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Live Reporting

All times stated are UK

  1. Continuing coverage...

    You can watch all of this week's session, and the key clips via the video tabs on this page. MPs have now moved onto debating the Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Bill. You can follow this and the rest of the day's proceedings in the Commons and Lords on the BBC's Democracy Live website. And we'll be back with live reaction to the Rochester and Strood by-election from the early hours of Friday morning

  2. Tackling the big issues?

    Echoing Nick Robinson's point about the two leaders pushing their own preferred themes each week, BBC colleague Norman Smith says it is often the case that the main political story of the day (today it is UKIP's immigration policy) hardly gets a mention inside the chamber at Prime Minister's Questions.

  3. James Forsyth, political editor of The Spectator


    Tweets: "Cameron again uses the word 'Ulster' in reply to a question from a DUP MP, the buttering up continues"

  4. Paul Brand, ITV political correspondent


    Tweets: "Anas Sarwar reveals Labour's new copycat line: 'go to bed with SNP, wake up with him [Cameron] as PM'. Like 'vote UKIP, get Miliband' #pmqs"

  5. Oh what an atmosphere

    Speaking from the relative calm of the Daily Politics studio, Tory MP Andrea Leadsom says "she can't bear the shouting" at PMQs. Labour's Emma Reynolds suggests this would be improved by electing more women to the Commons and eventually getting a 50:50 gender balance.

  6. Reynolds and Leadsom

    Speaking on Daily Politics, both Labour's Emma Reynolds and the Conservatives' Andrea Leadsom accept that the public are much more sceptical about what the two largest parties say. Ms Reynolds blames this on "volte-faces" such as the Lib Dems' u-turn on tuition fees. Ms Leadsom says the parties still offer "real choices" although not necessarily "black and white" ones.

  7. Reaction

    The rules of the game have changed, Nick Robinson suggests on Daily Politics, in that the fragmentation of the political landscape means that both David Cameron and Ed Miliband can "have a bad week".

  8. Reaction

    Nick Robinson says David Cameron's strategy at PMQs is clear and it is to "try and finish Ed Miliband off". He likens it to "playing the man", saying that the public are close to losing faith in the Labour leader. As for Mr Miliband, he says he is trying to hammer home that the PM is out of touch and only speaks for the wealthy - hence the focus on the NHS and the "mansion tax".

  9. Vicki Young, BBC chief political correspondent


    Tweets: "Lib Dem spokesman denies party is boycotting #pmqs after no minister appears on frontbench. @nick_clegg away on south London"

  10. Ross Hawkins, BBC political correspondent


    Tweets: "Repulsive, meaningless, pantomime, farce; Peter Allen quotes listener reactions to PMQs on @bbc5live"

  11. The reaction

    The initial reaction from BBC political editor Nick Robinson: PMQs "felt like Hamlet without the prince" as there were frequent references to the Rochester by-election but neither Mark Reckless nor UKIP leader Nigel Farage were present. He says David Cameron's speech on immigration, in which he is expected to set out his negotiating demands, before Christmas was now critical.

  12. The last question

    The final question is a supportive one for the PM. Burnley MP Gordon Birtwistle says the government's economic strategy has borne fruit in his constituency, to cheers from the Tory side, with employment at a record level. Mr Cameron agrees and says his economic policies are working.

  13. NHS bill

    Labour's Clive Efford gets rather animated as he urges the government to back his private members' bill on the NHS, insisting that the health service should not "be for sale, not ever". The PM responds by saying the government has overseen a rise in spending and only 6% of operations are private.

  14. Kevin Maguire, associate editor of the Daily Mirror


    Tweets: "Both parties the same? Bedroom tax(Con for, Lab agin) & mansion tax(Lab for, Con agin) are bright red dividing lines"

  15. Manchester trains

    The session is coming to an end now with David Crausby asking about a lack of seats on commuter train services into Manchester. Mr Cameron says the government is investing record sums in the rail network.

  16. Sandwiches

    Tory MP Michael Ellis raises the story of a sandwich maker having to recruit foreign workers because of an alleged lack of skills in the UK workforce. This gives the PM the opportunity to trumpet the government's policies, saying welfare reforms and sanctions must go hand in hand with skills development.

  17. Child sex abuse

    Labour's Sarah Champion says Ofsted reports suggests local councils are not up to dealing with issues of child sex abuse. Mr Cameron says the lessons of the child abuse cases in Rotherham must be learnt, arguing that the government is now working more closely together and "making progress".

  18. Crime in Northern Ireland

    Dr William McCrea, from the DUP, asks about crime in the Northern Ireland and attacks what he says is the "immunity" being given to some criminals. He says the National Crime Agency's remit should be extended to Northern Ireland, something that the PM agrees with.

