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Live Reporting

Pippa Simm

All times stated are UK

Get involved

  1. Keep watching on the BBC

    That brings our live text commentary of Tuesday's conference proceedings to a close. Highlights can be found by clicking on the Key Video tab above. You can watch all of today's speeches in full on BBC Parliament and follow the latest twists and turns at Today at Conference at 23.25 BST on BBC Two. We'll be back tomorrow for the final day of Lib Dem conference, which culminates in a speech by Nick Clegg. Do join us.

  2. 'Democratic party'

    Former Lib Dem leader Lord Ashdown is asked about this afternoon's vote to reject attempts backed by the party hierarchy to change its stance on airport expansion. "We are a democratic party and the leadership doesn't always get its way," he tells BBC News.

  3. Middle East

    With a show of hands party members vote to adopt the policy motion on the Middle East - and attention turns to a motion censuring the party's Federal Executive for "unconstitutional behaviour".

  4. Get involved

    Tweet: @BBCPolitics

    @JoshDixonTweets: Great speech by @SarahBrown1984 who was flying the flag for the carers in our society #LDconf

  5. Tax announcement

    Nick Clegg, who makes his conference speech tomorrow, has said the Liberal Democrats would cut the taxes of 29 million working people in 2016 if they remain in government. The deputy prime minister told the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson no-one would pay tax on the first £11,000 of income from April 2016, a £1,000 rise on current limits.

    Nick Clegg speaking to the BBC's political editor Nick Robinson
  6. 'Compelling case'

    Menzies Campbell stresses that Turkey should be persuaded to "give up its stand off" and supply the Kurds with weapons to assist their fight against IS, warning that if the Syria-Turkey border town of Kobane - where fighting is raging - falls to IS, "there will be slaughter on an apocalyptic scale". He doubts that there can "ever be a more compelling case for humanitarian intervention".

  7. Menzies Campbell

    Former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell voices his support for UK involvement in air strikes against Islamic State militants in Syria. He says David Cameron should seek Parliament's approval to join US-led operations, to combat the "massive ethnic and religious cleansing".

    Menzies Campbell
  8. Emergency motions

    This is the first of two "emergency motions" on topical matters being discussed by Lib Dem activists. The second is concerned with the party's Federal Executive.

  9. Get involved

    Tweet: @BBCPolitics

    @smee_anne tweets: @BBCPolitics #ldconf Tim Farron looking forward too, by stating urgent investment in infrastructure was the way to stabilise economy

  10. Get involved


    Terry Wise in Chelmsford: After supporting Lib Dems most of my voting life, no more, they are no longer a viable ruling party, they have proved themselves to be a total non-entity, soon to be consigned to the parliamentary dustbin, a let down, disappointing to say the least.

  11. Islamic State

    Martin Horwood MP expresses the party's sadness at the death of British aid worker Alan Henning, who was killed by Islamic State (IS) militants. "He was one of the best of men, murdered by the worst," he says. The motion on the Middle East calls on the government to continue to work closely with international allies to stop the spread of IS "in Iraq, Syria and beyond".

  12. Get involved


    Matthew Bambridge in London: This just shows that the Lib Dems have not grown as a party and are still unable to make sensible policy decisions. Britain needs an increase in runways to remain competitive in Europe.

  13. Middle East debate

    The Liberal Democrats have moved on to the final item on the agenda, which begins with a discussion on the latest situation in the Middle East. Opening, Cheltenham MP Martin Horwood criticises what he says are "illegal" Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the country's "disproportionate" response to rocket attacks from Gaza. Mr Horwood explains that the motion before conference encourages a "united European stance that recognises Palestinian statehood".

  14. Len Tingle, BBC Yorkshire political editor


    tweets: Prime Minister tells me he's written to @GeoffreyBoycott to explain choosing @williamhague01 as greatest living #Yorkshireman-@BBCLookNorth

  15. Eleanor Garnier, BBC


    tweets: Nick Clegg not planning to make any outfit changes during his big speech tomorrow. Aides says it's a suit and tie affair #outfitgate

  16. Get involved


    Emma: My parents bought a house 32 years ago, 20 minutes away from Gatwick in a beautiful area. They spent 30-odd years doing it up. From the garden you could always see planes but noise was never a problem. Visiting this summer was terrible. You couldn't sit outside and chat as every few minutes you'd have to pause and wait for the plane to go by otherwise you couldn't hear yourself speak. If Gatwick is expanded my parents, like many others, will end up moving from the home they've lived in and worked hard to build.

  17. Standing ovation

    It's a standing ovation for Lib Dem President Tim Farron, as he ends his speech with a call for the party to offer "wisdom amidst the hysteria". "This is our opportunity," he tells activists. "This is the Liberal moment. Let's grab it."

    Lib Dem conference
  18. 'Moral outrage'

    Tim Farron says more work is needed to achieve "real" equality, branding it a "moral outrage" that too often women are "paid less and matter less". He also notes that "our politics and our party" does not yet fully reflect society and says Lib Dems will redouble their efforts to change that.

