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Live Reporting

Pippa Simm, Jackie Storer, Victoria Park and Alex Hunt

All times stated are UK

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  1. Until tomorrow

    That wraps up our live text coverage of proceedings at the Labour conference today. It was a day when leader Ed Miliband set out some of his policies ahead of next year's general election. Chief among them were his plans to increase NHS funding by changing taxes. No doubt the reaction to the speech will feature heavily in tomorrow's newspapers. You can watch the whole thing, highlights and the response around the conference hall in Manchester by clicking on the Key Video tab And don't forget that Andrew Neil will bring us his round-up on BBC Two at 23:20 BST. If you can't stay up that late, catch it on the Live Coverage tab above. See you again for the final day of the conference tomorrow.

  2. Back of a fag packet?

    Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham was quizzed on BBC Radio 4's PM programme about the details of the new funding sources for the NHS. On the mansion tax, he said Labour had erred on the side of caution by estimating that it would raise £1.2bn. Asked how the homes would be valued, Mr Burnham replied that the government already had an internal valuation scheme. Presenter Eddie Mair suggested that Mr Burnham had said earlier in the day that the Land Registry would be used and that a Labour colleague had said the sale value would be used. Eddie Mair added: "Are you sure this hasn't been drawn up on the back of the fag packet?" Mr Burnham replied that Ed Balls and his team had been working on the scheme for some time.

  3. Inspired?

    Len McCluskey was asked whether it was an inspirational speech. The smiling Unite leader told the BBC: "Well, perhaps inspiration is something he doesn't do." But he said people would see Ed Miliband as a "genuine guy" who would not tell any lies and help families.

  4. Tobacco taxes

    Labour plans for a tax on tobacco firms have not gone down well with some in the industry. Imperial Tobacco said: "The idea of a targeting a sole, legitimate business sector with an additional tax is totally unwarranted and unjust and should be dismissed immediately." The company said the UK tobacco industry is already subject to a "punitive high rate of excise" and warns that extra taxes will "place further pressure on jobs and livelihoods". It suggests: "The Labour Party would be better advised to concentrate on how to recover the many millions of pounds lost each year to the illicit trade."

  5. Making the environment fashionable again...

    Ed Miliband says David Cameron had made the environment "unfashionable" but harnessing the green economy was a key part of Labour's 10-year plan. There are proposals to create one million jobs in green technology, set up a green investment bank and insulate five million homes.

  6. Mixed messages?

    John Longworth, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, says Ed Miliband's speech contained mixed messages for business. It had not focused on the economy and wealth creation "as much as we had hoped", he said, but he welcomed the call for a national housing drive. "Ultimately, businesses will judge politicians not on what they promise, but on what they deliver," he added.

  7. BBC's Chris Mason


    tweets: @bbcnews asks Unite Gen Sec Len McCluskey if Ed Miliband's speech was inspirational: "perhaps inspiration is something he doesn't do."

  8. Get involved


    Lesley Fallowfield, Brighton: Well done Ed Miliband, so hope that the country comes to its senses and returns a Labour government with a majority big enough to put these things into practice.

  9. EU stance

    Responding to the Labour leader's conference speech, Matthew Elliott, chief executive of Business for Britain, concludes that Ed Miliband "will find himself on the wrong side of history and voters" by ruling out an in/out referendum on the EU. Mr Miliband must "do more than pay lip service to EU reform by offering a referendum", he adds.

  10. Get involved


    RM in Manchester: My vote goes to Labour because they will protect the greatest institution in Britain - The NHS - The value of which will be known only when one faces a life threatening illness.

  11. 'Lazy and dangerous'

    The TaxPayers' Alliance is critical of Ed Miliband's tax and spending plans. "This was sixth form socialism of the most uninspiring kind. It is lazy and dangerous to implement populist measures that won't raise the money politicians promise," chief executive Jonathan Isaby says. He also predicts that the "vindictive" mansion tax - on properties worth more than £2m - would eventually be extended to much less expensive homes.

  12. Paul Brand, ITV


    tweets: Lib Dems already joking that Miliband's speech was 'the one when Gareth stole the show #Lab14

  13. Delivery delight

    Cathy Warwick, chief executive of the Royal College of Midwives, welcomed Ed Miliband's pledge of 3,000 more midwives for the NHS in England. "This shows that Ed Miliband and his team have listened to our concerns and to the evidence, and understand the value of midwives and the maternity team," she said. "It shows Ed Miliband understands the crucial role midwives play in ensuring the highest quality of care is available to women, their babies and indeed the whole family."

  14. Excellent start

    The green campaign group, Friends of the Earth, says that "finally Ed Miliband is putting climate change at the centre of Labour's plans". Energy campaigner Donna Hume called green jobs and energy saving an "excellent start" but urged Labour to ban fracking and phase out coal.

  15. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @worldcatlovertweets: @BBCNormanS @BBCPolitics Remember the word 'homes'. Ppl went houses not flats. They want outside space called a garden, & parking for the car.

  16. Voting age

    Huddersfield MP Barry Sheerman also adds his praise to Ed Miliband's speech - but he has concerns about his leader's pledge to lower the voting age to 16.

  17. Shadow cabinet reaction

    "It was very, very inspiring," says Labour chief whip Rosie Winterton of Ed Miliband's speech. "Magnificent... a feat of erudition, memory", comments Angela Eagle, shadow Commons leader and chairwoman of Labour's National Executive Committee. Ms Eagle adds that the speech focused on a long-term plan for the nation, with "sober" and "realistic" promises.

  18. Unfinished business

    It's time to complete the unfinished business of Lords reform, declared Ed Miliband "so we truly have a senate of the nations and regions". Words that got quite a bit of applause. A report by Labour Lords last June suggested getting rid of the remaining hereditary peers. But reforming the upper house - now the second largest assembly in the world - is a notoriously hard task. It's been going on for over 100 years.

  19. Chris Ship, ITV


    tweets: Given I said last year EdM gave a "great speech" - I feel it's ok to point out that this year's "wasn't as great" #Lab14

  20. Get involved


    Jennifer Voysey: I sat watching Mr. Milibands speech as I am recovering from a knee operation performed by our fabulous NHS. It would seem that he doesn't like any aspect of our country, he is doom and gloom merchant. I don't think he would ever stand up for the UK. There must be someone else in the Labour Party who would be more upbeat and optimistic.

