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Live Reporting

Pippa Simm and Victoria Park

All times stated are UK

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  1. Until next week

    Thanks for joining us for our Labour conference coverage. Just a final reminder, in case you missed Ed Miliband's speech yesterday, don't panic - you can watch it in full here. And you can follow all our party political conference coverage on this special section of the website.

  2. Conference highlights

    So, it's been a busy several days at the Labour conference. If you want to take a look back at how it unfolded - including all the key moments and videos - just click on the following links:

    • Sunday: BBC Parliament's highlights of the day's proceedings
    • Monday: featuring a speech by shadow chancellor Ed Balls in which he set out priorities for a Labour government's first budget
    • Tuesday: including Ed Miliband's keynote speech to the party faithful.
  3. Shadow cabinet meeting on IS

    The conference may have ended but that does not mean Ed Miliband's day is over. It is reported that he is about to call a meeting of the shadow cabinet to discuss the UK's potential participation in air strikes in Iraq ahead of a potential recall of Parliament on Friday. The Labour leader tells the BBC that the proposed action will have to pass a number of tests to get his approval, notably that it can be effective and is lawful.

  4. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    BBC News website reader: If belts need to be tightened in the public sector, let's start with no increase in pay for MPs.

  5. Red Flag finale

    It's time for the traditional end of conference sing-along now - to the Red Flag and Jerusalem - led by Monique Shockness. And with that, Labour's final conference before next May's general election is brought to a close.

    Senior Labour leadership singing to the Red Flag
    Image caption: All together now!
  6. 'Fight of our lives'

    Looking ahead to the next eight months, Labour's deputy leader predicts the party faces "the fight of our lives" but insists it is "up for that". She says of the Conservatives: "We can't match their millionaires and oligarchs, but they will never match our unity and determination. When it comes to team Labour - we have the best in the business." It is Labour's duty to "save this country from another term of Tory rule and give people the hope of a better Britain", she concludes to applause - and a pat on the back from Ed Miliband.

    Harriet Harman and Ed Miliband
  7. Lib Dems 'will pay price'

    The Lib Dems are not escaping Harriet's wrath either. She says food banks are "a shame on the Liberal Democrats who have helped the Tories every step of the way". Labour will make sure the Lib Dems "pay the price next May", she warns.

  8. PM 'like David Brent'

    She also takes a swipe at David Cameron, likening him to David Brent after "purr-gate". She says the Conservatives are "fighting like rats in a sack" under his leadership - and that the only person the party can unite behind is "the man on the zip-wire" - London Mayor Boris Johnson.

  9. Manifesto audits

    In praise of her leader, Ms Harman declares that Ed Miliband has taken Labour within "touching distance" of Downing Street. In a challenge to the Conservatives, she calls on them to allow the independent Office for Budgetary Responsibility to audit parties' election manifestos, instead of always arguing that Labour's spending plans "don't add up".

  10. Paul Twinn, BBC Producer


    tweets: Standing ovation in the conference hall for Gordon Brown - who isn't here.

  11. Eagle vs Jolie

    Ms Harman urges people to "stay with me on this" when she says Labour front bencher Angela Eagle has a lot in common with Angelina Jolie - after referencing Conservative Cabinet minister William Hague's work with the Hollywood actress and UN special envoy. Ms Eagle and Mr Hague go head-to-head each week in the Commons in their roles as shadow leader and leader of the House.

  12. Harman on Gordon's comeback

    Deputy Labour Party leader Harriet Harman is now making the closing speech of the conference. She opens by thanking all those who played a part in the campaign to keep Scotland in the UK. She singles out former PM Gordon Brown for particular praise, saying he has enjoyed the "biggest comeback since Cheryl Cole made it back on to the X-Factor". That went down well - a long round of applause follows.

  13. Dividing lines

    Setting out Labour's election strategy, Douglas Alexander says the party will ensure voters have a clear impression of the dividing lines with the Conservatives and Lib Dems - and work to ensure that the Lib Dems cannot "creep away" from their government record. Labour is keen for the election to be a referendum on the record of the government - not on Labour's record in power as he predicts the Conservative will seek to make it.

  14. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    Lewis, London: Labour keep mentioning how 'additional' borrowing will be covered by a mansion tax. Still no mention what they will do to tackle the borrowing we already have. £105.8bn in 2013-14 at the last count. What do you plan to do about that Labour?