  19. London too big?

    Tim Farron says it is "ludicrous" that Britain's largest city - the capital - is more than seven times bigger than its second largest. London matters "far too much for its own good, and for the country's good," he adds.

  20. Winston Churchill

    Tim Farron criticises the notion of small government which he says creates weak citizens. He tells delegates he entered politics to make a difference, as he defends big government. He goes on to attack Conservative party policy commitment to scrap the Human Rights Act, saying human rights are not "frustrating" but integral to what it is to be British. They are the legacy of Winston Churchill, Mr Farron adds, and remarks that the former PM would once be a liberal once again today. He says David Cameron is "no statesman".

    Tim Farron speech to Lib Dem conference
  21. 'Isolation'

    Britain's future is as an open, inclusive society, Tim Farron tells Lib Dem conference, warning that the "nationalism" and "isolation" of Conservatives and UKIP is a "serious" threat.

  22. Immigrants 'demonised'

    Tim Farron defends immigration, telling activists migrants make a "net contribution" to the economy and should be celebrate not "demonised". He adds, to applause: "We should be grateful that migrants have chosen to relocate their lives here and are working to build our economy."

  23. 'Simplistic solutions'

    Tim Farron says other parties are "panicked by the rise of the populists, with a beer or a whisky in one hand and a simplistic solution in the other".

  24. 'Powerless'

    Tim Farron says politics today "disappoints" for so many people because globalisation has made them "feel powerless, insecure and uncertain".

    Tim Farron
  25. Tim Farron speech

    Party President Tim Farron gets a round of applause as he takes the stage to deliver a speech to party activists. It will be his final conference speech in this capacity, as he is standing down as president.

  26. Voting time

    The debate culminates in several votes. The Ageing Society policy paper is adopted by the conference - without amendment.

  27. 'Siren calls'

    Former Care Minister Paul Burstow is wrapping up the current debate in the main hall, on Britain's ageing society. He urges members to reject the "siren calls" of those who want to "pitch generation against generation" - and appeals to conference to keep the triple lock pension guarantee in the policy paper. "Let's not start not stepping back from our commitments to pensioners," he says.

  28. Vicki Young, BBC political correspondent


    tweets: Iain Dale bravely goes to Lib Dem fringe event and predicts the party will win around 28 seats at next election...#ldconf

  29. Iain Martin, the Telegraph

    blogs: What the Lib Dems are doing makes no sense. When the main stories reported from party conference by the media are the emptiness of the hall and the state of the party leader's trousers, then the Liberal Democrats have a problem. Read more

  30. Ministers watching

    Two Lib Dem ministers - Scottish Secretary Alistair Carmichael and Pensions Minister Steve Webb - are watching this afternoon's debate about Britain's ageing society.

    Steve Webb and Alistair Carmichael
  31. Iain Watson, BBC


    tweets: Nick Clegg will use an autocue to deliver his conference speech tomorrow - sources say ed miliband taught him the value of them

  32. The mists clear

    Outside the conference hall in Glasgow, the mists have cleared to leave a glorious sunny afternoon (see earlier picture at 09:42)

  33. Get involved


    Malcolm Lenaghan: The global population is growing, trade is growing, transport demands are growing both on land, sea and air. The UK needs the extra runway capacity in the South East because the mass of population lives there. Alternatively should we all get in our cars and drive to Birmingham, Manchester or Glasgow airport thereby causing further increase in greenhouse gases?

  34. 'Still dancing'

    Barbara Smith describes herself as "a baby boomer, still dancing to the Rolling Stones", as she contributes to the ageing society debate. "We are the grey pound and the marketing men love us," she tells the hall. But she makes the case for a reassessment of universal pensioner benefits to provide more support for struggling younger generations.

    Barbara Smith
  35. Lib Dem views: Will Nick Clegg survive?

    Nick Clegg is not facing any leadership challenges at this year's Liberal Democrat conference - but will he still be in charge time next year? And how many MPs will the party have? Read what Lib Dem members say

  36. Look ahead

    Coming up at 16.10 BST, Lib Dem President Tim Farron will address activists. This'll be followed by debates on so-called emergency motions on topical matters, including the situation in the Middle East, and the Federal Executive's "unconstitutional behaviour and gender quotas for committee elections".

  37. James Brokenshire, Conservative MP and immigration minister


    tweets: At #Stansted Airport earlier to mark the official launch of the new e-passport gates tripling capacity @STN_Airport. See photo

  38. 'In my prime'

    This councillor is applauded as he ends his contribution to the pensions debate with the words: "Nigel Martin, signing off, a pensioner still in his prime."

    Councillor Nigel Martin
  39. Pete Wishart, SNP MP for Perth and North Perthshire


    tweets: Geez! Yet another day of Liberal miserablism. Does it ever end? #theyarethe7percent

  40. Triple lock

    Pensions Minister Steve Webb is addressing party activists on pensions reform. He says former Conservative PM Margaret Thatcher broke the earnings link with pensions which reduced the real value of the pension over time. Mr Webb says it will take time to reverse this but that progress is being made thanks to the triple lock guarantee introduced by the coalition.