  21. More union reaction

    Paul Kenny, the leader of the GMB union, says the message is clear: "if you value the NHS, support Labour." TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady is of the view that Ed Miliband spoke to the "real problems and worries of working people" - notably jobs, living standards, homes and the NHS. It's a policy agenda that will reconnect politics to voters, he concludes.

  22. Quiet time

    The once-packed hall now stands all but deserted. The delegates will be back tomorrow for the final business of the conference.

    Conference hall wide shot
  23. Paul Mason, Economics Editor Channel 4 News


    Paul Mason tweets: Okay so Miliband not exactly Nye Bevan in the rhetoric dept… but NHS pledge big, real and new; elected Senate & 16 y.o. votes also… labour market reforms i.e. self-employed are macro policy; aim is to turn employment growth into wage growth... nothing really said on deficit; nothing on national security - at times sounded like Cabinet Office not Downing St agenda

  24. Union reaction

    For Unite leader Len McCluskey, Ed Miliband's speech was "visionary" and set out a clear programme for protecting public services, in particular the NHS. "That is the message that will win Labour the election. We will see much more detail in the coming months and the British people will see a stark difference between a government for the many as opposed to a government for the rich," he says. Meanwhile, Unison leader Dave Prentis says no-one will now be in any doubt about what a Labour government would do in power: "He answered the questions about what he will do to help the young and unemployed, tackle housing and low pay and save the NHS."

  25. Get involved


    David Read: Did I miss the bit about immigration, or isn't that an important enough topic?

  26. Speech reaction

    Ed Miliband's promise to recruit more doctors, nurses, midwives and care workers if he wins the next election has been welcomed by the general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, Dr Peter Carter. He says investing in nursing is "absolutely necessary, whoever wins the next election". It's also gone down well with the Royal College of Midwives, whose chief executive Cathy Warwick says it shows that Labour has "listened" and "understand the value of midwives and the maternity team".

  27. Get involved


    Chris, Cheltenham: It's not unlike a bad stand up show. Lots of meaningless anecdotes and sound bites, but everybody knows better than to take him at his word.

  28. Health plan

    The main political message from Ed Miliband was that Labour is the party of the NHS. The announcement on extra funding formed the centrepiece of his speech. There'll be an extra £2.5bn, mainly to pay for extra staff, he said, promising the money would be raised by getting more cash from corporate tax avoiders, people living in expensive properties and tobacco firms.

  29. Miliband's 10-year plan

    The key policy message from Ed Miliband today was that he has a 10-year plan for the UK. And he has six goals: 1) Raise the national minimum wage. 2) Break up banks and take power from Whitehall. 3) Create a million more "green" jobs. 4) Create more apprenticeships for school leavers. 5) Build more homes. 6) "Save" the NHS.

  30. Get involved


    Richard Walker: Instead of taxing the wealth creators out of house and home, we need to encourage ambitious people to build businesses and export our way to a stronger and more secure economy.

  31. Feeling good?

    Brian Wheeler, political reporter

    The party faithful went away happy, as they always do when their leader speaks. But they were not as ecstatic as some conference audiences I have seen at the final rally before a general election. "That was the speech of a future prime minister," said one delegate from Wales. "Now he has to deliver." His friend said: "It was good, but why can't we have the pay rise for low-paid workers now? Why wait five years?" There were a few drooping eyelids in the hall during the first section of the speech, as Mr Miliband told anecdotes about people he had met, but the crowd woke up when he began attacking David Cameron and promising more jobs for the NHS. By my count, the Labour leader got a total of 70 rounds of applause, 15 laughs, 13 cheers and five standing ovations - two in response to his pledges on the NHS, one for a crack about Mr Cameron pandering to UKIP and, perhaps the biggest reaction of all, when he attacked the Daily Mail for saying his father "hated Britain". The final one came at the end of his address.

  32. What about the name-dropping?

    In his speech, Ed Miliband mentioned several people he'd met on his travels. Among them were Elizabeth, Josephine, Colin and, of course, Gareth. Why does he love such anecdotes so much? Well, he's not alone among politicians, according to this feature by the BBC's Justin Parkinson.

  33. Get involved


    Justin Pearce in Portsmouth: I have been a Labour supporter since the miners' strike and I have never been so disillusioned with the shadow party. I work for an energy supplier and my wife is a nurse. We have never been so poor and it seems that the Labour Party are still trying to keep the big business and banking sector happy while not really helping the poor.

  34. Tax avoiders

    Why didn't Labour go after tax avoiders when the party was in power? A question from the BBC's Andrew Neil to shadow health secretary Andy Burnham. He replies that there's much greater awareness of the international loopholes used by corporations. And it is right for politicians to respond, he adds.

  35. Brief Ed-counter

    In all the hubbub, we forgot to mention that Ed Miliband's speech lasted only about 65 minutes - a quarter of an hour less than promised.

  36. BBC's Ross Hawkins


    tweets: Apprentice namechecked by Ed in speech asked if she'll vote Labour by LBC: I'll keep an open mind

  37. 1996 and all that

    David Blunkett says Ed Miliband has "reached out" and had a conversation with the public. The former cabinet minister is asked how it compared to Tony Blair's powerful conference speech in 1996 - before he led Labour to victory the following year. Mr Blunkett tells Sky News it was not a "1996 moment". But that is because of the enormous challenges currently facing the world. A tub-thumping speech would not be believed now, he adds.

  38. BBC's Peter Henley


    tweets: Audience for Ed Miliband's speech being given this handy summary as they leave the hall at #LAB14. See photo

  39. George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer


    tweets: Ed Miliband didn't mention the deficit once. Extraordinary. If you can't fix the economy you can't fund the NHS

  40. Economic amnesia?

    Asked by the Daily Politics why Ed Miliband did not mention the economy during his speech, shadow health secretary Andy Burnham retorts: "You're joking?!"

  41. Something must be done

    Commenting on British participation in action against IS, kidnappers of Briton Alan Henning, shadow health secretary Andy Burnham says: "Most people will say 'something needs to be done to take on this brutal outfit'."

  42. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @The_Oilholic tweets: Nothing concrete from #Miliband, waffly bile, uncosted promises. @BBCPolitics And this man hopes to be running country in 8mnths time???

  43. Enthusiastic response

    One supporter tells BBC Two's Daily Politics Ed Miliband's 10-year plan is "brilliant" and insists he is now on his way to Downing Street.