  15. UKIP challenge

    Labour's election co-ordinator also talks through UKIP's expected campaign tactics - and takes conference through how Labour will respond to its political opponents. Key to the plan is portraying the 2015 election as a "change election", he says.

  16. Ed Miliband


    tweets: Really thoughtful and interesting speech from @BilldeBlasio. Here's a photo from backstage.

  17. Darren McCaffrey, Sky News Politics Reporter


    tweets: Still here and still working hard @ChrisMasonBBC. #Lab14. See photo

  18. Personal attacks

    Douglas Alexander predicts that the Conservatives will pursue a "continuity" campaign next year. They will fight a negative "fear and smear" campaign he tells conference, adding: "We're anticipating the most personally vicious, negative campaign by the Conservatives that we've seen in many years against the leadership of our party."

  19. Campaign tactics

    Mr Alexander is impressing upon the conference the need to adapt to new campaigning methods, emphasising the important role that social media has to play. He also says the party can no longer rely on "tribal affinity" to secure election victory, noting the decline of party identification on both the left and right of the political spectrum.

  20. Becky Collinson, Labour party member


    tweets: Mayor of NY @BilldeBlasio gives fantastic speech on how our bold, strong & moral policies must & will win in 2015 #Lab14

  21. Poll tracker

    Mr Alexander - who is also the party's foreign affairs spokesman - tells conference that Labour continues to lead the Conservatives in the opinion polls, and receives cheers when pointing out the Lib Dems are presently polling at about 8% and there are few signs of a "pulse".

  22. Election look-ahead

    Douglas Alexander has the stage now, and is setting out Labour's general election report in his capacity as election co-ordinator. He says the party faces a "hostile media environment" during the general election campaign and will be "significantly outspent" by the Conservatives. But he promises the party will "out-organise" its opponents.

  23. Crowd pleaser

    Harriet Harman - Labour's deputy leader - will wrap up the party's autumn conference with a speech at about 15.30 BST. The speech is traditionally a light-hearted affair, one designed to please the crowd. Expect a few jokes...

    Harriet Harman
  24. Labour's fight

    Concluding his speech - which seems to have been well-received by delegates - Bill De Blasio urges Labour to take its fight to "every corner" of the nation. He cautions that the work ahead "will not be easy" but stresses that "you still have the ability to show people that they don't have to accept" the status quo. Applause and cheers can be heard as conference rises to its feet.

    Ed Miliband with Bill De Blasio
  25. De Blasio's endorsement

    Ed Miliband will be a prime minister for Britons' "with second jobs, not just second homes", the New York mayor says, and commends Labour's "credible" plan for the nation's future. He also praises the leader's plan for the NHS, to make housing more affordable, and to expand free childcare. He says of Ed Miliband: "Your agenda is a blueprint for what a fairer, more prosperous, stronger United Kingdom will look like."

  26. Chris Mason, BBC Political Correspondent


    tweets: @BilldeBlasio speech at #Lab14 sounds like a shadow cabinet minister's speech with an American twang.

  27. Faisal Islam, @SkyNews Political Editor


    tweets: So @BilldeBlasio is gently hypnotising the entire #lab14 conference into a longing gaze... Good ally for EdM

  28. Be bold

    Mr De Blasio insists a balanced budget and economic fairness can go hand-in-hand, citing New York as an example. He urges Labour to be "bold" and ignore the "glib assertions" that a progressive agenda "is somehow narrow". The consistency of your agenda will be your calling card, the mayor tells the hall, and says the approach set out by Ed Miliband's plan is "unmistakeably clear and consistent" and should be promoted "proudly".

  29. Chris Mason, BBC Political Correspondent


    tweets: Labour confirms there 'have been conversations between the parties about a recall of Parliament'.

  30. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    BBC News website reader: Well done comrade Ed (that's a 1st!!). 85,500 homes in London are worth more than £2 million! Each will pay an average of £16,800 per year in mansion tax! Stuff 'em!

  31. Long odds

    The New York mayor admits that the "odds did feel long at first", with New York having gone through 20 years of Republican rule; but his attention was never to "nibble around the edges of timid maintenance", he says, but to "take a dead aim at the crisis of the time". He recalls: "We were a small group, but we believed in something, and our campaign grew, and it grew...and we worked together."

  32. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @franksoodeen tweets: As #Lab14 comes to a close @BilldeBlasio seems to be giving the speech that Ed should have done.