    Pensions Minister Steve Webb
  41. Get involved


    Jamie Rose in Hounslow: This seems to be a really short-sighted policy. I understand there is a balance between environmental impact of aviation against the benefits of major UK hub airports brings to our economy. If a party is struggling with its conscience, such as the Lib-Dems, the Gatwick option is a reasonable compromise.

  42. Get involved


    Alan in Durham: No expansion of airports in London or indeed south of Birmingham should be considered. Infrastructure to Northern airports should be improved and these airports should be used or expanded. Another example of everything within the M25 club.

  43. Get involved


    Pat Mooney in Cheltenham: This decision will come back to haunt the Lib Dems both in their opposition to an additional runway at either Heathrow or Gatwick and no expansion at all in any part of UK. It shows how distant they are from business, UK travellers and the wider international community.

  44. Ageing society debate

    Party members are now discussing a policy paper on an ageing society. It recognises the challenges posed by people living longer and states that "Liberal Democrats take an optimistic view of ageing and the opportunities it presents".

  45. Davey's pride

    Ed Davey stands by the party's record in government and says he is proud of what it has achieved. "So let's get out there and tell people, tell them how we much we've changed the old way of doing things, how much we are going to keep on changing things," he says, to applause.

  46. Steve Hawkes, Deputy Political Editor, The Sun


    tweets: Ed Davey: "Being a Liberal Democrat has never been easy."

  47. Get involved


    BBC News website reader in Crawley: Crawley is only a few miles from Gatwick and would benefit greatly from a second runway. It's annoying living so close to Gatwick and often having to travel to Heathrow.

  48. 'Personal mission'

    On the attack again, Ed Davey says some Conservatives colleagues "don't share our passion for a fairer society". He goes on to say the Liberal Democrats have led the climate debate in Britain and that his mission is "personal"; revealing that having children has strengthened his resolve to "fight the system" that's "threatening" the environment for future generations.

  49. Taxes

    The Liberal Democrats would provide an extra £100m for a new phase of the Green Deal to help people cut their energy bills, if they form part of the next government, Ed Davey tells conference. He says there will be a major tax cut for energy efficiency in the party's pre-manifesto: "a 10-year council tax cut, of at least £100 a year, paid for by central government".

  50. 'Mess'

    Ed Davey says his department's energy market reforms have fixed the "mess" left by Labour, and opened up competition in the sector to counter the "dominance" of the "Big Six". He pledges to deliver on his promise to halve the time it takes for customers to switch energy supplier.

  51. Switch times

    Every major energy supplier is on course to halve the time taken to switch provider, Ed Davey tells the Lib Dem conference.

    Ed Davey
  52. Fracking

    Energy Secretary Ed Davey says he would end the Conservatives' fracking "free for all".

  53. Colourful language

    "Voting blue will never get you green," says Ed Davey as he continues his attack on the Conservatives. Only the Lib Dems can continue continue the rise in renewable energy, he argues. He tells conference that the Lib Dems would ban coal-fired power stations from 2025 if it forms part of the next government.

  54. Bills

    Ed Davey hails the growth in renewable energy, in particular onshore wind. He claims the Conservatives don't like this and have been urging him to cap onshore wind, "but I've just said no" because it's vital for climate change and to keep energy bills down, he adds.

  55. Paul Waugh, Editor of


    tweets: I hear a Jeremy Browne fan club following him around conf fringe, young women + men cheering his every word. Shall we call em #Jezzabelles?

  56. 'Outsiders'

    Ed Davey hails what he sees as "dramatic" Lib Dem achievements in government, including the pupil premium, increases in the personal income tax thresholds and pensions reforms. The Lib Dems are also delivering real change in energy markets, Mr Davey says, because "we are outsiders, on the side of the people and not vested interests".

  57. 'Insurgents'

    Ed Davey says being in power has made it harder to convince voters that the party is still the same "disruptive, insurgent force of politics". We've got to shout much louder about our role in spreading opportunity for all, he tells activists.

  58. Conference resumes

    Energy Secretary Ed Davey is kicking off this afternoon's conference session with a speech. He says Nick Clegg has broken the "red/blue monopoly" on power after entering into coalition government. Mr Davey says the Lib Dems' "fair tax policy" is the biggest achievement of the parliament - and accuses the Conservatives of trying to claim it as their own.

  59. 'A political mess'

    The BBC's assistant political editor Norman Smith says Nick Clegg's defeat over the party's position on airport expansion is a "political mess" for the Lib Dem leader. It leaves Mr Clegg with his " hands tied" and "no room to manoeuvre" when the Davies Commission on UK airport capacity expansion reports back after the election.