  44. Bye for now

    The Labour leader headed into the crowd to shake hands with delegates, as the song Changing, by Sigma ft. Paloma Faith, blared out of the speakers.

    Ed Miliband and wife Justine
  45. Gareth mania

    Ed Miliband mentioned a worker called "Gareth" several times in his speech. It's created quite a fuss on Twitter, with the name trending. Here's another famous Gareth, from BBC comedy The Office.

    Gareth from The Office
  46. Bedtime chat?

    Nick Robinson says the speech was quite low key, self-deprecatory, with an attempt to have a conversation with the country. But at times people in the hall struggled to stay awake, he adds.

  47. Gareth trending on Twitter

    @guywalters tweets: Until 25 minutes ago, I had never thought there was any humour in the name Gareth. I am now living in a different, unimagined world. @helenlewis tweets: There was no need for that speech to be that long, particularly when so much trailed in advance. Wonder if anyone will track down Gareth?

  48. Fleshy?

    Lord Falconer, Labour's former Lord Chancellor, praises Mr Miliband for giving a "meaty speech".

  49. Smile!

    Ed Miliband is joined on stage with his wife, Justine, as the press pack snap away.

    Ed Miliband and wife Justine
  50. Better together

    Commenting on Ed Miliband's speech, BBC political editor Nick Robinson says the Labour leader described the next eight months as a job interview, while stressing that working "together" - a word he used 51 times - was preferable to the Conservative stance of leaving people to cope on their own.

  51. Jim Waterson, Deputy Editor of @BuzzfeedUK


    tweets: This is Gareth (back left) who is about to have a very odd day after Miliband's speech. See photo

  52. Coupledom

    Ed Miliband's supporters rise to their feet as he reaches out to draw his wife, Justine, on to the stage by hand. The couple kiss and wave, before heading out of the conference hall, waving more and shaking hands.

  53. Parting words

    In a flourish, Ed Miliband finishes his speech saying the choice is carrying on your own for the privileged few, or "let's make it happen together".

  54. Together forever?

    Ed Miliband puts out a direct appeal to young, old, businesses, entrepreneurs, charities, nurses, teachers, public service workers and "every person in our country who believes Britain can be better because of you". "Together we can rebuild our country," he says.

  55. Marathon man

    Stand-up comedian and Labour support Eddie Izzard adds a touch of celebrity status to the crowd.

    Eddie Izzard
  56. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @warren4706tweets: @BBCNormanS @BBCPolitics smokers already pay for the nhs as it is.without the smokers there would be no nhs.

  57. Husky hugging

    Ed Miliband mocks David Cameron for a number of reasons, including "hugging a husky" and for changing his logo to a tree. He said the Conservative leader had been "found out" over his "bedroom tax".

  58. The Media Blog


    The Media Blog ‏tweets: "Greater Together" is an anagram of "Greeter To Gareth". #Miliband

  59. Cashman job

    Ed Miliband announced that Lord Cashman - the former EastEnders actor - would be the next lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights envoy across the world.

  60. Oooooh, Ed!

    A delegate enjoying a bit of David Cameron-bashing.

    A delegate laughs
  61. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @devonoli tweets: Listening to Milliband. Need a cushion to hide behind. He's no public speaker. Obama and Merkel are miles better. #labconf14 @BBCPolitics

  62. Middle East

    Ed Miliband says he will campaign for a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians if he becomes prime minister.

  63. Europe row

    Ed Miliband says David Cameron's row over the appointment of Jean-Claude Juncker as the European Commission President highlights his problems with the Conservative Party.

  64. Stay with the EU

    Moving on to Europe, Ed Miliband says: "Our future lies inside, not outside the European Union."

  65. Hour (almost) up

    The Labour leader has been on his feet for almost 60 minutes, as he sets out Labour's 10-year plan for Britain.

    Ed Miliband
  66. UKIP claims

    Ed Miliband asks why David Cameron is "seeking to divide us" if he cares so much about the UK. He accuses the Conservative leader of thinking about UKIP, which is "one more reason why he is not fit to be the prime minister of this country".

  67. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @Lt_Woodpigeon tweets: @BBCNormanS @BBCPolitics They built 6 (houses) in 13 years.

  68. Andy's plans

    Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham will set out Labour's plan for "a truly integrated service, for physical health, mental health and care for the elderly", Ed Miliband tells conference.

    Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham
  69. Constitutional convention

    Outlining votes for 16 and 17-year-olds, Ed Miliband refers to constitutional changes proposed following the Scottish referendum. He argues that there cannot be a "Westminster stitch-up" - instead a constitutional convention is needed, he tells delegates.

  70. Westminster change

    On to constitutional affairs, Ed Miliband calls for full reform of the House of Lords.

  71. Tobacco firms

    Labour's fees for tobacco firms are based on those introduced in the US by President Obama in 2009. Labour says that, like the States, the fees for firms will be based on their market share. The party estimates it will raise at least £150m towards additional NHS funding.

  72. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @LatexZebra tweets: @BBCPolitics Hate to state the obvious but living in an expensive property doesn't mean you are wealthy.

  73. NHS staff

    The next Labour government will set aside funding for 3,000 more midwives, 5,000 more homecare workers, 8,000 more GPs and 20,000 more nurses, says Ed Miliband. In total there will be £2.5bn in an NHS Time to Care Fund, he adds.

  74. Standing ovation

    Mr Miliband's pledges on the NHS receive the best reception so far. Delegates rise to their feet and cheer in support.

    Crowd cheering
  75. More on mansion tax

    Another big chunk of extra NHS funding, £1.2bn, will come from a mansion tax on properties worth over £2m. Labour has promised to protect people without a high income who "happen to live in an expensive property".

  76. Going after hedge funds

    Labour says £1.1bn of the £2.5bn NHS fund will come from tax avoiders. In Labour's sights are hedge funds and large firms that "move" profits out of the UK, it adds.

  77. NHS pledge

    Labour's sixth national goal is creating a world-class 21st century health and care service, says Ed Miliband. "We will transform our NHS... We need doctors, nurses, midwives, care workers who will spend proper time with us, not rushed off their feet," he says to a standing ovation as he rattles off the numbers of staff he expects under a Labour government.

