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Live Reporting

Pippa Simm, Sam Francis and Leala Padmanabhan

All times stated are UK

  1. Summing up

    The fresh delay to the Iraq Inquiry not only dominated PMQs but is continuing to rumble on - Tony Blair has rejected "politically motivated" suggestions he was behind the latest hold-up to the report being published. We're ending our coverage now, but if you want more from Parliament, MPs are currently debating the NHS, while the Lords are debating the issue of General Election debates. You can follow both on the BBC's Westminster Live page.

  2. Reaction to PMQs

    The Spectator

    In the Spectator, James Forsyth calls it a victory for David Cameron, saying the PM "cantered home at PMQs today". Labour leader Ed Miliband seemed "oddly listless", he observes, whereas Mr Cameron, by contrast, "seemed to be enjoying himself".

  3. What the papers made of PMQs

    The Mirror

    "This was a pointless session of a zombie Parliament running out of things to do or say," says Nigel Nelson in The Mirror online, as he criticises five-year fixed-term parliaments. The leaders' exchanges can be summed up as "blah blah blah", he writes, branding the event "a bit of a waste of everyone's time".

  4. New Statesman's PMQs verdict

    In the New Statesman, George Eaton feels Labour has "reasons to be gloomy" after this week's head-to-head, declaring it an "easy win" for David Cameron. "Aided by positive employment and wage figures, praise from Barack Obama and Labour's splits over the mansion tax, David Cameron got the better of him at every turn," he writes.

  5. What the papers made of PMQs

    The Guardian

    In his online blog, the Guardian's Andrew Sparrow delivers his snap verdict on today's PMQs: "Scrappy and unedifying, with no decisive jibes from either Cameron or Miliband, but Cameron generally getting the upper hand."

  6. More to come

    It's time for us to say goodbye now, but you can follow the rest of the day's debates in Parliament - including an opposition debate on the NHS - over on BBC Democracy Live. We'll also be adding the best clips from today's Prime Minister's questions and more reaction/commentators' verdicts later this afternoon - so keep a look out in the tabs above. You can keep up to date with the main political story of the day on the delayed publication of the Iraq Inquiry - which was raised by several MPs during PMQ - here. And there's more on the SNP's intentions to vote on English matters at Westminster after the election here.

  7. More on Chilcot report

    Former Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair has denied delaying the publication of the Chilcot report, says BBC assistant political editor Norman Smith. A statement issued by Mr Blair's office says he regrets the delay in publication, and attacks critics for "incorrect allegations and politically motivated speculation".

  8. SNP strategy

    Nick Robinson

    Political editor

    With the polls predicting a doubling in the SNP's support and, potentially, a huge increase in the number of their MPs it really matters how SNP MPs will vote at Westminster after the general election, writes Nick Robinson. Read more about his interview with Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon here.

  9. Tim Shipman, Sunday Times Political Editor


    Tweets: I emerged from the Commons and cabbie asked: "Have you been in the gas works?" Quite a good description really

  10. Andrew Sparrow, Guardian Political Correspondent


    Tweets: PMQs - Verdict from the Twitter commentariat - Unanimous for Cameron

  11. Union 'at risk'

    BBC Radio 4

    Reacting angrily to the news on BBC Radio 4's World at One, Conservative defence minister Anna Soubry says she is "absolutely astonished " by Ms Sturgeon's comments and accuses the SNP leader and first minister of putting the union "at risk". It is "a nonsense" that the Tories are seeking to privatise the NHS, Ms Soubry adds, saying NHS spending has increased in England since 2010.

  12. Scots votes

    Nick Robinson

    Political editor

    In an exclusive interview with BBC political editor Nick Robinson, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said SNP MPs will vote on the English NHS after the next election, arguing that this is necessary to protect the Scottish NHS from knock-on effects of cuts and privatisation in England. Traditionally the SNP position at Westminster is not to vote on matters which affect only England or Wales, unless they have a direct impact on the Scottish budget.

  13. Nick Robinson, BBC political editor


    Tweets: Also on @BBCWorldatOne how @NicolaSturgeon reacts to idea that if SNP do as well as predicted @AlexSalmond will be back in charge

  14. Yemen question

    Back to the House of Commons now, where Foreign Office Minister Tobias Ellwood is fielding questions from MPs on the situation in Yemen, after Shia Houthi rebels shelled the president's home in the capital, Sanaa, and seized control of the presidential palace. The session has been prompted by an urgent question from the Labour chair of the Home Affairs Committee, Keith Vaz.

