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Live Reporting

Justin Parkinson, Alex Hunt and Adam Donald

All times stated are UK

  1. Coverage continues

    That concludes our live text coverage of Prime Minister's Questions for today, but you can go on with the debate and reaction by listening to the World at One or click through the full session by choosing the Daily Politics option, both in the "live coverage" tab on this page. The highlights are under the "key video" tab. And there's live coverage continuing of all the action in Parliament courtesy of BBC Democracy Live.

  2. Harriet Harman's feminist T-shirt

    Harriet Harman
    Image caption: Harriet Harman's Fawcett Society T-shirt
  3. T-shirt more

    More on Harriet Harman's T-shirt saying: "This is what a feminist looks like." Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg wore the same garment recently as part of a campaign by the Fawcett Society. But not in the chamber of the House of Commons.

  4. Referendum

    On Daily Politics Conservative Bob Neill say it's sensible an in-out EU referendum won't take place until after a full renegotiation with Brussels. Labour's Vernon Coaker says it's wrong to promise a vote unless there is a substantial change.

  5. 'National interest'

    Labour's Vernon Coaker says his party leader Ed Miliband will "stand up for the national interest" by backing the PM over the European Arrest Warrant.

  6. Arrest warrant

    Conservative Bob Neill says he will be backing the government in the vote on the European Arrest Warrant, in which many of his party colleagues are expected to rebel.

  7. Harman's T-shirt

    It transpires that Labour's deputy leader, Harriet Harman, was wearing a T-shirt during the session, saying "This is what a feminist looks like."

  8. Strokes

    Labour's Joan Walley calls for community specialists to provide care from day one after people suffer a stroke. The PM says more effort is needed to improve quality of life and promises this is happening. That ends the PMQs session for this week, but stay with us for the best of the reaction.

  9. John Rentoul, columnist for the Independent


    Tweets: "Best Q at #PMQs from Margaret Beckett. NHS in crisis in England - the bit he's responsible for - could we have an English A to an English Q?"

  10. Unions

    Conservative Henry Smith says millions of pounds of public money is going on funding unions. David Cameron replies that unions should make space available for entrepreneurs, like the government.

  11. NHS

    Labour's Margaret Beckett says health and social care services in England are "at breaking point". David Cameron says there are pressures on the NHS and a successful economy means it can continue to be funded properly.

  12. Afghanistan

    Conservative James Gray asks the PM to meet veterans later when they visit Westminster. The PM thanks armed forces personnel for their work in Afghanistan.

  13. James Kirkup, executive editor (politics) of the Daily Telegraph


    Tweets: "The winner of today's #PMQs isn't even in the House of Commons."

  14. Low pay

    Labour's Dan Jarvis says more than five million workers are stuck in low-paid jobs. David Cameron says the minimum wage has increased and the government has raised the income tax threshold.

  15. Afghan veterans

    The DUP's Jim Shannon asks why Afghanistan veterans have not received better treatment under the terms of the Military Covenant. The PM says the government is working to improve treatment and funding.

  16. Economy

    A friendly question from Conservative Mark Pritchard on the government's economic performance. David Cameron says the number of workless households is down and says this is "morally" right.

  17. Fire brigade

    Labour' Kate Hoey urges the PM to ensure the Fire Brigade Union does not hold a strike. He replies that ministers are listening carefully.

  18. Essex rights

    Lib Dem Sir Bob Russell says the people of Essex and East Anglia should get the same devolution as those in Scotland. The PM reiterates his commitment to English-only MP votes on issues affecting only England.

  19. A&E targets

    Labour's Heidi Alexander asks whether missed A&E targets are acceptable. David Cameron says GP services need to be enhanced, among other measures.

  20. Beth Rigby, deputy political editor of the Financial Times


    Tweets: "Two weak spots for PM today - EAW/immigration - but still Miliband doesn't really land blows. #PMQs"

  21. Poppies

    Conservative David Amess says the field of poppies display at the Tower of London is a "stunning" reminder of the sacrifices of World War One. The PM agrees.

  22. Pic: Theresa May

    Theresa May
    Image caption: The Home Secretary nods to say work is taking place along the lines Ms Blears suggested
  23. Pic: Hazel Blears

    Hazel Blears
    Image caption: Hazel Blears asked for more resources to prevent radicalisation
  24. Extremism

    Labour's Hazel Blears asks about prevention of radicalisation, urging him to devote more resources to this. David Cameron says he agrees that this is essential and promises progress.

  25. NHS Wales

    Plaid Cymru's Elfyn Llywd asks for Wales to get parity of funding on the NHS with Scotland. The PM says Wales should get more power to raise and spend its budgets.

  26. Cancer treatment

    Lib Dem Tessa Munt says NHS England overspent its cancer drugs fund and this money has come from radiotherapy. The PM says the overspend is not due to maladministration but the fact more people require the drugs.

  27. Pawel Swidlicki, research analyst at think-tank Open Europe


    Tweets: "Cameron does himself no favours at home or among EU partners by describing 2004 border opening as "catastrophic, appalling decision" #pmqs"

  28. Immigrant benefits

    Labour's Ian Austin says people in his Dudley constituency are unhappy about immigrants being entitled to benefits soon after they arrive. The PM says the length of time people need to be in the UK before this happens has increased.

