  19. Visa pledge

    Tomorrow's FT on China talks...

    View more on twitter

     The paper includes a report of a promise of cheap UK visas for Chinese tourists.    

  20. Rest of the week...

    After tonight's State Banquet, President Xi will spend another three days in the UK. Here's some of what he'll be doing:


    • Imperial College London visit
    • Meeting with David Cameron at Downing Street


    • Visit global satellite communication services company
    • Dinner at Chequers


    • University of Manchester visit
    • Event at Manchester Airport before departure
  21. A new relationship?

    Traditionally, the relationship between China and the UK has been a difficult one. But could that be changing, partly as a result of China's extreme wealth?

    Here's a report from BBC Chinese Service reporter Vincent Ni.

  22. Recap: President Xi speech

    China's President Xi Jinping addressed both Houses of Parliament at Westminster earlier, quoting 'What's past is prologue' from Shakespeare's The Tempest, and emphasising the need for countries to ''forge ahead together''.

    You can watch a clip here

  23. PA on Corbyn-Xi talks

    Some more detail from Jeremy Corbyn's meeting with President Xi from the Press Assocation's Laura Elston and Joe Churcher:

    "The pair shook hands cordially with Mr Corbyn placing his other hand on top and telling Mr Xi: "It's very nice to meet you. I look forward to our meeting." 

    "Mr Corbyn introduced his small delegation to the Communist leader including shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn and shadow business secretary Angela Eagle, who also shook hands with Mr Xi. 

    "The Labour leader and the president took their seats in identical chairs as Mr Xi began speaking at length through an interpreter, telling Mr Corbyn: "It is indeed a great pleasure to meet you". 

    "He expressed his congratulations to Mr Corbyn on his election as Labour leader and said "We stand ready to work together with Britain" on financial matters and on friendship."

    Xi Jinping and Jeremy Corbyn
  24. What are people in China saying?

    How do the Chinese view UK politicians? BBC Monitoring's Kerry Allen has been taking a look

    Quote Message: It seems Chinese netizens are more enthralled by the popular British TV export Sherlock than Mr Cameron, regard London Mayor Boris Johnson as an "insane" sportsman, Chancellor George Osborne as Mr Bean's doppelganger and Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond as "somebody's grandpa."
  25. More on Corbyn-Xi talks

    Corbyn and Xi

    Here's more from the Labour Party on Jeremy Corbyn's meeting with President Xi. A statement says the Labour leader and Mr Xi discussed:

    • The history of links between the UK, the Labour Party and China
    • The "remarkable" Chinese achievements in poverty reduction lifting over 600 million people out of poverty and the lessons for the world agenda on human development
    • Xi Jinping’s New Silk Road strategy, the "largest infrastructure project devised", which aims to "improve connectivity from China across Eurasia" and other opportunities for economic and trade co-operation
    • Working together to address "major threats to world security such as climate change, persistent economic inequality and international terrorism"
    • Climate change
    • Cultural and people-to people exchanges between China and the UK

    The statement adds:

    Quote Message: Jeremy also raised the issues of human rights and the impact of Chinese imports on the UK steel industry. It was agreed there should be further discussion of co-operation on climate change and cultural exchanges and these issues at a meeting between him, shadow cabinet colleagues and Vice Minister Wang Chao later in the week."
  26. Jeremy Corbyn meets President Xi

    Labour says party leader Jeremy Corbyn's meeting with Chinese President Xi was "cordial and constructive".

    A statement confirms human rights and the impact of Chinese imports on the UK steel industry were raised by Mr Corbyn. 

  27. Recap: UK-China relations

    President Xi addressing royal gallery

    One of the big events of the day so far was President Xi's address at the Royal Gallery in Parliament. He told MPs he believed this week's visit will lift UK-China relations to a "new height".

    And he said the UK and China are becoming more interdependent and a "community of shared interests,"

    Quote Message: Although China and the UK are located at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent, we have a long shared deep mutual affection."
  28. More arriving at palace

    Protesters at Buckingham Palace

    Anti-China protesters and pro-Beijing supporters are still arriving at Buckingham Palace as the sun sets. President Xi is due there shortly. 

  29. Steel debate

    Away from the official engagements of the day, there has been discussion about Chinese steel subsidies and the impact they are having on the UK steel industry. Earlier Tata Steel announced nearly 1,200 job losses at its plants in Scunthorpe and Lanarkshire - and some are blaming the impact of Chinese dumping.

    Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged to raise the issue with President Xi. Carrie Gracie, the BBC's China editor, says the Chinese delegation will have been "made aware" of British concerns, but it remains to be seen if they will respond. 

