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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Thank you for joining us

    Our live coverage is now closed. We are still keeping an eye on developments, and will bring you the latest lines as they come in.

    As a reminder, the police have asked the public to help find Abdul Shokoor Ezedi. Anyone who sees him should call 999 immediately, and not approach him.

    In the meantime, you can read more on this story:

    An image of Ezedi at an Underground station in London, showing a gruesome injury to his face
    Image caption: One of the latest pictures of Ezedi released by the police
  2. The Met Police’s update on the Clapham attack

    We will be closing our live coverage shortly.

    Before we go, here's a reminder of what the Met's Commander Jon Savell said today about the vitims of the corrosive attack, and the continuing manhunt for Abdul Shokoor Ezedi:

    • Cdr Savell said the 31-year-old mother - who, along with her children, was injured in the alkali attack - remains "very poorly" in hospital. Her injuries are said to be life-changing
    • He said the children's injuries "aren't as serious as first thought, and they are not likely to be life-changing". They however remain in the care of the NHS with their mother
    • Cdr Savell went through a timeline of Ezedi's known whereabouts, and said he was last seen on the London underground heading south on the Victoria line
    • He called on the public to call 999 if they spotted Ezedi, but not to approach him
    • Cdr Savell ended his remarks by appealing to Ezedi himself to "do the right thing and hand yourself in"

    Video content

    Video caption: Manhunt as CCTV appears to show Clapham attack
  3. Everything we know about the search for the Clapham attacker

    With three of the UK's biggest police forces at the core of a nationwide hunt for a man accused of an alkali attack on a mother and two young girls in south London on Wednesday, the BBC has been piecing together what is known so far.

    What happened in Clapham?

    Initial reports said a 31-year-old woman and her two young girls - aged three and eight - were seriously hurt after the substance was thrown at them on Lessar Avenue, near Clapham Common, at 19:25.

    What do we know about the suspect?

    Police named the suspect as 35-year-old Abdul Shokoor Ezedi, originally from Afghanistan before later being granted asylum.

    Detectives believe he is known to the family who were injured in Clapham, but said they were not yet clear on their relationship.

    Where is the Clapham attack suspect?

    The attack took place at 19:25 and he boarded a train at 19:33 at Clapham South tube station. At 20:00 he was at Kings Cross station, and the last confirmed sighting was on a Victoria line tube heading south at 21:00.

    Are the Clapham attack victims still in hospital?

    Yes. The mother is still "very poorly and is sedated", police said, but her daughters' injuries were not as bad as first thought.

    The five responding police officers who were injured were taken hospital and later discharged, as were three women who came to the aid of the family.

    You can read more on all these questions here.

  4. Post update

    Earlier today, BBC News reported incorrectly that Ezedi was not eligible for asylum under Home Office guidelines as a result of his sexual assault conviction. These guidelines do not apply to asylum cases. The story has now been removed.

  5. Post update

    Timeline map showing the last known movements of Ezedi
  6. BBC Verify

    Lucy Gilder

    Have corrosive substance attacks gone up?

    The number of attacks involving corrosive substances has fallen in the official figures in each of the past three years.

    Police forces across England and Wales recorded 472 violence against the person and robbery crimes involving a corrosive substance in the year ending March 2023.

    This is the latest available data and it is down about 10% from 525 the previous year.

    In the year ending March 2021 it was 557, and the highest on record was in 2020, when there were 619 such offences.

    Data on this type of offence only began to be collected by the Home Office in 2019.

    Devon and Cornwall and Greater Manchester Police were unable to supply data for some of the years listed.

  7. Newcastle charity confirms Ezedi was a client

    The Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle have issued a statement confirming that the Clapham attack suspect was known to them.

    A spokesperson said: “We can confirm that Abdul Shakoor Ezedi was a client of our diocesan Justice and Peace Project, a charitable venture which assists a wide range of people who come to us in need.”

    The church group also said they were “in the process of checking" if Ezedi had been "received into the Catholic faith" and if he had been given any other support.

    Ezedi's asylum claim was granted after he told an immigration tribunal he had converted to Christianity which would put him at risk if he was returned to Afghanistan, where he is believed to be from.

  8. Labour questions Ezedi asylum approval over sexual assault

    We have more now concerning the process that granted Abdul Shokoor Ezedi asylum in Britain.

    Labour has written to Home Secretary James Cleverly saying that the attack in Clapham "raises very serious questions" about the asylum process.

    Ezedi, who reportedly came to the UK from Afghanistan, was convicted of sexual assault and exposure in 2018 and given a suspended sentence.

    He then went on to be granted asylum in 2020.

    The letter from shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper, which has been seen by the PA news agency, questions whether the home secretary in 2018 "considered deportation" following the conviction.