  60. Tom Brake, Lib Dem MP


    tweets: @LibDems will never abandon our commitment to the environment! #GreenerEconomy

  61. Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor of The Sun


    tweets: Danny the Builder - @dannyalexander unveils idea for govt to build and sell houses. Developers must build 300,000 a year, or we will #ldconf

  62. Luke Massey, Press Officer for @CNDuk


    tweets: @julianhuppert is 'exactly what a parliamentarian ought to be' says @IainDale, though doesn't agree with him on many things! #LDconf

  63. Get involved


    Phil Carter in London: Why will nobody share the vision of Boris and look to a totally new airport in the Thames estuary? Every other option is a short term measure and we'll be discussing where a new runway should go all over again in ten/twenty years time. It needs someone with the long term vision and confidence to plan for the next fifty years... step forward Boris.

  64. Peter Henley, BBC


    tweets: Golf courses in Surrey must be built on Vince cable tells #localishousing Families would rather have a home with a garden than a fairway

  65. Living with the grandchildren

    Keith House speaking at a fringe meeting at the Lib Dem conference
    Image caption: "We need to solve the housing crisis for our children and grandchildren," Eastleigh Borough Councillor Keith House tells a fringe meeting, "because I certainly don't want them living with me!"
  66. Laws eats Greens

    David Laws dismisses the threat from the Green Party at the next general election, claiming it is not a "serious" competitors. Some opinion polls have put the Greens ahead of the Lib Dems nationally but Mr Laws suggests that Green supporters are actually coming over to his party in key constituencies.

  67. Cable takes a swing

    Vince Cable has taken out his driver and had a swing at the number of golf courses in Surrey. Told that more than 90% of land in the county is green belt, the business secretary told a fringe meeting on housing. "If I was in a middle income family I would be asking is the golf course sacred or is there a better use of the land?"

  68. Post update

    BBC Radio 4

    David Laws says the Lib Dem leadership will respect the wishes of party members after they voted to maintain the party's opposition to new runways in the south of England. Although the schools minister tells the World at One he cannot anticipate the "precise" language on airports in its 2015 manifesto, he says the "basic approach" agreed in Glasgow will form the basis of party policy at the next election.

  69. Get involved


    James St George, Bishops Stortford: Good for the Lib Dems membership. Flying demand, should never be pandered to but managed. There is zero need for more runways. Cheap holiday flights can be curtailed not facilitated. Better still tax passports at £500-1000 a year.

  70. Get involved


    BBC News website reader: This is really frustrating! The leadership of the Lib Dems had it right that on balance, air traffic will increase in the South East and another runway is much needed. Expanding Gatwick is the most sustainable option when compared with the alternatives of no additional runways or a runway at Heathrow.

  71. 'Victory for democracy'

    BBC Radio 4

    Lib Dem MP Julian Huppert says it is wrong to characterise the debate over airport expansion as "the leadership against the rest". He tells the World at One that the vote - in which the Lib Dems decided to stick to its existing policy of opposing new runways in the south of England - shows the "merits" of internal party democracy.

  72. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    Colin, Liverpool: Just watching Daily Politics. The Liberals couldn't run Trumpton never mind the UK.

  73. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    Chris, Lancashire: What is the point of a party that only exists to be in coalition?

  74. Get involved


    Colin Moon in Horley, Surrey: No runway expansion at Gatwick Airport? You have lost our votes Liberal Democrats! We live here, and we need the regeneration that an expanded Gatwick would bring.

  75. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    BBC News website reader: Isn't it time the Lib Dems remembered the lies they told the students about tuition fees?

  76. Get involved


    Peter in Epsom: As I've said previously, all this debate about any runway anywhere in London is pure can kicking - a total waste of everyone's time and taxpayer funds. We should just accept that politicos and nimbys will never allow anything to be constructed.

  77. Airport vote reaction

    Environmental charity Friends of the Earth is "delighted" that the Liberal Democrat conference rejected airport expansion. Senior political campaigner Liz Hutchins says: "Building new runways will just make it harder for the UK to play its important role in tackling climate change." She also called on the party to call for a moratorium on fracking."

  78. Further morning recap

    Party members endorsed a pre-manifesto paper on the economy. It was passed with one amendment, put forward by former MP Evan Harris, which commits the party to "introducing new measures to prevent any individual media organisation having too much control of the national conversation against the public interest".

  79. Morning recap

    To recap on this morning's events, the Lib Dem conference voted to reject proposals to change the party's policy on airport expansion. Activists defeated an amendment - put forward by two MPs and supported by the leadership - to relax the blanket opposition to new runways in south-east England, and open the door to expansion at Gatwick and Stansted.

  80. Post update

    Morning session ends

    Norman Lamb's speech was well received by Lib Dem members, who rise to their feet in applause. That brings the morning session to a close and delegates make their way out of the hall in search of something for lunch. Proceedings in the main hall will resume at 14.20 BST, when activists will be treated to a speech from Energy Secretary Ed Davey.

  81. Post update

    Support for carers

    Norman Lamb pledges more support for carers and sets out plans for an annual carer's bonus worth £250, a carer's passport to give them extra support and an increase in the carer's allowance.