  30. In pictures

    It's been a busy first full day of President Xi's visit, and it's not over yet. Click here for a picture gallery of the events so far. Here's a small selection: 

    Queen and President Xi
    Horse Guards Parade
    PM, Queen, President Xi
  31. Scene at Buckingham Palace

    Buckingham Palace

    This is the scene outside Buckingham Palace as anti-China protesters and pro-Beijing supporters gather ahead of the State Banquet for President Xi. The BBC's Huw Edwards says there's a "lively atmosphere".

  32. 'Worsening crackdown'

    Amnesty UK's director Kate Allen has welcomed Commons Speaker John Bercow's references to "international law, individual liberty and morality" when he introduced President Xi Jinping.

    Quote Message: Mr Bercow also mentioned the Nobel peace prize, a timely reminder that Chinese Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo is still languishing in jail, serving an 11-year sentence simply for peacefully writing about proposed democratic reforms.
    Quote Message: This lavish red-carpet visit comes amid a worsening crackdown on human rights in China, and it's a matter of shame that there has been no mention of that from our government. David Cameron needs to follow the Speaker's example."
  33. Pic: Corbyn arrives at the palace

    Jeremy Corbyn arrives at Buckingham Palace
  34. Arts and crafts

    During their time at Clarence House, President Xi and Madame Peng will view a display by the Prince's School for Traditional Arts and meet some of its students.

    The school is apparently a place where students learn the "practical skills of the traditional arts and crafts" as well as "an understanding of the philosophy inherent within them" - put slightly more simply, it's things like calligraphy, wood carving and ceramics.   

  35. Historic venue

    A couple of shots from the Chinese president's address earlier - given in the beautiful Royal Gallery.

    It has been used for receptions for various foreign statesmen and dignitaries such as Haile Selassie, the Emperor of Ethiopia, in 1954, and Nikita Krushchev, of the Soviet Union, in 1956.  

    President Xi speaks in Parliament
    President Xi
  36. 'Violations continue'

    Chen Guancheng

    Wherever President Xi goes on his state visit, he is sure to have protesters campaigning for better human rights somewhere nearby.

    Chen Guancheng, a lawyer and human rights campaigner,told the BBC outside Buckingham Palace that he was imprisoned for seven years for defending "the vulnerable, the needy, the poor and women's rights".

    He added: "These kind of human rights violations continue. Many human rights lawyers and defenders continue to suffer imprisonment and torture."

  37. Corbyn's request

    Jeremy Corbyn

    We're told that Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will have a private chat with President Xi a little later today. The Independent's Liam Young says Mr Corbyn will ask the Chinese leader to stop abusing his people if he wants to do deals with Britain.

    This, he writes, is a strategy that has "apparently never crossed Cameron or George Osborne’s minds".

  38. 'Restoring leadership'

    The Henry Jackson Society, a centre-right think tank, is calling on the government to protect domestic security in its trade deals with China. 

    Associate Fellow Ellen Bork says:

    Quote Message: In pursuit of a 'golden era' of relations, David Cameron and George Osborne have pursued a friendly approach to Beijing, but instead of looking to restore Britain's standing or leadership in a mutually beneficial relationship - the courting of China seeks rather to maximise profit at the cost of long established principles."
  39. Next engagement

    Charles and Camilla had best put the kettle on - President Xi has now arrived at Clarence House. 

  40. 'Democracy champion'

    A bit more on that mention by Commons Speaker John Bercow, in his introductory address for President Xi, of Burma's Aung San Suu Kyi.

    He described her as a "democracy champion and international symbol of the innate human right of freedom". 

    Mr Bercow continued:

    Quote Message: Your country is engaged in an experience and an experiment without equal in history. You are attempting to complete an industrial revolution, which took Britain the better part of two centuries, in little more than two decades."
  41. Political 'one-upmanship'

    Carrie Gracie

    China editor

    I thought it was quite entertaining that President Xi Jinping did a bit of one-upmanship about politics. 'Yes,' he said, 'you had your Parliament from the 13th Century, but we started talking about the rule of law and people's rights from 4,000 years ago and began codifying it all 2,000 years ago, so let's just remember who’s really the ancient power here.'

  42. Charles meeting

    President Xi and Madame Peng are due to arrive at Clarence House within the next few minutes to meet the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall for tea. Will it be a Chinese blend? 

  43. Weak and strong

    Norman Smith

    Assistant political editor

    I did think Speaker Bercow's initial introduction, mentioning Aung San Suu Kyi, was actually meant as a little dig at the Chinese. Just to say, 'For us, democracy is very, very important.' It was a deliberate move by the Speaker.