  33. De Blasio: My campaign

    Mr De Blasio is now talking about his own campaign to be mayor and how the voters rejected "lazy" and "false choice" politics by electing him to office.

  34. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @womblingfree tweets: I'm done with the memorise your speech, walk around a platform, 'I met a man' drivel. Stand at podium/say what you believe. Job done. #Lab14

  35. 'Right side of history'

    Labour understands what is at stake, Mr De Blasio tells conference, declaring the party to be on "the right side of history" even if it can feel "like a lonely place". He says the sheer scale of the challenge can be "daunting" with the voices of everyday people being "drowned out" by people content with the status quo - and recalls how he was labelled "divisive" for painting New York as a "tale of two cities". But he urges Labour delegates not to stop in their endeavours, and to help Britons "find their voice".

  36. Jake Hurfurt, Journalist


    tweets: People with penthouses, Bentleys or who can afford 5* holidays are doing quite well for themselves under Tory gvt. #lab14 @BilldeBlasio

  37. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @MichaelCHilton tweets: #Lab14 What a good idea to spend more on the NHS. What a bad idea to waste it on yet another reorganisation of services.

  38. Martin Edobor, Treasurer of @youngfabians


    tweets: I have had a fantastic conference, great speeches, discussions and debates! Now time for home and a cup of tea #Lab14. See photo

  39. Growing inequality

    The New York mayor condemns income inequality which he says has been moving "in the wrong direction". But Labour offers the solution, he says. Mr De Blasio stresses that there is nothing wrong in attaining wealth - but insists more people must be helped to write their own success stories.

  40. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @RyanDevlin_ tweets: "It's great to be in Manchester, the place where the working class movement began". Nice touch Bill! #lab14

  41. Future generations

    You refuse to accept the politics of inertia, the Democratic mayor says of Labour, and underlines the importance of setting a pathway for future generations.

    Bill de Blasio
  42. Shared values

    Progressiveness and inclusiveness are "in the DNA "of the Labour Party, and are synonymous with Democrat values, De Blasio adds.

  43. Labour's 'powerful voice'

    Touching upon Labour's history, Mr De Blasio says the party was born out of the efforts of working people "to get the right to vote" and grew to become "the larger economic voice" of working people - something he described as a "powerful" and "important" message.

  44. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    BBC News website reader: Every politician across the board says that they are "passionate" about the NHS, yet none of them have made mention of the TTIP negotiations currently in progress.

  45. Get involved

    On the BBC story Miliband says deficit is priority despite speech leaving it out RangerDanger comments: He might not be able to remember every detail of his speech - but I'm sure we can all remember the details of how the economy tanked the last time Labour were in power, and how we've had to suffer wages, jobs and pensions cuts ever since. I won't be trusting them with the purse strings again anytime soon.

  46. De Blasio's praise for Miliband

    Mr De Blasio praises the Labour leader, who he says has set out a "clear direction" and shown real leadership. He says Labour has been a "beacon for progressives" globally and a party with "an extraordinary rank of activists".

  47. 'Confident of victory'

    The New York mayor says he is confident that Labour will secure a "great victory" in 2015 - which meets with applause.

  48. Guest speaker Bill De Blasio

    Ed Miliband introduces Labour's international guest speaker - Bill De Blasio, the mayor of New York. He says he has put "inequality on the agenda" in the city and that his message is being heard worldwide.

  49. This afternoon at conference

    Conference will return at 14:30 BST for a speech from Bill De Blasio, Mayor of New York. Other afternoon highlights include Labour's election co-ordinator and foreign affairs spokesman Douglas Alexander setting out the party's 'General Election 2015 report'. The day - and conference - will be brought to an end with a speech from deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman, expected at 15.30 BST.

  50. Kevin Peel, @UKLabour @CoopParty councillor for Manchester city centre


    tweets: Going into the hall for the first time this conference to hear @BilldeBlasio speak! #Lab14

  51. Cooper sums up

    Summing up, Ms Cooper sets out Labour's vision: "Stronger controls at our borders, stronger action against exploitation, standing up to extremism, more police back on our streets, more help for victims to stay safe, justice for those whose voices aren't heard. Fairness, security, justice for all."

  52. 'Fair movement' within EU

    Ms Cooper goes on to say that "radical reform" is needed on Europe. Fair movement, not free movement is her message. She calls for tighter restrictions on new countries joining the EU, changes to benefit rules so people cannot claim when they first arrive, and for it to be easier to send home EU citizens who commit crimes in Britain.