  82. Joined-up care

    Pooling budgets

    Norman Lamb underlines the importance of a fully integrated health and social care system. He says he wants the entire health and social care budget to be pooled by 2018: "We will leave it to local areas to decide how this should be done; no single mode imposed by the centre."

  83. Post update

    Immense challenges

    Norman Lamb says the challenges facing the NHS are "immense", with an ageing population and a "dramatic increase" in the number of people living with chronic conditions. Action to preserve the NHS is essential, he argues, and he accuses Labour of being "resistant to change" on ideological grounds. The Tories do not escape his criticism either - as he claims that the party leadership will face constant pressure to cut NHS spending from party backbenchers. It is up to the Lib Dems to lead the debate on the future of the NHS, he argues, as he sets out the party's vision for the health service.

  84. Post update

    Moral outrage

    Norman Lamb, a care and support minister in the coalition government, sets out the importance of parity of esteem between physical and mental health care. He pledges an end to the "moral outrage" of people with mental health problems stuck in prison instead of receiving treatment. Mr Lamb says that due to Liberal Democrat influence in government these numbers are "falling fast" - down from 87 to 17 in London alone last year, he adds.

  85. Trailing ahead

    Norman Lamb criticises what he regards as Labour inaction on mental health care when the party was in power - and says the Lib Dems will not let this situation to continue. Mr Lamb indicates that there will be a "significant announcement" on mental health tomorrow - the last day of Lib Dem conference.

    Norman Lamb
  86. Mental health

    Time now for a speech from Care Minister Norman Lamb. He says for too long people with mental health issues have had a "raw deal". This is both "morally wrong and economically stupid", he tells the hall, noting how much mental health costs the economy each year. Not to mention the "devastating" human cost, he adds. Mr Lamb stresses that early intervention is vital.

  87. Hands up

    Conference votes to reject a U-turn on Lib Dem opposition to future airport expansion
    Image caption: Conference votes to reject a U-turn on Lib Dem opposition to future airport expansion
  88. More on airports vote

    An amendment was put forward by MPs Lorely Burt and Stephen Gilbert to allow future expansion at airports in the south east of England, including Gatwick. They argued that the move would boost investment and growth in the regions and rebalance the economy. But the Lib Dem conference voted - by way of show of hands - to maintain the original policy.

  89. Airport expansion vote

    In a blow to the Lib Dem leadership, party members have voted against reversing the party's blanket ban on future airport expansion in the south east of England. Activists cheered when the outcome of the result was announced.

  90. More on airport expansion

    Stephen Gilbert MP insists the Lib Dems would never support more runways to be built if it threatened the party's commitment to tackling climate change, as the environment "is in our DNA". But, he appeals, "we can't as a party maintain a position that locks the regions of our country out from enjoying the benefits of the economic recovery" - and urges activists to support the amendment.

  91. Get involved


    Tom D in Newcastle upon Tyne: If Mr Clegg can't get into power on his own steam he seems intent (as at the last election) to forfeit the party's own beliefs and principles for a piece of power. What he is doing so is so transparent that he not only mocks himself but a party founded on principles and high morals.

  92. Jonathan Hill hearing

    Turning away from the conference for a moment, the UK's nomination for the next European Commission, Lord Hill, is undergoing a second round of scrutiny in the European Parliament. Lord Hill was recalled for further questioning after last week's three-hour session on financial services and capital markets, as MEPs were unsatisfied by his answers. Democracy Live is covering the hearing in full.

  93. Local taxation

    Cara Jenkinson, from Haringey in London, says the council tax system should be replaced by a land value tax set a local council level - and hopes this will be included in the Lib Dem election manifesto. Ms Jenkison also welcomes plans for a mansion tax, but says there is a lack of clarity about how it will be implemented. She suggests the bands should be up-rated by regional house price inflation and not national house price inflation as has been suggested.

  94. Julian Huppert, Lib Dem MP


    tweets: Not called to speak in this debate - very frustrating! Lets hope #ldconf votes the right way and rejects amendment 4

  95. UKIP campaign

    Some news away from the conference. The UK Independence Party has announced that Paul Sykes, one of their largest donors, is being put in charge of its general election campaign, with a specific focus on winning the dozen or so target seats the party has identified. UKIP says Mr Sykes will help "deliver a breakthrough" next May.

  96. Get involved

    Text: 61124

    Brian: Airport expansion is a credibility issue say Lib Dem activists. Surely Lib Dems and credibility don't go together?

  97. Iain Watson, BBC


    tweets: More on the Lib Dem airport row and why the leadership think it's necessary: Read BBC story here. Unlike tuition fees they want a u-turn before, not after, the election so they aren't saddled with a promise that's difficult to keep.