    As was, I thought, the observation by President Xi when he said 'no country remains strong or weak forever.' You may just read into that that he's thinking, 'In China, we are now strong, Britain, perhaps you are on the road to being rather weaker.'

  44. 'Bit of a dig'

    Carrie Gracie

    China editor

    This is the kind of parliamentary experience China's president likes - one where he speaks and everyone listens. 

    John Bercow's mention of freedom, and specifically the Burmese leader Aung San Suu Kyi, seemed pointed, however, and that will have been perceived on the Chinese side as a bit of a dig.

  45. 'Bilateral ties'

    Towards the end of his speech, Mr Xi told the assembled MPs and ministers he hoped they would continue to "promote the UK's relations with China, strengthen our friendship and support our co-operation".

    He added: "I hope you will build a bridge of understanding and co-operation so as to help create an even brighter and more promising future of our bilateral ties." 

  46. 'Opened up'

    Baroness d'Souza

    Lords Speaker Baroness d'Souza now begins her address. She says China has "truly opened up to the world" since President Xi took office.

  47. Speech ends

    Mr Xi has now finished speaking, and is given a warm round of applause by the crowd.

  48. Great lines

    President Xi quotes Shakespeare, saying: "What's past is prologue," and follows it up with a Chinese expression: "A mountain can never be too high, or an ocean too deep."

  49. In full flow

    President Xi
  50. 'Shared interests'

    "China and the UK are becoming increasingly interdependent, and becoming a community of shared interests," says Mr Xi.

  51. Bilateral relations

    "Since the founding of new China in 1949, our two countries have led the way in a number of areas in terms of bilateral relations," says the president. 

  52. 'Mutual affection'

    President Xi says although China and the UK are located at the opposite ends of the Eurasian continent, "we have all long shared deep mutual affection". He says China is drawing inspiration from Parliament on the rule of law.

  53. First impressions

    President Xi

    President Xi is now addressing those gathered in the Royal Gallery, and he begins by saying although his visit has just started, he is already impressed by the vitality of Anglo-Chinese relations. 

  54. 'Emerging superpower'

    Mr Bercow says that what China does will be seen by not just its 1.5bn citizens, but across the globe, as an "emerging superpower" takes its place in the world.

  55. Bercow's welcome

    Speaker John Bercow

    Commons Speaker John Bercow says it is his pleasure to introduce the leader of a nation which is both "very ancient and truly modern" to a parliament both "very ancient and truly modern".

  56. Madame Peng watches on

    Peng Liyuan

    The Chinese first lady is in prime position to watch her husband's address.

  57. President arrives

    President Xi is now in the Royal Gallery at the Palace of Westminster and has taken his seat.

  58. Leaders' chat

    Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Prime Minister David Cameron

    We're told that President Xi is on his way to the Palace of Westminster to address both Houses of Parliament.

    In the meantime, Prime Minister David Cameron and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn are passing the time with a bit of small talk - which at times, to be honest, looked a bit tense.

  59. Full house for Xi address

    Royal Gallery
  60. China criticised?

    Commons Speaker John Bercow has appeared to indirectly criticise China on the day its president is due to address both Houses of Parliament.

    Intervening during a question in the Commons comparing the UK's relationships with China and India, Mr Bercow said: "And of course the Indian prime minister is the representative of a great democracy."

    Mr Bercow is due to introduce President Xi around 4.10pm ahead of his speech.

  61. 'Attract investment'

    Vince Cable

    Former Lib Dem business secretary Vince Cable says it is "absolutely right" that the UK engages with China and that its leader is treated with "proper respect".

    Quote Message: It's a massive economic force. It's important we have good relations with them, it's important we attract investment and it's important that we're able to trade with them and protect the interests of British companies who operate in China."
  62. Chinese artefacts

    Terracotta soldier

    Fancy having a look at what President Xi saw on his tour of the Royal Collection, which had a Chinese theme in his honour? Thencheck out this Flickr page,created by Buckingham Palace.

  63. Gift exchanges

    Christmas has come early at Buckingham Palace. Apparently the Queen has given the Chinese president a collection of Shakespeare's sonnets and received two of his wife's folk albums in return.

    Xi Jinping is said to admire the Bard's work, while Madame Peng is a famous singer in China.

    It is not known which of Madame Peng's albums the Queen was given, but her back catalogue includes My Fellow Countrymen, China Golden Voice and the relaxing-sounding Smooth Sailing.

    The Queen also gave the couple her traditional gift to world leaders - a pair of silver framed photographs of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh, while in return, Mr Xi gave her a 1.18m long work of embroidery, a large porcelain dish, a woodcarving and a stamp booklet. 