  19. Angela Smith, Labour MP for Penistone and Stockbridge


    Tweets: "Not one LibDem cabinet minister on frontbench for #PMQs"

  20. Sex education

    Tory Laurence Robertson asks about sex and relationship education in schools, which the PM backs. Mr Cameron then attacks the Green Party after a question from Caroline Lucas on house price affordability, suggesting he has never heard a Green politician "backing any new houses anywhere".

  21. A new poll tax?

    Labour's David Winnick says the government should be "ashamed" of housing benefit changes dubbed the "bedroom tax" and likens them to the poll tax introduced by the Thatcher government. Unsurprisingly, Mr Cameron disagrees.

  22. Shop small

    David Cameron is urged to "shop small and local" by Tory MP Stephen Mosley - that's a reference to Small Business Saturday next month in which people are encouraged to back independent outlets. Mr Cameron agrees and says small firms are the "lifeblood of the economy".

  23. Jonathan Reynolds, Labour MP for Stalybridge and Hyde


    Tweets: "Britain is too unequal, and it's to the detriment of everyone. I'm no fan of #PMQs, but good to see both party leaders acknowledge that..."

  24. NI tax powers

    A question from Nigel Dodds about the devolution of more tax powers to the Northern Ireland Executive. The PM says he agrees but that there must also be changes to the Stormont budget.

  25. Nuclear test veterans

    The Conservative MP John Baron asks for a one-off payment of £25m to support British nuclear test veterans and their families, the subject of a recent legal case. The PM says he is determined to get a resolution and urges Mr Baron to "bear with him".

  26. Humanists

    A change of subject. Former minister Crispin Blunt says humanists should have the same rights regarding marriage as same sex couples. Mr Cameron says that there will be a consultation on the issue.

  27. Re-distribution

    Labour's Anas Sarwar claims there are two parties who are re-distributing money from the "poorest to the richest" - a twin dig at the Conservatives and the SNP. Mr Cameron says he is "simply wrong", arguing that child poverty and other benchmarks have improved.

  28. James Chapman, political editor of the Daily Mail


    Tweets: "Audible groans as Bercow does his weekly lecture on "what the voters expect" #PMQs"

  29. Fiona O'Donnell, Labour MP for East Lothian


    Tweets: "Cameron more interested in serving his script writers than defending his record on NHS #pmqs"

  30. Economy

    We are now onto backbenchers' questions, including contributions from Lib Dem President Tim Farron and Conservative John Glen, whose question on unemployment gives the PM the opportunity to back the government's economic strategy.

  31. Pic: Cameron makes a point

    David Cameron
  32. Pic: Miliband makes a point

    Ed Miliband
  33. Douglas Carswell, UKIP MP for Clacton


    Tweets: "#PMQs Leaders of the dying duopoly trade pantomime insults and lines. Surely we can do better than this?"

  34. Last word

    Mr Cameron responds by joking that in a recent poll more people believed in the Loch Ness monster than the Labour leader, adding that the problem for the opposition is that "Mr Miliband exists". On that humorous note, the exchanges come to an end.

  35. Last question

    Winding up his questions. Mr Miliband says the prime minister "just doesn't get it" and claims that those with lot of money "have a friend" in Mr Cameron.

  36. Campaign pledge

    "The NHS is going backwards on his watch and the British people know it, and we will campaign on it" Mr Miliband says.

  37. NHS response

    The prime minister responds with a stream of statistics for the NHS in England and then citing the missed targets by the NHS in Wales, which is run by Labour.

  38. George Eaton, political editor of the New Statesman


    Tweets: "Miliband pitching popular tax rise (72% back mansion tax) against unpopular welfare cut (59% oppose bedroom tax). #PMQs"

  39. On to the NHS

    Mr Miliband is veering all over the place with his questions. He now moves onto the NHS, arguing that the government is missing its cancer waiting targets.

  40. Myleene Klass

    The prime minister has his rebuttal waiting. Referring to Myleene Klass' criticism of the mansion tax, he says Mr Miliband has had a "pasting from a pop star", to cheers from the Tory benches.

  41. Vicki Young, BBC chief political correspondent


    Tweets: "Miliband's attack line on Cameron - you're on the side of the rich with opposition to mansion tax and support for so-called bedroom tax"

  42. 'Mansion tax'

    Mr Miliband changes his line of attack, on to his proposed "mansion tax", askingwhy someone who has bought a £140m house should pay the same council tax as those with those on middle incomes.

  43. Housing benefit

    In response, Mr Cameron says people in such a situation can get support from the government's hardship fund.

  44. Paul Waugh, editor of PoliticsHome


    Tweets: "At #PMQs, @DouglasCarswell is the one grinning most as Ed and Dave swap insults over post Rochester result"

  45. Housing benefit court challenge

    Mr Miliband refers to a High Court challenge to the housing benefit reforms from a rape victim who is arguing against cuts for those who have had their homes adapted to protect them from a violent ex-partner.