  53. Refuges

    Ms Cooper aims fire at her government counterpart Theresa May who, she says, has "failed to support victims of violence and abuse". She sets out Labour plans to create a new commissioner on domestic and sexual abuse, and to fund a national network of refuges to ensure those fleeing abuse "always have a safe place to turn".

  54. Police commissioners would be axed

    Turning to the police, the shadow home secretary says Labour would introduce the "radical reforms" set out in a review by ex-Met Police Commissioner Lord Stevens , including the abolition of police and crime commissioners. The savings made would be put back into frontline policing instead, she adds.

  55. Child protection

    Ms Cooper turns to child protection now - an issue which she says Labour will make a priority. She says more cases of child sex abuse are being reported to the police, but prosecutions "are down by 9%". More police and Home Office action is needed to keep children safe, she says - and pledges that a Labour government would undo government changes to barring rules in order to "bar convicted child sex offenders from working with children". Ms Cooper also announces that the next Labour government will bring in compulsory sex and relationship education in all schools.

  56. UKIP attacked

    The shadow home secretary is now on the attack - criticising the coalition government's record on employment rights. UKIP are in her sights too - claiming the party's policies would "hit jobs, scrap your rights at work, charge you to see your GP and cut taxes for millionaires by more than David Cameron".

  57. Slave labour

    Ms Cooper also calls for an end to employers "exploiting cheap migrant labour to undercut wages and jobs" - and pledges that Labour would outlaw agencies who only recruit workers from abroad and increase fines for businesses that employ people illegally. And she restates Labour's plan for greater transparency in supply chains to stop UK retailers from stocking goods that have been produced by slave labour in other countries.

  58. Immigration targets

    Ms Cooper concedes that Labour "got things wrong on immigration" when it was in power. But she says government targets to reduce immigration to the tens of thousands are "in tatters". A future Labour government would bring in stronger border controls to tackle illegal immigration, she says, as well as proper entry and exit checks and smarter targets "to reduce low skilled migration and tackle abuse, yet make sure we have the university students and top talent we need".

  59. 'Politics of division'

    Ms Cooper - who was born in Scotland and brought up in England - expresses her happiness that Scotland voted to remain a part of the United Kingdom. "But we don't feel fixed," she said - and accused political opponents the SNP, UK Independence Party and Conservatives of seeking to exploit that with the "politics of division".

  60. Terror laws

    But Ms Cooper says more must be done at home as well, including a strengthening of counter-terror powers to enable the courts to stop serious terror suspects "running away". All forms of extremism must be challenged too, Ms Cooper says, condemning anti-semitic attacks on Jewish gravestones and attacks on Mosques.

  61. Islamic State

    Turning to security threats, Ms Cooper criticises the "barbarism" of Islamic State militants which are holding British hostage Alan Henning. She says Labour will work with the UK government in tackling the threat they pose, "supporting action the United States is taking and calling for a UN Security Council resolution, too".

  62. Get involved

    On BBC story Miliband says deficit is priority despite speech leaving it outFedUpAndGrumpy comments: I think a requirement to be an MP should be at least 10 years employment in the private sector actually grafting (I don't mean just sitting on the board of directors) to actually understand what life is like for most people. We need people who have real life experience running the country, not just people who have lived their lives as political operators.

  63. Yvette Cooper

    Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper takes the stage and says Labour would bring in powers to help prevent FGM as part of a new law on violence against women and girls.

  64. FGM

    First-time conference speaker Leyla Hussein, a campaigner against female genital mutilation (FGM) having undergone the procedure at the age of 7, is now speaking. She tells conference she has two minutes to speak - and issues a stark message that every minute five girls undergo FGM, meaning 10 girls will have been affected "by the time I am done".

  65. Housing market

    Delegates are currently taking part in a debate on housing market reform. Coming up after that is a speech from the shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper.

  66. Sundip Meghani, Labour candidate


    tweets: Very proud to meet the legendary Harry Smith following his wonderful rousing speech at Labour Conference. #Lab14. See photo

  67. Lobbying bill

    Sadiq Khan's speech also set out Labour's plans to abolish the government's lobbying bill, and to introduce a victims' law to "give a voice to the most vulnerable".

  68. National conversation

    Sadiq Khan dismisses David Cameron's "petty and rushed" proposals for a new UK-wide devolution settlement - and reiterates Labour's plan for a people's constitutional convention. He said a national conversation could coincide with the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta - which enshrined basic freedoms and limited monarchical power - next year.