  78. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @hrp6 tweets: #labourconference Miliband making hand movements as if he's eating a sandwich. So annoying!! @labour @BBCPolitics

  79. Colin's memories of 1948

    On the health service, Ed Miliband says he met a man called Colin, who remembered the foundation of the NHS and what life was like before it.

  80. Home ownership

    By 2025, Britain will be building as many homes as it needs, doubling the number of first-time owners in the country, says Ed Miliband.

  81. Stand up

    Here's Elizabeth - an apprentice Ed Miliband met yesterday.

    Elizabeth, an apprentice
  82. Halfway

    Ed Miliband has been speaking for 40 minutes. Another 40 to go, according to Labour Party briefings.

  83. Contracts

    Businesses will only get government contracts if they provide apprenticeships to young people, Ed Miliband says to applause.

  84. Apprenticeships

    Ed Miliband says a plan is needed for jobs, wages and working families. Asking an apprentice called Elizabeth to stand up, he says his fourth national goal is that, by 2025, as many young people will be leaving school to do an apprenticeship as go to university.

  85. Nigel Fletcher, Ex-Tory adviser


    Ex-Tory adviser Nigel Fletcher tweets: This isn't actually a bad stump speech - just not sure it's a humdinger of a pre-election conference speech. #Lab14

  86. Tax avoiders to fund NHS

    Labour's own press release says that tax avoiders and high earners will pay for extra NHS funding. Ed Miliband promises that a Labour government would raise £2.5bn a year.

  87. Get involved


    David Gilbert in Colchester: I would like to know how Labour plan to not penalise people who have inherited properties or have had their property for many many years and its value has increased to above £2m. These people are not necessarily massively wealthy but could be taxed merely because their home has naturally increased in value. It's a tax for the sake of of taxing someone.

  88. Green goals

    By 2025 Britain would become a world leader in green technology, says Ed Miliband, with five million homes insulated over the next 10 years.

  89. Frontbench support

    Applause for Ed Miliband from his shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, and the party's deputy leader, Harriet Harman

    Shadow chancellor Ed Balls and Labour's deputy leader, Harriet Harman
  90. Self-employed

    Ed Miliband says 5.5 million people are self-employed - and Labour would fight for equal rights for them.

  91. Banks

    Outlining his next goal, Ed Miliband says banks need to be reformed. It is time powers were transferred from Whitehall to towns and businesses, he argues.

  92. BBC's Nick Robinson


    Nick Robinson tweets: Labour NHS fund paid for by mansion tax, 3 city tax avoidance measures & tax on tobacco firms

  93. Reception

    A round of applause as Ed Miliband raises the prospect of David Cameron's Conservative Party being kicked out of office at the next election. The crowd likes that.

    Crowd applauding
  94. Pay pledge

    The first national goal is halving the number of people on low pay, says Ed Miliband. The minimum wage will go up by £1.50, he adds.

  95. Work pays

    "Our plan starts with rewarding hard work again," says Mr Miliband.

  96. 10-year plan

    Ed Miliband outlines his six-point plan over 10 years. He says people are fed up with promises made as soon as a party gains power. It is called "doing a Nick Clegg," he says to laughter.

  97. Get involved


    Roy Pounder in Richmond, Surrey: How many £2m houses are there in the UK? Can they really generate a massive recurrent revenue for a Labour government?

  98. Get involved


    Sam, Northants: I live at home with my parents with about £500 left in the bank. I'm in the process of starting my own business. So is Ed Miliband saying that after doing all the right things and working hard when I finally become successful I should get punished? This whole 'tax the rich' policy is smacking the ambition out of the country.

  99. BBC's Laura Kuenssberg


    Laura Kuenssberg tweets: Can't help thinking when politicians, whoever they are, point out that they meet normal humans it reveals precisely the problem

  100. Ready to serve?

    Ed Miliband says he wants to give David Cameron the time to play tennis with Russian oligarchs by sending him into opposition.

  101. Time to go?

    Ed Miliband looks straight into the camera for emphasis and adds: "The British people can't afford another five years of David Cameron."

  102. Coalition

    "The record of this government isn't just mediocre; it's one of the worst ever," says Mr Miliband to applause.

  103. Fighting talk

    Ed Miliband says David Cameron will talk "a lot about the past" during the next general election campaign, and that "he's done an outstanding, tremendous job" and deserves a lot of thanks for it.

  104. Frontbench audience

    Rachel Reeves, Chuka Umunna and Vernon Coaker watch as their leader speaks.

    Rachel Reeves, Chuka Umunna and Vernon Coaker
  105. Rental woes

    "If you are one of the nine million people who rent your home in the private sector" the Conservatives will say "You're on your own," says Ed Milliband.

  106. BBC's Louise Stewart


    Louise Stewart tweets: Theme of Ed Miliband's speech - "together we can build a better Britain" #Lab14

  107. First quarter over

    Word has it that Ed Miliband's conference speech is expected to last for another hour or so. It's been going for about 20 minutes so far.

    Ed Miliband
  108. Boo, hiss

    Ed Miliband pays tribute to Britain's armed services. He receives boos and "nos" when he asks if the Tories would be better at running the country.

  109. Hospital talk

    Shadow chancellor Ed Balls smiles as Ed Miliband says how proud he is of the NHS, following a visit to an A&E department.

  110. Gareth's back

    Labour supporters seem quite solemn as Ed Miliband refers to "Gareth" again, and his colleagues at the software company.

  111. Matthew Holehouse, The Daily Telegraph


    The Daily Telegraph's Matthew Holehouse tweets: Ed talks of people being excited to see him in the park. Laughter in press seats. "It's not that funny," he shoots back.

  112. Family support

    A show of support for Ed Miliband from his wife, Justine Thornton - an environmental lawyer. Addressing party activists at this year's conference in Manchester, she said however "nasty" the general election campaign may get, she was "up for this fight".

    Justine Thornton
  113. Future plans

    Behind Ed Miliband, emblazoned in pink, a message says: "Labour's plan for Britain's future". He says his party's message is "together - the way we restore faith in the future".

  114. Columnist Matthew d'Ancona


    Columnist The Sunday Telegraph, the Standard, International New York Times and GQ Matthew d'Ancona tweets: Prospective Prime Minister runs about country with a notebook looking for people to tell him how terrible it all is. Not quite leadership.

