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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Our live coverage across the day

    Andy Giddings

    BBC News

    That's it for our live election results page for today.

    We'll be back with the news, sport, travel and weather from 08:00 on Monday.

  2. Tories secure majority in Shropshire

    Despite losing some seats, including leader Peter Nutting's Copthorne ward, the Conservatives have been able to maintain their ruling majority on Shropshire Council.

    The party needed 38 seats to keep control of the authority.

    They've managed to cross that threshold with just four wards left to be declared.

    They expect to announce the winner of the final ward, Whitchurch south, by 20:15

    Shropshire count
  3. BreakingLabour wins West Midlands PCC election

    Labour's Simon Foster has won the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner election, defeating his Conservative rival Jay Singh-Sohal after second preference votes were counted.

    He will succeed Labour's David Jamieson who decided to stand down from the role.

  4. Conservative council leader is defeated

    The Conservative leader of Shropshire Council has lost his seat.

    Peter Nutting lost to the Liberal Democrat Rob Wilson by 476 votes to 995 in the Copthorne ward.

    Peter Nutting

    Mr Nutting didn't speak to reporters afterwards, but the leader of Telford and Wrekin Council, Shaun Davies paid tribute to Mr Nutting.

    He tweeted: "I worked closely with Peter Nutting, he is an honourable man."

  5. Returning mayor looks to challenges ahead

    Andy Street has been giving his reaction and looking ahead to his second term as mayor of the West Midlands.

    After paying tribute to his rivals and his campaign team he said: "There is no question that the West Midlands faces serious challenges after the impact of Covid."

    Andy Street

    But Mr Street added: "There is no question that the West Midlands will bounce back strongly, and that we will create the dynamic, meritocratic, inclusive society we all crave."

    He closed by saying: "And together we can show Britain that something very special is being made in the West Midlands.”

  6. Defeated Labour candidate pays tribute to rival

    BBC Radio CWR

    Liam Byrne has been generous in defeat to his Conservative rival Andy Street.

    In his speech he paid tribute to the work he has done in a difficult year in which Mr Street lost his mother.

    And he said she would have been proud of what he has achieved.

    Liam Byrne

    In the end he was not able to make up the 55,309 vote-shortfall after the first round of voting, picking up just 600 votes in Wolverhampton, around 300 in Walsall and around 5,000 in Birmingham.

  7. BreakingAndy Street re-elected as West Mids Mayor

    Andy Street has won the race to be West Midlands Mayor.

    The Conservative candidate beat Labour's Liam Byrne by 314,669 votes to 267,626 after second preference votes were cast,

  8. Labour's Byrne fails to make up ground in Wolverhampton

    This is not good news for Labour's Liam Byrne.

    We've just seen the results of the second preference votes from the Wolverhampton area and it's pretty much an even split between them, with 1,719 for him and 1,144 for the Conservative candidate Andy Street.

    If that trend continues he won't be able to make up the gap of 55,309 between them on the first preference votes.

  9. Candidate to contest election result over 'wrong name'

    A Labour candidate said she will be contesting the result of the election in her Shropshire Council ward because her name was printed incorrectly on the ballot papers.

    Elisabeth Roberts was standing in Harlescott division, which has consistently voted Labour at every election since the council was formed in 2009.

    She put 'Lisa' on nomination forms as a name she is also known as, but did not intend for this to be the name on the ballot papers, and said she was concerned the error cost her votes.

    She lost out to Conservative candidate Jeff Anderson by just 23 votes.

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  10. Labour bucking the trend and winning seats in Shropshire

    Labour seem to be bucking the national trend in Shropshire and have been increasing the number of councillors they have.

    They went in to the election with six and are now up to nine - equalling their previous highest total, from 2013.

    Labour rosette

    Meanwhile. the Conservatives have been losing councillors and are down by four as things stand.

    That number includes their defeat in the Market Drayton West ward where they were defeated by a candidate they had chosen not to select this time around, David Minnery.