    Sadiq Khan
  69. Iain Watson, Political Correspondent, BBC


    tweets: Ed Balls trying to avoid a car crash at #lab14

    Ed Balls at the Labour conference
  70. Get involved


    Robert Whittaker: Have just watched the Ed Miliband interview and follow up. I'm no fan of his but what he said was perfectly fair and very easy to understand. Are the BBC frowning on spontaneity these days?

  71. Devolution

    Mr Khan, Labour's justice spokesman, is now discussing devolution, with reference to last week's Scottish referendum. He says change is needed to the way the UK is governed, with greater English devolution and more powers for local communities. But the MP insists this cannot be "imposed" by Westminster - it should be led by the people.

  72. Voting age challenge

    Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan challenges the government to lower the voting age to 16 in time for the 2015 general election, telling David Cameron he will have Labour's support if he does so.

  73. Iain Watson, Political Correspondent, BBC


    tweets: Interesting that as well as criticising private care homes and the conservatives Burnham recognises some of the underling flaws in the NHS

  74. Election battle

    Wrapping up his speech, Mr Burnham tells conference that the forthcoming general election will be a battle for the soul of the NHS, and urges party members to spread Labour's message. He's also pitching his vision to the general public watching from outside conference, telling them: "This is about you, your children, your grandchildren, your great grandchildren."

  75. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @sim_poytweets: Since when have politicians had to look like George Clooney or Angelina Jolie and talk like Stephen Fry? Ed Milliband is a geek, so what?

  76. Ivana Bartoletti, NHS worker


    tweets: Superb speech by @Harrylaststand: must remember spirit of 1945 that built NHS-so many vulnerable ppl won't survive 5 more ys of this govt

  77. New support for carers

    Mr Burnham announces new support for carers, including the right to a break or respite care, and an annual health check. He adds: "From a new right to have a home birth and a new right to be in your own home at the end of your life, surrounded by the people you love."

  78. Mental health

    Mr Burnham says integrated health and social care will not cost any additional money as it is "the key to unlocking the money to make it work better". The party's ambition is for personalised care plans and to put mental health on parity of esteem with physical health, he adds.

  79. Liz Kendall, Labour MP


    tweets: Boy oh boy what a speech from Harry Smith: "Your future must not be my history.... our Party is the tide that raises all boats" #Lab14

  80. 'Integrated care organisations'

    Under Labour's plans, hospital trusts and NHS bodies will be asked to evolve into "NHS integrated care organisations working from home to hospital, coordinating all of one person's needs: physical, mental and social".

  81. Care homes

    Mr Burnham criticises 15-minute care visits for the elderly and the "scandal" of poor treatment in care homes - recalling his grandmother's own experience. The Conservatives cannot bring about the change that is needed, he claims, and accuses them of prioritising profits over patients. "The market is not the answer to 21st century health and social care", Mr Burnham insists and restates Labour's pledge to repeal the Health and Social Care Act, which enacted the government's health reforms.

  82. Integrated care

    In a direct message to voters the shadow health secretary says: "Labour is with you, your worries are ours, we know things can be better than they are." He says Labour will be bold and "complete Nye Bevan's vision, and bring social care in to the NHS", prompting applause.

  83. NHS 'rescue plan'

    Andy Burnham says Labour has a "rescue plan" to secure the NHS based on "people before profits". People will be offered a "real choice" over the future of the NHS, he says, and predicts the general election next May will be the Conservatives' "day of reckoning". Criticising the government's record on health, he accuses David Cameron of breaking his pledge for no top-down reorganisations of the NHS: "It was a bare-faced lie."

  84. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @Iain_33 tweets: Andy Burnham has to follow Harry Smith and Baby Jacob

  85. Burnham speech

    Time for a speech from Labour's shadow health secretary Andy Burnham now. He opens by paying tribute to Harry Smith, telling him it was "truly a privilege to be in your company today".

  86. Future generations

    The next generation of the Labour Party? Catherine Atkinson, Labour's parliamentary candidate for Erewash, brings her son, Jacob, on stage as she makes a speech on the NHS.

