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Live Reporting

Brian Wheeler, Alex Hunt and Adam Donald

All times stated are UK

  1. What's coming up

    Here are the links for continuing coverage of the row over deporting foreign criminals and the questions over whether Fiona Woolf is a suitable person to head the inquiry into historical child abuse allegations. All the key clips and the session in full will be added to this page and you can listen/watch live, or on demand, a host of BBC politics and news programmes via the "live coverage" and "key video" tabs. You can also follow all the action in Parliament today via Democracy Live. We're taking a break from the text commentary for now, though will be posting some reaction updates later on.

  2. James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator


    Tweets: "Baffled as to why Ed Miliband wants to become the defender for the Welsh government's handling of the NHS"

  3. 'Apologise'

    Commons: Theresa May implores Labour to say "sorry" for its own role in the foreign prisoners situation, bringing to an end the discussion on the subject prompted by shadow home Secretary Yvette Cooper's urgent question.

  4. Peter Bone

    Commons: Conservative Peter Bone says his constituents can't understand why those guilty of offences are allowed into the UK. He says these people should be deported and the government should "worry about what the European court says afterwards".

  5. Border checks

    Commons: Conservative Bob Stewart asks whether immigration officers have powers to repel known criminals at the border. Theresa May says they do and it is "crucial" to have a "proper exchange" of information with other countries.

  6. 'Responsibility'

    Commons: Labour's Paul Flynn says one in three of the failures to deport is due to failures at the Home Office and says urges Theresa May to "start taking responsibility".

  7. Richard Burden, Labour MP for Birmingham Northfield


    Tweets: "I think the GPs I met recently who described the crisis in primary care will be profoundly depressed by PM's complacency over the NHS #pmqs"

  8. Human Rights

    Commons: Conservative Michael Ellis says the Human Rights Act, passed under Labour, is causing much of the problem of slow prisoner deportation.

  9. Leave to remain

    Commons: Conservative Jackie Doyle-Price says foreigners who are convicted of crimes should not be given indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Theresa May replies that the system of removal is being speeded up.

  10. EU ties

    Commons: Lib Dem Julian Huppert says there must be "close working" with the EU to deal with the foreign prisoner issue.

  11. 'Ineffective'

    Commons: Former Attorney General Dominic Grieve says the Conservative manifesto pledge to repeal the Human Rights Act will be "singularly ineffective". Theresa May says she and her colleagues are coming up with proposals to deal with the issue.

  12. Alice Gross case

    Commons: Conservative Angie Bray says nobody knew about the murder conviction of the prime suspect in the killing of London teenager Alice Gross, Latvian Arnis Zalkalns. Mr Zalkalns was found dead earlier this month.

  13. Protester

    More details are emerging of the security incident during the session. Eye-witness reports suggest a man threw something which hit the glass screen in front of the public gallery above the Commons action. The man was removed by Commons door keepers and the session continued uninterrupted.

  14. Appeals

    Commons: Former Labour Home Secretary Jack Straw asks why the number of foreign prisoners being deported has gone down since 2010 despite an increase in staff working on the issue? Theresa May replies that the number of appeals has risen and that the government has reduced the grounds for these taking place.

  15. Rights charter

    Commons: Conservative Sir Bill Cash urges the home secretary to amend the European Charter of Fundamental Human Rights to avoid legal problems with deportations.

  16. Daily Politics PMQs reaction

    On the Daily Politics, Labour's Caroline Flint says her party's pledge to raise £2,5bn to spend on the NHS from new taxes on expensive properties and the tobacco industry is an "aspiration" that would not kick in as soon as they were returned to power. The BBC's Nick Robinson says none of the parties have adequate plans to plug the funding gap facing the NHS.

  17. Data

    Commons: Home Affairs committee Keith Vaz says databases on who is entering the country must be improved.

  18. New measures

    Commons: Theresa May says the government will continue to look at new measures to aid deportation.

  19. DNA

    Commons: Conservative Philip Davies says foreign prisoners should be deported before release. He proposes taking the DNA of foreign nationals entering the country.

  20. Norman's verdict

    Norman Smith

    BBC Assistant Political Editor

    Norman Smith says the current exchanges in the Commons on foreign prisoner deportations have been a "pretty ugly blame game" with a lot of "finger pointing". He calls the failure to deport foreign offenders of being a running sore that has gone on for eight years or more.

  21. Amol Rajan, editor of the Independent


    Tweets: "Possibly the least enlightening #PMQs in modern history. Pathetic argument, endless planted questions, dire scrutiny of policy."

  22. 'Floodgates'

    Commons: The home secretary says there is now a team tracking absconders and attacks Labour's record for opening "the floodgates" on immigration.

  23. Laws

    Commons: Theresa May says the human rights legislation passed under Labour is hindering the government's efforts.

  24. 'Difficult'

    Commons: Home Secretary Theresa May says the government is the first to adopt a cross-department strategy on deporting foreign prisoners. But it remains "inherently difficult".