  115. Lonely place?

    Ed Miliband says people are told "you're on your own" - "and to cap it all in our politics, it's a few who have the access, while everyone else is locked out.... No wonder people have lost faith in the future - that's why so many people voted to break up our country."

  116. BBC's Carole Walker


    BBC's Carole Walker tweets: Ed Miliband appears to be speaking without notes/autocue but word perfect on sections briefed in advance

  117. Who cares?

    Mr Miliband says people say the country does not care about them - and the Labour Party is going to put this right.

  118. Another name

    Ed Miliband talks about "Gareth" who cannot afford his own home. "So many people across our country feel this way - they feel the country doesn't work for them," he says. "Our task is to restore people's faith in the future."

  119. Bar chat

    Ed Miliband mentions a pub worker in his constituency who "thinks politics is rubbish", an opinion he says many supporters hear on the doorstep.

  120. Britain's future

    "We can build a better future for you and your family and this speech is about Labour's plan to do it - Labour's plan for Britain's future," says Mr Miliband to a trickle of applause.

  121. Thoughtful pose

    A solemn-looking Douglas Alexander - Labour's foreign affairs spokesman - looks on as Ed Miliband discusses developments in Syria.

    Douglas Alexander
  122. Make life better

    Ed Miliband says six days before the end of the Scottish referendum campaign he met a cleaner called Josephine who had not decided which way to vote. He says she wanted to know if anyone was going to make life better for her? "Is anyone going to make a better life for the working people of this country?" Mr Miliband asks. "That's the general election question."

  123. Togetherness

    Ed Milliband says his party will show Scotland it made the right choice because "together this country is better together".

  124. Miliband addresses conference

    Labour leader Ed Miliband
  125. Brown praise

    Ed Milliband thanks "Team Scotland" for the part it played in keeping the UK together following the Scottish referendum. He starts his thanks by mentioning Gordon Brown - a name he has been accused of missing out previously.

  126. BBC's Norman Smith


    BBC's Norman Smith tweets: Cripes ! Ed Miliband is going for an 80 minute speech #warandpeace #gladstone

  127. Old age

    Mr Miliband says he was elected leader in Manchester four years ago and feels - to some laughter - wiser, older, much older.

  128. Friends, Labour supporters, lend me your ear

    Ed Miliband appears to be speaking without notes and wanders around the stage. He refers to his supporters as "friends".

  129. IS

    Mr Miliband says Labour supports the overnight action against IS, but the UN needs to play its part to secure international support to counter it.

  130. Alan Henning

    Mr Miliband opens his address talking about Alan Henning, the aid worker who has been kidnapped by IS. "They take a decent British man like Alan Henning hostage," he says.

  131. He's here!

    Ed Miliband receives a standing ovation as he arrives on stage in Manchester.

  132. Laura Kuenssberg


    Laura Kuenssberg tweets: Apparently ed m is going to speak for 80 mins, means rolling news might have to cut away from him to cover Obama statement on strikes...

  133. Making a difference

    Nick Robinson says Labour is way ahead in public opinion polls on the NHS, but Ed Miliband is looking for a way to say to people Labour will make a difference to people's lives.

  134. BBC's Chris Mason


    BBC's Chris Mason tweets: Ed Miliband speech at #lab14 imminent. See photo

  135. Standing room only

    There's not a spare seat in the house for the Labour leader's speech, which is to begin shortly.

    A wide shot of the conference hall
  136. Spending

    Nick Robinson says Labour can promise greater spending because it has looser borrowing rules for the next parliament than Chancellor George Osborne.

  137. Taxing times

    The BBC's Nick Robinson says the message Labour will be sending is tax the rich, tax the tax avoiders and tax to make us well.

  138. Promise

    Just a few minutes to go before Ed Milliband's speech, BBC political editor Nick Robinson says the Labour leader will be promising to spend more annually on the NHS and 34,000 new staff by the end of its first term.

  139. Owen Bennett, Daily Express


    tweets: Nothing says you're in touch with a nation like playing the new Embrace track before a major speech #lab14

  140. Hedging bets?

    Labour former Lord Chancellor, Lord Falconer, tells BBC Two's Daily Politics he believes his party will win the next election, but "at the moment the public have yet to make up their minds".

  141. Autumn colours?

    Ed Miliband looks like he's sporting a dark blue tie to match his crisp suit. Wife Justine has opted for an on-trend magenta-coloured dress.

  142. Take your seats

    The conference hall in Manchester, which used to be the central railway station, is filling up fast ahead of Ed Miliband's speech - due to start in less than 15 minutes.

  143. Tim Shipman, Political Editor, The Sunday Times


    tweets: Told to turn off mobile phones ahead of Miliband's speech. Apparently they want no social media coverage! I will be disobeying this edict

  144. Ed fan

    One supporter tells BBC Two's Daily Politics she thinks Ed Miliband "is absolutely superb", describing him as "a strong leader" who avoids the "slickness of the Tories".

  145. Hello there

    Here comes Ed Miliband - alongside his wife, Justine. Plenty of cheers and claps as the Labour leader makes his way past the crowd, up the steps and into the conference hall.

    Ed Miliband
  146. Busy day

    Elsewhere, President Obama is due to address the United Nations in New York about the situation in Syria at 15:00 BST.

  147. Daily Sunday Politics


    Daily Sunday Politics tweets: "We could be on for a long time today" warns @afneil with @Ed_Miliband reportedly running late to deliver an 80-min #lab14 speech

  148. Crowd control

    Ed Miliband and his wife hold hands as they enter the conference centre, followed by a massive crowd eager to get a seat.

  149. He's arrived!

    Ed Miliband gets a huge cheer and applause as he walks along the crowd shaking hands with his wife Justine, who is wearing a pink belted dress.

  150. BBC's Peter Henley


    BBC's Peter Henley tweets: Stewart & Nicola who were on @bbcsouthnews are in the audience at #lab14 waiting for Ed Miliband's big speech. See photo

  151. Scotland

    In other news, Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond is making his first speech in the Scottish Parliament since losing the referendum vote. The SNP leader announced last week his intention to stand down as party leader and first minister.

  152. Red for Ed

    There's quite a bit of red attire out there in the line-up for Mr Miliband. Supporters are wearing red boots, dresses, ties, coats and scarves. Livens up the predominantly grey suits.

  153. Waiting patiently

    An eager crowd of Labour supporters is lined up outside the Manchester conference centre waiting for leader Ed Milliband to arrive.

