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Live Reporting

Edited by Heather Sharp

All times stated are UK

  1. Thanks for joining us

    We're now ending our coverage, but here's a recap of what's happened today:

    • Police have confirmed the body found in the River Wyre yesterday was the missing 45-year-old mother-of-two Nicola Bulley
    • After an extensive search lasting more than three weeks, Lancashire Police said the case is now being handled by HM Coroner
    • In a statement read out by officers, the family thanked friends, neighbours and strangers for their support, and said Nikki was the centre of their world and they would never forget her
    • They criticised sections of the media, including ITV and Sky News for contacting them last night when they had "expressly asked for privacy" - neither news organisation has commented at the moment
    • The family ended their statement with a message to Nicola, "you have been found, we can lay you to rest now"

    You can read more about today's developments here, and you can read the family's statement in full here.

    Our reporting on this story has touched on many diifficult and potentially distressing themes. If you're affected by issues connected to it, you can find support at BBC Action Line.

    Today's coverage was edited by Heather Sharp, Jasmine Taylor-Coleman and Jamie Whitehead. It was written by Aoife Walsh, Sam Hancock and Andre Rhoden-Paul.

    Thank you for joining us.

  2. Family's statement shows how difficult it has been

    Nick Garnett

    Reporting from Lancashire Police HQ

    Nicola Bulley's family are angry. And that anger came through in the simplest and most straightforward language there is.

    The family said they were furious with two news organisations - Sky News and ITV - for making direct contact with them when they specifically asked for privacy. "It is shameful," they said before issuing a simple message: "Leave us alone."

    That anger was directed mostly at traditional news outlets, but also social media networks, which have made life very difficult for the family in the last few weeks. They've had to contend with pages of rumours and false stories. It has enraged the family, we knew that, but this level of anger really shows how difficult it has been for them.

    But one of the most striking things about the family's statement was how, at the end, it came back to the most important person in this: Nicola. Finally, they said, "you are no longer a missing person... we can lay you to rest now."

    I've been down today to the area where Nicola Bulley's body was found. There's a half submerged tree, which was deep underwater. It looks as though her body had been trapped under there for some time, and eventually the water gave up its secrets.

    The police said throughout this case that they had two main objectives: to provide answers to Bulley's family and to bring her home. In their own statement, Lancashire Police said the case is now being handed over to the coroner. That's the end of their inquiry, and it’s an appalling tragedy for everyone who loved Nicola Bulley.

  3. Worst fears confirmed - Nicola Bulley family statement

    Reading a statement on behalf of the family of Nicola Bulley, Detective Chief Superintendent Pauline Stables of Lancashire Police said the dicovery of her body was the confirmation of their "worst fears".

    She said that the family was "saddened" that one day they'll have to explain to Bulley's children that press and members of the public had accused their father of wrongdoing.

    They asked once again, for their privacy to be respected.

    Video content

    Video caption: "Nikki, you are no longer a missing person, you have been found, we can let you rest now" - Nicola Bulley family statement, read by Detective Chief Superintendent Pauline Stables
  4. In pictures: Looking back at the search

    Rescuers on a boat
    Image caption: A few days after Nicola Bulley went missing, Lancashire fire and rescue service search the River Wyre for her body
    Public hold signs by road
    Image caption: During the search, people living in St Michael's on Wyre stood on roadsides appealing for driver's dashcam footage to try to trace her movements
    Yellow ribbon tied to bridge
    Image caption: Messages to Nicola were left on a bridge by local residents
    The search was expanded to Knott End, 11 miles away. There had been fears the tide could have taken her body towards the sea.
    River where Nicol Bulley was found
    Image caption: A body was pulled from the River Wyre yesterday, which was later identified as Nicola Bulley
  5. Nicola Bulley’s body recovered from river - police

    Lancashire Police's Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson has confirmed that Nicola Bulley's body has been found in the River Wyre.

    Speaking during a news conference, Mr Lawson also said her family have been informed, and they are devastated.

    Video content

    Video caption: Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson: "Nicola's family have been informed and are, of course, devastated"
  6. 'My heart goes out to Nicola's family and friends' - Starmer

    Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the news that Nicola Bulley's body had been found was "devastating news".

    "My heart goes out to Nicola's partner, children, family and friends," he said.

  7. What's the latest?

    Police have just confirmed that the body found in a Lancashire river yesterday was that of the missing mother-of-two Nicola Bulley.

    Here's what we heard from Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson and Detective Chief Superintendent Pauline Stables:

    • Devastation: Lawson said Nicola's family are devastated over the discovery of her body. He said police recognise the impact Nicola's disappearance had on the community in St Michael's on Wyre, and that it was not the outcome anyone wanted but at least provides answers for Bulley's loved ones
    • Family statement: Stables read a statement from Nicola's family, who said their "worst fears" had been confirmed
    • Privacy: The family repeated their request for the press to respect their privacy. They condemned Sky News and ITV, which they said contacted them despite their appeal for privacy
    • 'We love you': The family ended its statement with a message to Nicola. They said now that she is no longer a missing person, they can let her rest. They said they always have and always will love Nicola
  8. Police press briefing ends

    The press conference has now come to an end. This was the scene outside the Lancashire Police Headquarters as the force confirmed that the body found in the river on Sunday was that of Nicola Bulley, and shared a statement from her family.

