
  • Prince Andrew has been speaking to Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis about his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein

  • The Duke of York says it was the "wrong thing to do" to stay at the convicted sex offender's home in New York

  • The prince says he has "no recollection of ever meeting" Virginia Roberts - now Virginia Giuffre - who says she was forced to have sex with him

  • He says he was at home with his children on the night it is alleged he had sex with Virginia Giuffre

  • If "push came to shove" the prince says he would testify over allegations regarding his conduct and his links to Jeffrey Epstein

  • Epstein, 66, took his own life in August while awaiting trial on sex-trafficking charges

  1. Analysis: 'Whispering campaign' from friends about photopublished at 21:42 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Jonny Dymond
    BBC royal correspondent

    ‘Friends’ of Andrew have mounted a whispering campaign about the photo of him with Virginia Roberts suggesting that it is fake.

    He says he can’t prove it is fake but then provides a list of reasons (wrong clothes, wrong floor of the house, he doesn’t do hugs) that suggest it was fake.

  2. Prince Andrew denies sexual contact with Virginia Robertspublished at 21:41 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Asked if he recalls any kind of sexual contact with Virginia Roberts then or any other time, the prince says: “None whatsoever.”

    Prince Andrew firmly denies Ms Roberts claims that she had sex with the prince on three occasions, including once in London, once on Epstein’s private island and once at the financier’s home in New York.

    The prince says he has “no idea” why Ms Roberts, now Ms Giuffre, has made these claims, but stops short of accusing her of lying when asked.

  3. Prince Andrew: I have no message for Virginia Robertspublished at 21:41 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Emily Maitlis repeats Virginia Roberts’ statement to Prince Andrew made outside a US court in August:

    “He knows exactly what he’s done and I hope he comes clean about it,” she told reporters.

    The prince responds: “And the answer is nothing.”

    He adds that he does not have a message for Ms Roberts, adding that he has to have a thick skin to cope with the allegations made by her.

  4. The Observer: 'I didn't have sex with teen, I was at home after pizza party: Prince'published at 21:40 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Tomorrow's newspaper front pages have begun to be released, with several focusing on Prince Andrew.

    The Observer describes it as a "bombshell" interview.

    The Observer
  5. Maitlis: Why would people believe you?published at 21:36 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Emily Maitlis asks the prince why people would believe his explanation of the photograph.

    The prince says that the photograph was taken upstairs in Ghislaine Maxwell’s central London home and that he does not think he ever went upstairs there.

    “I’m at a loss to explain this particular photograph,” he says.

    “If the original was ever produced, then perhaps we might be able to solve it but I can’t."

  6. Maitlis: Why would someone doctor the photo?published at 21:35 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Asked why someone would place another hand onto the photograph, the prince says it is definitely a picture of him but questions the claim it was taken in London.

    He says the clothes he is wearing in the picture are the sorts of garments he wears when travelling abroad.

    The prince explains that he wears a suit and tie when in London. He repeats his claim that nobody can prove if the photograph has been doctored and that he does not recollect it ever being taken.

  7. Watch: 'I was home with the children'published at 21:35 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    The duke - who is the Queen's third child - says he could not have been at Tramp nightclub on the date that Virginia Roberts - now Virginia Giuffre - says she met him, because he was looking after his children that day, including taking his daughter on a trip to Pizza Express.

  8. Prince Andrew: It may not be my hand in photographpublished at 21:33 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    The prince concedes that he does recognise himself in the photograph, but he questions its authenticity.

    He adds that investigations have been unable to determine whether the photograph is real “because it is a photograph of a photograph of a photograph”.

    The prince says it is very difficult to prove if it is a fake.

    He adds: “That’s me but whether that’s my hand or whether that’s the position… I have simply no recollection of the photograph ever being taken.”

  9. Maitlis: How can you explain the photograph?published at 21:33 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew with Virginia RobertsImage source, Virginia Roberts

    Emily Maitlis now asks about a photograph of Prince Andrew with Virginia Roberts. It shows the pair smiling towards the camera with the prince’s arm around Ms Roberts’ waist.

    Prince Andrew confirms he has seen the photograph.

    “How do you explain that?” the presenter asks.