    Catherin Atkinson and baby Jacob
  87. Burnham thanks Harry

    Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham embraces Harry Smith after his captivating speech
    Image caption: Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham embraces Harry Smith after his captivating speech
  88. More from Harry Smith

    Mr Smith goes on to criticise the current government's austerity measures and urges Labour to be vigilant and demand that the health service "will always remain an institution for the people and by the people". "Never, ever let the NHS free from our grasp because if we do your future will be my past", he counsels. His speech - which brought many in the room to tears - elicits a standing ovation from a moved crowd.

    Crowd applauding
  89. Harry Smith trending on Twitter

    @sarahjanehan tweets: Harry Smith's epic speech a reminder of why we need Older and Wiser voices in British politics #Lab14 #remembrancers @ljgrainge tweets: Just witnessed the speech of #Lab14 not Ed, but 92 yr old Harry Smith. Truly inspirational, almost poetic but extremely moving. Still tears

  90. Moved to tears

    A tear rolls down the cheek of a delegate in the crowd
    Image caption: Harry Smith's speech brought tears to the eyes of some in the audience
  91. 'Galvanised a generation'

    "Sadly rampant poverty and no healthcare were the norm for the Britain for my youth. That injustice galvanised my generation to become after the Second World War the tide that raised all boats," Harry Smith, 91, says, adding that he voted for the first time in 1945, for the Labour Party - which would go on to create the NHS.

    Harry Smith
  92. More from 91-year-old Harry Smith

    "My memories stretch back almost 100 years and if I close my eyes I can smell the poverty that oozes from the dusky tenement streets of my boyhood," Harry Smith says. "No-one in our community was safe from poor health," he adds, recalling how his elder sister died of TB aged 10 and received a pauper's funeral because the family was unable to afford to pay for one themselves.

  93. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @GillTroughton tweets: In tears hearing Harry Smith describing poor health & fear for the poor pre-NHS. Couldn't even afford to bury his sister. #Lab2014

  94. Jamie Reed, Labour MP


    tweets: Harry Smith's contribution to #Lab14 is one of the most incredible things I've ever seen or heard.

  95. Paul Richards, Labour activist


    tweets: Use of imagery, inversion, triclons, anecdotes, pathos, calls to arms: Harry Smith's address was a speech-writers' masterclass #lab14

  96. Isabel Hardman, Assistant editor, The Spectator


    tweets: Huge, spontaneous round of applause for Harry Smith, an elderly man who spoke to #lab14 about the NHS

  97. Steve Hawkes, Deputy Political Editor, The Sun


    tweets: 91 year-old Harry Smith shows Ed Miliband how to do it - rousing speech (from autocue) that gets delegates on their feet

  98. Harry's pre-NHS story

    The healthcare debate has just been addressed by - Harry Smith - born in 1923, making him 91 years old. In a moving speech - which brings tears to some people's eyes - he takes the room through his childhood background in poverty. He says it was a "bleak time" in the country when public healthcare didn't exist and hospitals and medicines were for "the privileged few".

  99. Joel Taylor, Deputy News Editor at Metro


    tweets: Harry Smith gets huge applause finishing: 'Mr Cameron get your mitts of my NHS' - bigger than anything Miliband got during his speech #Lab14

  100. Norman Smith, BBC News Assistant Political Editor


    tweets: Labour's @ChukaUmunna on that missing D-word: "We have talked about the deficit ad infinitum" #Lab14

  101. Customised hardhat

    A delegate displays an unusual piece of headgear
    Image caption: A delegate displays an unusual piece of headgear
  102. Health debate

    Conference moves on to a debate on health and social care now. Members of Labour's shadow health team are on the front row.

    Shadow health care ministers listening to a debate on healthcare
  103. Get involved


    Declan Galvin in Watford: The only achievable way way to save the National Health Service is by ensuring it does not try to be the Global Health Service. Entitlement has to be restricted to residents who contribute and to recover costs of treatment needed because of lifestyle choices, obesity, smoking, alcohol and such.

  104. Coronation Street

    Mary Creagh and Chuka Umunna

    The new Jack and Vera, anyone? Mary Creagh and Chuka Umunna were among the shadow cabinet stars to drop in at the Rover's Return last night. The Daily Mirror had hired the old set for its annual conference party. The famous cobbles have not seen so much political action since Ken Barlow stood for Wetherfield Council. It was all too much for lifelong Corrie fan Jonathan Isaby, political director of The Taxpayers' Alliance, who - after discovering Elsie Tanner's doorbell - declared that he might even start buying the paper

  105. Co-operatives

    Delegates are listening to a speech from the chair of the Co-0perative Party, Gareth Thomas - who is the MP for Harrow West. He says the Co-op Party has a "long and proud tradition as a voice of consumers" - and adds that a "powerful" consumer ombudsman is "long overdue". Mr Thomas also pays tribute to the late Jim Dobbin MP, who died earlier this month, describing him as "a champion for cooperatives".

