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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Goodbye

    That's all from us on the live page today.

    Thank you for joining us for the SDLP leader's speech.

    Enjoy your weekend.

  2. 'They can choose politicians that can finally put people first'

    When colleagues are canvassing and constituents “ask what our party stands for, tell them it is the immense work ethic of Nichola Mallon, the boundless compassion of Paul Doherty, the big heart of Pat Catney”, says Colum Eastwood.

    He adds that the message should the clear, that “more SDLP MLAs means more for their community”.

    “An SDLP team that will put them and their family first,” should be what people vote for, her adds.

    “They can choose politicians that can finally, finally put people first.”

  3. 'People deserve a better choice'

    The SDLP leader says each candidate “offers change and a true choice”.

    “Our people deserve a better choice than the choice between bad government and no government.

    "They deserve a new normal and politics that puts people first,” adds Colum Eastwood.

  4. Catney has 'put fear of God into DUP'

    Pat Catney

    Colum Eastwood refers to each candidate his party is running in each constituency by name.

    He specifically calls out Pat Catney who will be running for election in Lagan Valley.

    Mr Eastwood says the former pub landlord “has put the fear of God into the DUP”.

  5. 'Premier league versus Sunday league'


    The SDLP leader says when he compares the talent in his own party to that in others “there is simply no match”.

    “It’s premier league versus Sunday league,” says Colum Eastwood.

    “This is by far the best SDLP team of candidates fighting an election since the founding generation of our party inspired a wave of change which swept away the status quo.”

  6. 'Ideas and policies that will improve people’s lives'

    “When others are rushing to tear the government down, we have been finding ways of building our communities up and building our people up,” says the SDLP leader.

    Colum Eastwood explains that his party has worked with the Irish government to deliver 1bn euros in investment through the shared island unit.

    “These are the ideas and policies that will improve people’s lives everyday.”

  7. 'I genuinely think a new normal is emerging in the politics in NI'

    “During the course of the pandemic, there was more than enough talk about the new normal,” says Colum Eastwood.

    “But I genuinely think a new normal is emerging in the politics in NI, people want an end to the constant crisis,” he adds.

    “People want and they deserve delivery.”

  8. 'Collapsed relationships in the north are a major blockade'

    “Collapsed institutions and collapsed relationships in the north are a major blockade to a new Ireland,” says the SDLP leader.

    “It would do nothing to convince those that need convincing that ultimately all powers and decisions should be made here in Ireland, not in Westminster,” adds Colum Eastwood.

    He says Stormont is a key part in developing a new Ireland.

    “The alternative is barely worth thinking about.”

  9. 'Give credit where credit is due'

    “Robin Swann has been an exceptional Health Minister,” says Colum Eastwood.

    The SDLP leaders comments about the Ulster Unionist receives a round of applause.

    “It’s only right we give credit where credit is due.”

    Mr Eastwood praises Mr Swann's leadership and approach to dealing with the pandemic.

  10. 'Literally been keeping the lights on'

    Nichola Mallon

    Colum Eastwood outlines the success of his party colleague Nichola Mallon during her tenure as Infrastructure Minister at Stormont.

    “She has literally been keeping the lights on by investing to fix every street light in every single town across the north,” says the SDLP leader.

    “Nichola does it because she cares and cares deeply.”

  11. 'People can’t find what Sinn Féin's record is'

    “Everyone knows the limits and limitations of devolved government,” says Colum Eastwood.

    The SDLP leader explains that devolved government can, however, deliver.

    “Sinn Féin are wondering why people are critical of their record of government after 15 years in charge, maybe that’s because people can’t find what their record is,” he adds.

    Mr Eastwood says “standing up to the DUP” is “one part of the job” but there are other issues which need to be addressed, such as improved housing.

  12. 'God love them'

    Colum Eastwood says Liz Truss “is apparently” the “new saviour” of the DUP.

    “All I can say to that is, ‘God love them’.”

    The SDLP leader says the DUP won’t listen to his advice, but he’s “going to give them some advice anyway”.

    “Maybe, just maybe, instead of running after Tory prime ministers the DUP and unionism would be far better served if they sat down with the rest of us, their neighbours and we all tried to do the very best by all of our people.

    “If we keep doing things the same way, we can never hope to break the cycle of crisis and collapse,” he adds.

  13. DUP 'desperation tactic'

    “Our political debates are distant and detached from the real issues, so distant in fact they are basically deaf to the real priorities,” says Colum Eastwood in relation to the protocol.

    “Wages are low, prices are high and we’re still exporting far, far too may of our greatest assists, our young people,” says the Foyle MP.

    “These are the problems our people facing, these are the problems our government should be focused on, the problem is the DUP obviously don’t care.

    “They only care about their own selfish needs.”

    Mr Eastwood also called the DUP’s removal of a first minister from the executive a “desperation tactic, nothing more”.

  14. 'They need a pay rise'


    “A special word of thanks has to go to our NHS,” says Colum Eastwood.

    He puts on record his appreciation for all healthcare staff and their efforts during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    “Our doctors, nurses and carers gave every ounce of their experience and humanity to protect our community through Covid,” he says.

    “It’s not enough to thank them and applaud them, they need a pay rise.”

    Mr Eastwood explains his party’s position is clear that asking nurses to do more, work more and get paid less “simply can’t go on”.

  15. 'Ireland will be proud of them for ever and ever more'

    Colum Eastwood refers to his party’s former leader, John Hume.

    “Whatever age you are, whatever background you are from, we all now live in an Ireland that John Hume imagined, a country at peace and free to decide on its own destiny.”

    Mr Eastwood adds his tribute to Mr Hume’s wife, Pat.

    “Ireland will be proud of them for ever and ever more.”

  16. 'We stand by the Ukrainian people'


    Colm Eastwood turns to the war in Ukraine.

    He says “the people of Ukraine are under attack, our moral responsibility is to make sure they do not stand alone”.

    “We stand by the Ukrainian people by standing together across this continent, says the SDLP leader.

    “Putin is at war, not just with our territory but with the European values of coexistence and respect for difference and diversity.”

  17. 'The secretary of state also needs to make himself useful '

    Colum Eastwood

    Colum Eastwood says “we are deeply disappointed that Stormont speaker, Alex Maskey, has blocked” Mark Durkan’s emergency draft legislation on the energy cost crisis.

    He explains that he and his Westminster party colleague Clare Hanna are seeking legal advice as to whether existing legislation can be amended “to unlock this money”.

    “For once the secretary of state also needs to make himself useful and make a direct intervention to allow ministers to access and spend this money.”

  18. 'Deal with the emergency'

    On the issue of there being no functioning executive, Colum Eastwood says the leader of the DUP should feel “shame”.

    He adds that Jeffrey Donaldson should nominate a first minister to “deal with the emergency” of the cost of living crisis.

    “For the SDLP, Mark H Durkan has put in an incredible amount of work to find a solution, draft emergency legislation to find a way to unlock the £300m to get money to every household.

    “When others were happy to wave their hands in despair, Mark went to work.”

  19. 'The hot tempers at Stormont don't heat a single home'

    Gas ring

    “It seems as we just emerge from one crisis we quickly fall into another,” says Colum Eastwood.

    “For months now we have been talking about the cost of living crisis, but the truth is, it is far worse than just a crisis," says the SDLP leader.

    He adds: "It is now an emergency, there isn't a family that hasn’t been hit again and again by fuel, food and energy bills."

    "The hot tempers at Stormont don't heat a single home," says the Foyle MP, adding that local politics has "failed people again and again".