  64. Media analysis

    Xi Jinping

    Here's an interview with BBC Monitoring’s Chinese media analyst Kerry Allen about the reaction there on official sources and social media to President Xi’s UK visit. 

  65. Putting on a show

    Chinese performers outside Parliament

    As President Xi prepares to give a speech inside Parliament, his supporters perform outside.

  66. 'Broader issues'

    Linda Yueh, of the London Business School, says the focus for this state visit seems to be on investment and a potential "golden era", economically speaking, between the two countries - a situation she describes as "rather unusual". 

    It's not, she argues, supposed to be purely a meeting of finance ministers.

    Quote Message: As a state visit, the first by this president, it should actually be one where there was a broader range of meetings and issues to debate."
  67. Lettuce lunch

    We may have failed to find out what's on Buckingham Palace's dinner menu, but the monarchy Twitter account has happily posted an image from the lunch laid on for the Chinese party.

    Looks very green, with a dash of hard-boiled egg. 

    View more on twitter
  68. Menu mystery

    A BBC News website reporter has been bashing the phones, attempting to prise the state banquet menu from the grasp of the Buckingham Palace press office.

    The palace, however, are having none of it, only saying that the menu will be released later this evening. 

  69. Pleased to meet you

    The state banquet tonight promises to be a very swanky affair, with many important people attending the occasion.

    Just in case anyone on the guest list happens to be reading this, here's another look at how you pronounce the names of the guests of honour.

    Xi Jinping is pronounced SHEE jin PING - "sh" as in ship, "j" as in Jack.

    His wife's name, Peng Liyuan is pronounced PUNG lee yue-AN - "u" as in bun, "ue" as in French vu. 

  70. Tibetan view

    In case you missed it, here’s another look at a report from Tibet, where the BBC's John Sudworth asks what people there think of the UK strengthening ties with China.    

  71. Ceremonial welcome

    Chinese President Xi Jinping shakes hands with British officials

    The Chinese president has enjoyed a lavish welcome in the UK, as the BBC's Nicholas Witchell reports.

  72. MPs clash over China

    In the House of Commons, Labour’s Tristram Hunt asks Business Secretary Sajid Javid: “Can you explain what talks you are having this week with visiting Chinese officials on dumping, state aid and environmental regulation, and when will you stand up for Britain?"

    Mr Javid responds: "This week there will... be announcements of further business from China incoming to Britain, opportunities for British companies to export to China, in total worth over £25bn to the British economy. That will help sustain thousands and thousands of jobs throughout the country."

  73. No news on Corbyn's conversation

    Jeremy Corbyn's staff have refused to comment on what topics will be raised when the Labour leader meets the Chinese president. A statement will be issued after the two men meet, they say.

  74. Prince meets president

    Prince Charles with China's President Xi Jinping

    Earlier, Prince Charles met President Xi Jinping at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in London.

    BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt says the prince will be a "notable absentee" at the state banquet later.

    The prince boycotted a similar event in 1999 because he "didn't approve of the Chinese regime" - but this time there has been no official explanation for why he will not attend the banquet, our correspondent adds.

  75. Osborne 'right to cosy up to China'

    Is Britain right to pursue a stronger relationship with China? Well, the Telegraph has picked out three polls of British people's views on China. According to the surveys, more than half of Britons think the Chinese economy will grow over the next 20 years, and China was the top choice when people were asked which country would be the UK's most valuable trading partner by that time. When asked if Britain should have closer or weaker trading ties with China, "closer" was the top choice, followed by "about the same", the paper reports.

  76. President arrives at the Palace

    Crowds outside Buckingham Palace
    Crowds outside Buckingham Palace
    Crowds outside Buckingham Palace
  77. 'Right time to engage with China'

    The Daily Politics

    Conservative Alan Mak, the UK's first ethnic Chinese MP, was asked on the BBC's Daily Politics earlier if it is wise to encourage so much Chinese investment in the UK.

    He said the state visit by the Chinese president was "an important and positive visit for UK plc". It is "absolutely the right time" to be engaging "with the world's second largest economy", he added.

    He insisted the government was "not afraid" to raise human rights with the regime, but said politicians could only have "frank discussions" if there were "strong, strategic economic" relations "and that is what we have got".  

  78. Colourful scenes

    Here are some more images of the pomp, ceremony and protest going on in London today, to mark the state visit of President Xi Jinping.

    Guardsmen marching in front of Buckingham Palace
    A Chinese dragon and protest sign
    Horse-riding troops and Chinese flags in the background
    People waving flags around a Chinese dragon
  79. 'Multi-century mystique'

    Carrie Gracie

    China editor

    This visit is hugely popular in China. The message is pretty much the same, whether you're looking at state media or social media. State media is saying this is the reddest of the red carpet for our president, and going big on all the angles in which he's being accorded particular honours. For a Chinese Communist leader it's very, very useful to be seen with a leader who rises above the political fray like the Queen. That kind of multi-century dignity and mystique is what a leader like President Xi is hoping for.