    Labour Co-op MP Gareth Thomas
  106. Cash for speeches

    Brian Wheeler, political reporter

    Labour students are selling copies of Ed Miliband's speech for £2 to raise money for the party's general election campaign. Some hacks were miffed to discover it is the speech he actually delivered. They might have paid a bit more for the other version.

  107. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @stdomingo tweets: Dear Ed Milliband , I don't know anybody with a house that's worth £2m .

  108. Unhappy about queues

    One delegate takes to the platform to call for "an explanation and an apology" to everyone who queued for two hours to hear Ed Miliband's speech - but who were not able to get into the hall. Jim Kennedy apologises on behalf of the National Executive Committee and says he wants to make sure it never happens again.

  109. The agenda

    A word from Harry Donaldson, chair of the Conference Arrangements Committee, who is setting out today's agenda. He also invites delegates to thank, by way of applause, those who have made the conference possible - and to delegates themselves for attending.

  110. Miliband interviews

    Ed Miliband
    Image caption: Ed Miliband speaking to BBC Breakfast this morning about his conference speech, and air strikes against Islamic State militants

    You can watch the interview here

  111. Get involved


    John Sharkey: Ed Miliband's speech at Labours' conference was perfect. Getting to the heart of the Tories' plans to rip the NHS apart. The mimimum wage is about a fair wage. Well done Ed, brave speech.

  112. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @Quinandtonic tweets: @bbcpolitics so EdM could remember Gareth and Colin but not the deficit or immigration?

  113. Conference is underway

    Back to Labour conference now, and the hall is steadily filling up ready for the day's business to get underway. Andy Burnham, the shadow health secretary, is due to make his speech at 11.30 BST.

    Andy Burnham
    Image caption: The shadow health secretary is to set out the party's plans for integrated health and social care
  114. Get involved

    BBC story: Ed Miliband insists deficit is 'priority' despite forgetting it in speech

    Mouse_at_Large comments: To all those complaining about the lack of choice between the main parties, just remember that in 2011 we (the UK electorate) rejected a change to the voting system that might have been a first step to a fairer and more representative democracy.

  115. NHS strike

    Meanwhile, health workers in England are to stage a four-hour strike on 13 October in a row over pay. This will be followed by four days of other forms of industrial action, Unison has announced.

  116. Sturgeon launches SNP bid

    In other news, Nicola Sturgeon has formally launched her bid to replace Alex Salmond as SNP leader and Scottish first minister. Mr Salmond resigned in the wake of his defeat at last week's independence referendum. Ms Sturgeon has served as Scotland's deputy first minister since the nationalist party took office seven years ago, and has been clear favourite to succeed Mr Salmond.

  117. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @jaaydad tweets: @BBCPolitics I don't support tax rises in general but we all need to pay more NI as do companies that sell cigarettes alcohol or fast food

  118. Get involved

    BBC story: Ed Miliband insists deficit is 'priority' despite forgetting it in speech

    Matt comments: I would like to see Labour make the same commitment as the Tories to return a budget surplus during the next parliament.

  119. Nigel Fletcher, Ex-Tory adviser


    tweets: From the coverage today, Ed Miliband's speech is looking like one he'd like to forget. Which is rather ironic. #Lab14

  120. IS

    Prime Minister David Cameron - who is in New York for a UN General Assembly meeting - says the fight against IS militants is one "you cannot opt out of", and that an international coalition was needed to "destroy" IS. Speaking to BBC Breakfast earlier today, Labour leader Ed Miliband said he was "open to the possibility" of supporting air strikes against IS in Iraq - but that air strikes against Syria would be likely to need a UN security council resolution to gain Labour support.

  121. Syria and IS

    The unfolding events in Syria - where the US and its allies have begun a campaign of air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants - have slightly overshadowed Ed Miliband's keynote speech. Parliament is expected to be recalled (possibly on Friday) to discuss the UK's possible role - although there has been no official confirmation as yet. It is also understood that there will be a formal request from the Iraqi prime minister later today for the UK to join in air strikes, which have been taking place in Iraq since August.