  46. Vicki Young, BBC chief political correspondent


    Tweets: "Thursday's Rochester by-election looming large over #PMQs"

  47. Housing benefit changes

    On housing benefit changes dubbed by critics as a "bedroom tax" - Mr Cameron says the reforms are a matter of "basic fairness".

  48. Isabel Hardman, assistant editor of The Spectator


    Tweets: "Not the smoothest segue there from the Jerusalem attack to further Ukip defections...#pmqs"

  49. Mansion tax

    Mr Cameron responds with a joke about his Labour counterpart's leadership credentials. Mr Miliband asks why the PM is so in favour of the "bedroom tax and so against the mansion tax".

  50. Miliband

    Ed Miliband is now on his feet, to jeers from the Tory side. He responds by saying "let's see if they are still cheering on Friday" - a reference to the outcome of the Rochester by-election.

  51. More defections?

    The first question comes from Labour's Graham Jones. He asks about the chance of further Tory defections to UKIP. In response, Mr Cameron points out his party is the only one offering a referendum on Europe.

  52. We're off

    David Cameron is on his feet. He begins by condemning the "senseless and appalling" attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem.

  53. More on Reckless

    The BBC's Nick Robinson tells Daily Politics other parties would be "absolutely crucified" if they had made comments like Mr Reckless' on immigration, adding there is a tension between "authenticity and not appearing extreme".

  54. Osborne's milk

    On the Daily Politics, Andrew Neil is having a bit of fun with claims that George Osborne has a lock on his Treasury fridge to keep his milk safe. The Conservatives have denied the suggestion - made by Mr Osborne's Lib Dem Treasury deputy Danny Alexander.

  55. Salmond

    It was the end of an era in the Scottish Parliament on Monday as Alex Salmond took part in his last First Minister's Questions. With new Scots First Minister Nicola Sturgeon taking the reins on Wednesday, it will be interesting to see whether SNP members use the occasion to welcome her and how David Cameron responds.

  56. Almost there

    The Commons is beginning to fill up. Chief Whip Michael Gove and Commons leader William Hague are in their places as Cabinet Office minister Francis Maude answers questions about his department's responsibilities.

  57. Reaction to Reckless

    Labour's Emma Reynolds tells Daily Politics that Mr Reckless' comments were "very worrying", claiming that he came "perilously close" to advocating repatriation. And for the Conservatives, Treasury minister Andrew Leadsom says UKIP's approach is "incoherent" and the only way to reform immigration rules is by remaining within the EU.

  58. UKIP rules out EU deportations

    Mark Reckless, UKIP's candidate in Rochester, has come under fire after appearing to suggest EU migrants living legally in the UK might only be able to stay for a "fixed period" in the event of the UK pulling out of the EU. UKIP's immigration spokesman Stephen Woolfe tells the BBC's Daily Politics that there was no question of anyone being deported. EU citizens with a legal right to be in the UK, he says, will be able to stay and would not have to apply for a work permit.

  59. Pop politics

    On a more light-hearted note, Home Secretary Theresa May is on Desert Island Discs - a rite of passage for politicians with leadership ambitions - this Sunday. And continuing the musical theme, former Hear'Say singer Myleene Klass has criticised Labour's mansion tax plans, prompting Ed Miliband to describe the idea as "Pure and Simple" - a reference to the party's number one hit.

  60. Economy

    The economy and the NHS are always popular topics for David Cameron and Ed Miliband to dwell on respectively. The prime minister has been warning about the state of the global economy this week and its implications for the UK's recovery while the "major incident" declared recently at Colchester Hospital has highlighted again the pressures on the health service this winter.

  61. Immigration

    Immigration has been the key talking point in the Rochester campaign and the issue could rear its head during the leaders' exchanges. Labour has said, if elected next year, it will require new EU migrants to wait two years before they can claim certain benefits. Former prime minister Sir John Major has also been talking about the issue, urging the EU to strike a "pragmatic" deal to allow the UK to temporarily control levels of EU migration until the eurozone's economic prospects improve.

  62. On the agenda?

    So, what can we expect today? Well, voters go to the polls for the Rochester and Strood by-election on Thursday so expect references to the impending poll to crop up at some point. The Conservatives are trying to prevent defector Mark Reckless from winning the seat for UKIP while Labour is hoping for a decent showing.

  63. While they've been away

    It is the first PMQs for a fortnight after the leaders had last week off for a short Commons recess. In that time, David Cameron has flown to Australia and back for a G20 summit while Ed Miliband has made a major speech setting out what he would do in Downing Street amid recent criticism of his leadership.

  64. Morning

    Hello and welcome to our live coverage of Prime Minister's Questions. David Cameron will face Ed Miliband as usual from midday, while backbenchers will also have the opportunity to question the prime minister.