  98. Shahid Khalil, Business Development with ScribbleLive


    tweets: Day 4 at the Lib Dem Party Conference #ldconf ... where else will you see Nick Clegg baking a cake :-) @scribblelive

  99. '500 mile journey'

    The group of current and prospective MPs for Cornwall included Stephen Gilbert, Dan Rogerson, Julia Goldsworthy and Simon Rix. They get a round of applause after telling activists they have travelled 500 miles to be at conference.

  100. Cornish crowd

    Lib Dem MPs and prospective candidates in Cornwall
    Image caption: Cornwall can "seem a thousand miles way from Whitehall" - sitting and prospective Lib Dem MPs from the county make the case for more devolution
  101. Let 'dads be dads'

    MP Duncan Hames tells the conference that the Lib Dems commit to giving fathers more paternity leave "so dads have the chance to be dads". Mr Hames - who recently became a father - says the party will also further expand free childcare so that parents can retain their jobs and skills are not lost from the workplace. There are also proposals for a discount bus pass for under-21s, he tells activists.

  102. Get involved


    David More in Camberwell: My house is right under the flight path to Heathrow. There is constant noise from the jets and the whistling sound when they reverse thrust. Sitting in the garden is ruined on hot summer nights. I have had to double glaze my bedroom window but you can still hear the aircraft. A lot more Londoners who currently enjoy peace and quiet are in for a shock if new runways get built.

  103. Still agreeing with Nick

    Matt Sumption says he is "proud" to be a Lib Dem member in 2014 and says the party should not sell itself as a party that "just moderates the influence" of the Conservatives or Labour in government: "I agreed with Nick in 2010 and I pleased to say that I still agree with him," he tells the hall.

  104. Get involved


    Rob Melia in Reading: It's good to see some of the Liberal Democrats acknowledge that there is a pressing need for airport expansion in the UK. Personally, I think Heathrow is the most logical choice for an extra runway, but expansion of Gatwick or Birmingham International would also be a smart move.

  105. Get involved


    Laurie Anders: Gatwick expansion makes sense. Coming in to land there are little or no properties or people to disturb. Heathrow is the opposite. Go for it, Liberals.

  106. Debut speaker

    Lib Dem activist Matt Sumption
    Image caption: In his first address to a Lib Dem conference, university student Matt Sumption spoke of his battle with depression and urged his party to have a "clear vision" for its future
  107. Chris Mason, BBC


    tweets: The Liberal Democrats are calling for an independent review into the running of football, reports @paulrowleyBBC

  108. Louise Stewart, BBC


    tweets: Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg has been warned he risks "a tuition fees mark two" if he abandons party's pledge to oppose airport expansion in SE

  109. Get involved


    Stan Calderwood in Teddington: Glad to see some politicians waking up and realising that many voters around Heathrow support expansion. Heathrow is often one of the reasons we are here, supporting jobs and delivering the ability to travel to do business and earn a living efficiently. Please stop listening to a small vocal minority who are damaging the rest of us.

  110. 'Underused capacity'

    Robin Meltzer, parliamentary candidate for Richmond Park, says Heathrow expansion was only put back on the agenda because of the Conservatives, and accuses the party of standing up for big business "regardless of the facts or consequences". He insists there is existing underused capacity in London and other UK airports. Delegate Joe Otten, however, says allowing future airport expansion would be good for the economy.

  111. 'Fatal flaw'

    Former London Assembly Member Mike Tuffrey rejects the notion that allowing further airport expansion would be good for the regions. He also warns of how a u-turn will go down with voters. "There is a fatal flaw at the heart of [the amendment] - be in no doubt you won't get the jobs you want, we'll get all the aircraft that we don't want and we'll all lose votes right across the country north and south", Mr Tuffrey concludes, to applause.

  112. Daisy Cooper, Lib Dem


    tweets: All four @LibDems Presidential candidates will be on @daily_politics between 12-1 today... Tune in if you can! #ldconf

  113. Differing views

    London Assembly member Caroline Pidgeon opposes the airport expansion amendment. She claims it would "put a stop" to regional growth, arguing that investment would be focused on airports in London and the south-east. However, Lord Goddard counters that there would be no improvement or investment in regional airports if a blanket ban on airport expansion remains in place. He also disagrees with Ms Pidgeon that it would put London Mayor Boris Johnson's proposed Thames Estuary airport back on the map.

  114. Peter Henley, BBC


    tweets: No debate on English devolution at #ldconf - can get on with the SE airports expansion debate. See photo

  115. Get involved


    Doug Annette, in Farnborough: I have just thought what a mess we will be in if we have either Clegg or Miliband as PM. I'd emigrate to Beirut.

  116. Tim Montgomerie, Columnist for @TheTimes


    tweets: I made case for mass house building at UKIP conf. At Tories, argued for wealth taxes. Later at #ldconf I'll argue for leaving EU! #DeathWish

  117. Integrated health care

    Back in the conference hall, former care minister Paul Burstow voices his support for amendment one, which commits the party to a fully-integrated NHS and Social Care budget which will rise by at least inflation. The Sutton and Cheam MP says health and social care are "two sides of the same coin" and warns that under-investment in one undermines the other. He welcomes the party's pledge of a £1bn boost to NHS funding but says the full value will not be felt unless the social care system is properly supported as well.