    Labour supporters waiting for Ed Miliband's arrival
  154. BBC's Allegra Stratton


    BBC's Allegra Stratton tweets: And here they are. Manchester town hall bees. Aren't they beautiful? See photo

  155. Health pledge

    Mr Miliband will hail Labour as "the party to protect the NHS", BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith says.

  156. All change?

    BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith says Ed Miliband is changing parts of his speech to reflect the developing situation in Syria.

  157. Not long to go

    Just over half an hour to go until the speech starts. Labour activists are massing on the steps outside the conference centre ahead of Ed Miliband's arrival.

  158. BBC's Norman Smith


    Norman Smith tweets: Am hearing Ed Miliband will pledge to create 34000 new jobs in the NHS #lab14

  159. BBC's Louise Stewart


    BBC's Louise Stewart tweets: Delegates queueing round the block for Ed Miliband's speech at conference in Manchester

  160. Ed Miliband, Labour leader


    Ed Miliband tweets: I met an auto-electrician apprentice called Elizabeth yesterday. Here's what she told me.

  161. Get involved


    Paul Duncan, in Lancashire: Mr Miliband is completely out of touch, how soon people forget that the Blair and Brown years were those that wrecked the British economy. It is only through prudent management including low interest rates that we are finally seeing the mess cleared up - yet again by Conservatives.

  162. Writing on the wall

    Brian Wheeler, BBC News

    Real Life Options stand

    Is John Humphrys a secret graffiti artist? Conference-goers offer Ed M some words of advice on the Real Life Options stand (the charity works with people with learning disabilities).

  163. BBC's Andrew Sinclair


    BBC's Andrew Sinclair tweets: It's just like Willy Wonka!.All the press excitedly wait to see who's got a ticket to watch Ed's speech

  164. UK debates IS next steps

    Downing Street said the Prime Minister supported the US-led airstrikes against IS terrorists and would be holding talks at the UN in New York "on what more the UK and others can do to contribute to international efforts to tackle the threat". "The UK is already offering significant military support, including supplying arms to the Kurds as well as surveillance operations by a squadron of Tornadoes and other RAF aircraft," a spokesman said. Earlier Labour supporters gave us their views on whether the UK should get involved.

  165. People power

    On devolution, Labour's Simon Danczuk said Scottish MPs should not be voting on English legislation. "What I'm talking about is what's best for English people. We want to deliver powers right down to the people themselves and I'm sure Ed Miliband will say something about it today in his speech," he told BBC2's Daily Politics.

  166. Devolution

    Labour's Simon Danczuk told BBC2's Daily Politics that all three parties are at risk from UKIP. "I think we need to be aware of the threat from UKIP," he said. "They'll be taking votes from disaffected Liberal Democrats, Tories and potentially, Labour, so we have to work really hard for every single vote."

  167. Skinner's story

    Brian Wheeler, political reporter

    The top seller at Blackwell's conference book stall is Dennis Skinner's new memoir Sailing Close to the Wind. The veteran left-winger may be putting another shift in later on signing duties, if a new supply of books arrives in time.

  168. Lib Dems on military action against IS

    Ross Hawkins

    Political correspondent, BBC News

    The Liberal Democrat position is that no proposal to recall Parliament has been discussed as no proposal to participate in air strikes has been put to the UK government. If a request was made - we're told - they would demand it was legal, part of a wider coalition, did not involve boots on the ground and should be approved by Parliament.

  169. All forgiven?

    Labour MP Barry Sheerman told BBC2's Daily Politics he was still on speaking terms with Gordon Brown, despite calling for him to step down when he was prime minister. "We speak," he said. "We share a lift and we share a chat - usually about football."

  170. An orderly queue

    Brian Wheeler, political reporter

    Labour activists

    Labour Party members are already queuing up for Ed Miliband's big speech. A ticket does not guarantee a seat apparently.

  171. Will the UK join military action against IS?

    Nick Robinson

    Political editor

    One thing and one thing alone will determine whether the UK joins the United States in taking military action against Islamic State forces - parliamentary opinion. David Cameron will not risk a repeat of the Commons defeat he faced last summer over air strikes in response to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's use of chemical weapons. Read more from Nick.

  172. Call for UN Security Council resolution on Syria

    Shadow foreign secretary Douglas Alexander says: "ISIL are a threat to international security. We understand and support the action that has been taken both by the United States and Arab allies in recent hours. Both the president and the prime minister are due in the United Nations this week so we are now urging that a resolution be brought to the Security Council of the United Nations."

  173. Get involved


    Noel in Reading: It's time we ditched rule by ONE party and replaced it with rule by ALL parties in a shared democratically elected pool. That is the only way this country will move forward.

  174. Cost of living panel discussion

    A panel discussion on the cost of living
  175. Rental changes

    The shadow housing minister also set out Labour's plan to reform the private rented sector, including legislating for longer fixed-term tenancies, a cap on rent increases and a ban on letting agencies' tenancy fees.

  176. Faster construction

    Outlining Labour's vision, Ms Reynolds says local authorities would be given powers to speed up house-building in their area and to stop developers sitting on land - as well as bringing forward the "next generation" of garden cities and towns.

  177. House building

    Labour's shadow housing minister Emma Reynolds criticises progress on house building, which she says is at its lowest level in peace time since the 1920s. Ms Reynolds says there would be a shortage of two million homes by 2020 if current trends continue, whereas Labour would commit to building "at least 200,000 homes a year by 2020".

  178. Jessica Lennard, Head of Corporate Affairs at Ovo Energy


    Head of Corporate Affairs at Ovo Energy Jessica Lennard tweets: 'Keep breaking the rules and treating customers badly and you will be shut down' @CarolineFlintMP to the Big 6 #Lab14

  179. Fitness charter?

    Shadow transport secretary Mary Creagh says her first act in government would be to introduce a Local Transport Bill, and encourage more walking and cycling in towns and cities.

  180. Friday recall 'unlikely'

    James Landale

    Deputy Political Editor, BBC News

    One senior Conservative backbencher has told me that he does not expect Parliament to be recalled on Friday to discuss possible airstrikes against IS. He told me that a Friday recall was "not inconceivable" but he thought the Thursday after the Conservative conference was more likely.

  181. Cost of living

    A panel discussion on the cost of living is currently taking place in the main hall, featuring Labour shadow cabinet members Mary Creagh, Maria Eagle and Caroline Flint.