    Quote Message: It is of real concern that a convicted foreign national sex offender has been allowed to remain in the UK in these circumstances."
  9. Watch: 'Do the right thing, hand yourself in'

    Video content

    Video caption: Watch: 'Abdul, you need some medical help'
  10. Ezedi's movements on the day of the attack

    Helena Wilkinson

    reporting from Clapham

    We now have a much clearer picture of Ezedi's movements before the Clapham attack, and for a short time after.

    His car is picked up numerous times as he travels from Newcastle to London, leaving in the very early hours of Wednesday morning - the day of the attack.

    By 06:30 GMT, his car has been spotted in Tooting, South London. The vehicle is then seen in several different London boroughs.

    It appears in Croydon ten hours later, then at 19:00 GMT he's seen driving in Streatham.

    At 19:25 GMT, the attack happens on Lessar Avenue in Clapham. Just eight minutes after the attack, he's seen getting on a tube at Clapham South station.

    Ezedi seen on CCTV at King's Cross London Underground station

    After that he's picked up a few times. Then at exactly 21:00 GMT he's on another tube from King's Cross, southbound on the Victoria line. That's the last sighting police have got.

    After that, the trail goes cold. Where did he go next? This latest urgent police appeal is aimed at the public, asking for their help to find him.

    But there was also a direct appeal to Ezedi himself from police to hand himself in.

  11. Watch: Police give update on victims' condition

    The Metropolitan Police give an update on the injuries of the mother and daughter hurt in the alkali attack in Clapham, south London.

    Commander Jon Savell said the mother remains "very poorly" but the young girls' injuries are not as serious as first thought.

    Video content

    Video caption: Watch: Police update on mum and daughters injured in Clapham attack
  12. Heavy police presence on London Underground

    George Bowden

    BBC News

    There is a notable police presence on the Victoria line, where it has just been announced the Clapham attack suspect was last seen.

    British Transport Police officers are on board trains and have a visible presence at stations like Oxford Circus.

  13. BreakingPolice release new images of Ezedi

    Police have just released new images of Ezedi boarding the Victoria line tube at King's Cross station.

    Ezedi boarding the London underground
  14. 'Do the right thing and hand yourself in'

    Cdr Savell in front of camera in his uniform
    Image caption: Cdr Savell finished the conference by making a plea to Abdul Shokoor Ezedi

    Cdr Savell finished the conference by making a plea to Abdul Shokoor Ezedi himself.

    He said: "I am going to make a personal appeal to him: Abdul you've clearly got some serious injuries and clearly need some medical help.

    "So do the right thing and hand yourself in."

  15. New images set to be published

    Police say they will soon be releasing more images of their suspect.

    Stay with us.

  16. BreakingLast known sighting of Ezedi on London Tube heading south

    Savell has been giving a rundown of the timeline of what detectives know:

    • Ezedi left Newcastle in the very early hours of Wednesday morning, and travelled to London.
    • At 06:30 he was in the Tooting area, and there was a further sighting of his vehicle at 16:30 in Croydon and then at about 19:00 he was in the Streatham area
    • The attack took place at 19:25 in Clapham, and at 19:33 he boarded a train at Clapham South Tube station
    • At 20:00 he was at Kings Cross station and about 20:45 he was captured on CCTV footage at Tescos with significant facial injuries
    • We now know that at 21:00, he got on a Victoria line tube heading south
  17. Search warrants on properties revealed significant evidence

    Met police are working closely with various police and Transport for London to search for Ezedi.

    Cdr Savell added that a large team of detectives are leading the manhunt all the way up to Northumberland. He said that last night five search warrants took place, two in east London and three in Newcastle and the police have uncovered significant evidence.

    He urged the public to help find Ezedi by calling 999 if they see him, but not to approach him.

  18. Mother remains 'very poorly' in hospital

    Commander Jon Savell

    Commander Jon Savell is addressing reporters now.

    The 31-year-old mother remains very poorly and is sedated, he says, and her injuries are expected to be life-changing.

    As for the two young children that were with her, aged eight and three, their injuries are not as serious as first thought, Savell says.

    He adds that "a large team of very experienced detectives" are leading the manhunt to find Ezedi.

  19. Police give update on Ezedi hunt

    Commander Jon Savell is delivering a statement now on the latest in the hunt for Abdul Shokoor Ezedi.

    You can watch live by pressing Play at the top of this page.

  20. Witness describes attack as a 'horror movie'

    Helena Wilkinson

    Reporting from Clapham

    I’ve been speaking to an NHS worker who witnessed some of the Clapham attack on Wednesday.

    She doesn’t want to be named, but lives in a flat overlooking Lessar Avenue, where it happened.

    She described seeing a man lift a young child over his head and throw her onto the ground like a “ragdoll”, twice.

    Speaking to the BBC, the woman said the incident was like out of a “horror movie”.

    She left her flat to help and saw a neighbour with a baby in her arms.

    The woman told me she heard the child say "I want my mum, I want my mum" and she was crying.

    She also heard the mother who was attacked in the incident saying “I can’t see, I can’t see”.