  25. Daily Politics PMQs reaction

    It's "not good enough" for David Cameron to deflect criticism of the NHS in England by attacking problems with the NHS in Wales, says Labour's Caroline Flint on the Daily Politics. Conservative MP Mark Harper says it is perfectly reasonable to draw comparisons between the two.

  26. Staff numbers query

    Commons: Yvette Cooper asks why the Home Office has "so few staff" working on foreign prisoner deportation cases.

  27. Blame?

    Commons: For Labour, shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper says fewer foreign criminals are being deported, adding: "It's no good blaming appeals or human rights."

  28. Human rights

    Commons: The government is "rebalancing human rights laws in favour of the British public", rather than criminals, Theresa May says.

  29. Political editor's view

    Nick Robinson

    Political editor

    "It should have been renamed 'not answering the question time'," says the BBC's Nick Robinson on Daily Politics, although, he adds, it is Ed Miliband who is meant to be asking the questions.

  30. Angus MacNeil, SNP MP for Na h-Eileanan an Iar


    Tweets: "Seems man in public gallery threw marbles against the glass in viewing gallery at #PMQs - doorkeepers staff did great job removing him."

  31. 'Clampdown'

    Commons: Theresa May says the Home Office didn't prioritise the deportation of foreign criminals before 2005. The government has been clamping down on numbers, she adds.

  32. Theresa May

    Commons: Home Secretary Theresa May says the problem of foreign prisoners has "beset" successive governments.

  33. Foreign prisoners

    Commons: It's now time for an urgent question following on from a report by the National Audit Office raising concerns over the rate of deportation of foreign offenders from the UK.

  34. Session ends

    That's your lot. Not a vintage session.

  35. Pic: Cameron in action

    David Cameron
  36. Greg Hands, Conservative MP for Chelsea and Fulham


    Tweets: "Biggest cheer of the day at #PMQs for the PM's announcement of a peerage for former Clerk of the Commons, Sir Robert Rogers. Well deserved!"

  37. Mandelson quoted

    Mr Cameron dredges up one of his favourite Peter Mandelson quotes - about Labour sending out search parties for migrant workers - as he taunts a smiling Ed Balls. It was in response to Tory right winger Peter Bone. MPs make some noise.

  38. Michael Savage, chief political correspondent of The Times


    Tweets: "It is a sign of the times when the PM tells Peter Bone he is "absolutely right" on immigration. #PMQs"

  39. National builders' strike

    The unjust jailing of men during the 1973 national builders' strike now - a cause celebre on the Labour left. Mr Cameron is accused of a cover-up by Labour's David Anderson. Mr Cameron says he is not aware of the case but the government has taken steps to release more secret papers.

  40. NHS bidders

    Lib Dem Julian Huppert asks why a private firm was favoured over an NHS bidder in his Cambridge constituency. Mr Cameron restates coalition policy on the issue.

  41. Vicki Young, BBC chief political correspondent


    Tweets: "Man bundled out of public gallery at #pmqs sounded like something was thrown at protective glass above commons chamber"

  42. Foreign prisoners

    Foreign prisoner releases now. "The buck stops with me", insists the prime minister but blames human rights legislation for blocking deportations.

  43. Chris Ship, deputy political editor of ITV News


    Tweets: "A member of public just threw something at the glass and started shouting at PM. Been taken away #pmqs"

  44. Wichita

    In response to a question about youth unemployment in Worcester Mr Cameron has the chance for a jibe at shadow business secretary Chuka Ummuna, who called Worcester "Wichita" a while ago.

  45. Chris Bryant, Labour MP for the Rhondda


    Tweets: "Yesterday I spoke of planted questions and obsequious speeches in the Commons. Today they've been on show #pmqs"

  46. Tyrell Matthews-Burton

    Labour's Stella Creasey raises the case of Tyrell Matthews-Burton, a young man from her constituency who was murdered in Milia.

  47. Vicki Young, BBC chief political correspondent


    Tweets: "Are we allowed to boo the teams off the pitch at the end of dismal #pmqs?"

  48. Tata steel sale

    The planned sale by Tata Steel of its long products division to Klesch Group, with a possible threat to thousands of jobs, is brought up by Labour MP, who questions the buyer's credentials. Mr Cameron says he is taking a "personal interest" in ensuring jobs are not lost.

  49. Economic record

    Conservative MPs are lining up to ask planted questions on the government's economic records, including plans to create Northern "powerhouses".

  50. Owen Bennett, political reporter for the Daily Express


    Tweets: "I hold the Fixed Term Parliaments Act entirely to blame for this tiresome #pmqs"

  51. Floods

    Flood defences again. Lib Dem MP David Heath brings up the "sluice on the river parrot" and work under way to protect Somerset.

  52. Scottish powers

    The SNP's Angus McNeil urges the prime minister to stick to his promise to devolve more power to Scotland. Mr Cameron says he will, but asks if the SNP will stick to its pledge that the independence referendum would "settle the question" for a generation or even a lifetime.