  15. Faisal Islam, Sky News political editor


    Tweets: PM had a lot of ammo for that #PMQs ... Most hit his target. Exactly what the Conservatives would want re central economic/election pitch

  16. Post update

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    After shadow business secretary Chuka Umunna walked out of a live interview on Sky News this week, the Daily Politics is having a look back at politicians who have also cut their interviews short. Former UKIP MEP Godfrey Bloom - who featured in the montage - tells the programme he didn't regret doing it, as "I didn't have time to waste on the fellow" because other journalists were waiting to interview him.

  17. Nick Robinson, BBC political editor


    Tweets: SNP MPs will vote on English matters post election @NicolaSturgeon tells me. Interview from 1 pm on @BBCr4today

  18. Post update

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    BBC deputy political editor James Landale says Ed Miliband's line of questioning showed the Labour leader is "still confident enough" to go on the attack over the economy, although he was surprised he did not mention the rise in youth unemployment. But, James adds, David Cameron had a lot of good statistics to hand to go on the counter attack and defend his government's economic record.

  19. Tim Shipman, Sunday Times political editor


    Tweets: Press gallery now emptying as Bercow delivers his headmaster's report

  20. Speaker's announcement

    Speaker John Bercow announces "a parliament in the making", a new programme designed to raise the awareness of the UK's democratic heritage and celebrate the Houses of Parliament in 2015.

    The 800th anniversary of Magna Carta and 750th anniversary of the Simon De Montfort Parliament, are both celebrated this year.

    "Our Democracy is not worth anything without this parliament" he says. You can flip through 750 years of Parliament here.

    John Bercow
  21. Gaby Hinsliff, Guardian columnist


    Tweets: I know this defence spending stuff sounds (ok, is) v dull but directly affects our role in world. Maybe more so than Chilcot.

  22. Assessing the Chilcot exchanges

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    Analysing Prime Minister's Questions, BBC deputy political editor James Landale says it is interesting that David Cameron chose not to have a go at the inquiry or its chairman, Sir John Chilcot, but to make "a political point" and attack Labour for not starting the inquiry sooner.

  23. Tom Newton Dunn, Political Editor of the Sun


    Tweets: The 750th anniversary of Simon de Monfort Parliament this week, England's 1st. How he must be turning in grave over quality of today's PMQs.

  24. James Forsyth, Spectator Political Editor


    Tweets: I think we've just heard one of the conditions for DUP support in a hung parliament, maintaining defence spending at 2% of GDP

  25. Speaker's turn

    That brings an end to this week's prime minister's questions. The Speaker of the House of Commons rises to his feet to deliver a statement to MPs.

  26. Defence spending

    The DUP's Nigel Dodds asks the PM to commit a future Conservative government to ensuring defence spending does not fall below 2% of GDP. David Cameron responds by saying the UK is one of the few Nato countries that already meets the 2% target.

  27. Dog thefts

    Philip Davies, the Conservative MP for Shipley, raises concerns about "a spate of dog thefts" across Bradford. He asks the PM to draw attention to the problem and make sure the authorities take the crime seriously. David Cameron says we are a nation of dog lovers and it is appalling when pets are stolen. He says changes such as compulsory micro-chipping should help.

  28. Milk prices

    Conservative MP Glyn Davies sounds a warning about the impact of low milk prices on the dairy industry. David Cameron stresses the importance of the industry to the UK, and says more can be done to support dairy farmers.

  29. Tim Shipman, Sunday Times Political Editor


    Tweets: "As long as I am PM the regular army will remain at its current size." Expensive pledge from DC. But may only be good for 3 months

  30. Army cuts?

    The Conservatives' Sir Gerald Howarth, Aldershot MP, seeks reassurances that reports the government is considering reducing the size of the regular army from 82,000 to 60,000 are "wholly unfounded". David Cameron provides him that reassurance - insisting the ideas are not on the table and never will be as long as he is prime minister. Former Armed Forces minister Sir Nick Harvey - a Lib Dem - made the claim during a debate on Trident yesterday.