  182. Flint addresses conference

    Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint
  183. 'Warmer hearts'

    A future Labour government would provide one million interest free loans in the next parliament to help people heat their homes and save on bills, the party's energy spokeswoman tells the party's conference. She claims Labour's plans would not require any additional spending. After an attack on the UK Independence Party, whom she accuses of being climate change deniers, Caroline Flint concludes that Labour's plan will lead to "warmer homes and warmer hearts".

  184. Recall mooted over action against IS

    Speculation is mounting about the UK joining the US in military action against Islamic State (IS) militants. The BBC's Nick Robinson said Parliament could be recalled by Friday if Labour and Lib Dems back UK military action.

  185. Post update

    The shadow energy secretary tells the hall that six million low-income families live in homes that are too expensive to heat, with two out of three British home-owners unaware of how much heat they lose, or where from. Ms Flint sets out plans for 500,000 free home energy reports a year so that families can work out where to cut their bills. Private landlords must also play their part, Ms Flint adds, and says private rented properties would be required to meet a decency standard by 2027 "bringing warmth to three million homes".

  186. Post update

    Labour's shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint declares "war on cold homes", and says Labour will make saving energy a national infrastructure priority.

  187. Liz Savage, Parliamentary candidate for Southport


    Parliamentary candidate for Southport Liz Savage tweets: Caroline Flint declares war on cold homes. Excellent speech. Private properties to meet a decency standard by 2027 #lab14

  188. Post update

    Will Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond call for 16 and 17-year-olds to be given the vote at future elections? Read up to the minute reaction to last week's Scottish referendum here.

  189. Post update

    Back to the main hall now, for a speech from shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint. She highlights the plight of people struggling to afford their energy bills - and lists Labour's plans to transform the energy market. These include a 20-month price freeze - and a "tougher" watchdog to ensure wholesale price cuts are passed on to consumers.

  190. BBC Daily & Sunday Politics


    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    BBC Daily & Sunday Politics ‏tweets: "I did have a bunch of lads come in yesterday just to touch Tony Blair's face - it's true" says bookseller at #Lab14. See photo

  191. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @technicalfault tweets: So @marycreagh_mp briefly mentioned safer HGVs in the context of #space4cycling at #lab14. No real commitment then.

  192. Radio debate

    BBC Radio 5 live

    Away from conference, BBC Radio 5 Live's Stephen Nolan hosts a live audience debate from the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. Labour MPs are taking questions from voters of all ages attending the Labour Party conference.

  193. Clacton by-election

    Labour's candidate for the Clacton by-election, councillor Tim Young, has just addressed the hall. The by-election - to be held on 9 October - was prompted by MP Douglas Carswell's defection from the Conservatives to the UK Independence Party.

  194. Mark Ferguson, Editor of @LabourList


    Editor of @LabourList Mark Ferguson tweets: Mood at #lab14 is *flat* outside the fringes. Ed Miliband needs to electrify the hall - he'll need far more than has been announced so far.

  195. Get involved


    Eddie Pinnington in Brighton: Labour had 13 years to get it right, what's changed? Same people who got us into this mess, I wouldn't trust them with my piggy bank.

  196. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @atillatherover tweets: "@BBCNews: Ed Miliband to set out plan for a "world-class" Britain - follow #Lab14 > HaHa! Isn't that what #Hollande promised for France?

  197. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @agentmorty tweets: @BBCNews @BBCPolitics shambles of a conference. Only decent policies are ones they've copied from the Lib Dems. Where are the big ideas?

  198. Renationalising the railways

    Well that was a popular speech from Manuel Cortes, the general secretary of the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association union (TSSA). He brings delegates to their feet after calling for the railways, water and energy to be brought into public ownership. Labour must send a vow to the British public that it "will always, always, always, always put people before profit", he concludes triumphantly.

    A group of delegates leading the standing ovation for Manuel Cortes
  199. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @JOHNROYTAYLOR tweets: Great passionate speech by comrade Manuel Cortes TSA at #LAB14 on bringing Railways Water & Energy companies into public ownership

  200. BBC's Andrew Sinclair


    Political Correspondent Andrew Sinclair tweets: TSSA union tells labour conference "public ownership is not a crackpot idea. If good enuf for Americans, Germans & french why not us?"

  201. Get involved


    Mike Hardy in Gloucestershire: So Ed Milliband wants a decade to "fix" the economy? Seems fair, it took Blair a decade to wreck it.

  202. Cycle safety

    Labour wants walking and cycling to become more attractive, Ms Creagh explains. She says all heavy goods vehicles would have to be fitted with safety devices to protect pedestrians and cyclists, under a Labour government.

  203. Get involved


    Mark Jackson in Chatham, Kent: I Like some of the things I am hearing out of the "new look" Labour Party, but I still don't feel inspired to vote for any of the parties. Their messages are still not galvanising me into election fever. There is little to choose between them.

  204. Railways

    Ms Creagh calls for "big change" to the way the railways are run and pledges that Labour would put passengers "back at the heart" of the railway. She said the party would cap fares, tackle the "monopoly market" for rail rolling stock and devolve decisions on rail services "much closer to communities".

  205. Transport

    Conference turns to transport matters now, with a speech by Mary Creagh, the shadow transport secretary. She tells delegates that Labour would make a "swift decision" on airport expansion if elected, and support "any city that wants London-style buses and smart, integrated tickets to have them".

  206. Ed Miliband, Labour leader


    Labour leader Ed Miliband ‏tweets: I'm adding a few more things to my speech & giving it a final read through before I speak at #lab14 this afternoon. See instagram photo

  207. Pollution

    On air pollution, Ms Eagle says a future Labour government would introduce a national framework of low emission zones, to encourage "greener, less-polluting vehicles". She says the government is on course to miss the carbon targets set by Labour, despite David Cameron's pledge to lead the "greenest government ever".

  208. Sister act

    Angela Eagle
    Image caption: Shadow Commons leader Angela Eagle is in the crowd supporting her sister on stage
  209. Water bills

    Maria Eagle takes a swipe at privatised utilities, claiming water companies are making huge profits at the expense of customers, with "one in five" people struggling to pay their water bills. "It's just not good enough," she tells the hall, and adds that Labour would ensure a "fairer" and "more affordable" deal, including by giving the regulator powers to modify water company licences.