    He won it as an independent instead.

  11. Mayor and PCC votes were very nearly won in first round

    Although we're counting second preference votes in the West Midlands Mayor and West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) elections, we came very close to getting results in the first round.

    The Conservative candidate, Andy Street, received 49% of the votes in the first round of the mayoral election, leaving him just short of the 50% needed.

    And with only half of the ballot papers listing a second preference it seems likely Andy Street will win that one once the second preference votes are all counted.

    Simon Foster

    Simon Foster came very close to winning the PCC election too, and was just 4.5% off the 50% he needed in the first round.

    So we could come out of these elections in the same situation we entered them, with a Labour PCC and a Conservative mayor.

  12. Second preference votes counted after no clear PCC victor

    The West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner vote has gone to a second round after none of the candidates reached the target for victory in the first round.

    The Labour candidate Simon Foster was ahead after first preference votes were counted, with 276,743 votes.

    The Conservative candidate, Jay Singh-Sohail was in second place with 239,288 votes.

    Behind them were Liberal Democrat Jon Hunt with 38,594, Independent Julie Hambleton 27,664, Reform UK candidate Mark Hoath with 18,002 and Desmond Jaddoo from the We Matter Party who received 7,745 votes.

  13. What's happening now in the mayoral race?

    BBC Radio WM's Kath Stanczyszyn, who is in Birmingham, explains what is happening now in the vote count.

    View more on twitter
  14. Conservatives increase control of Staffordshire County Council

    The Conservatives have increased their majority on Staffordshire County Council.

    The party went into this election with 50 seats, and now have 57.

    For the remaining seats, Labour, and Labour and Co-operative party candidates secured four seats between them, and there is one Independent.

  15. Little change so far in Shropshire

    We're just past the half way stage in the Shropshire Council count and after 38 results were declared there hasn't been a massive movement in any direction.

    The Conservatives lost five seats, but gained two, putting them down by three.

    Labour have gained two and so has the Green Party.

    The Lib Dems lost one and gained one, so they are as they were.

    And we've lost three Independents, but gained one.

    It could be well in to the evening before we get the final results in though.

  16. Only one gain so far in Rugby Borough Council elections

    In the Rugby Borough Council elections, there's not been much change from the status quo.

    It is a Conservative-held authority, and had 15 seats up for election.

    In the declarations so far, most of the parties have held on to their seats, except in the Newbold and Brownsover ward, which was a Tory gain.


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  17. Mayoral vote goes to second round

    The West Mids Mayoral election is going to another round, to allow second preference votes to be counted.

    The Conservative candidate Andy Street achieved 49% of the vote with 299, 318 votes.

    Labour's Liam Byrne got 40% of the vote with 244, 009.

    With Street failing to get to 50 per cent of the vote share, it goes to the second preference.

    People counting votes
  18. Huge support for Labour in city PCC count

    The first area to declare results for the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner vote is Birmingham - with huge support for the Labour candidate.

    Simon Foster has secured 111,852 votes ahead of Conservative Jay Singh-Sohal's 63,681.

    This election was originally meant to take place in May 2020 but postponed due to the pandemic, with current PCC, Labour's David Jamieson, retiring.

    The candidates are:

    • Simon Foster, Labour
    • Julie Hambleton, Independent
    • Mark Hoath, Reform UK
    • Jon Hunt, Liberal Democrats
    • Desmond Jaddoo, We Matter Party
    • Jay Singh-Sohal, Conservatives
    The count
  19. Deputy leader clings on by 34 votes

    The deputy leader of Shropshire Council has hung on to his seat by just 34 votes.

    The Conservative Steve Charmley beat his Lib Dem challenger in Whittington, David Walker, by 638 votes to 604.

    He's said he would like to continue as deputy leader, despite is narrow win.

    And if Peter Nutting loses his place as leader of the Conservative group he could end up as leader himself.

    Steve Charmley