  31. Picture: Ed's unimpressed with PM's answer

    Ed Balls and Ed Miliband
  32. Sir Menzies on inquiry lessons

    Former Lib Dem leader Sir Menzies Campbell - whose party voted against the 2003 Iraq War - says he is aware of "no evidence" that any witness has sought to alter the progress of the official inquiry by delaying it. But he is aware of reports of instances of illness among members of the inquiry, he tells MPs. Sir Menzies says the lessons to be learned from this is that future inquiries should be "judge-led with a strict timetable". Mr Cameron says he makes "a very strong point".

  33. Andy Bell, Political Editor, Channel 5 News


    Tweets: Jack Straw trying to get question would be good to hear from him on inquiry #pmqs @5_News

  34. Picture: NHS

    David Cameron
    Image caption: (r-l) Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Health secretary Jeremy Hunt and Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb support the Prime Minister during questions over the NHS
  35. Nicholas Watt, Guardian Political Correspondent


    Tweets: It's 12.25 + first person to speak #PMQs about Chilcot who voted against Iraq War speaks: @HackneyAbbott

  36. Mental health

    A question from Conservative MP Dame Angela Watkinson on mental health, prompts David Cameron to say he is glad that it is getting a much higher profile than it has in the past. He says a key challenge is ensuring people with mental health problems get into work.

  37. Diane Abbott

    Labour MP Diane Abbott gets a big cheers from the Tory benches as she stands to ask her question, which is on the Iraq Inquiry. She says it is important to find out the reason for the delay - warning about the potential impact on public confidence. David Cameron says there is "no mystery" around why it's taking so long - explaining that proper processes have to be followed, as people criticised in the report have the right to respond.

  38. Norman Smith, BBC Assistant Political Editor


    Tweets: Scottish Govt plans to hold debate on #chilcot next week in Scottish Parliament

  39. NHS

    It's the NHS again. Labour MP Toby Perkins claims GP recruitment numbers have been adversely affected by the government's reorganisation and handling of the NHS. David Cameron says there are 1,000 more GPs working in the NHS than in 2010 - and criticised Labour's record on the NHS.

  40. Pictire: David Cameron laughs at a Labour attack

    David Cameron
  41. Ambulance strike

    David Cameron is fielding another question on the NHS - on ambulance waiting times. He says it would be "completely wrong" for a planned ambulance strike to go ahead next week. He "utterly condemns" it and hopes the Labour Party will do the same.

  42. Briefing: Leadership debates controversy

    David Cameron announced he would not be taking part in the planned televised election leadership debates unless the Green Party was included. Ofcom ruled that the Green Party were not a "major party".

    The three other leaders taking part have written to Mr Cameron saying it would be "unacceptable" for the prime minister to refuse to appear, saying an empty podium should be provided in his absence.

    David Cameron and Ed Miliband accused each other of "running scared" over election TV debates, as they clashed at last week's Prime Minister's Questions.

  43. Picture: Mark Reckless question

    Mark Reckless
  44. Iraq Inquiry

    Another question on the Iraq Inquiry report - this time from Conservative MP Sir Richard Ottaway, whose committee will be questioning inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot to explain the delay. Mr Cameron says that is a matter for the committee, and adds that the priority now is to ensure the report is published as soon as possible.

  45. Cancer referrals

    Labour MP Andrew Gwynne goes on the attack over the NHS, and says the government is failing to meet targets on cancer referrals. Mr Cameron responds by saying 96.8% of patients with suspected cancer are seen by a specialist in two weeks in Mr Gwynne's Denton and Reddish constituency - which he says is an improvement on 2010.

  46. Picture: Coalition partners listen to UKIP question

    Nick Clegg and David Cameron
  47. Magna Carta

    In response to a question from Conservative MP Jessica Lee, Mr Cameron says it is very important for the country and Parliament to commemorate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta.

  48. 'Decent jobs'

    Labour MP Mary Glindon, North Tyneside MP, accuses the PM of failing to create decent jobs for people - and says it is a fundamental problem with the economy. Mr Cameron contends that eight out of 10 jobs created in the last year were full-time - but adds that he is not complacent. He says the evidence is against Labour on this one.

  49. Andy Bell, Political Editor, Channel 5 news


    Tweets: Took a while but we got the Mandelson reference in the end on mansion tax #pmqs @5_News

  50. James Chapman, Daily Mail Political Editor


    Tweets: Cameron having his best #PMQs for months. Labour faces grim

  51. Tim Shipman, Sunday Times Political Editor


    Tweets: Reckless greeted with grumbling contempt throughout the house

  52. Paul Waugh, Editor of PoliticsHome


    Tweets: Ah we will miss Sir Peter Tapsell. Only he could recall the Crimea and sound like he was there..