  118. Election wager

    BBC political reporter Brian Wheeler at conference

    Former Conservative candidate Nick Hillman, who was beaten by Julian Huppert at the 2010 general election in Cambridge, tells a fringe meeting he has had a £5 bet that Mr Huppert will not stand again because he has "seen which way the wind is blowing" in the university town. Mr Huppert was re-selected to stand in Cambridge two years ago.

  119. Fringe noise

    BBC political reporter Brian Wheeler at conference

    The younger generation is having its say at this fringe meeting on universities. Vince Cable and the other speakers are doing battle with a noisy baby in the audience.

  120. Airport campaigner

    Lorely Burt, MP for Solihull
    Image caption: Lorely Burt, the MP for Solihull, making the case for future airport expansion - but not at Heathrow
  121. Norman Smith, BBC


    tweets: "Airports are not the enemy" - @libdem PM Lorely Burt #ldconf

  122. Heathrow stance

    Lorely Burt stresses that her amendment maintains the party's opposition to a third runway at Heathrow, but would not bind the party "into a straitjacket that we could end up regretting" and allow airport expansion elsewhere. She warns activists that rejecting another runway will not reduce air travel, but instead benefit the UK's competitors, such as Paris and Amsterdam, at the expense of the UK. Ms Burt insists that carbon targets would still be met, "but please don't make it at the expense of our regions", she urges.

  123. Get involved


    John C Vetterlein, Auroral & Magnetic Observatory in Orkney: Aviation is one of the chief contributors to atmospheric degradation, quite apart from other polluting factors caused by noise etc. Unbridled economic growth - implying continual industrial expansion - is unsustainable on a planet of finite size and dwindling natural resources. People in general, and politicians in particular, should understand these salient facts and quit living in cloud cuckoo land.

  124. 'Not the enemy'

    Airports, passengers and regional jobs are not the enemy, Lorely Burt tells activists, carbon and noise are. She says the Lib Dems "pride ourselves" on making evidence-based policy decisions but notes that the Davies commission into airport expansion has not yet published its findings.

  125. Get involved


    Peter Symes, Hockley: Why with all the pressures on land in the South East, is the Estuary idea not considered by far the best option? Create land, move noise offshore and relieve housing pressure by building on runway sites. It's a no lose situation for the population as a whole. The only people who do not want it are the fat cats in charge of Heathrow and Gatwick because they'll lose their near monopoly and have to work to remain competitive.

  126. Airport expansion

    Lorely Burt is now moving the amendment on airport expansion. If adopted, it would overturn the Lib Dems' opposition to the construction of any new runways in south-east England, and allow Gatwick Airport to expand. The Solihull MP tells activists the amendment is "a cry from the heart" on behalf of England's regions. She says the blanket ban would stifle growth in the aviation industry.

  127. Vince Cable


    tweets: Looking forward to this morning's Lib Dem conference debate on our pre-Manifesto document, "Stronger Economy, Fairer Society". #ldconf

  128. 'No retreat'

    David Laws confirms that, if in government, the Lib Dems would raise the National Insurance threshold to match the personal income tax allowance. He says the party will also champion "real" further devolution, take forward the a green agenda, reform party funding, and protect civil liberties. Referring to the party's single digit polling figures, Mr Laws says it is not time "to retreat from the battlefields", insisting that only the Lib Dems can secure a stronger economy and fairer society.

  129. 'Eccentric Osborne'

    David Laws attacks the "eccentric and extraordinary speeches" on tax cut proposals by David Cameron and George Osborne at the Conservative Party conference. He accuses his coalition partners of pursuing a strategy to "widen inequality" and "undermine" public services and adds that the Lib Dems "can have no part of such a strategy now or after the election".

  130. '100 year' gains

    David Laws lists what he sees as his party's achievements in government, claiming they are more significant than any Liberal gains "in the past 100 years". In the next parliament, he tells activists, we must plan to complete our historic task of balancing the nation's books. But we will be do this "fairly", unlike the Conservatives, Mr Laws adds.

  131. Economy debate

    Conference now turns its attention to the debate on the economy and the party's policy priorities for the general election manifesto. Schools Minister David Laws - who chairs the Lib Dem Manifesto Group - is opening the discussion. He notes that the Lib Dems are the only party that "genuinely engages" its party members in the formation of its manifesto.

    David Laws
  132. Get involved

    Tweet: @BBCPolitics

    @WJBarter tweets: I would urge all voting reps at #ldconf to back current policy and support no net increase in the number of runways.

  133. Football motion passed

    MP John Leech is wrapping up the debate on football, entitled 'Reclaiming the People's Game'. He urges activists to support the motion and both accompanying amendments. These call for an independent review of football governance and for equality and diversity training to be made available to all levels of the amateur game for players, clubs and administrators, and mandatory for referees. A vote is held - and all are passed.