    Pauline Stables and Peter Lawson
    Press conference outside Lancashire Police HQ
  9. 'Nikki, you are no longer a missing person'

    The family's statement finishes with a message to Nicola.

    "Nikki, you are no longer a missing person," they say. "You have been found, we can let you rest now."

    "We love you," they go on, via Det Ch Supt Stables, adding that they always have and always will.

    They finish by saying: "We will take it from here."

    Then Lawson and Stables walk back into Lancashire Police HQ.

  10. Family thank friends, neighbours and strangers

    Det Ch Supt Stables continues reading the statement in which Nicola Bulley's family thank friends, neighbours and strangers for their support.

    "Our hearts truly break for others who have missing loved ones, keep that hope alive," she adds.

  11. Leave us alone now - family statement

    In their statement the family condemn Sky News and ITV, which they say contacted them despite their appeal for privacy.

    "We tried last night to take in what we had been told in the day, only to have Sky News and ITV making contact with us directly when we expressly asked for privacy, " they said.

    It is "shameful" the press has acted in this way, the family say.

    "Leave us alone now", they add.

  12. Family 'saddened' over accusations

    Officer gives statement after Nicola Bulley's body found

    Stables continues the family's statement, saying that the family are "saddened" that one day they'll have to explain to Bulley's children "that the press and members of the public accused their dad of wrongdoing, misquoted and vilified friends and family".

    “This is absolutely appalling, they have to be held accountable. This cannot happen to another family," the statement continues.

  13. Family's 'worst fears' confirmed

    Detective Chief Superintendent Pauline Stables now reads a statement on behalf of Nicola Bulley's family.

    The family says their "worst fears today" have been confirmed and they are not able to "comprehend what Nikki went through in her last moments".

    They add: "We will never forget Nikki, how could we? She was the centre of our world, she was the one who made our lives so special and nothing will cast a shadow over that.

    “Our girls will get the support they need from the people who love them the most."

  14. 'Not the outcome anyone wanted'

    Lancashire police press conference

    Lawson says police recognise the impact Bulley's disappearance has had on the community.

    It is not the outcome anyone wanted, he adds, but at least it provides answers for Nicola's loved ones.

    He says the family are foremost in their thoughts.

  15. BreakingRecovered body confirmed to be that of Nicola Bulley

    Asst Ch Const Peter Lawson confirms the body that was found is that of Nicola Bulley.

    He says her family have been informed, and they are devastated.

  16. Press conference starting

    Lancashire Police's Assistant Chief Constable Peter Lawson is in place and the press conference is starting.

    We're also due to hear from Detective Chief Superintendent Pauline Stables, the force's head of crime.

    Stay with us for live updates on what they have to say. You can also watch the press conference live by clicking the play button at the top of the page.

  17. Help is available if you need it

    Our reporting about the disappearance of Nicola Bulley touches on many diifficult and potentially distressing themes. If you're affected by issues connected to this story, you can find support from BBC Action Line.

  18. Bulley's disappearance has touched locals' lives

    Rowan Bridge

    Reporting from St Michael's on Wyre

    Flowers,and ribbons on a bridge over the River Wyre in St Michael's on Wyre, Lancashir

    The bridge over the River Wyre is lined by yellow ribbons with messages of hope and support, and bunches of fresh daffodils.

    Just a few hundred people live in the village of St Michael's on Wyre, and it's clear Nicola Bulley's disappearance has touched those living locally.

    The week after she disappeared, friends and members of the local community stood on the road holding placards and banners asking anyone with dashcam footage which might help the investigation to contact the police.

    The banners were produced for free the night before by a local company.

    Supporters turned out again the following week in the cold, some of whom didn’t know Nicola personally but just wanted to do what they could to help.

  19. Police to speak shortly

    If you're just joining us, we’re expecting to hear from Lancashire Police in about just over 10 minutes.

    They’ll address members of the media at a televised press conference scheduled to start at 17:30 GMT, which you’ll be able to watch by clicking the Play button at the top of this page.

    Stay with us for live updates and analysis throughout.

  20. A painful three weeks for the Bulley family

    Sam Hancock

    Live reporter

    At multiple points over the last three weeks, Nicola Bulley’s loved ones have urged people to refrain from speculating about her private life - as have Lancashire Police.

    When the force released personal information about the missing mother-of-two’s struggles with the menopause and alcohol, the family said they knew “Nikki wouldn’t have wanted this” but it was better than “people out there speculating and threatening to sell stories about her”.

    They later explained how Bulley had suffered "significant" side effects due to the perimenopause, including "brain fog" and "restless sleep". They said she was taking hormone replacement therapy but it had given her "intense headaches" which caused her to stop the treatment "thinking that may have helped her, but only ended up causing this crisis".

    Nicola Bulley

    "The public focus has to be on finding her and not making up wild theories about her personal life," they said. Appealing directly to Bulley, they added: "Nikki, we hope you are reading this and know that we love you so much and your girls want a cuddle… we all need you home."

    There have been other emotional statements, including when Bulley’s father Ernie told Sky News that “every day is a struggle” since his daughter went missing.

    Bulley's partner, Paul Ansell, separately made clear his view of the police force’s “working hypothesis” that she had gone into the river. On 10 February, he told Channel 5 he was “100% convinced” this hadn’t happened – though he said it was “just my opinion”.