    The prince says he can’t because he has “absolutely no memory of that photograph ever being taken”.

  10. Maitlis: Could you have met Virginia Roberts on another date?published at 21:32 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Asked if it is possible he met Virginia Roberts and had sex with her on another date, the prince says: “No.”

    He once again says he has “no recollection of meeting” Ms Roberts.

  11. Prince Andrew: I couldn’t sweat due to medical conditionpublished at 21:31 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew is asked about Virginia Roberts’ description of dancing with the prince, that he sweated profusely and she went on to have a bath.

    He reveals a “peculiar medical condition which is that I don’t sweat or I didn’t sweat at the time".

    He says he was given an overdose of adrenalin during the Falklands War when he was shot at and it was “almost impossible for me to sweat”.

    He adds that the condition has only been alleviated in recent years.

  12. Analysis: A categorical denialpublished at 21:31 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Jonny Dymond
    BBC royal correspondent

    That was a flat out denial of sex with Virginia Roberts. "It didn’t happen" and "I’ve no recollection of her".

    But the denial is categorical.

  13. ‘I was at home with the children’published at 21:30 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew says on the date that’s being suggested, 10 March, he was at home with the children.

    He says he took his daughter Princess Beatrice to a party at Pizza Express restaurant in Woking at around 4pm or 5pm that evening.

    Asked why he remembers that so specifically, he says: “Because going to Pizza Express in Woking is an unusual thing for me to do, a very unusual thing for me to do. I’ve never been… I’ve only been to Woking a couple of times and I remember it weirdly distinctly.”

    He adds he is absolutely sure he was at home with his children on 10 March 2001.

  14. Prince Andrew: No recollection of meeting Virginia Robertspublished at 21:29 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew says: “I have no recollection of ever meeting this lady, none whatsoever.”

    Asked again whether he recalls meeting her, he says: “No.”

    Emily Maitlis repeats Ms Roberts’ claims, to which the prince says: “It didn’t happen.”

    The prince adds that he is “almost, in fact convinced” he was never in the Tramp nightclub with Ms Roberts.

    There are a number of things that are wrong with that story, one of which is that I don’t know where the bar is in Tramps. I don’t drink, I don’t think I’ve ever bought a drink in Tramps whenever I was there.”

  15. Maitlis: What is your response to Virginia Roberts’ claims?published at 21:28 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Emily Maitlis recounts how Epstein was arrested on charges of sex trafficking and abusing dozens of underage girls in July this year. She sets out how one of Epstein’s accusers, Virginia Roberts – who is now Virginia Giuffre – says she met Prince Andrew in 2001, aged 17, dined and danced with him, and had sex with him at Ghislaine Maxwell’s Belgravia home.

  16. Analysis: No regrets? Really?published at 21:28 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Jonny Dymond
    BBC royal correspondent

    No regrets over friendship with a convicted child sex offender?


    Not sure how well that plays, however fascinating the people he met through Epstein might have been.

  17. Prince Andrew: I did not see or speak to Epstein after 2010published at 21:28 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew says he did not see or speak to Epstein after his visit to New York in December 2010.

    Asked if he needed to stay at Epstein’s home during that visit, the prince says being under the same roof meant he could easily get hold of Epstein to talk to him.

  18. Prince Andrew: I regret Epstein stay but not our friendshippublished at 21:26 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Prince Andrew says he does not regret being friends with Epstein because of the people he met and the opportunities he was given to learn as a result.

    “We weren’t that close,” he says. “Yes I would go and stay in his house but that was because of his girlfriend, not because of him.”

  19. Maitlis: Did Epstein have leverage?published at 21:25 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Ms Maitlis questions why the prince did not announce the end of his friendship with Epstein publicly.

    “Did you worry that he had something that could compromise you?” she asks.

    Prince Andrew says: “No, no”.

  20. Prince Andrew: No evidence Epstein staged Central Park photopublished at 21:25 Greenwich Mean Time 16 November 2019

    Asked whether he worried if Epstein had set up the photograph in Central Park as part of a PR stunt, the prince says neither he nor his staff can find evidence that is the case.

    He says his security staff cannot remember anyone being present or close during the walk.

    But he adds that it is possible Epstein had involvement in the photograph.