  80. Prime minister's plans

    A word from the Westminster lobby on those conversations Norman Smith mentioned. David Cameron's official spokeswoman said he would raise the issue of steel in talks with President Xi at Downing Street on Wednesday, and she accepted that competitive pricing from China was not helping the industry. 

    She continued:

    Quote Message: It will be an opportunity to talk about the different challenges facing our economies and the way that decisions taken by one impact on another. There are a number of challenges facing the UK steel industry. Competitive pricing from China is one of those, but so is global over-production and the fall in the steel price."
  81. Engaging... to a point

    Prince Charles greets Present Xi and Madame Peng

    The BBC's royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell notes the cordial greeting that took place between Prince Charles and President Xi, but points out that this is the prince who infamously described a previous generation of Chinese leaders as "appalling old waxworks". 

    Our correspondent does highlight the fact that Charles won't attend the state banquet tonight at Buckingham Palace - he has engaged with this visit, but only to a point. 

  82. 'Awkward conversation'

    Norman Smith

    Assistant political editor

    The government is under pressure to intervene in the steel industry on the very day David Cameron is rolling out the red carpet for the Chinese president. He now has to have a very awkward conversation about the alleged "dumping" of Chinese steel in the UK which has prompted these job losses.

  83. Carriage scenes

    Here's a well-taken photo of President Xi in good spirits with the Queen inside the Diamond Jubilee stage coach as it passed down the Mall. 

    Diamond Jubilee carriage

    And here's a shot of the carriage in all its glory. 

    Diamond Jubilee carriage
  84. MP's anger

    Kevin Brennan

    Over in the House of Commons, Labour has asked an urgent question on the trouble in the British steel industry. Shadow business minister Kevin Brennan told MPs that "while the Chinese president is riding down the Mall in a gilded state coach, British workers are being laid off because our government's not standing up for them". 

  85. 'Stay friends'

    Talon Li, a Chinese finance student at Greenwich University, was one of those watching Xi Jinping pass down the Mall.

    He said he had arrived at 5.30 this morning with some classmates to welcome Xi and support closer ties between the two countries. 

    Quote Message: It's great UK and China will really help each other. They should stay friends. Every British and Chinese person can be friends.''
  86. Lunch time

    Now they've arrived at Buckingham Palace, the first thing on the order of business will be for the president and his wife to have some lunch.  

  87. Mandarin major

    Xi Jinping and a guard of honour

    The guard of honour was comprised of 96 rank-and-file men and three officers from 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards. 

    Maj Benjamin Jesty, captain of the guard of honour, marched forward and presented his men giving the order in Mandarin. 

    His exact words were: "The Guard of Honour of 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards is present, formed up and ready for your inspection, sir."

    The major has apparently been practising his Mandarin for a number of weeks. 

  88. View from above

    Troops marching into Buckingham Palace
  89. New relationship?

    Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to the UK comes at an interesting time for Sino-British relations.

    Traditionally, the two nations have had a difficult relationship but China's extreme wealth could be bringing them closer, as BBC Chinese Service reporter Vincent Ni explains in this two-minute primer on China-UK relations.

  90. Sunny shine

    Troops on the Mall

    The Diamond Jubilee state coach, carrying Xi Jinping and the Queen, carries on its journey towards Buckingham Palace, its gold trim shining in the abundant sunshine. It's accompanied by ranks of troops dressed in their finery.

  91. Warm greeting

    Xi Jinping and the Queen

    Here's the moment Chinese President Xi Jinping met Queen Elizabeth II a short time ago.

  92. Noisy trip

    President Xi on the Mall

    The carriage carrying Xi Jinping is making its way down a very noisy Mall, with crowds cheering, whistles blowing and cymbals crashing as he passes by. 

  93. On their way

    Royal procession

    To the tune of God Save The Queen, the various Royal carriages leave Horse Guards Parade to head off down the Mall, in a fair bit of autumnal sunshine. 

  94. Chinese collection

    Queen and President Xi

    The Queen takes her seat alongside President Xi. Upon their arrival at Buckingham Palace, Her Majesty will invite the president and his wife to view an exhibition in the Picture Gallery, of items from the Royal collection relating to China.

  95. Carriage awaits

    Royal coach

    The very fancy Diamond Jubilee state coach has arrived at Horse Guards Parade, ready to take the Royal party and the Chinese first couple down the Mall, to Buckingham Palace for a spot of lunch. 

