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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Controlling groups merge to form new alliance

    Two of the groups which control Herefordshire Council have strengthened their alliance by combining to form a new political group.

    Herefordshire Independents and It's Our County will now be known as Independents for Herefordshire.

    The two parties formed a coalition with the Green Party after the elections in 2019 to run the authority.

    Herefordshire Council

    Councillor John Harrington will chair the new group and described it as "practical and progressive".

    He said they will work together to fight the next council elections in two years time.

  2. Maltby to Hinckley

    Video content

    Video caption: Michael Portillo continues his railway tour, visiting Maltby, Derby and Hinckley.

    Armed with his Bradshaw’s Guide, Michael Portillo continues his tour of Britain’s industrial heartlands, heading for Maltby, Derby and on to Hinckley.

  3. Vaccine milestone reached in West Midlands

    BBC Midlands Today

    More than 5.3m vaccine doses have been delivered in the West Midlands, with 10m people now vaccinated across the wider Midlands area, figures show.

    It's a major milestone and comes as anyone over 30 can now book an appointment for their jab.

    Over the next few days, one million people across the country aged 30 and 31 will be invited via text message.

    Birmingham's director of public health said reaching a younger age group was important to protect them against variants of the virus.

    Justin Varney

    "What we are seeing from across the world where we have these new variants, is that it's a younger audience ending up in hospital - the people who are vaccinated are protected and the younger age groups are starting to end up in A&E.

    "The faster we can vaccinate everyone the more protected we are against these new variants," he said.

    He said the success story of reaching millions of people in the region was down to giving people access to get vaccinated.

    "It's the entire system working together to put forward the vaccine in a way that gets to people and gives them the chance to protect themselves from a third wave," he added.

  4. Weather: A dry and dull Friday

    BBC Weather

    A mainly dry, dull day with overcast skies. Light winds and a high of 19C/66F.

    Image caption: This morning in Gnosall, Staffordshire

    Staying mostly dry tonight with lingering cloud and light winds again. Low: 11C/52F.

    You can get a latest forecast for your area at any time by going to the BBC Weather website.

  5. Video content

    Video caption: Birmingham Clean Air Zone: The view from people in the city

    Residents and business owners tell us how they feel about the upcoming launch of the Birmingham Clean Air Zone.