  210. Environment

    Shadow environment secretary Maria Eagle has the stage now. She too opens with an attack on the government's record, on environment, poverty and education. She pledges that Labour would put a stop to the government's "inhumane and ineffective" badger culls.

  211. Rallying call

    In a rallying call to conference, Michael Dugher concludes: "Let's get out there. Let's drag David Cameron kicking and screaming out of Downing Street. Let's get Ed Miliband into No 10. Let's make the big changes this country needs."

    Michael Dugher
  212. TV debates

    Mr Dugher accuses the Conservatives of dragging their heels on the issue of TV debates ahead of the general election. He announces that he will write to Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps to urge him to get the ball rolling, so a time and date for the debates can be fixed.

  213. Get involved


    Alan Lomax: Miliband wants 10 years to fix Britain. Joke. The Labour Party broke the country in the first place!!

  214. Rarer than hippos?

    Mr Dugher says the Conservative Party is "on the slide". Membership numbers have halved under David Cameron's leadership, he tells conference, and says party members are "officially endangered species" - "rarer in numbers than hippos", apparently.

  215. Attacking the Tories

    It's time for a speech from shadow Cabinet Office minister Michael Dugher now, during which he launches an attack on the government's record in office. He directs his criticism at the Conservative Party - which he says has given up economically and politically in many parts of the country.

  216. The conference hall scene

    A wide shot of conference hall
    Image caption: The conference hall is packed for today's events
  217. Behind schedule...

    Ellie Reeves, who is chairing this morning's proceedings in the main hall, announces that conference is already running behind schedule. Moving on to the next item of business, she invites Mohammad Taj - the first Muslim president of the Trades Union Congress - to the stage to address delegates.

  218. 'Britain 2025'

    Ed Miliband
    Image caption: Labour leader Ed Miliband will set out his "ten year plan" for Britain in a speech at 14.30BST
  219. RAF veteran and activist Harry Leslie Smith


    Harry Leslie Smith tweets: Tomorrow I will speak about the #NHS @ #lab14 & live on BBC, I get 2 speak for my sister who died of TB in a workhouse before we had NHS

  220. Labour MP Mary Creagh


    Labour MP Mary Creagh tweets: Just getting some speaking tips from the master before my speech to #lab14. See photo

  221. BBC's Chris Mason


    BBC Political Correspondent Chris Mason tweets: Here's a bloke with a question outside #lab14. See photo

  222. Reaction to Balls

    The Independent

    The Independent's political editor Andrew Grice focuses on Ed Balls' comments on London airport expansion. He notes that Labour has "softened its opposition" to expanding Heathrow Airport "despite Ed Miliband's previous hostility to the building of a third runway there". The shadow chancellor's message was seen as part of a drive by Labour to become more "business-friendly", he adds.

  223. BBC's Ross Hawkins


    BBC political correspondent Ross Hawkins tweets: Senior Conservative source tells me a recall of Parliament is likely

  224. Rule changes

    We're on to some more technical party matters now - "rule changes" to Labour's governing body the NEC and the Constituency Labour Party.

  225. BBC Newsnight's Laura Kuenssberg


    Chief Correspondent and Presenter for @BBCNewsnight Laura Kuenssberg tweets: Chatter last night here at conference was that Lab would probably support UK being part of action against ISIS if just strikes in Iraq

  226. Party finances

    The debate is being steered by Labour Party Treasurer and Unite assistant general secretary Diana Holland.

  227. The action's begun

    Conference is now underway, with a debate on the National Executive Committee's(NEC) Treasurer's report. The NEC is the governing body of the Labour Party that oversees the overall direction of the party and the policy-making process.

  228. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @mconway1888 tweets: On the plus side minimum wage will increase to £8ph and they'll build 200k council houses by 2020! #Lab14 #RedTories

  229. Reaction to Balls

    The Guardian

    Meanwhile, over at the Guardian, the paper's economics editor Larry Elliot described Mr Ball's speech as "light on jokes and lighter on spending pledges", which he said was driven by the shadow chancellor's belief that Labour "will only get a hearing for its different set of tax and spending priorities if it looks serious about deficit reduction".

  230. Reaction to Balls

    The Daily Telegraph

    Let's take a moment to recap on the papers' reaction to yesterday's speech by Ed Balls. The Telegraph concluded that the shadow chancellor's speech was "yet more evidence that Labour can't be trusted". The paper found "no evidence that Labour would offer anything new, beyond the same mishmash of crowd-pleasing Left-wingery and cursory acknowledgement of fiscal reality".

  231. Recall?

    The BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith has said there is a "very strong likelihood" that Parliament will be recalled from recess "within the next few days, maybe before the end of the week" to sanction any British military action.

  232. Military action

    Labour's deputy leader Harriet Harman has welcomed the co-operation of Arab states in the US air strikes as "encouraging". She told BBC Breakfast a little earlier that IS "needs to be contained". Meanwhile, shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna said any British involvement must be based on three criteria: the government would have to show that any action was within international law, that there was a plan of action, and also what would happen after any action.

  233. Iran and the Middle East

    In other news today, Prime Minister David Cameron is to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as military action against Islamic State (IS) militants has begun. The UK government says it has not joined action "yet".

  234. Coming up

    Before Ed Miliband takes the stage this afternoon we've got plenty happening, including speeches on living standards and sustainability from shadow environment secretary Maria Eagle, Labour's transport spokeswoman Mary Creagh, and shadow energy and climate change secretary Caroline Flint.

  235. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @djsage86 tweets: Another #lab14 observation. There is absolutely nothing that cannot be solved by devolution.

  236. BBC Radio 4 Today


    BBC Radio 4 Today tweets: Here's Jack Straw at #Lab14 before speaking to #r4today: Alliance of Arab countries against IS is 'encouraging'

    Jack Straw at #Lab14
  237. Ten year plan?

    The Labour leader will set out his ten year plan for government in his final party conference speech before the general election. It will include six national goals for the next decade, including plans to boost the take-up of apprenticeships and double home ownership for first-time buyers.

  238. Morning

    Hello and welcome to our live coverage of Tuesday at the Labour Party conference. The focal point of today's events - indeed, any party conference - is the leader's speech. Ed Miliband will address his party faithful from about 14:30 BST, and is expected to announce a spending boost for the NHS in England partly paid for by a "mansion tax" on properties worth more than £2m.