  96. Guard inspection

    President Xi is taken on an inspection of the Guard of Honour by Prince Philip. 

  97. Smoke, no fire

    Guns in Green Park

    Smoke is rising above Green Park thanks to all the ceremonial guns going off. Wonder what the ducks make of it all.  

  98. Making introductions

    Queen and President Xi

    The President, dressed in a dark suit, along with his wife Madame Peng, who is dressed in cream, are being introduced to various dignitaries by the Queen.

    In the background, the 41-gun salute adds a rather noisy soundtrack to all the handshaking. 

    Gun salute
  99. President arrives

    President Xi arrives

    President Xi Jinping has arrived to a gun salute at Horse Guards Parade.

  100. Lending an ear

    David Cameron and the Queen

    David Cameron was spotted leaning forward to speak to the Queen at Horse Guards Parade. Must be noisy there. 

  101. Colour choices

    David Cameron and Theresa May

    The home secretary chose a red dress, hat and shoes for the day, perhaps to echo the Chinese flag. David Cameron opted to leave his red tie at home though.

  102. Awaiting her guests

    The Queen

    The Queen is awaiting her esteemed visitors at Horse Guards Parade. 

  103. Gun salute

    President Xi can look forward to an honour guard and a 41-gun salute at Horse Guards Parade. He's currently travelling the short distance by car from his hotel.

  104. Presidential wave

    President Xi Jinping

    A smiling President Xi waves at crowds and cameras outside his hotel. Prince Charles was alongside him as he emerged.

  105. On his way

    President Xi Jinping and Madame Peng have just emerged from the Royal Mandarin Hotel. Quick picture coming soon.

  106. Her Majesty in place

    Queen and Prince Philip

    Here's the Queen and Prince Philip greeting the prime minister as all of them await the Chinese president.

  107. Queen arrives

    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh have arrived at Horse Guards Parade, where they are now chatting with the various dignitaries already there. 

  108. Cameron arrives

    David Cameron and Theresa May

    Prime Minister David Cameron and Home Secretary Theresa May have arrived at Horse Guards parade, ahead of the ceremony due to take place there soon. 

  109. Hotel history

    The president and his wife were not staying at Buckingham Palace last night - rather they are slumming it at the 5-star Mandarin Oriental, in London’s Knightsbridge.

    The hotel, which boasts 169 rooms and 26 suites and is the home to Heston Blumenthal’s Dinner restaurant, is owned by Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group, based in Hong Kong.

  110. Lining up

    Guards await Chinese president's arrival

    Final preparations have been taking place on Horse Guards Parade ahead of the Chinese leader's arrival. And the world's media is out in force.

    Photographers await Chinese president
  111. Dragon their feet

    Plenty happening on the streets of London today, thanks to Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit. Here's a few of the sights to be seen. 

    Group of pro-Chinese
    Chinese dragon
    Free Tibet protester
    Chinese woman with flags
  112. Cameron is wrong on China - says former adviser

    David Cameron's former strategy adviser Steve Hilton isn't too impressed by the government's approach to China. Writing in the Daily Mail, he warns that  "by embracing the Chinese dictatorship, we bring national and moral dishonour".

    Rather than "rolling out the red carpet" Britain should stand up to the "dangerous rogue state", he argues, citing its poor human rights record.

    Quote Message: I understand why David Cameron and George Osborne are doing this. They genuinely believe it’s in Britain’s long-term economic interests. Well, although they are good friends and I usually support them wholeheartedly, on this issue, as they have known for years, I think they are deeply wrong."

    Mr Hilton argues that Britain should instead look to India, "a genuine democracy", as a "more fruitful", long-term partner to "promote progress and prosperity".  

  113. Royal greeting

    Royal Mandarin Hotel

    Assuming everything's going to plan, the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall should be having a chat with President Xi and Madame Peng at the Royal Mandarin Hotel any time now. They'll head from there to the Mall shortly.

    This image shows those sumptuous surroundings with a heavy police presence last night.

  114. Falun Gong protest

    Falun Gong protesters

    Practitioners of the Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China, are also staging a protest on the Mall. 

    This image of them was taken by a member of the BBC's Chinese team.     

  115. 'Good natured'

    Protest on the Mall

    The BBC's Ben Geogehan, on the Mall, describes the two sides of the events there. 

    Quote Message: On the one hand, thousands of students from all over the country are welcoming President Xi - it's quite festive, quite noisy. On the other side is Amnesty International, trying to hold a human rights protest. And every so often the former turn up in front of the latter and try to upstage them. The police are watching it closely, but it's all good natured so far. A short time ago, a student tried to throw a red Chinese flag over the head of a man carrying a protest placard - the police gently asked him to move on."
  116. 'Receptive audience'

    Sir Anthony says he is sure the issue of cheap Chinese steel imports will be raised with President Xi by Prime Minister David Cameron. "I don't think that's a problem," he goes on. "In any of these visits there are always a number of contentious and difficult issues. 