  29. Mark Ferguson, editor of Labour List


    Tweets: "Last week Miliband gave strong speech on immigration that was true to Labour values. Today, he was reading a Farage script. Depressing #pmqs"

  30. Mental health services

    Labour's Barry Sheerman calls for access to mental health services to improve. The PM says work is going on to improve the situation.

  31. EU demands

    Ex-Conservative Defence Secretary Liam Fox says the eurozone could become a "horror zone" and attacks the EU's demand for £1.7bn extra from the UK. David Cameron reiterates that the UK will not pay the money by 1 December.

  32. 'Fat cats'

    Labour's Kelvin Hopkins says cuts to HM Revenue and Customs staffing will protect "fat cats". David Cameron replies that high earners are paying a higher percentage of income tax than under Labour.

  33. Pic: Miliband in action

    Ed Miliband
    Image caption: Ed Miliband quotes David Cameron's pre-2010 immigration pledge
  34. Immigration row

    Ed Miliband says the coalition has failed on immigration. The PM says it has spent four years "clearing up the mess" left by Labour. That ends this week's confrontation between the two of them.

  35. Amol Rajan, editor of The Independent


    Tweets: "#Immigration on front of Mail, Times, Express, Metro and i. Now dominating #PMQs. This conspiracy of silence by the elites really must stop."

  36. Trading blows

    Ed Miliband and David Cameron trade insults over their parties' record on immigration. Mr Miliband says the PM has "broken his promise" to get net migration down to the "tens of thousands". Mr Cameron says Labour's decision to allow people from new EU member states to the UK in 2004 was "catastrophic".

  37. 'Shambles'

    David Cameron says the coalition inherited a "complete and utter shambles" on immigration from Labour.

  38. Asylum seekers

    Ed Miliband asks why the number of asylum seekers awaiting a decision has risen 70% in the last year.

  39. Isabel Hardman, assistant editor of The Spectator


    Tweets: "Oh dear, we are in 'who can cheer loudest' territory at #PMQs"

  40. More on warrant

    David Cameron says a vote on the European Arrest Warrant will happen soon, before the forthcoming by-election and says Mr Miliband's line of questioning has collapsed.

  41. Miliband up

    Labour leader Ed Miliband accuses the PM of delaying a vote on the European Arrest Warrant, saying this is because he's "paralysed by fear" of a Tory backbench rebellion. He offers to get the issue through Parliament.

  42. George Eaton, political editor of the New Statesman


    Tweets: "Challenged on low wages, Cameron boasts about rise in employment. Ignores problem of inadequate pay. #PMQs

  43. EU vote

    Conservative Sir Bill Cash attacks the Lib Dems for "what appears to be a veto over our Referendum Bill". The PM says he's disappointed it can't go ahead, adding that voting for a Conservative government will ensure an in/out referendum on the EU.

  44. Pic: Cameron on his feet

    David Cameron
    Image caption: David Cameron says the government has a record to be proud of as he responds to a question about living standards
  45. Homelessness

    Labour's Ian Lucas asks about rough sleepers, saying the government is the first since the 1920s to preside over a real-terms fall in living standards. David Cameron says there's been a record fall in unemployment over the last year.

  46. Here goes

    We are under way. Labour's Ian Lucas is first up.

  47. Cameron here

    The Commons is far busier now. The PM is in his seat.

  48. 'Incompetent'

    Lib Dem deputy leader Sir Malcolm Bruce tells Daily Politics the timing of the EU demand is "incredibly incompetent" and was an easily foreseeable political problem for Brussels.

  49. 'Unreasonable demand'

    On Daily Politics Conservative Bob Neill says it is not "reasonable" of the EU to demand £1.7bn extra by 1 December.

  50. EU bill

    On Daily Politics Labour's Vernon Coaker says there must be a "renegotiation" with the EU over the £1.7bn extra it has asked for in contributions from the UK.

  51. Not long

    Just under 10 minutes to go until things get under way. The House is not looking especially busy as Northern Ireland Questions takes place.

  52. Same-sex marriage

    In other news, equalities minister Nicky Morgan has said that she does now support same-sex marriage, having previously opposed its introduction in Parliament.

  53. 'Fair movement'

    For Labour, shadow defence secretary Vernon Coaker says his party would ensure "fair movement within the EU", not undermining workers in the UK.

  54. EU movement

    On BBC Two's Daily Politics, Conservative Party vice-chairman Bob Neill says it's important to talk about reform in the way free movement of people works within the European Union.

  55. Who's up?

    There are four Labour MPs at the top of the ballot to ask the PM a question. They are: Ian Lucas, Kelvin Hopkins, Barry Sheerman and Ian Austin. Lib Dem Tessa Munt is next, followed by Conservatives Glyn Davies and David Amess.

  56. Afghanistan

    What might Labour leader Ed Miliband ask the prime minister about? UK combat troops have pulled out of Afghanistan, which will probably get a mention. The NHS has also been a popular topic in recent weeks.

  57. Hello

    Hello and welcome to our weekly live text coverage of Prime Minister's Questions. Immigration is the issue of the week, with a warning today from MPs that the backlog in asylum seekers is not being cleared. This follows Defence Secretary Michael Fallon raising concerns about the number of immigrants in some parts of the country and a suggestion by the mayor of Calais that asylum seekers regard the UK as a "soft touch" on benefits. Immigration is likely to come up at some stage during today's session.