  53. Picture: Father of the House, Sir Peter Tapsell

    House of Commons


    Sir Peter Tapsell
  54. UKIP question

    UKIP's Mark Reckless struggles to make himself heard among pantomime groans as he challenges the PM over his stance on the TV leaders' debates. David Cameron responds with an attack on UKIP's policy on the NHS - claiming the party wants to privatise it.

  55. Tapsell

    Conservative MP Sir Peter Tapsell uses his question to reference the Crimean War as he raises the subject of the Iraq Inquiry. Mr Cameron says publication is up to the inquiry team - and it is not for the prime minister to interfere. He reiterates that the report would be out by now if Labour had launched the inquiry when the Conservatives first asked for it.

  56. The leaders' last word

    But Mr Cameron always has the last say in these exchanges, and quotes the head of the IMF as praising the performance of the UK economy."Every day this country is getting strong and more secure," he adds.

  57. TV debates

    David Cameron says Mr Miliband would make a "shambles" of running the economy but Mr Miliband says if he is so confident he shouldn't be "chickening out" of the TV leaders' debates. Working families can't afford another five years of this government, he adds.

  58. Chilcot inquiry

    Yesterday it was revealed that the official inquiry into the 2003 Iraq War will not report until after the general election.

    Inquiry chairman Sir John Chilcot said he could see "no realistic prospect" of publication before the 7 May election.

    Although the inquiry has never publicly set a deadline for publication, it has been plagued by delays with lengthy wrangling over what documents can be included in the final report.

    The inquiry began its work in 2009 and held its last public hearing in 2011.

    It has been looking into the the UK's involvement in the 2003 US-led invasion which toppled Saddam Hussein and the aftermath of the conflict, which saw UK troops remain in Iraq until 2009.

  59. Deficit exchanges

    Ed Miliband responds by accusing the prime minister of failing on the deficit. Back to pay, he says executive earnings have gone up 21% in the last year alone and claims the recovery is only for a few at the top and not the many. Mr Cameron responds by saying that Ed Miliband couldn't even remember the deficit in a keynote speech he made on the economy.

  60. Jobs and pay

    Ed Miliband continues his attack on the economy, and claims many working families cannot afford to pay their bills each month. Mr Cameron says more than 30 million people are in work as a result of the government's policies, and adds that their pay is rising by 4%. None of these things would have happened if Labour had been in power, he claims.

  61. Economy row

    Ed Miliband notes the PM made no mention of the economy in his reply, and says people are £1,600 a year worse off since 2010. David Cameron says Labour has no apology for not launching the Iraq Inquiry earlier - before launching into a defence of the coalition's economic record. He says Mr Miliband is wrong about everything".

  62. Labour 'were too slow to set up Iraq Inquiry'

    David Cameron says he too wants to see the Iraq Inquiry published as soon as possible - but says it would have been ready years ago if the previous Labour government had set the inquiry up sooner, as the Conservatives and others had wanted.

  63. Miliband raises Iraq Inquiry

    Ed Miliband is on his feet - and says Labour wants the Iraq Inqury to be published as soon as possible. He then changes subject, to the economy - and says this is the first government to leave office with living standards lower than when they entered into power.

  64. Picture: Ed Miliband

    House of Commons


    Ed Miliband
  65. Attacking Labour

    Tory MP Robert Jenrick uses his question to take a pop at Labour over the party's "economic illiteracy", with an early reference to singer James Blunt (who was embroiled in a row with Labour's Chris Bryant earlier this week). David Cameron says Labour's energy price freeze pledge would have prevented the price cuts that have been implemented by some energy suppliers.

  66. Picture: David Cameron

    House of Commons


    David Cameron
    Image caption: David Cameron begins his weekly question session.
  67. We're off

    Siobhain McDonagh, the Labour MP for Mitcham and Morden, has the first question to the prime minister - which she uses to criticise "insecure six-month" tenancies. David Cameron says the government has been encouraging longer-term tenancies in the private rented sector.

  68. What's coming up?

    James Landale

    Deputy Political Editor, BBC News

    The BBC's deputy political editor James Landale says Labour leader Ed Miliband might use the latest figures on youth unemployment - which have gone up - as an opportunity to go on the "front foot on the economy" at today's PMQs.