  53. Christopher Hope, senior political correspondent of the Daily Telegraph


    Tweets: "Ed Miliband misses a trick and fails to ask David Cameron about foreign national prisoner scandal. Why? #PMQs"

  54. Flood defences

    Tory MP Andrew Percy calls for more action to improve flood defences - a pertinent issue in his Goole constituency. Mr Cameron says he will look at the MP's proposal.

  55. Maria Miller

    Former minister Maria Miller asks an easy "question" on the government's job creation record. Can't harm her chances of a return to the frontbench.

  56. John Rentoul, columnist for the Independent on Sunday


    Tweets: "EdM vs Cam at #PMQs: absolutely nothing to report."

  57. Education and health secretaries

    Nicky Morgan and Jeremy Hunt
    Image caption: Nicky Morgan and Jeremy Hunt enjoy one of the PM's jokes
  58. Kevin Maguire, associate editor of the Daily Mirror


    Tweets: "Miliband's leadership weak but so too is Cameron's when Con MPs defecting and he's running scared of Farage & Ukip #pmqs"

  59. Ed Balls

    Mr Cameron taunts Mr Miliband for failing to sack Ed Balls in a rumoured reshuffle that didn't happen. We are into straightforward electioneering now. The Labour leader is attempting to link Mr Cameron to the tobacco lobby and the Conservative leader is hammering home his message that Mr Miliband is not a strong enough leader.

  60. Cancer pledge

    Ed Miliband is now trumpeting Labour's new cancer treatment pledge (after getting a few digs in at Mr Cameron's leadership abilities).

  61. Pic: Leaders across the despatch box

    David Cameron
  62. Tim Montgomerie, comment editor of The Times


    Tweets: "Tory Welsh NHS line is a good one for Cameron. A better one is you can't look after the NHS if you can't look after the economy #PMQs"

  63. England NHS v Wales NHS

    David Cameron is trumpeting the success of the NHS in England under the coalition's stewardship and comparing its record with the NHS in Wales. He ends with a jibe at Mr Miliband's leadership skills.

  64. Pic: Miliband in action

    Ed Miliband
  65. Who's asking?

    Ed Miliband tells Mr Cameron he is the one who should be asking the questions. He attacks the "top down" reorganisation of the NHS. Mr Cameron says he wants a comparison with the NHS in Wales. He asks if Mr Miliband would support an OECD investigation into Labour's record there.

  66. Ed Miliband goes on NHS

    Ed Miliband goes on the health service too - highlighting Mr Cameron's record on the NHS in England, which the coalition government runs. Mr Cameron repeats his call for an inquiry into the NHS in Wales, which is devolved and run by Labour. It's getting a bit complicated.

  67. Cameron on NHS in Wales

    David Cameron says patients in Wales have been let down by Labour - and asks Ed Miliband if he supports an inquiry?

  68. NHS in Wales

    The NHS in Wales is first up with a call by a Tory MP for an apology and a full inquiry.

  69. We're off

    A minute or so early and we're off.

  70. No 10 confidence

    Downing Street has expressed its confidence in Fiona Woolf to head the inquiry into historical child abuse cases. There have been calls for her to step down.

  71. EU treaty

    Shadow Energy Secretary Caroline Flint tells the Daily Politics Labour could tighten up benefit rules for migrants without EU treaty changes or scrapping free movement.

  72. 'Difficult' for Woolf to carry on

    Caroline Flint, Shadow Energy Secretary has told the Daily Politics that "I think it is really difficult" for Fiona Woolf to stay as chair of the child abuse inquiry: "I don't blame her. The government, they had a second chance to do this properly and they've put this woman in a really difficult position now. And they need to sort it out... I just don't think at this stage it's viable that she's the person that leads this and takes it forward."

  73. EU migration

    To do "something significant" on immigration David Cameron would need to secure an EU treaty change, says former immigration minister Mark Harper on the The BBC's Daily Politics. It will not be an easy task, he adds,

  74. Wales Questions

    Peter Hain
    Image caption: Peter Hain asking a question at Wales questions in the Commons
  75. George Eaton, political editor of the New Statesman


    Tweets: "Expect Miliband will lead on Fiona Woolf at PMQs but stop short of calling for her to resign."

  76. Backbenchers

    Fifteen backbench MPs have tabled questions for Mr Cameron, including Labour's Stella Creasey, Lib Dem Julian Huppert, and Conservative former culture secretary Maria Miller.

  77. NHS?

    Claims in the Daily Mail that the NHS in Wales is in "meltdown" on Labour's watch are a good bet to come up too at some stage.

  78. What's on the agenda?

    A bit of speculation about what might come up. The Home Office's alleged failure to deport enough foreign criminals hands Ed Miliband a possible stick to beat the prime minister with, although David Cameron will no doubt have a briefing note full of facts and figures to hit back at Labour's record in that area.

  79. Good morning

    Hello and welcome to our live text coverage of Prime Minister's Questions. The action gets under way in the Commons at noon. We will bring you all the key points, plus reaction and analysis from BBC Two's Daily Politics - and a flavour of what people are saying on social media. All the key clips and the full sessions will also be available on demand afterwards.