    Quote Message: We don't agree with the Chinese on everything. One of the points of a visit like this is that it makes it possible to discuss those issues frankly, and with a receptive audience."
  117. 'Important symbol'

    Sir Anthony Galsworthy

    Sir Anthony Galsworthy, former UK ambassador to China, says the state visit is a "very important symbol, more important in China than it is in Britain". 

    He added: 

    Quote Message: It will be seen as a mark that the leadership wishes to see a good relationship with this country, and people in China will take that as a signal. It should help with a lot of business that we have with China."
  118. 'Cruel irony'

    Roy Rickhuss, general secretary of steelworkers' union Community, said the government should "hang its head in shame" at the news of job cuts by Tata Steel. 

    "The cruel irony of the prime minister welcoming the Chinese Premier as UK steel jobs are cut partly due to Chinese steel dumping will not be lost on the UK's steelworkers and their communities," he said.  

  119. 'Shocking' record

    Anti-China protest placards

    Amnesty International has organised a protest today to coincide with the Chinese president's arrival at Buckingham Palace. Its UK director Kate Allen told the BBC:

    Quote Message: What we see in China is a country and a government that executes more people than the rest of the world together. That record in terms of human rights is such a shocking and appalling one. The idea that we would simply brush that under the carpet, that our prime minister would turn his back on brave people in China who have been fighting for their human rights for a trade deal - that is not the way we want to do business in the UK."
  120. Steeling the industry

    Tata Steel plant in Scunthorpe

    Tata Steel has announced 1,200 job losses at its plants in Scunthorpe, Lanarkshire and Scotland.

    They are the latest in a series of job to go across the UK steel sector, and Tata has this morning said imports of steel plate into Europe have doubled in the past two years and and imports from China have quadrupled, causing prices to fall steeply.

  121. Meetings and speeches

    Jeremy Corbyn

    Back to the day's agenda and there's still a bit more lined up for the president on Tuesday, the first full day of his four-day visit. The Duke of Cambridge will call on him at Buckingham Palace, as will Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. 

    In the evening the Queen will give a state banquet at Buckingham Palace, where Her Majesty and President Xi will both make speeches.

    The Guardian cites reports which claim the private meeting was arranged to prevent an embarrassing semi-public challenge by Mr Corbyn on China’s human rights record during the ceremonial dinner.    

  122. Tea and talks

    Following a private lunch at Buckingham Palace, the Queen, Mr Xi and Madame Peng will visit the Palace of Westminster, where the president will deliver an address in the Royal Gallery to members of both Houses of Parliament.

    Afterwards, President Xi and Madame Peng will meet the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall at Clarence House. 

    The president and Madame Peng will see a display by the Prince's School for Traditional Arts and meet students, and afterwards will join their Royal Highnesses for tea. Perhaps the Chinese couple may bring their own?

  123. Coming up

    Chinese on the Mall

    The Chinese first couple have a busy day ahead of them. Let's take a look at what they've got in store. 

    The president and Madame Peng will first visit Horse Guards Parade, where the president will receive a ceremonial welcome. The Guard of Honour will give a Royal Salute and the Chinese national anthem will be played.

    Afterwards, the couple will join the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh for a state carriage procession along the Mall to Buckingham Palace, which is already decked out with an abundance of flags, both official and owned by Chinese in London. 

  124. Tibetan ties

    The Potala Palace in Lhasa

    With President Xi Jinping in the UK for a state visit, what do people in Tibet make of Britain's strengthening ties with China?

    Beijing correspondent John Sudworth reports from Aba.

  125. Welcome sign

    Sign in Piccadilly Circus

    According to the BBC Chinese service, some British Chinese citizens bought a time slot on a billboard in London's Piccadilly Circus to flash out a welcome message to Xi Jinping.  

    The Chinese writing says: "Jinping, greetings." 

  126. Nuclear investment

    Artist's impression of new Hinkley Point nuclear plant

    Xi Jinping's state visit comes as China's economy grew by just 6.9% in the third quarter, the weakest rate since the global financial crisis. It's still, of course, a growth rate many nation's would be proud of.

    Chinese companies are to be allowed to take a stake in British nuclear power plants - and a final decision on their possible involvement in a new plant at Hinkley Point, Somerset - as imagined above - could be announced during this week's visit.