  69. Prime Minister in his seat

    House of Commons


    David Cameron
    Image caption: David Cameron is in the House of Commons chamber ahead of PMQS
  70. PM's in the House

    House of Commons wideshot
    Image caption: David Cameron makes his way to his seat on the front bench before PMQs begins in a few minutes
  71. Stephen Crabb at the despatch box

    House of Commons


    Stephen Crabb
    Image caption: Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb fielding questions from MPs during Wales office questions
  72. Welsh Dairy farmers

    House of Commons


    Liberal Democrat MP Mark Williams urges the government to extend to remit of the Groceries Code Adjudicator - which is in charge of ensuring large supermarkets treat their suppliers fairly - to be extended to include troubled dairy farmers.

    Without the change many Welsh suppliers may not last through 2015, he warns.

  73. Inquiry delay

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    Environment minister George Eustice adds that the delay is "frustrating" and says the sooner it can be published the better - but he stresses that the inquiry is independent and publication is a decision for chairman Sir John Chilcot.

  74. Iraq war 'conspiracy theories'

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan says he is "shocked" to learn that the Iraq Inquiry report will not be published before the general election, and says he is "unclear" why it has taken so long to put together. He is concerned the delay will fuel "conspiracy theories" of a cover up - and delay lessons from the war being learned.

  75. Working together

    House of Commons


    In Wales questions Conservative MP Glyn Davies offers a potential solution to a political hot topic - ensuring the UK and Welsh government's work together to help ease pressure on A&E services in the beleaguered Welsh NHS.

    Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb says its right to work together, but the Welsh government must be held to account for their role in the problems.

  76. What's going to come up at PM's questions?

    Might Mr Miliband seek to exploit the row between the Conservatives and the Lib Dems on the so-called snoopers' charter? The coalition partners disagree over the need for new surveillance powers for British security services in the fight against terrorism. The Lib Dems blocked the Data Communications Bill in 2012 - but Mr Cameron has raised the possibility of reviving the plans if the Conservatives are in a majority government after the election.

  77. 'Work's good'

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    Conservative Minister George Eustice provides a defence of the government's record on job creation, and says "it is better to have people in work than not in work".

  78. 'Quality' jobs?

    Daily Politics

    Live on BBC Two

    On BBC2's Daily Politics programme, shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan welcomes the latest unemployment figures, but criticises the "quality" of the jobs being created. He says the number of people in part-time jobs who want to be in full-time employment is on the rise.

  79. Debate debate?

    Last week's PM's questions also saw the two leaders' clash over the proposed TV election debates, after David Cameron said he would not take part unless the Green Party was included. Mr Cameron and Mr Miliband both accused each other of "running scared" from the debates. Could we see the Labour leader return to the subject today?

  80. Mark D'Arcy, BBC Parliamentary Correspondent


    Tweets: Mr Speaker to make statement to @HouseofCommons after PMQs - best guess is that will be on resuming Clerk appointment process

  81. Wales questions

    House of Commons


    Ahead of PM's questions its Wales questions in the House of Commons. Conservative MP Karl McCartney has the first question in the House of Commons, asking for an assessment of the Welsh economy since 2010.

    Welsh Secretary Stephen Crabb says the Wales became poorer under the pervious Labour government due to a "dangerously unbalanced economy". But this government is "determined to turn that around with a more geographically balanced economy", he adds.

  82. NHS?

    Having dominated recent PMQs, the NHS could feature again today, after a report by the Commons Health Committee said NHS whistleblowers need better protection. The main day's business in the Commons is a Labour-led debate on the NHS. Labour is keen to put the NHS at the heart of its election campaign, but David Cameron has criticised Ed Miliband for allegedly saying he wanted to "weaponise" the health service.

  83. Jobs, jobs, jobs

    Today's UK unemployment figures - which indicate the number of jobless fell to its lowest level for more than six years in the three months to November - are likely to be cited by David Cameron as evidence that the government's economic plan is working. Expect Labour to say the economic recovery is not working for everyone.

  84. Iraq Inquiry

    It's a busy day in Westminster as politicians react to the news that the official report into the 2003 Iraq war will not be published before the general election on 7 May. It's highly likely the issue will be raised at PMQs. Expect MPs to express their anger at the report's delay.

  85. Welcome

    Hello and welcome to our coverage of today's Prime Minister's Questions. David Cameron faces Labour leader Ed Miliband and other MPs for 30 minutes from the usual time of noon.