  134. Get involved


    Glynn Sparks: Gatwick have recently changed their flight paths and this has delivered increased noise pollution to thousands of people not previously affected. All parties involved in the debate - political, airlines and airports - hide behind environmental issues whilst doing what is best for profits and businesses that can afford to lobby. No to Gatwick expansion.

  135. Jenny Willott, Lib Dem MP


    tweets: Really good debate @asda Mumdex mtg this morning on childcare, GP access and transport #ldconf

  136. Scotch mist

    A women stands outside the Lib Dem conference venue in Glasgow on a misty morning
    Image caption: The scene outside the Liberal Democrat conference venue in Glasgow this morning
  137. Women 'left out'

    The first female speaker in the football debate - councillor Prue Bray - says she is "furious" because the motion makes little reference to women's football in her view. "You have left out women's football and you aren't even aware that you have done it," she blasts. It's a "disgrace" that the Lib Dems are exhibiting such "unconscious bias", she continues, and suggests the motion's authors should go on equality and diversity training.

    Councillor Prue Bray
  138. 'Embarrassing'

    Sheffield Central parliamentary candidate Joe Otten isn't happy with the motion. He mocks the "ridiculous" line which expresses concern that football is all about winning. Of course it is, otherwise it wouldn't be sport, Mr Otten notes. "Are we a liberal party or a back of the envelope over-regulation party?" he asks. It is an "embarrassment" - and the wrong way to reform football, he adds, as he appeals to activists to reject it.

  139. Isabel Hardman, Assistant editor, The Spectator


    tweets: Somewhere in conference complex, Jeremy Browne is sitting in a darkened room with his head in his hands during this football motion #ldconf

  140. Patrick O'Flynn, UKIP Economic spokesman


    tweets: During conference season the public looks at politics a little bit - all it has taken for Lab's poll ratings to dive.

  141. Football governance review

    Edward Lord, a former anti-discrimination adviser to the Football Association (FA), is making the case for an independent review of football governance to "make it more effective, inclusive, and no longer subject to conflicting vested interests". He claims the FA is "incapable" of tackling sexism, racism, homophobia and discrimination.

  142. 'Blowing the whistle'

    Introducing the motion, Steve Bradley - Lib Dem parliamentary candidate for Bath - states that it "blows the whistle on the mismanagement of English football's boom". We owe it to football, supporters and the rest of the world to show that sporting success can be combined with stability, democracy and equality, Mr Bradley argues, as he appeals for support for the motion.

  143. 'Win at all costs'

    The football motion also states that "winning has become the primary motive in the sport", which it claims is leading to "financial risk taking, high debt levels and almost a hundred instances of club bankruptcy since 1992".

  144. Football debate

    Coming up first at conference this morning is a debate on football. Specifically, the motion proposes to make homophobic chanting a criminal offence, strengthen the "fit and proper person" rule to decide if an individual is fit to own or become a director of a club, and divert a share of TV revenues to support the grassroots of the game.

  145. David Jones, MP for Clwyd West


    tweets: "Labour sources said Andy Burnham among those most actively preparing for attempt to become leader in case Mr Miliband stumbled." @thetimes

  146. Lord Ashcroft


    tweets: YouGov/Sun poll CON 35% LAB 33% LDEM 8% UKIP 13%

  147. Norman Smith, BBC


    tweets: Lib Dem leadership about turn on airport expansion in SE - "Not a U turn on environmental criteria" says Ed Davey @bbcr4today

  148. Get involved


    Laurence Hall: How can you support Gatwick with only one motorway connection, look at yesterday's backlogs as reported by the BBC. Seven mile tailbacks due to repairs, multiple this by three if you put another runway there, or is there a plan for more infrastructure? Why would anyone from the north of Watford go past Heathrow, Luton or even Stansted?

  149. Low pay

    In other news, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg is expected to set out more details of how the party would fulfil its pledge to raise the personal tax allowance to £12,500 ahead of his conference speech tomorrow. He is expected to say that if the party is in government after the general election it would include such a policy in the first budget. Mr Clegg has also indicated that taxes "must" be increased on higher earners in the next parliament to contribute to deficit reduction.

  150. Airport expansion

    The Lib Dem leadership could be facing a revolt at conference today over a possible u-turn on their opposition to airport expansion. The party's manifesto included a commitment to oppose the construction of any new runways in south-east England, but two Lib Dem MPs have tabled an amendment that would allow Gatwick airport to be exempted. Many party members support the ban. Energy Secretary Ed Davey - who will address conference at 14.20 BST - has said a change in policy may not breach the Lib Dem's environmental criteria as improvements in technology are making aviation greener. Activists will vote on the the proposal later.

  151. Good morning

    Hello and welcome to our live text commentary of Tuesday's proceedings at the Liberal Democrat conference. It's going to be another busy day ahead - with a set piece debate on the economy, and keynote speeches from Health Minister Norman Lamb, Energy Secretary Ed Davey and Party President Tim Farron.