  122. Get involved


    Philip Shuker in Rossendale: Forgive me but I have lived a long time. Where have I heard all this stuff before? Feeling of deja vu.

  123. Get involved


    Bert in Fife: LP deputy leader Harriet Harman sounded clueless when trying to explain mansion tax on BBC News last night.

  124. Get involved

    Tweet @BBCPolitics

    @FergusMason1 tweets: @BBCPolitics @RTaylor_LibDem Seriously? This is the guy that wants to negotiate for us in the EU etc and he can't remember his key points??

  125. Chris Mason, BBC Political Correspondent


    tweets: Will you continue to do speeches without notes? asks @BBCR4Today: "Absolutely," says Ed Miliband #lab14

  126. Norman Smith, BBC News Assistant Political Editor


    tweets: Ed Miliband concedes "there are challenges in the NHS in Wales" @bbcr4today #lab14

  127. Paper reaction

    The Independent

    The Times and the Independent front pages also make reference to Ed Miliband's omission of the deficit in his speech. Both papers also report on David Cameron's comments that the Queen "purred" when he told her about Scotland's rejection of independence.

  128. Paper reaction

    The Daily Telegraph

    "Miliband avoids the economy in key speech," says the Daily Telegraph. Sketch writer Michael Deacon makes light of Mr Miliband's repeated anecdotes about "ordinary people". "[Miliband] devoted what felt like half of his almost endearingly odd speech to recounting the innumerable occasions when he had suddenly accosted what he calls 'the everyday working people of Britain'".

  129. Paper reaction

    Financial Times

    The Financial Times assesses Labour's plan for a mansion tax, to be levied on homes worth more than £2m to fund a cash boost for the NHS. Jim Pickard and Vanessa Houlder state that the levy would need to raise "an average of £11,000 per home to meet the party's target of £1.2bn a year".

  130. Paper reaction

    The Guardian

    Over at The Guardian, the focus is on Miliband's decision to put the NHS "at the heart" of the election. Political editor Patrick Wintour said party activists were "delighted" with the £2.5bn cash pledge to pay for more nurses. Meanwhile, the paper's Jonathan Freedland concludes: "The Labour leader delivered a clear enough message. He just did not sound like a convincing prime minister."

  131. Paper reaction

    The Daily Mail

    So what do the papers have to say about Ed Miliband's key speech - described by the Labour leader himself as his "job interview" for the next eight months. "Miliband pitch for PM falls flat," writes Matt Chorley, MailOnline political editor. He said the Labour leader has pinned his hopes of election victory on a £2.5bn cash boost for the NHS - but draws attention to the fact that there was no mention of the deficit or immigration in the speech.

  132. Robin Brant, Political Correspondent BBC News


    tweets: ed m tells bbc r4 today 'i didn't deliberately drop it' when asked if he omitted deficit and immigration from speech on purpose

  133. Forgetful

    Ed Miliband has been touring the news outlets after his key speech to conference yesterday. But he's found himself having to explain why he omitted passages of his speech on the deficit and immigration - despite them appearing in the draft posted onlien afterwards. The Labour leader insists he simply forgot, rather than deliberately left out the lines. Chancellor George Osborne seized on the omission as "extraordinary".

  134. Get involved


    R Knowles, in Cumbria: I had an appointment with my doctor on Monday (having made the appt. during the previous week). I have been referred for specialist treatment and was given a day and time during this appointment. So what is wrong with the National Health Service Mr Miliband?

  135. Iain Watson, Political Correspondent, BBC


    tweets: The labour leader said there were two pages of his speech which he didn't use and there are 'perils' attached to notes-free speeches

  136. Nick Robinson, Political Editor, BBC News


    tweets: Labour signals ready to vote for airstrikes if Iraq asks for them @Ed_Miliband tells @BBCr4today - "We should we be open to that request"

  137. The day ahead

    Also coming up this morning are speeches from Labour's justice spokesman Sadiq Khan, and the shadow home secretary, Yvette Cooper. The party's election co-ordinator, Douglas Alexander will address delegates after lunch - at about 14.15BST - after which deputy leader Harriet Harman will deliver the closing speech.

  138. Morning

    Hello and welcome to the fourth and final day of Labour Party conference. It's a packed day ahead. Shadow health secretary Andy Burnham will set out Labour's plans for integrating health and social care, following Ed Miliband's pledge for a £2.5bn cash boost for the NHS.