    A trip by Mr Xi and Mr Cameron to Manchester later this week is also expected to see the announcement of further investment in the so-called "Northern powerhouse" project.

    Security sources have told The Times the prospect of Chinese involvement in UK nuclear power poses a threat to national security, but Downing Street has played down the risk.

  127. Caving in

    Cave where Ppesident Xi lived as a young man

    The BBC's China editor, Carrie Gracie, has been to see the cave where Xi Jinping lived for seven years in his youth, a time when he also worked as a farmer.

    She had a spot of bother there with someone she calls a "propaganda chief" but managed to get her report finished anyway. 

  128. Food for thought

    State banquet menu

    The state banquet scheduled for this evening at Buckingham Palace will naturally be a very fine affair, with all the guests dressed up to the nines. Among the guests are the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and David Cameron.

    However, Chinese President Xi Jinping is unlikely to wear a white tie and tails, or to bow to the Queen. Why is this? 

  129. Human rights questions

    The Independent has run an article detailing what it says are the Chinese human rights abuses David Cameron will not raise with Xi Jinping. 

    These include, it says, the use of torture in prisons and a lack of workers' rights and trade unions.

  130. 'Panting puppy'

    A dog on the highway from Beijing to China"s Hebei Province

    James McGregor, chairman of consultancy group APCO Worldwide's Chinese operations, warns that Britain would be seen as being "on a leash" by the Chinese leadership. 

    He told the Today programme: "This is incredible what's going on right now, with the British government saying 'we want to be your best friend, we want to be your best friend, we'll do anything for it.' 

    Quote Message: Well, if you act like a panting puppy, the object of your attention is going to think they have got you on a leash. China does not respect people that suck up to him. I think England is going to rue the day they did this."
  131. Pro-China support on the Mall

    Pro-China supporters on the Mall
    Police and pro-China supporters on the Mall
    Pro-China supporter on the Mall
  132. Newspaper view

    Tuesday's Daily Mirror is pretty clear about what it wants to see from the prime minister during the Chinese visit.

    View more on twitter
  133. Balancing act

    Steel worker in Sheffield

    More from Philip Hammond on steel. He told the Today programme: "If we had steel prices in the UK that were far out of line with the steel prices in other countries, our downstream industries would not be able to be competitive with the products they produce."

    He continued:

    Quote Message: So, we have got to get the balance right. Trying to protect our steel industry in a sensible way, which we are doing, but recognising that we are operating in a global economy and we can't simply build a wall around the UK."
  134. Steel 'dumping'

    The state visit coincides with a time of crisis in the UK steel industry, with some pointing fingers of blame at China. British politicians are facing pressure to raise concerns about the "dumping" of cheap steel with the Chinese leader. 

    Philip Hammond said "substantial tariffs" had been imposed on Chinese steel imports but insisted on the Today programme earlier that it was a matter of balancing the protection of the UK's steel industry with working in a global economy. 

  135. 'Eyes wide open'

    Philip Hammond and Xi Jinping

    Not everyone is entirely comfortable with the UK's ever closer ties with its Far Eastern friend. China's human rights record is just one issue about which British politicians have been quizzed.

    Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond - pictured with President Xi shortly after his arrival on Monday - says Britain will not be naive in its dealings with China. 

     He told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "It's very much in our national interest to engage with China but we do so with our eyes wide open. 

    "I think we are developing a mature relationship with the Chinese. They know that we are looking not just to China but to many other countries for infrastructure investment in the UK." 

  136. What's in a name?

    Ever wondered how to pronounce the name of China's most powerful couple?

    Xi Jinping is pronounced SHEE jin PING - "sh" as in ship, "j" as in Jack.

    Peng Liyuan is pronounced PUNG lee yue-AN - "u" as in bun, "ue" as in French vu. 

    So now you can impress your Chinese friends. 

  137. Busy itinerary

    Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan

    You’ll find more about Mr Xi’s visit in this story on the BBC News website, including a timeline of the highlights of what’s planned during his four-day trip. He has plenty of events in the diary in London, and will eventually visit Manchester as well. 

    He's being accompanied by his wife Peng Liyuan. More on her shortly.

  138. Previous state visits

    The Queen, Duke of Edinburgh and former Chinese President Hu Jintao in 2005

    Here’s a bit of background to set the scene - China’s last state visit was by President Hu Jintao in 2005, who's seen in the image above. 

    The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh paid a state visit to China themselves in 1986. And the Duke of Cambridge paid an official visit to China in March 2015, on behalf of the government.

  139. Hello and welcome

    Welcome to this live page, covering the visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to the UK. Stay with us for the latest news, analysis and images as the day unfolds, with plenty of pomp and a fair bit of ceremony expected.