New guidance not communicated to everyonepublished at 11:47 British Summer Time 25 May 2021
Adam Fleming
Chief political correspondent
There's been a breakdown in communication somewhere, where precisely that is we don't know, but the outcome is you've got directors of public health in some of these eight areas not knowing that this advice on the government website had changed.
The director of public health in North Tyneside gave an interview to her local newspaper yesterday and when she was asked 'should people come to North Tyneside?' she replied 'Yes, it's fine'.
And the director of public health in Blackburn tweeted this morning 'I didn't know anything about this' and is asking the government to provide the risk assessment and the reasoning for changing this guidance.
Downing Street was saying this morning this is not "local lockdowns by stealth" firstly they say this is not local lockdowns because this is guidance rather than the law. Nothing has changed, nothing has closed in these places and they still went ahead with step three of the roadmap out of lockdown. And they say it's not stealth because this information is communicated.
It just seems it wasn't communicated to literally everyone.